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Crafting/Disenchanting suggestions

Started by , Dec 17, 2015, 08:47 PM

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For that to work FW I think that crafted gear would not to be able to at the very least rival gear found in chests etc. Just a thought.


kimimaro Avatar
For that to work FW I think that crafted gear would not to be able to at the very least rival gear found in chests etc. Just a thought.
Don't mean to go against the idea but if it does not rivalize any tiers nobody will really use them.


Let's just say there's a reason a lot of us dropped our crafting feats when the new system went in.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


The crafting system has to be a viable alternative considering the many ingredients one has to collect in order to make an item, which is often in excess of getting lucky just once on a pre-made item. This also does not take into account, unless I am mistaken, that the number of properties a crafted item may have is actually smaller than pre-made ones. From +3 on, and even on a couple +2 items you can get more bonuses on a single item than I believe even the highest level crafter can put on one himself with 3 or more ingredients that person had to find over time and invest a feat for.


Personally as it stands, I see no reason and have been outright told that it is directly pointless to take up any form of crafting as it is not worth it. That destroys the value of a crafting system no matter how good it is.
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden

Fire Wraith

The crafting system does let you create equivalent items. It doesn't let you create -better- items, nor does it let you min-max to the point of exceeding the system. For instance, if you make a Tier 3 weapon, it will be (for example) +3 with 1d6 elemental or such. You can't reduce the enhancement to add more damage.

What you can do, though, is insure that the item is customized to you, and has the abilities you want. Finding something that does the same thing in the loot table may be exceedingly hard, if not impossible in the case of unusual weapons/etc.

If people think that's useless, then, hey, great, I wasted a bunch of my time scripting it. But hopefully someone at least finds it worth their time and interest.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Okay.  It's -not- useless.  Most of us dropped our crafting feats because it wasn't -active-.  Honestly, the Forge Ring seems awesome compared to what you currently have available in loot.  The availability to customize rings?  Yes please!  Now, I'd like to see more variety in the armor/weapon enchantment gems, but that's a personal thing.

That said, the crafting system was never intended to rival what is found in loot.  Part of the reason we switched to the automated system is to remove a lot of the confusion over what is acceptable as crafted gear, what isn't, and what power level they should be at.


I am working thru the crafting system bugs with FW. There are some things that I can craft that you would never see in the chests. I am pretty excited about what I can craft. I would like a few more things added to the system but, right now I can craft some pretty neat things. Before this system there where no items that gave paladins spells slots guess what I can craft something now. (one of the bugs so it doesn't work yet but you get my point). I would love to be able to turn some of the items I have into reagents. I have been waiting for this system for years and I am so excited for it.


So it sounds like its still a work in progress? I am still new so please do not take offense to what I am saying, I am only repeating what I hear, if its a work in progress then great, I cannot wait to see what comes, If you wanted to create something that could make items better...perhaps have a chance of failure on the item and in that you could only add 1 effect at a time, so say you add only +3 to the sword, thats a 99% chance, then you add Keen, thats a 75% chance of success, then you add 1D6 fire damage, thats a 50% chance, then you wanna add Massive Crits, thats a 25% chance, then you wanna really take a risk and add something like a spell slot....its a 2% chance of success. It would also cost a good bit of gold per enchantment.
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


Most of the enchantments are working. Right now the only one I have discovered not working are the spell slots.


Also apparently cloaks cannot be enchanted? Arion tried and it wouldnt let him.
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


Rings, armor, weapons right now.


Craft Wondrous Item is currently not supported.


destinysdesire Avatar
So it sounds like its still a work in progress? I am still new so please do not take offense to what I am saying, I am only repeating what I hear, if its a work in progress then great, I cannot wait to see what comes, If you wanted to create something that could make items better...perhaps have a chance of failure on the item and in that you could only add 1 effect at a time, so say you add only +3 to the sword, thats a 99% chance, then you add Keen, thats a 75% chance of success, then you add 1D6 fire damage, thats a 50% chance, then you wanna add Massive Crits, thats a 25% chance, then you wanna really take a risk and add something like a spell slot....its a 2% chance of success. It would also cost a good bit of gold per enchantment.
I am really against this.  Enchanting is not a failure risk in D&D.  Either you have the ability to spellcast and enchant items based on your caster level (or tier is how I believe it is currently implemented), or you don't.  Pathfinder introduced a failure chance, and that was only if you tried to add an ability that you did not have the prerequisite spell for.


I like the crafting system for enchanting it adds a lot of flavor to the server.  The only thing that I would like to see is that people who are blacksmiths could log on and do something with all the admantine bars and mithril bars that they have collected over the years.  I still can not do anything with that stuff if I have put skill points into craft armor and craft weapon.  Its almost as if I waisted all those skill points for nothing.  So I would like to see some type of system implemented much like you have done for the enchanting.  Yes it would probably mean more work but I think it would be worth doing.