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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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CD Module v4.12a3
- Updated NWNX with a new tweak graciously provided to us by Daz from the NWN Dev Discord to prevent crashes when there's a corrupted character file in a player's vault. Going forward, if you login and notice a character is missing from your character list, it means the character is corrupted and you need to contact the Admins so a backup can be restored
- Updated Lunar Light dungeon (Lady)

- Added /reaction to the Help menu
- Warlock Essence NUI window will now save its position on your the player's screen
- Truly fixed Warlock counting as Arcane for the Gem of Life quest this time I swear

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
Note that most of these were already active as hotfixes
- (Brimstone Essence) Lingering Burn damage increase is now tied to caster level, not Warlock level
- (Walk Unseen) Now has 1 turn / Caster Level duration
- (Flee the Scene) Adjusted the VFX on the mirror image, and using it in a Dimension Door locked area will spawn the image at the selected target
- (Edlritch Doom/Chain/Cone) Fixed a bug where invisibility wouldn't break on use
- (Eldritch Cone) Now deals damage to enemies in a -small- area around the caster, in addition to the cone. This is a temporary tweak which might get reverted if it proves too strong
- (Resurrection) Now fully heals the target if it's unconscious
- (Raise Dead) Now restores the target back to 1 HP if it's unconscious
- (Chilling Tentacle) Fixed a bug in the damage calculation. Also, cold damage is now 2d6 + a third of Charisma Modifier
- (Warlock - Battle Caster) Feat should now work


CD Module v4.12a4
- Updated Lunar Light dungeon (Lady)
- Updated lighting in Arabel Sewers B2 (Vince)
- Updated armor appearance for Selunite Temple Guards in the Selunite Temple (Vince)
- Updated armor appearance for Claire and Jo in Arabel Central (Vince)
- Fixed the AC value and appearance of Torwalder's Stand armor (only for newly acquired ones)
- Fixed a typo in Ring of Fortitude [Eldritch] name (only for newly acquired ones)
- Swapped the Cold and Electric pieces of the Witchlord's Keep elemental puzzle so the colors match the correct element, and added more VFX to it to make it noticeable

- Fixed a potential source of rare-but-not-rare-enough crashes tied to NUI events (Spell Widget and Essence chooser to be precise)

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Devour Magic) Fixed the math on Eldritch Master increasing the CL cap
- (Caster's Lament) Added a VFX if it removes an hostile enchantment on a friendly target, and fixed some script logic
- (Battle Caster) Fixed the Arcane Failure reduction being too low
- (Eldritch Essence) There is now a feat to open up the /essence NUI menu instead of having to type the command. Warlocks will automatically get it on login (Thanks to Vince for the icon!)
- (Eldritch Chain) Cleaned up script logic and fixed it not being able to critical hit
- (Defensive Stance) Can now be toggled on/off at will, but doesn't provide Temporary HP anymore


CD Module v4.12a5
- Updated the server and module to NWN 37-12
- Winterfest festival grounds are open! They are located at the western outskirts of Halfhap (near the caravan).  Announcements about events will follow. (Ray)
- Added a trashcan to the Wayside Refuge
- Fixed Yulash start location bindstone not being correctly set to the Blue Draykn Inn
- Fixed Morninglord weapons in Marsember Temple to use Lathander deity lock. (Ray)
- Updated Purple Dragon barracks for winter holiday (Ray)
- Added player house (Mirror)
- Added player house (Lilian)
- Lunar Dungeon added and linked to the module (Lady)
- Hulack goblin's dwarven Bolthole update (Misty)
- Starwater Keep dungeon had a makeover and is open for business (Lady)
- Creature palette updated

- Removed a now unnecessary fix in the SpellAbsorption script

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Empty Body) Now displays its duration in the buff NUI window and duration correctly set to 1 turn/monk level
- (Warlock Essences) Now correctly displays a VFX when a debuff effect expires
- (All Dispel Spells and Mordenkainen Disjunction) Now respects Shape Mastery targeting rules
- (Warlock & Favored Soul) Fixed an interaction that made them use Wisdom instead of Charisma to determine invocation DC if the character had levels in both classes
- (Defensive Stance) Now adds a subtle VFX overlay on the character while the stance is active
- (Shadow Double SLAs - Shadow dancer and Shadow Adept) Cannot be used while polymorphed anymore


CD Module v4.12a6
- Asylum monsters tweaked (Misty)
- Fixed the redacted spawn location in the Lunar Light dungeon
- Berrybriar now has a resting spot
- Lunar Temple dungeon updated (Lady)
- Starwater Keep key fixed (Lady)
- Evereska areas updated (Phaesporia/Melody/Blackheart/Aliirielle/Pretzel)
- Eveningstar East transition fixed
- OOC Lounge Gargoyle removed for Winter

- Water and Earth elementals cannot drown anymore

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Cleric domain: Air) Chain lightning and Control Weather swapped. Control Weather is now level 6, and Chain Lightning level 7, to prevent duplicates in the spellbook
- (Skill Focus: Ride & Epic Skill Focus: Ride) New feats added


CD Module v4.12a7
- The green stench of Elves has been removed from the Velethuil areas (lighting update) (Ray)
- Added Suzail - Northeast Promenade and Gates update (Aliirielle)
- Added bind points to a couple of Suzail areas - bind keys are discoverable (Ray)
- Added trash bin to Suzail pawnshop (Ray)
- Updated player house name (Xaerien)
- Updated player house (Lilian)
- Fixed a misnamed trap in Lightning Peak dungeon
- A shipwreck has been discovered in the Sea of Fallen Stars with rumors of great treasures left within (New T4 dungeon Wreck of the Albatross added for testing - Lady)
- Updated drow treehouse dungeon (Alice)

- Mount widgets will now dismiss a summoned mount if the mount is targeted (Ray)
- Updated the language payment DM command to take into account the discount for Changelings
- (BETA) Added /customize command. Documentation regarding this feature will be added once it's more fleshed out and bugs have been ironed out (Thanks to Liareth and Palmweaver from the NWN Dev Discord for most of the code)

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Skill Focus: Ride) Fixed it not working
- (Warlock) Added 5 new Eldritch Essences tied to Pact selection: Hellfire Blast (Reflex), Abyssal Blast (Fortitude), Celestial Blast, Star Blast, Fey Blast. Their description will soon be added to the Wiki


CD Module v4.12a8
- Server updated to NWN 37-13. Good news, this fixes the bug where we were randomly showing up as offline on the Beamdog masterserver!
- NWNX updated to 37-13
- Albatross T4 dungeon updated (Lady)
- Added a new T4 dungeon for testing (Alice)
- Semberdale Drow Dungeon updated (Alice)
- Hullack goblins loot fix (Misty)
- Fixed duplicate teleport Key for Deepingdale - The East Way and The East Way - Rolling Hills
- Theavos won't let people use his portal for free anymore
- Minimap will now automatically be explored in the main Arabel areas and Yulash - South
- The world continues to change to reflect the ongoing ATAE plot (Raysiel)
- Updated The Old Skull Inn doors to fix sight/hearing leaking (Raysiel)
- Added player house (LadyAsh)
- Added player house (Pun)
- Updated player house (Diestormlie)
- Updated player house (Lilian)

- Fixed broken Builder module scripts
- Removed two obsolete scripts
- Removed obsolete references to the USE_SEASONS area variable
- Improved the NUI Tailoring script
- Edited zep_openclose to only speak a string if one exists (Raysiel)
- Added the /addteleport command to save teleport keys to be used with the new Teleport NUI Window. Note that the Key Finder Widget will automatically save keys it finds when it's used

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Eldritch Doom & Eldritch Cone) Fixed a bug when interacting with Evasion
- (Flee the Scene) Fixed the clone being naked when wearing one of our custom AC armor such as Elven Chainmail
- (Eldritch Cone - Celestial) Enabled a new Holy explosion VFX
- (Teleport spells) Teleporting somewhere now requires the character to have been in the destination area before. This uses the saved minimap data, and a local variable set on the character runestone on a succesful teleport or when using the Key Finder Widget in case an area update wipes the minimap. This check doesn't apply to Player Homes and always explored areas such as Arabel
- (Teleport spells) Casting the spells will now open up a NUI window listing your known teleport destinations. You can add new destinations by using the Key Finder when in an area with a public Teleport key, or use the new /addteleport command

NOTE ON TELEPORT SPELLS: While they've been scripted to use the minimap data to prevent everyone having to run all over the place to unlock the teleportation in each area, the system isn't perfect and you /might/ not have any minimap data saved for an area that saw updates since last you went there. Going forward, make sure to use the Key Finder Widget or Teleport at least once to areas you wish to permanently unlock.


CD Module v4.12a9
- Tweaked Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- New undersea T4 dungeon updated (Alice)
- Sunmantle Guildhall TP key typo fixed
- Fixed a corrupted value in the Tailoring models that was causing errors
- Updated player home (LadyAsh)

- Chest armor #209 can now be used by female characters
- Refactored the AI scripts. Builders: do not use the ai_b_default* and ai_ch_ac* line of scripts going forward
- Refactored the head chooser script for Alter-Self and the OOC Mindflayer. This allows access to previously hidden heads. Please use restraint in not using nonsensical heads like the skeleton or cyclops ones unless they somehow apply to your character
- Removed 111 obsolete scripts
- Removed one obsolete conversation
- Removed two obsolete Tailoring NPCs from the Immersea Tailoring Shop
- The NPC AI has had a lobotomy and now doesn't mind staying in damaging AoEs. The AI shouldn't run back and forth over damaging clouds anymore and will now focus on what it does best: attacking its enemies
- Fixed a few errors with the Teleport scripts
- Warlocks with the appropriate Pact can now learn their Patron's language
- Half-Orcs and Dwarves with a nature class (Druid/Ranger/GK) are not prevented from learning Sylvan anymore
- Updated the Area Import script to support the latest NWN version
- Tailoring NUI (/customize) will now be smaller on screens with a low resolution
- Added /teleportlist
- Fixed a few issues with Teleport


CD Module v4.12b1
- Added a Teleport Key to five areas that were supposed to have one
- Fixed a few chests that were incorrectly set to be destructible in the Yulash goblin dungeon
- As the damage is repaired, Evereska returns to how it was before the siege
- Sea T4 dungeon update (Alice)
- Updated Nalfeshnee's creature models
- Fixed the gnome shopkeeper with a broken head in Immersea Imports
- An elven ranger near Berryrbiar grew back his missing head

- SPAWN_VFX variable fixed (Raysiel)
- Examine window will now hide the challenge rating of other players. NPCs' challenge rating will still be displayed, as is the character level when using /listpcs
- Fixed the previous fix for female torso model #209 (which is actually torso #210)
- Fixed some bugs in the tailoring NUI window
- Fixed more bugs with Teleport
- Fixed the radial menu bug that made it leave a permanent white trail until client restart. This required disabling the NUI menu on right clicking chairs.
- The tailoring NUI is now useable anywhere for DMs

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Bombardment) Fixed the spell hurting friendlies despite its description saying it only hurt enemies
- (Silversteil Veil) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Crusade) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Bless) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Prayer) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Recitation) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Warlock) Eldritch Blast damage dice now increases to d8 at Caster Level 21+
- (Dragonsong Lyricist) Epic version of the DSL songs will now be enabled if the bard has 21 or more levels of Bard + DSL and has 5 levels of DSL
- (Shifter) Removed the fire VFX from Epic Minotaur's axe
- (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance) Duration is now Turn/level
- (Power Word: Stun) Now a large AoE. Now stuns targets with more than 150 HP on a failed fortitude save
- (Power Word: Kill) Now kills all targets in the area under 100 HP, without any saving throws. Targets above 100 HP must make a fortitude save. If this saving throw fails, they must make a Will save or die. Those who succeed their will save still take 10d6 points of magical damage and are stunned for 2 rounds.
- (Spell Focus: Divination) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, See Invisibility, and True Seeing spells are automatically extended when cast
- (Greater Spell Focus: Divination) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Find Traps, and True Seeing all provide an extra +10 skill bonus to their respective spot/listen/search bonus
- (Epic Spell Focus: Divination) Premonition damage reduction is increased to 40/+7


CD Module v4.12b2
- Updated T4 aboleth dungeon (Alice)
- Fixed ancient handaxe weapon being +5 instead of +6
- Updated weapon shop in "In the Beginning..." area (Alice)
- Fixed Cormanthor Drow boss using Baleful Polymorph
- Shield of War item is now useable by Green Knights
- Fixed an infinite trap in Wyvernspur dungeon (Alice)
- Added PH_TAILORING_STATION waypoint, which enables the NUI tailoring menu when nearby without having to spawn a tailoring model
- Added three new accessories to /accessories : Inquisitor hat #1, Inquisitor hat #2, and a feather. Thanks to Mibs for the models!
- The world continues to change to reflect the conclusion of the ATAE plot. (Ray)
- Updated the Eveningstar - Eastern Outskirts / The High Road - East of Eveningstar transition to hopefully stop breaking. (Ray)
- Added player home (Aceheart)
- Added player area (SnorriHT)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Updated several player homes (Koffie)
- Updated Rooks Castle (Koffie)
- Updated Cups of Joy (Koffie)
- (Alice) Dispelled the magic making trees and plants float above the ground in:
    Semberdale - The Flowing Crossroads
    Deepingdale - Peaceful Forest Path
    Deepingdale - A Quiet Clearing
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - South
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - Central
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - Peaks
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - East

- Fixed Sakkors' dungeon level check on entrance
- Fixed tailoring menu not being useable away from tailoring models for DMs
- Added the "HIDE_TYPE" int variable for DMs and Builders to hide a creature type from the above system
- Added /usefeat Taunt (it's not a feat, but that's just simpler this way)
- Recall portals outside of Arabel have been repaired
- Optimized Flame Barrage boss ability script
- Tailoring model script update to prevent a few errors
- Added NO_EDGETILES variable for builders.  It will disable the repeating edge tiles of an area.  Documentation will be updated (Ray)
- Examining a non-player creature will now display its type below its challenge rating if you have enough of the correct Knowledge:
    Know Nature : Animal, Beast, Fey, Giants, Humanoids, Plants, Vermin, Ooze
    Know Arcana: Constructs, Magical Beasts, Dragons
    Know Planar: Outsiders, Elementals, Aberrations
    Know Religion: Undead

NOTE: This is just a small Quality of Life tweak. This doesn't change any rule regarding what creature is covered (or not) by these skills, nor govern how they should be used in quests.

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Warlock - Darkness) Fixed it rolling against spell resistance by mistake
- (Windwalker - Airwalk) Fixed having to reapply it twice if it was dispelled
- (Power Attack) Now scales from -1 AB/+1 DMG to -5 AB/+5 DMG. The scaling is tied to a character's base attack bonus, at a rate of -1/+1 per 4 base attack bonus, with a minimum of -1/+1.
- (Improved Power Attack) Now doubles the damage scaling of Power Attack
- (Mass Penguin) Made the faction check for targets more reliable
- (Divine Might) Now dispelled by /dispelme
- (Divine Shield) Now dispelled by /dispelme
- (Deepwood Ambusher) New prestige class! Credits to IronGauntlets for the theorycrafting, and to the balance team for finetuning. Details are available here!
- (Half-Dragon) Now gains +6 strength instead of +8, and +3 AC instead of +4. This change is retroactive and will be automatically applied to existing Half-Dragons on login. For those who may now have feats they do not qualify for (ex: Devastating Strike), a relevel will be required:


Note: starting now, hak and module changelogs are combined
CD Module v4.12b3
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Wreck of the Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- Added two new VFX to the VFX conversation, a pirate hat and a sword scabbard (thanks to Nibbles for the models!)
- DM command to swap appearances now has the same VFX as Wildshape
- Removed some debug feedback that had sneaked into the Combat Dummy conversation script
- Increased the Z axis limits for the accessory system

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Rogue) Fixed some rogues not having Sap weapon proficiency
- (Warlock) Pact selection NUI will now appear a few seconds after login if a pact hasn't been chosen.
- (Epic Feat - Blinding Speed) Now has an 1.5 Turns + 1 Round / HD duration. Cannot be dispelled. Instant cast. 8 minute cooldown. Unaffected by Wild Magic. Requirement lowered to 24 Dex.
- (Wildshape) The scripts tied to wildshape have been fully rewritten. This is mostly a background change that won't affect players, but expect less jank and strange exceptions tied to Wildshape
- (Wildshape) Added /wildshape, also accessible through /customize. This new menu works as a Shapes Widget for druids and shifters, as well as allowing customization of forms when right clicking on a forms' icon, if any alternative appearance is available. As a reminder: Left Click -> Shift to that form. Right click -> Edit its appearance override, if there's one.
Note: Icons are placeholders for now

- Anointed Knight New class! 10 level PRC aimed at martial classes wishing to add some magic oil to their life. Thanks to JBJ for the initial class writeup and to the balance team for finetuning. Thanks to IronTyrant for the icons! Details available here.

- Renamed the tails in the .2da so they all appear together in the Toolset dropdown
- Fixed Elder Water Elemental being too thicc to hit anything
- Added a new impact VFX for Inspired Strike
- Added the entries for Anointed Knight
- Reverted the dual-wielding wand change

- Added Female Elf head #240
- Compiled 203 creature models that weren't compiled
- Added 5 new ability icons (recolors for each wyrmling shape)
- Added a new high quality crocodile portrait (Jalthex)
- Added two new VFX (Nibbles)

- Updated Blinding Speed description
- Renamed a few wildshape to more generic names, now that they can take on different appearances
- Added Anointed Knight .tlk entries


CD Module v4.12b4
- Various changes have been made to the server's setup, which should increase stability and performance
- Greatly improved Event server restart time by disabling treasure table generation
- Arabel Palace updated (The Mirror)
- Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- Fixed a few more floating trees and other placeables (Pretzel)
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Purple Dragon's meeting room can now be locked
- The spider in Underdark - Brightwater Lake - Southwest isn't hostile anymore
- The marut in the World Serpent now has the correct appearance
- Fixed a typo in the Death's Choice bow description (will only show on newly found items)
- Waukeen's Temple in Yulash now has infinite courage potions
- Spell Resistance values on items have been increased. This change is retroactive to existing items:
    T6: +28 -> +34
    T5: +24 -> +30
    T4: +22 -> +26
    T3: +18 -> +22
NOTE: DM items can't be auto-updated. To get these updated, tag me in #support on the Discord.

- Added /autocast, also available through the /settings menu. This toggles automatic queuing of certain spells and abilities when they're used against a target. Applies to:
    Eldritch Blast
    Eldritch Chain
    Ray of Frost
    Acid Splash
    Electric Jolt
    Inflict Minor Wounds
    Arcane Fire
    Blast Infidel

- Fixed Bat, Owl, Seagull and Eagle appearance not being able to fly
- Disabled /toggletail while mounted

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Githyanki & Githzerai) Now have 10/- Psionic DR.
- (Deepwood Ambusher - Ambush Stance) Cooldown is now reset on rest, in case it ever breaks
- (Defensive Stance) Minor script optimization
- (Nature's Avatar) Now dispelled on unshifting
- (Delayed Blast Fireball) Fixed instances of the spell dealing its damage twice, and made it respect Shape Mastery
- (Wildshape) Added Gorilla, Crag Cat, Cheetah, Seagull, Eagle, Penguin, Ostrich, Monkey, Crab, and better cat models to the possible appearance swaps

- Added accessories.2da (unused for now, but will be used by an upcoming NUI VFX Accessory system)
- Anointed Knight can now qualify for Tempest PRC
- Fixed purple banners appearing green
- Fixed too many 2da errors to count. So many. Soooo many. None that should affect people, though some PRCs that had overtly restrictive feat choice should now have that fixed.

- Added a HD chicken appearance to replace the old one
- Compiled some models that weren't compiled
- Fixed the recent new heads appearing wrong under area shaders and certain spell effects. Note that they'll still not display transparency from stealth/invisibility correctly

- Updated Monk's Perfect Self description
- Updated Druid's class description so they fit the Forgotten Realm version of the class


CD Module v4.12b4b
- Fix attempt for the cause of most of our crashes over the past few months


CD Module v4.12b5
- Renamed the few remaining Balors, and updated their description
- Fixed the charge cost on Ring of the Ghost
- Added a few instances of uses of the Rare Spawn system
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Player home updated (LadyOfAsh)
- Player home updated (Koffie)
- You'll know it when you see it

- Fixed the (enabled, but unused until now) Rare Spawn system. Dungeon builders have a new toy to play with
- Fixed an error in /damageme's documentation in /help

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Shadowdancer - Summon Shadow) Shadow shouldn't be naked when wearing special armor anymore

- Robe #20-21 don't hide shoulder parts anymore

- Compiled a supermodel (no, not that kind)


CD Module v4.12b6
- Updated the server and NWNX to version 37-14
- Fixed a resting area not working in Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior
- Fixed a transition in Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior
- Increased chance of ~mystery stuff~

- Fixed the cause of most of our crashes (for real this time!)

- Fixed a typo in accessories.2da


CD Module v4.12b7
The sun's light grows warmer as Spring settles on the land, melting the piles of snow and ever-watchful Snowmen.  Bright and fragrant flowers bloom and butterflies flutter in the air.  With the threat of the mysterious doors no longer looming over the realm, people look to start anew with hopes of peace of prosperity.

- Updated the Server and NWNX to NWN 37-15
- Word spreads of a shipwreck in the Sea of Fallen Swords and the treasure that sank with it.  Rumor is there's a ship captain in Suzail willing to take the brave and adventurous out to explore it.  (New T4 Dungeon by Lady!)
- Highmoon has sold all of its polished marbled floors to pay for remodeling and countless Mind Wipe spells, removing all memory of what the town used to look like (Thanks to Terralis for undertaking the big project.)
- Not to be outdone, the Leaves of Learning in Highmoon has also undergone a renovation. Clearly they had some of that marble money (Lady)
- Sailors begin to spread rumors of a den of dangerous creatures not of this world, supposedly located on the Dragonmere island (New T4 Dungeon by Alice!)
- Yulash City North and South have been updated to reflect server events (Mibs)
- Added Yulash - North - Curiosity Archives (Mibs)
- Added Yulash - South - Almshouse of the Broken (Mibs)
- Updated Fountainheart of Shimmering Gold and removed the last of the mysterious doors. (FireWraith)
- Various Arabel Shops have received facelifts (Ianira!)
- Updated player home (Ozzy)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Added player home (Ianira)
- Added player home (Mibs)
- Added player home (Emily Opossum)
- Smuggler Ringleader in the sewers now has the correct racial type
- T4 Aboleth dungeon (lvl 16-20) updated and linked to the module (Alice)
- Moved a spawn further back in stoneland goblin dungeons to prevent dying right as someone enters the area
- (Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior) Fixed the resting spot not working
- Removed four obsolete areas
- Removed eleven obsolete creatures
- Removed eight obsolete creature items
- Removed an obsolete dialogue
- Updated area list, creature palette, and item palette
- Added a variable to Josephine

- Fixed an error in the loot code
- Added `cdb_trg_safearea` script for dungeon builders. Setting this script on a trigger's OnEnter and OnExit will protect people from persistent area damage without allowing rest in the trigger area.
- Added `sp_triggerdmg_hb` script for dungeon builders. Setting this script on a trigger's OnHeartbeat will enable persistent damage every X round, configurable just as the Area persistent damage is with variables such as `TRIGGER_HB_DAMAGE_TYPE`, `TRIGGER_HB_DAMAGE_EVERY_NTH_ROUND`, `TRIGGER_HB_DAMAGE_AMOUNT`
- (Duelist) Fixed duelist damage bonus being removed by buffing
- The Spell Widget NUI (/spellwidget) will now clear up queued attacks when casting, just like casting from the radial menu
- Fixed an error when selecting a spellcasting class in the Spellwidget NUI
- (Arcane Warrior) Channel Spell is now an active feat, instead of requiring players to directly cast the spell on their weapon. To channel a spell, toggle the feat on then cast the spell anywhere. The feat icon will now display how many uses of channel spell you have remaining
- (Implosion) Fixed the spell resistance check being tied to Necromancy school
- (Implosion) As in PnP, the spell doesn't affect incorporeal (i.e. Gaseous Form) creatures anymore
- Removed 37 obsolete scripts
- Elves can now take Sylvan as a bonus language on character creation, as per the SRD

- Channel Spell icon update

- Added 10 new icons for Channel Spell

- Updated Channel Spell description
- Updated Implosion description