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CD the Movie - Casting Call

Started by onivel, Dec 14, 2013, 05:13 PM

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Okay! Because this thread amuses me!

I think Jonas Armstrong has been safely cast as Peppyr for a couple years now:

Theo was hotly debated the last time, but I think that Tom Mison is the current winner:

Now to the newer folk!  I know he isn't seen very often, but for Razden, our lovely Gur and apothecary owner, I'd venture to say Colin O'Donoghue of Once Upon A Time Captain Hook Mansexy:

And finally, the hardest one thus far is Oxiver.  But I think that Oliver Jackson-Cohen is a strong contender.  He does the sullen, broody look well.  

Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri


1. Goat totally has a type.
2. *hearteyes to all of them hotties*


Eredruie Avatar
1. Goat totally has a type.
2. *hearteyes to all of them hotties*
Guilty. >.>
Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri


Nazakra el Akhazen ... hm, it's rather difficult! Not too many well-proportioned 6'3" ladies out there.

Bettina Silye. She's a Bodybuilder.


Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri


"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


Yes! Perfect!  I've been hunting for a Quirin for a few days! I knew the look, but my knowledge of famous folk is severely lacking. xD
Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri


Morghan Tentazione played by Gemma Arterton

Dais Orochi played by Alexander Skarsgård (especially his look from Tarzan)


Dana Naomiirik played by Jenna Coleman
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis

Ogre Time Yay

Hyldrek the Executioner would be played by Christopher Lambert from Highlander.

Christopher Lambert facial appearance and voice are exactly how I imagine Hyldrek looking and sounding (maybe with a tad bit more volume to his voice), and his suave and classy personality fits the proper gentlemanly half-giant perfectly. In the movie, there would need to be some CG applied to him to make him look 8'6" and stacked in muscle, and he'd need to shave his head bald and grow a well managed mustache and beard.

If he's able to look badass in combat while not wearing any pants, that's a big plus.


Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Serra would be played by: Diana Bastet, who is a perfect likeness as I'd picture her. AND she bellydances!


I'm pretty sure Sera would be Gilmore Girls' era Melissa McCarthy!


I have only just found this thread.

Aedan would very easily be played by Sam Witwer.

Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall


Hmmm.... as of now if I had to cast Kamon I'd say maybe Scott Eastwood , naturally he'd have to grow out his hair and put on some mass but the face is about right . He has a bit of a rugged look like his Dad