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CD Hak Changelog

Started by Fox², Jul 08, 2023, 07:40 AM

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CD4 Hak Update v4.03c3
- Blast Infidel should now report as Blast Infidel in the combat log, and not Arcane Fire
- Fixed unicorn tail model entries in tailmodel.2da
- Reverted the change to robe #13 showing neck parts
- Trollish Fortitude spell can now be extended
- Sacred Stealth doesn't show on the radial menu anymore
- Speak with Animals 2da entries added, including Cleric animal domain edit
- Added Divine Might/Divine Shield and Extra Turning to Heartwarder and Windwalker's feat list
- Added Extra Turning to Hospitaler and Harper Priest's feat list
- Fixed .tlk entry for Holy aura... hopefully
- Fixed Moonblade targeting being wrongly set to self-only
- Added Epic Reputation (Clandestine) and Epic Reputation (Famous)
    Epic Reputation (Famous) is the currently existing Epic Reputation feat
    Epic Reputation (Clandestine) is an alternative that gives +4 to Disguise, Sense Motive, Bluff, and Intimidate

- Blast Infidel and Arcane Fire description updated
- Regenerate description updated
- Greater Command description updated
- Elemental Weapon description updated
- Loading screen tips updated
- Disintegrate description updated
- Hellball description updated
- Added tlk entries for Epic Reputation (Clandestine) and Epic Reputation (Famous)
- Added tlk entry for Speak with Animals
- Heartwarder's Fey Metamorphosis renamed and description updated to reduce confusion:
Alluring Apotheosis
The Heartwarder's increasing natural Charisma and connection to their goddess causes them to become a living embodiment of beauty, passion, and allure. Their outward appearance remains mostly the same, though possibly with the loss of any minor flaws, unwanted scars or blemishes, and the like.

They gain immunity to the effects of others' Charm, Dominate, and Hold Person spells, as such minor effects can no longer sway them to another's will against the force of their own charisma.

- Reverted previous shader changes for compatibility with .37-9
- Added belt #65 for each race and gender (Nibbles)


CD4 Hak Update v4.03c4
- Fixed an error in Dragon Disciple prerequisites.
  • NOTE: If you took Dragon Disciple levels earlier than you'd have normally been able to, expect to encounter issues. Post a relevel request and contact a DM if this is the case.
- Gaseous Form innate spell level lowered to 2
- Fixed Two-Weapon Fighting feat not having the correct 15 dex prerequisite

- Fixed wrong scaling on forearm #142
- Fixed AC 3 male human chest #182 causing crashes


CD4 Hak Update v4.03c5
- AoE radius preview of Mass Heal fixed to its correct size. This change is only visual, as the script had the right radius
- Nature's Beauty is now correctly set to Extend, Silent, Still for valid metamagic options
- Fixed Druid's Epic Wildshape. Now correctly requires Druid level 16, 26 wisdom, and being an epic character
- Wyrmling Shape's wyrmlings now all use new models better fitting the PnP description of wyrmlings. Breath weapons VFX have been updated accordingly, though some are pending further tweaks (lightning is very janky visually, but works fine)
- Added the Celestial Emperor to the list of deities

- Updated Chaos Domain description
- Updated Dragon Disciple description
- Updated Phantasmal Killer description
- Updated Divine Power description
- Updated Epic Wildshape description
- Updated Static Orb description
- Added Celestial Emperor deity name and description

- Updated the Manticore model with a new one
- Added new male elf heads #111-112-113 (Mibs)
- Added new belts #69-70-71 for every race and gender
- Added warlock icons to the hak (Vince)
- Added four new wyrmling-sized dragon breath VFX
- Replaced the attack lines of the Morte and Guybrush voiceset to prevent spam (FireWraith)
- Fixed missing texture for female halfling chest model 164 and 165


CD4 Hak Update v4.03c6
- Light Flail now a 19-20/x2 weapon
- Nunchaku now a 19-20/x2 weapon
- Heavy Flail now does 1d12 damage
- One handed trident now a 1d8 20/x3 weapon
- Two handed trident now a 1d12 20/x3 weapon, renamed to "Heavy Trident"
- Handaxe and Throwing Axe now 2d3 damage weapons
- Battleaxe and Double Axe now 3d3 damage weapons
- Greataxe and Dwarven Waraxe now 4d3 damage weapons
- Shuriken now a 1d4 damage weapon and added to monk UBAB weapon list
- Added Weapon Focus: Trident to the qualifying feats for Weapon Master
- Backend fixes to the old divine variants of Elemental Weapon (Darkfire and such) to prevent damage stacking from items using these deprecated spells
- (Arcane Warrior) Now has Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, Epic Prowess, Armor Skin, Automatic Silent, Automatic Quicken as part of its feat list

- Brownie racial feat entry added
- Shadar Kai racial feat entry added
- Updated Duelist description
- Updated Arcane Warrior description
- Updated most domains description
- Changed two handed trident name to Heavy Trident
- Updated Light Flail, Nunchaku, Heavy Flail, Trident, Heavy Trident, Handaxe, Throwing Axe, Ballteaxe, Double Axe, Greataxe, Dwarven Waraxe, and Shuriken item stat description
- Shadow Hand spell description updated
- Shadow Spray spell description updated

- Updated male human chest model 75 and 232 (Terallis)
- Added a new vfx hood (Nibbles)
- Added a new vfx monocle (Nibbles)
- Male chest model #82 duplicated for use with adamantine fullplate at #85 (Nibbles)


CD4 Hak Update v4.03c7
- Shurikens can now stack up to 5000
- VFX added to Arcane Fire
- VFX added to Blast Infidel
- Fixed Druid's Epic Wildshape being broken

- Added chest model #202 for adamantine fullplate, all races and gender (Nibbles)
- Added a monkey portrait (Mibs)


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a1
- Hide in Plain Sight 3 seconds cooldown added
- Added Chill Tentacle VFX
- Added new holiday placeables (Raysiel)
- Dimension Door was wrongly set to have a somatic component. This is fixed

- Added a warning to Bioware's default Beholder anti magic cone name
- Added Mass Freedom of Movement's entry
- Updated Animal and Travel domain description
- Updated Insidious Magic feat description
- Updated Gust of Wind spell description
- Updated Mordenkainen Sword spell description
- Improved Invisibility description updated
- Mordenkainen Sword description updated
- Whirlwind description updated
- Premonition description updated

- Added Chill Tentacle VFX
- Added 20 spell conjuration SFX
- Added new holiday placeables labeled with XMAS, including a competely remade stocking to hang by the chimney with care (Raysiel, and thanks to Nibbles for the stocking!)
- Gazebo placeable added (Mibs)
- Aldebaran Helmet added (Terallis)
- Added female chest #88 for every race (Nibbles)
- Added female human robe #182 (Mibs)


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a2
- Updated Wall of Perilous Flame description
- Updated Brimstone Essence description
- Updated Tymora's Smile description

- Updated Harper classes .2da
- Updated Tymora's Smile entry


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a3
- Walk Unseen description updated
- Caster's Lament description updated
- Warlock essence descriptions updated
- Battle Caster description updated
- Warlock abilities now correctly refer to Caster Level
- Unyielding Defender and Defensive Stance description updated

- (Hide in Plain Sight) Cooldown increased to 5 seconds, as 3 seconds was so low as to never, ever, matter
- Wands can now be wielded in the main hand. Yes, this means you can also dual wield them.


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a4
- Crafted magic wands can now be wielded in the main hand too


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a5
- Duelist's Elaborate Parry description updated
- Control Weather description updated
- Chain Lightning description updated
- Air Domain description updated
- Skill Focus Ride and Epic Skill Focus Ride added

- Fixed wands disabling flurry of blows when used
- Fixed attack range value of wands

- Fixed Chill Tentacle overriding Evard's Tentacle vfx


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a6
- Updated Warlock Essence description
- Updated Warlock Pacts description

- Added 9 spell visual effects
- Added 2 MIRV visual effects

- Added palette images for the tailoring NUI
- Added 2 new VFX textures .tga
- Added 9 spell visual effects .mdl


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a7
- Added a new loading screen hint
- Updated Teleport, Mass Teleport, and Transport Via Plant descriptions

- Fixed Walk Unseen having a male casting chant for females
- Fixed missing forearm #149 from the NUI tailoring menu
- Added a new Holy explosion VFX for Celestial Eldritch Cone

- Added a new Aboleth creature model (thanks to danthedust from NWN Vault)


CD4 Hak Update v4.04a8
- (Eldritch Blast) Can now target doors/placeables

- Removed bugged female human head #175 and #167
- Removed bugged female halfling head #36
- Removed bugged female half-orc head #27
- Removed bugged male human head #76
- Removed bugged male elf head #74
- Removed too ugly to exist male elf head #48
- Removed bugged male gnome head #24
- Removed duplicate halfling male head #32
- Added 39 new female heads from Dafena. 2 for elves, 37 for humans
- Added 45 new male human heads from Dafena


CD4 Hak Update v4.04b1
Hak Compilation update
Huge thanks to Terallis for cleaning up and adding all of theses to the haks:
492 new placeables
- 293 from Project Q
- 54 from Hamlet tileset/placeables
- 89 from CCC packs
- 50 from Elven Interior stuff
- 6 custom Library shelves from existing placeables (filled shelves)
120 new appearance models
- 9 animals imported from NWN2
- 24 from Project Q
- 87 from CCC packs
5 new wing models
- 3 from Project Q
- 2 from CCC packs
34 new creature portraits for new appearance models
8 new soundsets to accompany NWN2 animals
1 new doortype for new Elven City tileset
12 new loadscreens
- 3 for new Elven City tileset
- 9 for new Wild Woods tileset
4 new tilesets
- Wild Woods
- Wild Lands
- Wild Lands, Winter
- Elven City

- Removed Improved Critical - Whip incorrectly added to Paladin's bonus feat list
- Wildshape - Elder Fire/Water/Air elementals models now fit the ones from Summon Creature IX
- Wildshape - Wolf (the non-dire version) now uses the NWN 2 model and soundset
- Wildshape - Badger (the non-dire version) now uses the NWN 2 model and soundset
- Wildshape - Umber Hulk now uses the NWN 2 model

- Removed 366 duplicate files from the haks
- Added male human head #256 from Dafena, with help from Nibbles

- Fixed a typo in a loading screen hint
- Updated Warlock Blast description
- Updated Clairaudience/Clairvoyance description
- Updated Power Word: Stun description
- Updated Power Word: Kill description
- Updated Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Epic Spell Focus: Divination description


CD4 Hak Update v4.04b2
Hak Compilation update
- (Shadow Daze) Now has 3 uses per day
- (Cleric Domain: Air) Fixed bolt of Glory being set instead of Chain Lightning
- (Cleric Domain: Air) Now grants Great Thunderclap at lvl 7
- (Earth Elemental appearance) Fixed model distance values being set too high
- (Weapon: Sap) Item is now considered Tiny for dual wielding purposes
- (Tempest) Fixed Harper Agent incorrectly qualifying for Tempest
- (Static Orb) Can now be empowered/maximized
- Added Deepwood Ambusher 2da entries

- Cleaned up more duplicated and conflicting files
- Split the heads and placeables haks into two new haks to help with filesize issues and NWSync
- Resized female human heads #281 and #288, and removed tattoos from #288 (Mibs)
- Added a tattoo-less copy of female human head #289, numbered #301 (Mibs)
- Added new female elf head #239 (Mibs)
- Added Deepwood Ambusher class and ability icons (IronGauntlets)
- Added 6 new banner placeables (Nibbles)
- Added three new accessories (Mibs)

- Updated Bond of Fatal Touch description
- Updated Power Attack feat description
- Updated Improved Power Attack feat description
- Updated Chain Lightning description
- Updated Great Thunderclap description
- Updated Air domain description
- Added Deepwood Ambusher tlk entries