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Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Started by Nymera, Nov 21, 2017, 12:15 AM

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They haven't, but I'd bet dollars to donuts it'll be fixed at launch. I can't base that on anything concrete, of course, just a hunch based on the goals of NWNW:EE and the forum suggestions


They have a flexible 'roadmap' that includes improvements that can be voted on. They take suggestions from their own forums.

Trello Roadmap

NWN:EE forums


Hey guys, I'm two weeks behind now so, this is from the week before last. I'll summarize the others when I get the time ^^.

  • MP3 support will be coming soon
  • There will be more open sourcing of library stuff implemented on the backend going forward
  • There will be a console command to make panoramic screenshots. You can stitch these together to make some pretty cool looking 360 degree photos!
  • Object scaling will be coming in an update next week (now last week)
  • There's a Trello board for suggestions (and as Allatum said, you can use the forum as well)
  • They're looking to add custom race support at character creation
  • Something something Infinity Engine 2.5 and multiplayer is going to be a priory

They had some issues and as such the stream was only 30 mins long, so the list was short this time.