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Crikey, it's angry!

Started by Goat, Sep 18, 2014, 04:30 PM

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So as a lot of you know, my computer is on death's door between the messing up screen (I can barely see through the flickering to type this!) and failing power connection on the laptop end, thus my lack of appearances.  And the last few days it is just getting worse!  Occasionally I can twitch the cord just enough and jiggle the screen in just the right fashion to be able to be online, but until I order my new one and it arrives, I won't be around too often.
Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri


*Sends good energies for Goat to get a new computer soon!*

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Garage Trashcan

Weren't you supposed to be meeting with a friend and ordering a desktop or something?

Chewing on the cords doesn't fix everything, you know.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich


Laptop, but yeeees.  I have the money, and have more or less decided what I want and where I'm getting it... I'm just delaying the purchase because of ... reasons.  (Mostly hoping that my computer will spontaneously fix itself before I spend a lot of money >.>)
Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri

Garage Trashcan

Goat Avatar
Laptop, but yeeees.  I have the money, and have more or less decided what I want and where I'm getting it... I'm just delaying the purchase because of ... reasons.  (Mostly hoping that my computer will spontaneously fix itself before I spend a lot of money >.>)
Well, if you pretend really, really hard, it will be the same computer!
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich


I tried, but it didn't work, sadly!  New computer ordered!
Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri

The Red Mage