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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08d8

Cradle Maze:
-Final chest should properly be dropping correct loot now.
Witch Lords:
-The bone golem should no longer decide it needs to come pay a visit to Witch Lords, and will stay in the Silent Ossuary.
Quiet Farm Bandits:
-The interior non-transition doors should no longer display a transition icon when you mouse over them.
Made a number of additions to the in-testing Mistledale, Cormanthor, and Yulash regions.
Included some updates to DM Areas for quest NPCs.
Sschindylryn: Clerics of Abbathor and the two Duergar deities have taken control of the temple in Central Sschyndylryn, while the various surfacer priests have moved to Yulash. Anyone bound to respawn in the Waukeen temple in Sschindylryn will now be bound to the Abbathor temple.

The Newbie quest should now properly update in your journal on login.

Continued adding Yulash versions of the various low level quests. This should not interfere with any existing ones, however if there are any such issues please let us know.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e

Patch notes:



103 New areas encompassing a vast new swathe of the Dalelands and Cormanthor, including:
-Yulash* and surroundings
-Voonlar outskirts
-Cormanthor Forest (Western and Northern regions, including outskirts of Myth Drannor - Ruins coming soon!)
More additions to the core regions, including:
-Expanded Suzail (4 new areas, and increased sizes of existing ones)
-Expanded surroundings of the Tilverton ruins

-Eleven new dungeons ranging from newbie starter to Tier 5 difficulty:
Yulash Ruins, Sewers, and Catacombs (Starter, Starter+)
Yulash Citadel Ruins (Starter+)
Old Copper Mine (6-10)
Ogre Caves (6-10)
Tower of Azurin (7-12)
Forgotten Temple (7-12)
Silent Ossuary (10-15)
Wyvern Caves - T4
Blighted Fey Grove - T4
Cliffside Kobold Warrens - T4
Abandoned Asylum - T5

Edit - Drow Treetop Village (T4) is not finished, and will follow soon.

*Yulash is now available as a starting and hub location, with a general preference towards characters that are not openly good aligned.

Courtesy Fox:
-Reduced the volume and frequency of commoner sounds in Arabel Central.
-Put Liselle on a POST_ waypoint and turned off bumping so she should stop being bullied around her shop.
-Put the NPCs in Arabel - Southern District on POST_ waypoints so they stop crowding around the warehouse after an ants get out.
-Fixed the female guard in Arabel - Northern District using the default male portrait and voiceset.
-Fixed z-fighting road placeables in Immersea.
-Fixed the broken transition between Eveningstar - Eastern Outskirt and The High Road - East of Eveningstar.
-Fixed broken transitions between Thunder Gap - Descent to the Vast, Southern Edge of the Hullack - Thunderstone, and Thunder Gap - Thunderholme Surface.

-The guard outside the Infested Warehouse in Arabel South will always offer to unlock the door for you again if you've already completed the quest.
-The ship's captain that is willing to ferry adventurers to Sakkors will now make stops at a small dock on the shores of the Moonsea as well as in Suzail.
-Those willing to deal with the Zhentarim can hitch a ride with a caravan from Voonlar's outskirts to the edge of the Sunset Mountains if they're skilled enough (ECL+Level 17+), though they'll have to find their own way back.

-Return will now take you to your choice of either Arabel or Yulash, and cannot be used in the starting or OOC areas.
-Tailoring Model Weapon/Shield appearance alteration has been temporarily disabled pending a further overhaul of those systems, due to the scripts bugging out and causing server lag in certain cases. In the meantime, you can use radial crafting to alter weapons and shields in-game.
Courtesy Fox:
-Newly created characters now have a default prefilled quickbar with common chat /commands.
-Pawn Shops will now be automatically emptied every 8 hours, with a 10 minute warning.
-Added convenience options for /outfit show/hide commands in the /outfit menu.
-Fixed extended Spell Resistance's duration.
-Fixed positive effects from Battletide not being removed when the spell expires.
-Fixed some of Barbarian Rage's effects being dispellable.
-Added spell metadata for Divine Might, Divine Shield, Elemental Shape, Wildshape, Greater Wildshape, Barbarian Rage, Bard Song, Curse Song, Knight Errant's Fear ability, Rallying Cry, Inspire Courage, Heroic Shield, Final Stand, Oath of -Wrath, Tymora's Smile, Shadow Evade, Shadow Daze, and for each Ioun Stone which should now all be listed in /viewspells.
-Fixed Hawkeye being treated as a hostile effect in /viewspells.
-Fixed reflex damage saves not working correctly with AoEs.
-Fixed reflex damage saves checking the wrong object (most often the caster) for evasion feats.
-Fixed reflex damage saves not supporting Improved Evasion correctly for halving damage on a failed save.
-Fixed some of the new /move animations being linked to the incorrect animation in the [Animations] conversation.
-Fixed /cheer4 having the wrong command.
-Fixed some animation options in the /move menu returning you to the wrong animation category.
-Blacklisted Shadow Conjuration, Invisibility, and Sanctuary line of spells from Shadow Double.
-Fixed players being able to send shouts via languages.
-Tidied up and fixed loot notifications being sent to players in other areas and to players not in the looter's party.
-Feedback is displayed to the PC when invisibility or stealth is broken by opening loot containers.
-Fixed Alchemist Fire not being useable on CEP weapons.
-Put in a temporary patch for NPCs stationed at waypoints wanting to face east every heartbeat until Beamdog resolves the root issue. (This should fix twitchy NPCs)
-Fixed /listdungeons reporting a dungeon as being occupied if only a DM was in the dungeon.
-Fixed /listdungeons not reporting an occupied dungeon if PCs in the dungeon were all transitioning at the time of /listdungeons being used.
-Fixed /listpcs sometimes showing the area a DM is in under certain edge cases.
-Added missing item crafting recipes for Shades and Shapechange.
-Added missing /outift {show|hide} documentation from Outfit Management in /help.
-Updated Item Level Restrictions in /help to our current policy for transfering DM Items.
-Added /resetfootsteps documentation to /help.
-Fixed swapped menu ID's in the /outfit menu system causing "View favorite outfits" and "View outfits with matching AC" to get confused.
-Fixed raw color tokens being displayed in NUI windows.

-Builders: Added two new area int variables, NO_MINIMAP 1 and NO_COMPASS 1, which respectively disable those GUI elements for PCs in those areas.

-Description Editor: Added a Preview button to preview the description. n.b. The examine window appears beneath the description editor. When closing the examine window you'll need to expand the description editor.
-Description Editor: Added a Clear button to clear the entire description. Use this to more easily copy/paste your description into the editor from notepad/etc.
-Description Editor: Fixed editing empty descriptions having a space at the start of the description.

-Tailoring Models: Special Armor AC categories have been added to the Tailoring Models: Note: you cannot buy special AC armors from the tailoring models, this is intended. The tailoring models can only be used to customize special ac armors you already have.
-Tailoring Models: The tailoring model now tells you what AC the torso on the tailoring model is when modifying the torso part.
-Tailoring Models: Fixed AC filter categories on the tailoring models not working correctly with some of our custom torso parts.
-Tailoring Models: Cloaks can be equipped and changed on the tailoring models without needing to copy one from the PC.
-Tailoring Models: Improved readability of the buy/copy item options on the tailoring models in the top level menu.
-Tailoring Models: Fixed torso AC filter setting being lost when changing the torso's per-part colors.
-Tailoring Models: There's now copy from and buy options for all tailoring model item type menus.
-Tailoring Models: Split the helmet options in the tailoring model into its own logical top level menu instead of being under clothing/armor.
-Tailoring Models: Fixed right foot's per-part colors not being editable.

-DM Tools: Fixed /setdescription opening the /editdescription editor even when a typed description argument was given.
-DM Tools: DMs can use /editdescription on themselves.
-DM Tools: Admins can use /editdescription on PCs and items.
-DM Tools: Admins can use /dmrename on items.
-DM Tools: Fixed /set{plot|useable}flag comparing wrong distances when targeting the ground.
-DM Tools: DMFI NPC Control Wand's area wide NPC faction options are now disabled inside DMFI Custom Encounters.
-DM Tools: DMFI XP Wand now has area wide XP functions to assist in social events.
-DM Tools: Added some verbosity to the party wide DM XP award shout notification.
-DM Tools: /resetarea no longer destroys copied or imported areas. Use /destroyarea instead.
-DM Tools:Fixed InnDoor tags being removed from copied and imported areas.
-DM Tools:Added some missing generic scripts to the object script whitelist for copied and imported areas.

-Multiple quests added to the Yulash Adventurers' Guild. These are counterparts to quests in Arabel, however, and the same character cannot complete both versions.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e1


Various hard to see/click transitions in a few spots have been redrawn.
Skittering Beetles, Spiderlings, and Lesser Stirges in the Yulash sewers tweaked to be equivalent to sewer rats in difficulty.
The Spider Boss in Yulash Citadel Ruins should now always spawn regardless of party size/level.
Tweaked the location of a spawn in the Old Copper Mine to be less punishing if you enter from the secret tunnel.
The corrupted fey of Jelka's grove have put the bones of several adventurers they ambushed on display, to warn future explorers of what they're in for.
The Mage Shop proprietor in Shadowdale has been informed by the guards that yes, he does need to wear pants while in the shop.
Several of the cultists below Yulash have left and gone home after learning that despite what they were promised, the Cult does not actually offer a dental plan.
The Bard in the Blue Draykn has had her song list restored to her, and is ready to play requests again. She won't play Freebird, though.
The Caravan Master outside of Yulash has sobered up enough to realize he's in Yulash, not Voonlar, and thus will now offer to take you to Voonlar, instead of to where you already are at.
Skeletons in the Silent Ossuary were made aware of the fact that they are, indeed, skeletons, and thus have skeleton immunities.
The Ruined Tower quest should now appropriately display in the quest log.
It should now be possible to reach the section of the Upper Yulash Sewers containing the transition to the lower levels without needing Fly or Dimension Door.

Scripts: (courtesy Fox)
/touchon is now persistent across server resets, deaths, and respawns.
/touchoff now works.
/endmyaoe now works. By default it will only end harmful AOEs. If you type /endmyaoe all it will end all AOEs.
Epic Spell: Superb Dispelling can now dispel epic spell buffs (excluding Epic Mage Armor).
Minor tweak to /dispelme's feedback messages to hide the unnecessary +1337 modifier dice roll portion of the message.
/dispelme now dispels epic spells.
Fixed restoration line of spells unshifting druid and shifter shapes if an item with a negative property was merged into the shape.
Fixed phantom items being listed in loot notifications under certain edge cases.

Tailoring: Fixed changing cloak appearances on the tailoring models.
Tailoring: Fixed not being able to select Previous Appearance's below appearance 1 when editing torso parts in Any AC and AC 0 torso categories.
Tailoring: Fixed excess invalid options being cycled through when changing the appearance of non-torso clothing parts. There will still be some invalid options depending on your gender/race/phenotype until a full rewrite of the tailing system can be done.
Tailoring: Fixed item crafting via the Crafting Skills menu sometimes having a DC or gold cost.
Tailoring: Fixed and re-enabled weapon and shield crafting on the tailoring models.
Tailoring: Fixed crafting certain shields on tailoring models sometimes failing.
Tailoring: Reset All and Destroy All options no longer reequips a helmet or cloak.
Tailoring: Cycling through torso and pelvis parts won't show the base nude/none 1 part any more. Use the Remove option to remove your torso or pelvis clothing part.
Tailoring: Fixed not being able to cycle to part 1 (none) on non-torso/pelvis parts in some edge cases.
Tailoring: Copying your appearance to the tailoring model will now also copy body parts and base phenotype.

DM Tools: Fixed NPC voice target control character commands failing if issued to an NPC you're possessing.
DM Tools: Fixed the ":" voice target command using the NPC you're possessing instead of your actual voice target.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e2

-The Adventurer's Guild of Yulash is proud to announce that they have arranged for a gnomish alchemist to provide potions and other services to guild members (at a reasonable fee of course).
-The mage in Shadowdale's magic shop should be wearing clothes. No, really this time, I mean it.
-The pawn shop in Shadowdale should now be open for business. Weregund apologies for the delay in receiving his business license.
-The bar in the Old Skull has been slightly lowered, and hopefully will no longer block line of sight.
-Fixed a few errant placeables in the Vale of Lost Voices.
-Doublechecked some transitions that were reported broken.
-Fixed the skybox on Shadowdale - Tower of Ashaba.
-The Hin of Berrybriar have formed a militia in order to help protect themselves and their neighbors.
-Due to the proximity of Forest Falls to Berrybriar and Velethuil as well as recent incidents there, Berrybriar and Velethuil have stepped up patrols of the spot. As such, it should be considered 'guarded'.

-Script fixes from Fox are actually compiled now and should be working.
-Rumors of strange and unusual creatures being summoned through the use of experimental gnomish devices are entirely untrue and in no way shape or form do they have any basis in fact. When asked for comment, several reputable wizards were specifically quoted as saying, "No, that's not possible" and "Get that horrid thing away from me" and "You fool, you'll blow us all to bits."
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.08e3


-Edited and recompiled nw_o2_skeleton so that skull piles actually stop creating low level skeletons.


-Added the Abandoned Elven Village dungeon to the Cormanthor. These Drow should be similar in challenge to the Wyvernspur Crypt.

-Updated the Seven Oaks Asylum with some minor balance adjustments and basic loot until the place is tweaked more. (Current loot should be Gnolls level.)

-Yulash Surrounds Goblin Camp:  Fixed some treasure placeable clipping, and disabled the Baahb cloning program.  Also removed his ability to Disarm.

-Yulash Ogres: Removed Hurl Rocks from the standard Ogres.

-Cormanthor Wyverns: Removed excessive +AB from wyvern creature weapons.

-Renamed the boss in Silent Ossuary to Ossuary Guardian so it isn't sharing a name with the Witchlord's version.  Also expanded its room and added scripted abilities on par with the Witchlord Guardian.

-Removed Blindsight from the Ossuary bats.

-Corrected the orientation of a sarcophagus in the Ossuary so it can be looted now.

-Fixed a transition in Tilverton – Eastern Outskirts that was allowing access to the city. Tilverton remains blocked off for now.

-Added various area fixes from Fire:
NPCs and Animals added to Shadowdale Outskirts
Fixed doors in Ashabenford being unlocked
Added music and sound files for Ashabenford
Updated Story Arc/Title.
Yulash has a few more lamp posts to provide illumination at night.
Fixed some placeables in the Vale of Lost Voices.
Fixed the broken transition on the road between Arabel and Eveningstar.
Updated Animal appearances in and around Arabel and Highmoon.
Added an emergency exit for the Azurin Tower since the normal door seems to not function.

-Corrected a pathing issue in the Yulash Guard Sergeant's patrol route in Yulash – South.

-Cradle Maze: Fixed placement of an altar. Disabled the minimap.

-Hullack and Skullbiter Goblin Shaman Aura of Stunning replaced with Aura of Menace.

-Flipped rotation of a sit placeable in Arabel – Palace District – Library.

-Fixed a floating rock in Crumbleclaw Caverns.

-Plot flagged some loot in the Abandoned Dwarven Bolthole that wasn't.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e4

-The Adventurer's Guild of Yulash should be fully fixed now, both for the potion seller and quests.
-Fixed various floating or out of place placeables in some of the new areas.
-Fixed some placeables in newer areas that were generating default NWN loot.
-Removed access to Jelka's Grove for now pending fixes to the treasure spawns there.
-Added several quest/event areas for the upcoming storyline arc's Finale.
-Added signs outside the Tailor Shop and Pawn Shop in Yulash.

-Added the despawner scripts to a number of the new dungeons and exterior areas (like Moander's Road) that were missing it.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e5

Added the ability to pet the dogs in Suzail, Shadowdale, and outside Highmoon. Please let us know if there are any other dogs that need to be petted.
Preparations in Immersea to repel the invading undead have begun, even as the storm approaches.

Courtesy Fox:
Updated winter versions of Arabel Central and the Warbling Seraph for the coming winter season.
Fixed floor walkmesh in the arena in Yulash - City - Adventurer's Guild.
Fixed some line of sight issues at the tables in the Warbling Seraph bar caused by the candle placeables.

Fixed loot notifications (again) from Witchlords Keep (and potentially other incorrectly setup dungeon chests) being sent to players who had previously looted the container if the container was attacked to bash its lock (or was otherwise damaged, eg from AOEs)
Fixed Emotion: Courage affecting hostiles.
Added backend code for the upcoming winter season in Cormyr and added resource override client crash fixes to the new caravan / ferry / portal scripts as well as to some old scripts that were overlooked.
Pawn Shop automatic reset script changed to a minimum reset timer of 16 hours. This is still being tweaked to find a nice balance between clearing the shops too frequently, and being too slow and allowing too many items in the store to bog down the server performance whenever people are buying/selling items.
Small optimizations and fixes to the pawn shop reset scripts to make it work on all pawn shops regardless of the NPC/store's tag.
Various script optimizations to: dispel code, spell reflection code, CEP placeable heartbeat scripts, nwnx spell cast and item use hook scripts, commoner randomizer trigger script, outfit and clothing tailoring code, and various other commonly fired misc scripts.
Fixed a bug regression introduced in 4.08d2 that broke spell reflection.
Fixed some rare edge case issues that could cause spell reflection to reflect monster abilities or the incorrect spell.
Added commoner randomizer trigger script support for copied and imported areas.
Updated dungeon minimum level check script to support the new Yulash bind locations.
Associates (summons, familiars, henchmen, etc) should follow you through most inter-area transitions now.
Fixed some bugs with spell reflection that could cause it to reflect the wrong spell.
New PCs cannot leave character creation without having talked to the Keeper of Languages at least once. As a reminder, you cannot select your starting languages after leaving character creation!
Minor improvements to the spellbook restoration code when using /outfit, hopefully increasing reliability in restoring your bonus spells.
Added a temporary fix for Armor of Darkness having the wrong innate level for item crafting.
Added some special event scripts for december.
Further fixes to NPCs standing at post/waypoints twitching/dancing on the spot.
DM Tools: DMs can now instantly activate all "Activate Item" and "Unique Power" items.
DM Tools: Fixed /dmcopyarea, /dmcleancopyarea, and import area tools truncating the last character in area names.
DM Tools: Fixed resetting a copied/cloned/imported area sometimes losing its area tag.
DM Tools: Added /setareatheme which can change some tilesets from rural grass to snow. More themes and tileset support are planned for the future. Players need to reload the area to see the change.
DM Tools: Rod of Naming now reuses the last name you set with /dmrename.
DM Systems: Spell Casting/Cast combat log messages had to be rewritten to fix some bugs, as a consequence the Casting event longer reports the spell's target. The Cast event will still report the target. Item Use messages are unaffected.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e6

More dogs are now pettable in Arabel and outside Highmoon. Please let us know if there are any other dogs that need to be petted.
Preparations in Immersea to repel the invading undead continue, even as the storm approaches.
Fixed the lock on a player house that was broken.

Courtesy Fox:

Fixed Emotions: Courage (again).
Fixed the Revive tool not preserving /touchon or VFX accessories.
Fixed a minor bug that could cause pawn shop reset messages to be sent multiple times.
DM Systems: Fixed encounter spawns not correctly making items undroppable by default.
DM Systems: Fixed a bug regression in copying/importing areas not having their object tags deconflicted from the rest of the module.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e7

Preparations for the defense of Immersea are all but complete.
Fixed treasure spawns in the Cormanthor Kobold Warrens.
Fixed treasure spawns in the Cormanthor Wyvern Caves.
Fixed treasure spawns in the Cormanthor Blighted Grove, and reopened the area.
Note that these areas are still pending final balance pass, but should no longer be dropping default NWN items or no items.

Fixed an issue with the quest logic in some of the Yulash Adventurer's Guild quests.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e8

With the fall of the lich, the storm clouds have broken and the sky is clear over Immersea. Though the town was spared the worst of the fighting as the undead drove straight for the castle, some damage remains noticeable, though cleanup has begun.

Fixed some issues with the Yulash Quests giving their Arabel counterpart journal entry on turn-in.
Fixed an issue with the Ruined Tower quest marking as "completed" in the journal when the initial stage was accepted.
Updated the date in the entry text to Fall/Winter. Winter isn't here quite yet, but will be soon.
Updated the story status. Book VIII will be ending next month after the epilogue and coronation event, to be followed by an interlude prior to the start of Book IX.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e9

Added several event areas for the Underdark that will eventually be incorporated as fully connected server areas.
Tried to cure Tiddly's twitchyness. It probably won't work though, not while he's still drinking from his own potion supply.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08e10

Added several map notes for shops in Yulash.
Fixed the missing/unlinked transition for the Leatherworking shop in Yulash.
Fixed a missing transition for a player home.
Added some quest areas.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08f


Winter is here! Arabel Central, the OOC room, and a number of other areas should now reflect wintertime. (The Dalelands and Cormanthor areas do not have winter versions at this time)
The starting area's introductory text has been updated, and King Azoun's ghost now has updated information based on the end of Book VIII.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Goblin Druid in the Infested Warehouse in Arabel not to spawn.

Fixed Swordmage's Silverscales replacing party member's or their own Scales of the Dragon. If Scales of the Dragon is active, Silverscales will not be applied to that character.
Fixed restoration line of spells removing barbarian rage.
Added spell metadata to barbarian rage.
Added the player command /battlecry {off|on} for toggling the automatic voicechat battlecries when using barbarian rage, dragon breath attacks, blood frenzy, and whirlwind.
Cleaned up the debug feedback messages in dragon breath attacks.
Fixed darkness' spell immunity logic causing creatures with Spell Immunity: Darkness to be affected, and anything not immune to not be affected.
Fixed Shadow Doubles being raisable.
Fixed a corner case bug that allowed Mordenkainen's Disjunction with Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell to remove item properties from the cast upon equipped weapon.
Channel Spell now adds different visual effects depending on the channeled spell to the weapon whilst it's active.
Minor script performance optimizations to the area cleaner/despawner script.
Pawn shops will forcibly reset after 30 minutes of waiting for players to finish shopping during an automatic reset.
NPC body bag remains and player dropped items will be cleaned up by the despawner scripts now to help reduce left behind junk.
Further updates to the coming winter season scripts.
Fixed the subrace setter not giving half celestials feats (1361) Bless and (1324) Detect Evil.
Fixed the subrace setter not giving half celestials their automatic celestial language widget.
Fixed the subrace setter not giving aasimar their automatic celestial language widget.
Dungeons with a Mordenkainen's Mansion summoned in them will now still be counted as occupied in /listdungeons.

DM Tools: Updated spell projectile traps to have a default caster level of 20 and save DC of 34.
DM Tools: Fixed a few minor typos across different DM command messages and help documentation.
DM Tools: Exploder Widget now gives you the Area Import and Export tools.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08f1

Minor tweaks to certain areas to fix issues.

Minor bugfixes to correct errors in 4.08f fixes.
The introductory quest will now be completable after level 3, although it will not award XP at level 8 or higher.
Hidden areas will properly be hidden when using /listpcs.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08f2

Fixed the encounter spawns in the Storm Horns Bandit Cave so that they will fire repeatedly now rather than only once.
Corrected some minor issues in the OOC room.

The halfling druid should now properly give the Songbird eggs quest to the player talking to him even while in party.

Fox tweaks:
Updated winter season scripts to try and resolve a rare client crashing issue when entering winterized areas. (Already patched live on the server since the 2nd Dec)
Winter is now enabled in Yulash, Mistledale, Shadowdale, and the surrounding regions.
Fixed an issue where resource overrides would be briefly unloaded from a player when flying.
Fixed /dispelme and the dispelling effect when entering weave dead areas being treated by NPCs as a real spell.
Fixed Sheaf of Scrolls destroying other player's inventory items on rare occasions.
Fixed Sheaf of Scrolls sometimes creating only 1 blank scroll.
Added missing spell metadata to Inspire Courage.
Minor script optimizations to the spell metadata system.

DM Tools: PC Appearance Changer now uses a private conversation.
DM Tools: Fixed /setdesc " " opening the description editor instead of removing descriptions.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."