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Sort of busy

Started by Fire Wraith, Oct 16, 2014, 10:44 PM

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Fire Wraith


Just a brief heads up. I'm switching schedules at work, to one that's more convenient... but the downside is that as a result of how it lines up, I'm working 8 days in a row (of 10 hours per day). This basically means I'm not going to have a lot of free time until next Thursday at least. What time off I do have will just be a couple of hours to decompress, so I probably won't be able to handle too much until then.

Just so you know I'm not blowing anyone off or anything.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Doing some heavy overtime myself, so know that feeling. Good luck man.
Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Chaotic Good Boy - Tavian Valmeri


My hours at work are letting out a little, but I will be studying for the GRE soon once I can get my planning done this weekend.  So, I know how that is.

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Good luck, Fire!  : )