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Map of Cormyr (& the Dalelands)

Started by thorien, May 28, 2015, 10:15 AM

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I assume I'm not the first player who came up with such idea. I know why there is no such map available on boards, nonetheless I started to create one for my own use. Perhaps one of you ever did it before and have something to share through PM, or at least a decent program/website for creating maps (Squares) on the PC? I'm currently drawing it, but probably it won't be as good as I'd want, so any help and suggestions will be appreciated.


Ohh, map thread! While this isn't exactly what I think you're looking to make (you want to do transition mapping for the server instance, right?), these maps are also useful just to know about.

As for advice... If it is a transition map, I am personally fine just with squares in positions relative to other squares. So one square for Arabel central, directly above with a connecting line is another square with Arabel North, all the way out into a big web of square connectors. Someone can look at one of the non-server specific maps to figure out the general area of what they are looking for, and then look at the square transition map to know how to get there on the server.

Detailed but limited scope Cormyr map from Candlekeep:

High Quality Faerun World Map from (I believe) the Campaign Setting:

And this map is probably completely irrelevant to all RP on this server (for the most part, anyway), but this is a map of the Vilhon Reach (the place Angelina is from, Sespech, just east of Chondath and the Chondalwood) prior to the destruction of the Jhaamdath Pantheon, when the land was ruled by the Cities of the Sword.

I love maps.


This is out of date, but it's still mostly accurate.  There are a number of areas on this map that aren't in the module, what I assume to be planned expansions that never took off.  The biggest thing missing is an accurate map of the King's Forest.

Edit: Since the boards shrink this image down and give you no way to zoom in, here is a link, for those who would like to actually read the captions.


Yes, that's the idea and I'm doing it the way you described.

Wow, thank you Yaldabaoth!


Yeah, that map was from ah.. CD1 I think?  It was never updated.

Personally I wish people would go out and explore more.  There's a LOT of neat places out there that you miss entirely if you just use the Serpent and Teleports.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


I've been wandering all over the place with MistakesWereMade. There's some really pretty stuff out in the Stormhorns. And a lot of nook and cranny type spots.



My intention is rather to go back to places I found because I remember at least few dozens, that I won't probably find again other way than accidentaly. I agree that exploration gives tons of fun and I bow my head to all the people who spent hundreds of hours to make the module so vast and full of secrets.


Hundreds of hours is about right.

For reference, each update I do is usually 6-10 hours of work.  Dungeons take more time.

/random tangent
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


Vincent07 Avatar
Hundreds of hours is about right.

For reference, each update I do is usually 6-10 hours of work.  Dungeons take more time.

/random tangent
*cracks the whip*

Back to work on those new dungeons, Vince. Or else you get the hose again.

Voice of Kerensky

sinisteromnibus Avatar
Vincent07 Avatar
Hundreds of hours is about right.

For reference, each update I do is usually 6-10 hours of work.  Dungeons take more time.

/random tangent
*cracks the whip*

Back to work on those new dungeons, Vince. Or else you get the hose again.
It puts the lotion on its skin...  O_o

Ogre Time Yay

Yesterday you said tomorrow! SO JUST DO IT!!!
DO IT!!!


Really, Hyde? You had to go there? (to Shia LeBeouf?)

Not that amazing right now, I say. :P

Switch your ID back to normal. Just do it. <.<

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


So after many hours and much exploring, I'm here to present an updated CD Overland Map. I believe I got just about everything, but it's entirely possible I still missed some stuff. I've yet to decide if to add the Underdark yet.

For a high quality link, click here.

I've also a version with 99% of the dungeons which I can upload, given the OK. It is simply based off of exploration and the dungeon list, only name and general level included.
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything


Thank you for that!

I know there is some missing stuff in Deepingdale (the Drow Treehouse for one). I'll have to compare it to the map I started on a few years ago of the Dales. Actually, I need to update it because I know a few transitions have changed.

Ogre Time Yay

I actually made a Cormyr map some time ago, never completely finished it though. Drew it from scratch and everything, I'll see if I can find the picture and continue on it.