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Druid Language scripted?

Started by twilightvixen, Nov 15, 2015, 02:57 PM

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Not too important but hear there isn't a scripted druid language on this server like I've seen on many. Just thought would suggest such added for druids to auto get as a default language to have.



Not the same. Sylvan is the language of fey and anyone within reason can learn it. Druidic is a secret language exclusive to druids alone.

I'm not sure if we can add languages, though. We did not make or script the widgets and languages we have.
Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


I would rather remove the "animal" language and code in Druidic, myself.


I would be good with that as well.
Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Yeah I've never cared much for the animal language unless using the pnp spells to talk to animals. My character can't even learn sylvan due to int restrictions :(, but druidic is the secret language that druids learn and keep secret by oath as edge said.


You can learn a language by spending 2 skill points on them.  You leave the skill points unspent (don't put them into any skill), then post a LETO (along with the IC way they are learning the language).


belladonna Avatar
Nov 16, 2015 16:35:38 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
You can learn a language by spending 2 skill points on them.  You leave the skill points unspent (don't put them into any skill), then post a LETO (along with the IC way they are learning the language).
Oh thank you! And sorry slow replies, not really the forum liking person usually heh.


Adding languages can be done, but some one has to take the time to sit down and write the conversion cipher for it.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


what's involved in a conversion cypher? It sounds like a fun little coding project for me.


Basically you'd need to sit down and write out what each letter in English equals in the scripted language.

What our languages do, rather than actually translate the text you type, is scramble it into an indecipherable string of text that looks like another language but is, technically, gobbledeygook. It does this by taking each letter of the original text string and exchanging it with another letter.

So for example:

You say "Hello" with a language widget on or using a language /command.

The script changes each of the letters into a pre-defined other letter based on the set determined beforehand - the conversion cipher.

H becomes... say... Y.
e becomes l
l becomes a
o becomes c

So you typing "Hello" would display a text string of "Ylaac", and anyone who had the associated language widget or was the appropriate race/class to have it auto-translated would see "Hello" in their combat log.

Some languages - particularly Elven, Sylvan, and Draconic - sometimes sub multiple letters for one English letter, but I've never taken the things apart to see what equals what, or experimented to decipher the entire alphabet.

This, in context, is why we get a little annoyed when people use online translators and copy-paste elven text (or other languages, but nine times out of ten it's always Tolkienan Elvish) into the game; this prevents people whose characters should be able to understand what's said from being able to decipher it, because it's not using the in-game script to speak the language and thus doesn't get translated in the combat log.
Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

Garage Trashcan

Edge Avatar
Basically you'd need to sit down and write out what each letter in English equals in the scripted language.

What our languages do, rather than actually translate the text you type, is scramble it into an indecipherable string of text that looks like another language but is, technically, gobbledeygook. It does this by taking each letter of the original text string and exchanging it with another letter.

So for example:

You say "Hello" with a language widget on or using a language /command.

The script changes each of the letters into a pre-defined other letter based on the set determined beforehand - the conversion cipher.

H becomes... say... Y.
e becomes l
l becomes a
o becomes c

So you typing "Hello" would display a text string of "Ylaac", and anyone who had the associated language widget or was the appropriate race/class to have it auto-translated would see "Hello" in their combat log.

Some languages - particularly Elven, Sylvan, and Draconic - sometimes sub multiple letters for one English letter, but I've never taken the things apart to see what equals what, or experimented to decipher the entire alphabet.

This, in context, is why we get a little annoyed when people use online translators and copy-paste elven text (or other languages, but nine times out of ten it's always Tolkienan Elvish) into the game; this prevents people whose characters should be able to understand what's said from being able to decipher it, because it's not using the in-game script to speak the language and thus doesn't get translated in the combat log.
What's actually kind of funny is that our Draconic and Halfling languages use roughly the same cipher. Draconic has a few multiple-letter substitutions whereas halfling leaves them singular.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich



I can dig one or two of them out of the scripts for reference.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

Also, you can do a "one to many", too, so it doesn't need to just be single characters.

Meaning, you could specify that the letter "n" gets replaced by "ch".

We did custom-make a few of them, and I made them variants on the original cipher (Sylvan as a derivation of Elven, for instance).

But it's just that - a list of "this letter gets replaced with this/these".

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."