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CD key issue?

Started by Kymus, Mar 13, 2017, 04:11 PM

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I convinced my buddy to play NWN so he bought it through GOG, installed, and I had a derp moment and forgot to tell him to contact GOG for a new key. He made a character, logged in, and got booted saying he was banned. I read the post about when the server says you're banned (but you're not really) and he can select his PC, so as per the sticky, he's not actually banned. I assume it's a key issue. (I should add perhaps that he's never played on CD or even NWN until now)

That said, I know that after you have a new key, you need to make a new account (or at least I had to once I got a legit key, but it was a slightly different situation). After he updates the ini with the new keys, does he need to make a different account?


No.  Please reread the thread.  :) He needs to PM the admin team to reset the CD key.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks Bella! Sorry I didn't read it more carefully.