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Transparency - Player Bans

Started by Vincent07, Dec 27, 2013, 11:15 PM

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Fire Wraith

The player "bruiser" aka Moretto has been banned from the Discord and the Server, after a prolonged history and earned reputation of being abrasive and disruptive culminated in a situation on the Discord where they became argumentative with staff members when told they needed to comply with the Discord rules on appropriate subject matter, and then proceeded to continue to escalate the situation, moving to a different channel, and continuing passive-aggressive complaints about being told to stop, as well as harassing several players over the matter in direct messages. When finally kicked off the Discord after repeated warnings, they proceeded to log in game and begin arguing with the staff, in continued "Sealioning" fashion, doubling down each time they were asked, then told, again, to let the matter drop, at which point the senior staff essentially had enough of the continued disruptive behavior.

To summarize, none of us wants to punish, let alone ban, anyone, least of all for simply disagreeing with us. But ultimately, rules enforcement is something there are only so many appeals, especially in clear cut cases. And while we tend to give an immense amount of slack, second and further chances, and want nothing more than that to just not have to worry about it. Ultimately though, if someone is just consistently obnoxious, argumentative, and disruptive to the point that none of us want them around, then they'll eventually wear out their welcome.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

The player "SurveyofDarkness" and a few other aliases has been banned from the server for continued issues related to IC and OOC harassment/metagaming of multiple other players. While we try to avoid having to remove people where disagreements and personality clashes come into play, in this particular instance we felt we had no choice when the behavior continued after the player was warned about it, and instead spread to other players leading to continued complaints. Unfortunately when something escalates to this level, we're left with little choice but to remove the disruptive player before other players feel they don't have any recourse other than to quit playing.

This isn't a decision we make easily, and it comes with a lot of deliberation, which is oftentimes why it seems like we're slow to act - but please be assured we're going to prioritize keeping this a place where people feel they can safely play and tell their stories.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


We have removed SkeletonProblems/ProblemSkeleton/Tala/Etc from the community for holding extremist views that are excessively hostile to a good part of the C&D playerbase. While we welcome many into this community of all different views, we want it to be clear where the line is drawn in the sand: You do not have to like everyone, but you must accept that we are all fellow players and people.

We have found multiple evidence that points towards SkeletonProblems and their extremist views as being something that is enormously harmful to the community if allowed to fester. It is not often we try to intervene nor actively take on such a role of policing topics that touch on politics, but in this case we believe it was necessary due to the content that is both publicly accessibly and proudly on display for the community on Discord. Again, this is an unusual case and it will not be repeated frequently, but we will not tolerate extreme bigotry and treating fellow players as non-human/subhuman, especially if it bleeds directly into the community as a part of player behavior.

To this end, SkeletonProblems is no longer welcome in our community, for we believe and feel that what was observed is not only ill-suited for the server, but also topics that are severely uncomfortable to have in this community.

As always, you can reach out to an admin for clarifications or questions.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


Piper, also known as "MinxXy" or "Moxxie" has been banned from the server for multiple reasons.

The biggest two of these are ban evasion on Discord (having also been Kabran,) and identity theft of a real person, to the point where we have had to consider the legal ramifications of their stealing pictures and other personal identifying information, including posting their stolen pictures on the Discord.

While this would usually be let go with a warning, they have shown in their history on the server for 4+ years to continually duck out as soon as they've done something wrong enough to warrant a talking-to, only to come back as a new identity. This is not a problem for typical players. We don't really care what name you choose to use, nor what you do. The problem comes when that leniency is used to bypass any sort of consequences, only to repeat the exact same behavior upon changing their name and coming back. This newest iteration is their fourth different account on the server, and we haven't seen their behavior change at all since the first.

Due to their repeated use of changing identities in order to escape bans or other reactions to their mistakes, we are banning all CD keys and accounts that are registered to their same IP address, and will continue to do so if they pop up yet again.


Fire Wraith

Just to update this, the player "Illy" is fully banned from the server, not just Discord. We never had to address it previously as they'd long since stopped playing prior to the issues with them in Discord, but due to their long history of disruptive and problematic behavior, both IC and OOC, they are not welcome on this server.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Kai Osprey has been banned from the server for breaking rule 2, what used to be our mature content rules.

The player had been warned more than once in the past about mentioning SA or other highly sensitive topics in public without giving others a chance to avoid it or not be involved. Today's repeat performance and ignoring of that warning has crossed over the line as far as breaking this core rule for the server. We do not allow characters to threaten one another with SA, and no, we don't care about what your character sheet says under alignment. Due to the repetitious nature of breaking our rules and the past history of skirting them, we have decided to remove the problem.

If you have any questions about this choice or wish to argue against it, please do feel free to DM any of the admins on the forums or over Discord.


Fire Wraith

Note that we banned the EmberEffigy as the latest alias of Moxxie/Kabran/Jawesome. See Nok's post above for full details of the original reason for this ban (which they were attempting to avoid/circumvent).
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


EmberEffigy has been banned twice since the last announcement for ban dodging, or attempting to.

Ara Nerug (Alquist) has also been banned for breaking the mature content rules. Specifically, talking about sensitive topics in public areas following repeated warnings and talkings-to about inappropriate public content.



Whisper1 - Delista Bendon, Elrith Imytholyn, Kriestiel Farideh, among others, is banned from the server.

The reasoning includes disrespect for the setting, causing incredible disruptions, refusing to heed or understand the warning given by archiving/deleting their other character, and ignoring NPCs/importance of setting.