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Reminder: The Real Persistent World

Started by metrognome, May 23, 2014, 06:45 PM

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Hey guys. First let me say I'm a recently returned player and the welcome I've received has been overwhelmingly positive. It's been a pleasure and I thank you. I did have an experience last night that was a bit of a downer though and I thought that a brief reminder might prevent the same thing from happening to someone else.

Last night I was attacked ICly and told that my PC had no "quality of character" because he hadn't been around. Now while I would love to live in a world where I can devote all of my time to my hobbies there is a whole other persistent world that should remain our priority.

It might interest some people to know that during my time away from Cormyr I have:

Found out the girl of my dreams has a debilitating and incurable disease
Married her
Found out I was going to be a dad
Found out I wasn't
Changed careers
Moved across country

As you can see it's been a fairly busy time for me and I'm not willing to give up my real life for any game. No my play time isn't what I would like it to be but when you want to bully someone IC or OOC over real world responsibilities please remember they are contributing to more than one persistent world.

The Red Mage

I have no idea who you are, but that is pretty horrendous regardless.


It seems like you have a pretty intense life! Hopefully, it will settle down for you.  Positive energies your way. :-)

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Fire Wraith

I would certainly hope that nothing OOC is taken IC, or vice versa, in general.  I certainly don't begrudge anyone focusing on their real life stuff - this is a game, we play it for fun, and RL should come first.

That said... within the context of IC being IC, I also think it would be unusual to expect all characters to treat a character returning several years later out of the blue, with the same stature that long-running established characters have.

Regardless though, IC stuff should be IC, and shouldn't be the cause for getting massively upset OOCly or arguing.  Remember, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Not Batman

I will say that I have seen this happen more times than I like. I myself had my character questioned and blamed because they could not take part in an event...An event I myself was running. So, everyone, let's keep in mind limitations the real world faces.

Above all, welcome back.


Thanks for the responses. And trust me I did not mean to make this sound like any sort of rant. Nor did I want to demand any sort of respect or stature. I just don't want to see anyone else feeling attacked and finding it hard to justify themselves ICly for real life or other responsibilities. It stinks to think of people being alienated.

Garage Trashcan

You don't need to "justify" yourself ICly. If a character has been gone from Arabel for a long time, they've had other things do do. Maybe they hitched up with a merc co. or were attending to family matters. Maybe they were in a drow prison? Who know! If someone called you out OOCly, this would be an entirely different story.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich


Was the "quality of character" remark IC? I mean, if it was, it seems a little...silly, to me, you know? Think of it from a real-life perspective. Do you tell someone you've only just met that they have "no quality of character" because you don't know them? No! You'd assume that they must have a multifaceted personality that you're only seeing a part of, because who shows everything to anyone on the first meeting? Further, if you see someone you haven't seen in a long time, do you tell them they have "no quality of character," because you don't know what they've been up to over the years, and you just assume it must have been bad, or worse, meaningless? I don't find that likely, either. If they're friends, you embrace them warmly, ask them how they've been, where they've been, and what brings them back? If they're old foes, well, certainly, there will be animosity. So if it was spoken IC, it smacks of OOC, to me.

That said, Metrognome, you are awesome for enduring the things you have and still persisting. Even with all the nice people here, some people are always going to be jerks, no matter what you do. Don't let it get you down. Keep your head up! And from a relatively new player...welcome back!


ClockworkMayhem Avatar
Was the "quality of character" remark IC? I mean, if it was, it seems a little...silly, to me, you know? Think of it from a real-life perspective. Do you tell someone you've only just met that they have "no quality of character" because you don't know them? No! You'd assume that they must have a multifaceted personality that you're only seeing a part of, because who shows everything to anyone on the first meeting? Further, if you see someone you haven't seen in a long time, do you tell them they have "no quality of character," because you don't know what they've been up to over the years, and you just assume it must have been bad, or worse, meaningless? I don't find that likely, either. If they're friends, you embrace them warmly, ask them how they've been, where they've been, and what brings them back? If they're old foes, well, certainly, there will be animosity. So if it was spoken IC, it smacks of OOC, to me.

That said, Metrognome, you are awesome for enduring the things you have and still persisting. Even with all the nice people here, some people are always going to be jerks, no matter what you do. Don't let it get you down. Keep your head up! And from a relatively new player...welcome back!
1) Everything that was said from my part was from my PC, entirely IC.
There was no physical attack.

2) I didn't tell metrognome anything OOC.
Or anyone else for that matter.

3) Two-Steps was a jerk to Piyale before he departed years ago and she rarely assumes people change for the better.
He'd threatened her life, and they had a few distasteful confrontations.

4) Elf has been jumping down her throat a fair amount lately, so she's not shy about arguing with him either, when he gets involved.

5) She was asking a third party why they'd "vote" for someone who's been gone for years as opposed to voting for someone who's been around more. She pressed for an answer that might convince her and this started the "nobles are all assholes" line, along with a remark that she should be slapped around.

6) She offered a free slap, which was declined. Arena combat was suggested, which she declined. Taunts went both ways.

7) At this point she's being called a bitch, so she refered to a person or three as bastards (but then again see points 3 and 4)

8) She said something about another third party I've taken back, since I wasn't aware what she brought up had been retconned.

9) Player of other third party relogged as a DM to break up the argument and give me a stern warning about retconning above.

10) I'm told people have complained OOC about the whole bit prior to 8/9.

In other words, it was all IC, and it was all justified, on two IC levels: Piyale does not like Two-Steps, and people wouldn't give any answers she found convincing as to why anybody would "vote" for him as opposed to somebody else. 

Let's all take a deep breath. This whole topic is "taking it OOC". What happened in-game was completely IC, based in part on events long past, and in part on the events of that very evening.

Metrognome, if you just want to play and take it easy, we can forget the fact our PCs had some bad run-ins in the past, which led to this last one, and start fresh. I understand it's possible you didn't recall what happened back then, which probably would put a negative filter over it all.


Ah. I didn't know who Metrognome played in game, and didn't know this was that situation, as I only witnessed a part of it, and while I heard much about a halfling, I never heard which one. That said - I stand by what I said - including the part where I pointed out that if they were old foes (or, I suppose, just did not like each other), then there's going to be animosity. If you say it was entirely IC, I'd certainly not argue with you - but the way the situation was initially described sounded a little...funny. I wasn't trying to imply that anyone was a bad person, but even some of the best roleplayers here don't always seem the easiest to get along with oocly - a reason I'm very hesitant to engage in tells with more than a very few players. That limitation makes it a lot easier for me to keep IC and OOC separate.

That said, it is just a game, and it's better for everyone if we all just chill about it. Really, the most important thing here is that we have fun.


Well. First off. Let me say I wasn't trying to point out any names or throw anyone under the bus. I was just offering a reminder to the player base as a whole so that no one else was put in the same uncomfortable position. Since we're pointing out specifics let me be clear.

1. IC is IC and that's fine. No I don't remember Piyale from before but Billy's crude jokes and low-brow leanings can sour those who don't understand him and I accept that in RP. I understand that not all of my characters will be beloved by all. I've never gotten upset about the various IC reactions to Billy. Even this one. The problem arose when he was repeatedly called out as a bad person for not having been around.

2. Billy never said anything negative about nobles. He only pointed out that he ISN'T running. He has always been my go-to character for lighthearted, drama-free RP.

3. Billy never EVER offered any sort of physical violence. The extent of the conversation was (in loose paraphrasing):

"*arrives* Oh. We're talking about elections? Someone mentioned I should run but I'm not interested."
"No one would vote for you. You're a bad person for having been gone."
"Uh ok. *shrugs* That's kinda strange."
"What good have you done lately?"
"Whatever. I'm leaving. *leaves*"

Anything else you got into with other people is up to you and them.

4. I don't need you to change your IC reaction towards me. I'm a big boy and a long time RPer that can role with whatever happens. I wanted to help people remember that not everyone can devote all the hours they'd like so that hopefully no one has this sort of awkward situation that can detract from their immersion.

Edit: And as far as taking a deep breath I should be clear. I'm not angry or upset. I wasn't making this thread to call anyone out on their behavior. I am perfectly calm and just trying to help the next guy.


Well, he was called a bad person (paraphrasing) who hasn't been around. Not a bad person because he hasn't been around.

Points 2 and 3, indeed, that was somebody else, standing by/with Billy.

Point 4: Cool, just thought I'd offer given your first post.