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Character Theme Song, version 3.0

Started by , Dec 14, 2013, 01:35 PM

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Rashan Croy: Rise Against - Rumors of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

So please don't ask me how
I ended up at my wits end
And breaking down
Pages torn from books we never read,
Cause we're plugged into this grid.
Don't pull this plug right now,
Or then we'd really have to live.

When I die, will they remember not
What I did, but what I haven't done?
It's not the end that I fear with each breath
It's life that scares me to death.

When we built these dreams on sand
How they all slipped through our hands
This might be our only chance
Let's take this one day at a time
I'll hold your hand if you hold mine
The time that we kill keeps us alive.

Your words won't save me now.
I'm at the edge feeling the sweat drip from my brow.
"Get a grip on yourself" is what they say,
Every hour, every day.
Hands over my ears,
I've been screaming all these years!

When I die, will they remember not
What I did, but what I haven't done?
It's not the end that I fear with each breath
It's life that scares me to death.

When we built these dreams on sand
How they all slipped through our hands
This might be our only chance
Let's take this one day at a time
I'll hold your hand if you hold mine
The time that we kill keeps us alive.

We came in search of answers!
We left empty handed again!
Shots fired into the sky...
Are now returning!
Where the fuck will you hide?

Hiding from the laughter in the closets of our lives,
But the door hinges are squeaking letting in thin shards of light.
And now a hand's extending outward,
Quiet comfort they invite,
Do we dare take what they offer?
Do we step into the light?

When I die, will they remember not
What I did, but what I haven't done?
It's not the end that I fear with each breath
It's life that scares me to death.

When we built these dreams on sand
How they all slipped through our hands
This might be our only chance
Let's take this one day at a time
I'll hold your hand if you hold mine
The time that we kill keeps us alive.


Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Mouse and Voss - Thanks to Bella for the perfect suggestion!


New songs to better reflect changes in characters - and these have lyrics translations below.

Voss - especially how he views combat and the tasks before him now. Title: Shingeki no Kyojin (Crimson Bow and Arrows)

Lyrics (translated to English):

Are you the food?
No, we are the hunters!

Not knowing the name of the trampled flower
The fallen bird yearns for the wind to come

No matter how much you pray, nothing will change
What changes this moment is the determination to fight

Pigs that sneer at the resolve to climb over corpses and advance
Have peace as livestock, live in false prosperity, and be as free as starved wolves!

The humiliation of captivity is the beginning of the counterattack. Beyond the walls, the prey is slain by Hunters.
His body burned by an overflowing urge to kill, he will pierce the twilight with scarlet

With the crimson bow and arrow!

Draw the bow and chase it, don't let the enemy escape
Fire the arrow and corner it, never let the enemy escape
The bowstring pulled until it is about to snap
Endless volleys continued, until the target drops dead

It is not the weapon nor the skill
that kills the prey
but the definite will to kill itself

We are the hunters hot as flames!
We are the hunters cold as ice!
We are the hunters! Draw yourself into the arrow!
We are the hunters! Pierce all that comes before you!

Those that can accomplish their goal
Are those that can discard for their goal
To think that a dream can come true without taking a single risk...

Foolish indecisiveness, nothing more than an illusion, what even now maybe reckless bravery...
The pawn of liberty...the charge of the assault
Victory to the slave that runs!

The absurdity in life is the beginning of the onslaught
The stolen lands, the world itself as Eren desires,
As unstoppable rage penetrates him, to the dusk he brings violet skies

The bow and arrow of Hell!

Lily and Arduinna(eventually) - particularly a theme for the nature of these two characters to disregard rules/restrictions and live their own way.


My name is Panty, the crazy sexy blondie
And I'm not dumb
I'm breaking the news, now boys! Us girls
We're full-time horny too!

Hey, check out that hot one, damn he's got a big
One delicious
It's time to get dirty now, so will y'all excuse me
Read the air! I'm busy!

Garterbelt! Again you've dialed D-CITY 2-900
Pantsu line! Copy that! Clear the city!

Anarchy!  Everyone wants to be me!
Anarchy yeah!  Get it up so I can see!
Anarchy!  Let it flow wild and free!
Anarchy yeah!  Y'all ready for the gig?!

By the way, my name is Stocking, I spill venom
Steamy Eros
And I got sweet tooth for lollipops
Loli goth, I lick good!

These stripes will strip you down
I got no mercy for chiralism
My fans they all love me 'cuz I kick it real tasty
I get high being nasty!

Garterbelt! You keep slappin' my butt around
Pantsu line! Freaky girl comin' your way!

Anarchy!  Everyone wants to be me!
Anarchy yeah!  Standing ovation please!
Anarchy!  Shake that thing wild and free!
Anarchy yeah!  Steady ready for the gig?!

I know you know... these wings inside of you
I know you know... they do get naughty too
Before I go... there's something I wanna say
Your sleepy anarchy... Wake it up! Wake it up!

Anarchy!  Everyone wants to be me!
Anarchy yeah!  Get it up so I can see!
Anarchy!  Let it flow wild and free!
Anarchy yeah!  Y'all ready for the gig?!

Mouse: this is a good theme for the way Mouse comes off from Voss' perspective. I think it shows well how important her pride and self-respect have been in overcoming her trials.


Born into the world, each enjoying his own life, discovering the black box in his this bliss?
The important thing is to surpass your limit line. Shall we go? Take your step, and outdo yourself today!

But what should we do with our days? Trying to live flawlessly is a big no no.
Stop! Observe thoroughly the flow of the world! Ignore everything else, and here we go!

If I try to suppress my heart, which is burning hot about things that are unobtainable or constrained,
how am I different from those adults, whom I have come to despise and will never forgive
for their constant attempt to pin me down blindly without even understanding why?

No matter what I do, it'll probably forever remain a pipe dream that will never come true,
but the fire burning in my heart cannot be doused by anyone.
Even if the black rain falling from the sky drenches me completely and doesn't stop,
I will never allow the fire in my heart to be extinguished. That, is my "pride".

It started pouring, as predicted. A lot more buddies gathered around than I had expected.
While talking about one another's days and futures, we became impassioned and started a fist fight.

Thinking back about how we were also fist-fighting the same way
back when we were only 15, as a means to quell our anxiety and uneasiness,
you laughed and said, "You haven't changed a bit..." So I ended up bursting into laughter as well.

If we don't stubbornly stand our ground like this, even the flow of time will become a scary thing.
The only true opponent whom I should hit is really my prideful self.
But still, I don't want to lose right now. I have "pride" not to lose to myself.

Stop! Observe thoroughly the flow of the world! Ignore everything else, and here we go!
Stop! Observe thoroughly the flow of the world! Ignore everything else, and here we go!

No matter what I do, when I'm alone at night, I become even unable to understand myself.
When you're with me, and we try to understand each other, then I'll be able to become stronger.

I don't care how things turn out, and I don't care if I'll look uncool,
I will desperately try to change my future.
Even If I'm told that my destiny is immutable no matter what I do,
I myself can still change, and I will prove to you that I can change myself.

This is, that's right, "pride", each in its own place...

Don't perish yet, the fire in my heart.
I don't want to forget yet, the heat in my chest.
Don't perish yet, the fire in my heart.
I can still keep going, so here I go!


You all have these cool songs and all the badass tunes. You know what Bela gets for her song? This.




We haven't played these two together for a while, but this made me think instantly of Jaylithel and Rynae.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


I haven't been really able to think of any for my characters (except maybe Happy for Mirabell..almost a no brainer that  (rofl)) but this one struck me as perfect for Devran Hale.  Into the Ocean by Blue October.

I'm just a normal boy

That sank when I fell overboard

My ship would leave the country

But I'd rather swim ashore

Without a life vest I'd be stuck again

Wish I was much more masculine

Maybe then I could learn to swim

Like 'fourteen miles away'

Now floating up and down

I spin, colliding into sound

Like whales beneath me diving down

I'm sinking to the bottom of my

Everything that freaks me out

The lighthouse beam has just run out

I'm cold as cold as cold can be


I want to swim away but don't know how

Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean

Let the waves up take me down

Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah

Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down

Let the rain come down

Where is the coastguard

I keep looking each direction

For a spotlight, give me something

I need something for protection

Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine

the jetsam sunk, I'm left behind

I'm treading for my life believe me

(How can I keep up this breathing)

Not knowing how to think

I scream aloud, begin to sink

My legs and arms are broken down

With envy for the solid ground

I'm reaching for the life within me

How can one man stop his ending

I thought of just your face

Relaxed, and floated into space

I want to swim away but don't know how

Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean

Let the waves up take me down

Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah

Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down

Let the rain come down

Let the rain come down

Now waking to the sun

I calculate what I had done

Like jumping from the bow (yeah)

Just to prove that I knew how (yeah)

It's midnight's late reminder of

The loss of her, the one I love

My will to quickly end it all

Set front row in my need to fall

Into the ocean, end it all

Into the ocean, end it all

Into the ocean, end it all

into the ocean...end it all


Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

I want to swim away but don't know how

Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean

Let the waves up take me down

Let the hurricane set in motion (yeah)

Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down

Let the rain come down

Let the rain come down

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

(In to space)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

(I thought of just your face)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)


Still getting to know her, but for starters for Ice

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Rhea (when she's having a bad day, which has been a lot lately):

I had more, but I lost (forgot) them!


I'm back again with another huge dump of Character Theme Songs for the characters mine have interacted with / that I have seen in events! These are purely my opinion from my perspective of the characters and by no means actual representations. Feel free to let me know how close I am, though. :)

Voss: Another good theme for solo-Voss. Pretty much describes his attitude in all things. :)

Voss flirting with Vy: This is one of my fave songs by a relatively unknown band, and I think it suits Voss' relationship with Vy perfectly.

Vyilliea: This one, I think, captures that sinister sexiness that Vy has going for her when Voss isn't groping up on her chest...or even when he is. :D

Vyilliea: And this is a great all-round theme for Vy. She is one dark, sexy, badass. (not typically a fan of this band or this breed of music, but this song seems to suit Vy)

Vy: Love this band and always have, and this song just really suits Vy's arrogance and confidence...I can also see her fighting to this theme and hacking the crap out of stuff. It also serves as a theme for a side that few see of Vy and I've only seen a glimpse of.

Sylwyn: This is a good overall theme for Sylwyn's less sensual/sexual attributes. Really captures who and what she is at her heart.

Sylwyn: And here is the more sinister side of Sylwyn. Damn, she can be so sexy when she wants to be! Also kinda describes the way she sees humans.

Mouse: This song is just beautiful - and the nightcore remix makes it perfect for Mouse. I can see her singing this to Voss when they're alone or humming it under her breath as an anthem when her resolve is shaken. It also accurately describes her relationship with Voss. The beat is also great! Can really see her dancing/moving to this.

Mouse: Few likely realize how optimistic Mouse can be. It's a side of her character that appears in subtle ways and likely isn't immediately apparent except to a few close to her. I think the beat of this song captures that timid optimism, and the lyrics are very suitable.

Lily: This is a great theme for Lily's "Howler" duties where she keeps a semblance of peace among those around her. The erratic and shifting beat accurately captures Lily's mercurial, chaotic nature, and the simple lyrics sound like something she would sing to urge those around her to let their troubles go and find escape in pleasure for just a little while. Also, this song would be -great- for her to dance to, and I can definitely see it as a theme for her public performances.

Lily vs. Her Past: First of all, I love this artist. She's amazing. Secondly, I feel this really captures a part of Lily that few ever get to see. Arduinna and Galen may be the only ones who've delved deep enough into her / shown enough interest to dig it out. The sound is beautiful, and this is a theme I could actually see Lily singing right before she finally faces the fear that lies in her past. It also accurately captures her feelings about finding a true, chosen mate.

Galen to Lily: Yeah, this song was just too awesome and cute and perfectly captures Galen's reaction to Lily quite a bit of the time. Cute and fun and just a little sensual, this theme is great for those times when Lily pulls him out of his shell.

Galen: I think for the time being this is a good theme for Galen. I haven't listened much to this band, but their sound suits Galen's character as I've interpreted it, and the lyrics seem very much in-line with how he'd feel and what he'd say.

Arduinna: This song was actually something I found when Clockwork first brought up the idea of Arduinna. It is the theme that -always- plays through my mind whenever I interact with the character. The regal, calm meter and beat really suit Arduinna's personality and confidence. The lyrics themselves suit the character so well that you can almost hear her singing them. Just an all-round perfect and beautiful song for the character.

Arduinna: This is a theme I think that suits Arduinna in her more reflective/meditative states. I can see her running in wolf form across fields and through forests while this music plays or alternately sitting on a cliff overlooking the land and envisioning the will of her god as she regards the prey. I also think this is a good theme for those rare times when Lily and Arduinna play with one another and laugh together like true sisters - something that still doesn't come too easily to them due to the separation in social status. As for the video: well, Lily is the shadow and Arduinna the dancer...or is it the other way around? You decide. :P

Xavier: This is a light-hearted theme I found that I feel suits the way Xavier views the adventurers around him to some extent. It really captures how he sees the rest of them as just nuts for risking their lives but also reveals how he realizes he himself can't be as careful and carefree as he'd like. This band and song are hilarious and suit Xavier with their snark and satire.

Xavier: On a more serious note, I think this is the theme for Xavier's life, especially where he's at right now. I love this band, but even I was surprised how well this suits Xavier. I especially like how his relationship with his parents and family have really had a big impact on him as a character - even more than he would've imagined himself'; and this song captures that recognition he surely has when looking back on his life.(p.s. I'm sorry I killed your brother. T_T)

Xavier and His Brother: This...this song was really hard for me to listen to - almost as hard as the events that involved Xavier losing his brother. Another from a fave band of mine, and one of their less popular songs since it's not what they usually do. This song was something of a tribute to someone they lost, and I feel it suits Xavier's relationship with his brother and his feelings and struggles after losing him. I post this hesitantly, because of all the songs I've posted this is the one I hope the most truly captures the characters' feelings since they're so powerful and have such a huge impact on the characters. The reference to books also seems suitable from what I've seen of the character.

Rhea to Kel: This song is just really sweet and awesome. I haven't gotten to see Kel + Rhea's romance much since they keep a lot of it behind closed doors, but I got the feeling listening to this song that this is something what it's like at least from Rhea's perspective. The character lives in a nightmarish world where she's expected and forced to be some sort of unrealistic beacon of right and light, and amid those expectations and the pain of not always being able to live up to them - and the frustration of being constantly expected to be everyone's perfect little angel - Kel is the dream she doesn't want to wake up from. When she's in his arms her heart finds a kind of rest that true dreams or even reverie cannot bring it. /sappyromanticthoughts

Kelendel: Okay, this is kinda more of a joke than a real theme, but it -does- kind of suit Kel considering his past and his troubles with love. I hope falcona gets a laugh at this. I'm still looking for a more serious theme for Kel, but he's really hard to get a pin on without just posting every Daft Punk song ever made.

James St. Bell: I have been looking forever for a theme that suits this character as I know him, and I think I may have finally found it in an unlikely place. At first this song doesn't suit James at all, but I've recently learned more about the character and listening closely this -really- seems to suit him from my perspective. Let me know what you guys who have known his character more or longer think.

Phew! That's about it for now, guys. Expect another bunch of songs in the near future. If you want me to try to find music for your character shoot me a message or send me a tell in game. I have a wide variety of musical preferences, and I enjoy listening to new things - particularly when I search for ones with a particular theme or to match a character.


So, going to post Rhea's relationship themes (yeah, run now):

Rhea and Aramil:

Rhea and Arandir:

Rhea and Bass:

Rhea and Kelendel:


I thought Ludo was...stupidly popular for like 6 months here in California because of that song. (Totally off topic. I'll post a good song for Caoilainne if she gets approved, I have several in mind.)



sinisteromnibus Avatar
Rhea to Kel: This song is just really sweet and awesome. I haven't gotten to see Kel + Rhea's romance much since they keep a lot of it behind closed doors, but I got the feeling listening to this song that this is something what it's like at least from Rhea's perspective. The character lives in a nightmarish world where she's expected and forced to be some sort of unrealistic beacon of right and light, and amid those expectations and the pain of not always being able to live up to them - and the frustration of being constantly expected to be everyone's perfect little angel - Kel is the dream she doesn't want to wake up from. When she's in his arms her heart finds a kind of rest that true dreams or even reverie cannot bring it. /sappyromanticthoughts

Yep, you got it pretty much perfect.  :)