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Did you know Kirin has a Youtube Channel about videogames?

Started by Nymera, Dec 29, 2015, 10:05 PM

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You do now!

I usually update once a week.   My latest was about Undertale:

Theorem of Neutrality

This was an awesome video, Kirin.

I think you hit the nail on the head.


Theorem of Neutrality Avatar
This was an awesome video, Kirin.

I think you hit the nail on the head.
Thank you!

My latest is about my top games of 2015:

Garage Trashcan

Nymera Avatar
My latest is about my top games of 2015:

You didn't mention Fell Cleave once!

HW's story kept me far more interested than ARR's story (I skipped basically every ARR cutscene, partially because I couldn't stand Minfilia's voice) and really blew me away, despite how annoying Ysayle got with her preachyness.
However keeping up with the subreddit and a my friends that are still playing, 3.1 hasn't offered much worth coming back for. I stopped in August when I hit i190 Warrior.

Though I'm glad I got DA:I GOTY and The Witcher 3 for Christmas. I'm looking forward to diving into DA next week...

Once I'm done grinding out Iron Banner in Destiny. Because yes, I'm one of those people.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich