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Starlight Grove (naturely folk)

Started by Darvins, Jan 31, 2016, 09:43 AM

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I saw this help when HRL did it for the Eilis of at least catching the eyes of everyone who may not have been oocly aware so...

If anyone needs/wants access to either the Grove itself ingame or the sub-board it might be handy if they posted here, also if everyone who is a naturely person gave a brief background on their chars it would be great, so we can all maybe spot each other, and get the roleplay going some.

So me!

Iyanna Druid/Divine Disciple. Wild Elf, a little bit of a eccentric mischief maker, Iyanna used to be an Archdruid in the Grove but stood down to become a Hierophant (in game not PRC) when she felt that others where better suited to the role of Archdruid than herself, preferring an advisors role to one of 'leadership' Also to focus on her remains of her Tribe, which she moved to the hullack. Is custodian of the 'Leaflords Shade' above The Giants.


My ranger Annalynne would like access. She's a Bard/Ranger of Shaundakul, the daughter of a former ranger of the Hullack. She has interacted with Elf and a couple other rangers about the Grove, and still needs to be shown the way and given admittance.