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Establishing a business.

Started by Masque, Jan 26, 2014, 05:54 AM

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Hi all, 

Really hoping someone can help me out with this. I am looking to start a business with my new PC (Raikel) and would like to just establish how one goes about this.

The idea is to set up a courier service that would initially go between Arabel, Suzail and Highmoon and establish an office in all three of those cities. The offices account for a 2 x 1 space so I can fit all three into 3 x 2 block area and with the anchoring and anti-scrying wards easily afford the shops with my PCs current wealth.

However this is a business venture so will more things come into play? Will Raikel need to front other costs such as taxes? Will he need permission to establish a business that spans three cities? I am assuming the answer for the last two questions is a firm yes. However how does one get a starting point? I am not looking for any DM-time if this can be done via forum conversation and me submitting the areas then that is pretty good going. 

Just looking for a starting point. Help would be appreciated!