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was the orphanage attack the EV

Started by germanblangs, Jan 16, 2014, 05:09 PM

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Myself and several others have been rping that the EV were implicated in the attack.  I was led to believe that elves were involved and slaughtered by PC's because of this attack.  But none of us have been able to confirm from anyone involved what the fuck is going on.  We've been running with this for well over a month now and we can't get any straight answers.

Who was involved with the rp around the attack on the orphanage?  What the fuck happened?  Was it really the eldreth veluuthra or not?  If it's not, then we can put this to rest.  If it was, then we'd like to be able to move forward.  There are several people trying to do something with this and it's frustrating to us to have this rp built up but we can't get anything confirmed.

What the hell is going on?  Can someone or several someone's that were involved speak to the incident or point us towards those that actually know what the hell is going on?  We have elves trying to rp meeting the EV, elves wanting to join then or hide them, and other races that would rather just kill them all.  We even have elves that refuse to go to Velethuil because the EV are supposedly out there.  Will someone please help us out with some answers.


There were two incidents that are not connected regarding the EV from what I can understand.

Yes, the EV were behind the attack on the orphanage.  I don't know more than that.

The EV may or may not be behind some appearance in the Hullack.  That's the part that's unclear.

Thought Morwen had cleared the orphanage attack and details on it in game.

The orphanage attack was originally a total failure on the part of 2 Dm's.  However, that situation, was Bella said was cleared in game.  As far as I know, the EV were implicated and they were then dealt with by many PC's.  It might be beneficial to go back to the original forums and find that Rp thread and repost it here for clarification.

Valimar Dragonbane

Yes, the Orphanage was attacked by EV, as others have stated, it was handled in game via a quest.

The Hullack stuff might have been a one off by a dm, might have been flat out rumor, etc.  No one really seems to know what's what there.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


So then all the EV that attacked the orphanage were killed?  If there are others in the Hullack, that is completely seperate?  Is it known to the general populace which of the adventurers killed the elves?

If there are no EV in the Hullack, then we can just forget it all and go on like there was never a threat, only rumors and hearsay.

Who was involved in the Hullack incident DMwise?

I know Aelie was with that group, Belorien.  As I said, to someone in game, RJ is the one who handled the orphanage cleanup, maybe someone else too.  

The Hullack to me is entirely new.  I've no idea of any of that, sorry I can't assist.


germanblangs Avatar
So then all the EV that attacked the orphanage were killed?  If there are others in the Hullack, that is completely seperate?  Is it known to the general populace which of the adventurers killed the elves?
There was a fairly sizeable group of adventurers who responded to the orphanage killings, subsequently tracking down the group to their lair and taking them out. There was also a map recovered, which I may have misinterpreted was evidence of possible further groups operating in the area. IIRC, Ilcil ended up keeping it in order to either investigate further or bring to attention of others with authority.

I don't know anything about the Hullack, but I did participate in the orphanage event with Nadia. Although, I'd be hard pressed to remember the entire roster of participating adventurers.


I'd rather NOT forget it and move on, regardless of DM activity.  Too much has already been RPed about it.

That said, it's perfectly feasible that if no DM picks up the quest request, that we can say the characters investigated and found nothing.  *shrug*

As for the questions on the orphanage, Morwen told Rhea she had investigated it and the matter was settled.


My suspicion on the Hullack thing is at this point the 'Telephone' game occured there, and that unless something changes that should be the result of investigations, that if they where there they left, and if they where not it was as said a result of the message going through so many different people.


I'll be picking up the Hullack Forest thread of this next week after the Sunite party Sunday.  I've looked into this - the event was not documented in DM forums that I can find and no one has said that they ran something like this.  All I've got is "Some blonde elves were overheard talking about cleaning up the forest."  I'll try to make something out of that, seeing that there seems to be such interest in it, so as to bring it to closure.  

As has been noted above, the orphanage incident was closed and finalized some time ago.  I'm not looking to re-open it.


There was a whole brouhaha involving one player causing a major uproar and upset at the orphanage ages back. To solve the situation, I ran a quest to settle the matter, in which the EV were caught, destroyed and extra guards were then hired by Tindra to work at the orphanage.

The current matter was something told to Priya by one of her students about a small group seen in the HULLACK (nothing to do with the orphanage). I forwarded all details to Daphne. This is likely a case of a group that moved on. But whatever the situation, after the fury of so many being upset about what happened at the orphanage, there should be no further attacks there.

What happened in game was that Priya passed along a message to Iyanna to simply keep an eye out for it. That's it. Somehow that became twisted and all this other came out of it. There was nothing involved that I know of, other than a one-time sighting months ago.

So. No orphanage attack. And the EV likely moved on since so much time went past before this all started. Daphne can run what she likes (and it will be awesome - we know that) but with the extra protection at the orphanage, the EV won't strike there again.

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


I can explain where the Orphanage stuff came in I think. Sadly from Iy I believe she wasn't saying this was the same group but at the time she was speaking to Jhaelra I believe the char was suffering from amnesia and Iyanna was trying to explain why in her eyes the Eldreth are not Quessir, and shouldn't be treated as such. So she brought up events the Eldreth did such as attack the Orphanage and what a second group did to her Tribe. All where meant to be examples of why Iyanna hates the Eldreth so much. (with the second her tribe being the more prominant because it hit her personally, she wasn't around for the Orphanage)

That I think is likely the point of Telephone it likely seemed she was saying it was the same group that was not my intention and if I gave that impression really sorry. bWell sorry now that it led to such ooc confusion.


That's all understood by myself, Daphne and RJ.  The most recent event that brought all this on was a mysterious and possibly entirely erroneous sighting of blonde elves speaking in sinister tones of cleaning up the forest. Germanblangs and myself have been making some RP hay out of it and Daphne has kindly agreed to throw us a bone here and there.

I Cly Morwen thinks Iyanna was being hysterical, but like any good cop she's conducting her own investigation aided by germanblangs' character.


Hehe she may well have been. In Iy's defence her Tribe is now 13 people including her, thanks to the Eldreth and she moved the survivors into the Hullack. Any chance they are around scares the crap out of Iyanna. She doesn't want to lose the last remains of her Tribe.


Telephone game then.  Jhalara has a completely different reason for finding the EV than everyone else.  Thank you all for helping clear this up.  I should have just made this ooc post over a month ago, and probably in a lighter tone.

And thank you Daph for offering up your services.