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The Amazing Hyde - Recorded Let's Play Videos

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Aug 18, 2014, 08:38 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

For awhile I have been doing Live Streams of video game Let's Plays, for the last several weeks I have been trying my hand at posting up Youtube Let's Play videos. I have an entire play through of Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within recorded that I also plan to put up on youtube, but for now I went ahead and started on a new Let's Play for "The Last Express". Be sure to check it out, my Youtube Account is still new and I'm hoping to work my way up. As well as obtain a better mic so the sound isn't so wonky.

I hope you folks enjoy, if you do feel free to Like and Subscribe to my channel for any future videos I might have in store.

Ogre Time Yay

The Last Express
The Next Few Chapters!

Sorry about the audio, it was wonky for the majority of the video, but it can still be understood what's going on.
I'll have it fully fixed by next video.

Ogre Time Yay

FTL - My Attempt Number One

I'll  be doing a recording of this game every now and then in hopes that I will one day beat it... One day...
Hope you folks enjoy!

Ogre Time Yay


I fixed the sound, it's crystal clear now and easy to be heard! The recording turned out really good!
I think the more of these I do, the better I get at them.

This time around we enjoy some fine music, hear voices from old dead friends, and pull off the robbery of a decade! Enjoy!

Ogre Time Yay

The Forest
Part 1 and 2

I actually had alot of fun recording this one. Being a big survival genre fan, I've been looking forward to trying this game out for awhile now.

Hope you enjoy!

Part 1 - I Am the Monster

Part 2 - My Revenge!

Ogre Time Yay

Five Nights at Freddy's - Part 2

My pain and suffering for your entertainment.

Ogre Time Yay

"Do you like hurting other people?"

Hey folks!
Uploaded some footage of Hotline Miami!


Ogre Time Yay

I had alot of fun this weekend with my recordings, I also ran out and bought a new cam, and am using a better recording program (Xsplit), so my videos are in better quality. Here are the three I did this weekend, enjoy!

Eve Online - Showing Off Character Creation

Starbound - Part 1

The Banner Saga - Part 1

Ogre Time Yay

I recently started a new series on my Youtube Channel that I'll likely be doing for a long time now, Chivalry Highlights. Every now and then I'll post up video highlights of my playtime on Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Check out the videos below for a brutally fun time, and if you like what you see... Subscribe and/or Like the video.


Chivalry Highlight #1

Chivalry Highlights #2

Chivalry Highlights #3

Chivalry Highlights #4

Ogre Time Yay

Decided to record XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within this time.

Ogre Time Yay

And of course, I got in some more episodes of Chivalry Highlights! Enjoy!

Chivalry Highlights #5

Chivalry Highlights #6 - There was a problem caused to this video by Youtube, I hit undo to make Youtube get rid of the shakiness you might see in this video, so the video will be fixed in a few minutes.

Ogre Time Yay

Just a heads up, if my videos go missing sometime within the next month, it's because I recently got in a scuffle with Google.
If they -do- go down, I'll have them back up within a day or two, so no worries!

Ogre Time Yay

My next three videos of Chivalry Highlights, I've been having so much fun with this game, it's easier to come back to.
That said, I think I'm gonna go back to doing recording during the week days as well, instead of just on the weekends. Got a few plans lined up, Dark Souls II, Hard Life, even an EVIIIIIIIIIL playthrough of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Just for fun).

Also open to any suggestions on what games people would like to see recorded. If I can stop being cheap for one day, I might even purchase Shadow of Mordor and record it, we'll see.

Also, my other Chivalry videos are back up! I had to temporarily take them down because of a song that I used, which apparently wasn't royalty free... I took the song out of the videos, and a friend of mine known as Ian Thomas is currently making me a theme song so that I don't hit this issue on Youtube again.


Chivalry Highlights #7

Chivalry Highlights #8

Chivalry Highlights #9

Ogre Time Yay

Also! Additions have been made to my plans! The Remastered version of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is set to launch in 10 days, 10 DAYS! This is the first game that I have ever live streamed a full play through of from beginning to end, so chances are I'm going to be buying this game on day one and doing a full Let's Play(LP) of this on Youtube. And if I'm not mistaken (unless things have changed, maybe), the James St. Bell character you all know and love was based off of the character Gabriel Knight. If watching James St. Bell participate in a voodoo mystery isn't enough to beckon you to watch this upcoming video, I don't know what is!

Trailer for the game below (Not a video made by me):

In 10 Days!


Nice. I'd been wanting to play through this series for a while. I guess a remastering of the first game is definitely something to jump into. I admit I'm not watching your play through since it would spoil the experience, but appreciate the heads up on the upcoming release.