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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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CD Module 4.09b11


  • Fixed Swordmage's incantation casting ability check to check base charisma score, rather than the modified bonus score.

  • Fixed Chaos Slash, Elemental Protection, Flame Gauntlet, Mordenkainen's Sword, Ogre's Might, and Void not checking the caster's casting ability.


  • Rewrote how corpse decay timers function, fixing issues with some summoned creatures and other creatures such as the Living Statues in Caverns of Death not being despawned.

  • Fixed respawn menu not being reopenable once closed when petrified.

  • Added the Phildave 2022 community winter event scripts.


CD Module 4.09b12


  • Player house updates.

  • Added support for seasonal winter textures to the Forest and Mountainous Forest tilesets.

Player Commands

  • Improved where /move allows you to move, fixing some instances where you should logically have been able to /move into a placeable or onto a tileset table or bed but weren't able to previously.


  • Fixed caster levels with Practiced Spellcaster feats sometimes causing the caster level to exceed the character's hitdice.


  • Fixed boss abilities such as Blink Strike not being interrupted if the creature became stunned, knocked down, etc.

  • Fixed Blink Strike double dipping damage if the victim was caught between overlapping hit detection checks.

  • Fixed Blink Strike charging through placeable walls.

  • Fixed various old creatures that were still using immortality previously used to prevent death from the old Devastating Critical feat, which also made them immune to various status effects.


  • Player House/Special Scripted Object initialization is now done the first time the area is loaded, rather than at module startup, significantly decreasing module load times by around 600%.

  • Added Wererat, Assassin alternate form hybrid appearance widget.

  • (Potentially) Fixed drinking potions sometimes dropping you out of expertise mode.


  • Added creature int var BLINKSTRIKE_DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES 1 to disable the default vulnerabilities applied to a stunned blink striking creature.

  • Creature int var Blink_Damage has been replaced by string var BLINK_DAMAGE, which accepts all standard damage formula inputs for flat, dice roll, percent of max hp, and percent of current hp damage formulas: 10, 1d10, 10%, 10%%. Default is 200.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed /listenrange returning no PCs for Dungeon Masters.

  • Fixed /editdesc sometimes editing the wrong description field on overriden items.

  • Removed the legal space restrictions from /move for DMs and DM possessed NPCs, allowing DMs to position NPCs wherever they like, or even phase through doors.

  • Fixed chat messages sent through stationary The Voice NPCs as well as items, doors, and placeables targeted by the Voice Widget not being heard by DMs or players.

  • Copied and imported event areas will now always be displayed at the top of the list of event areas in the area chooser.

  • Fixed aura uses being consumed but not activating when spawning encounter creatures.

From Fire Wraith

  • Fixed the missing dungeon tag on Deepgrave's dungeon entry.

  • Removed dungeon tags from the exterior areas around Tilverton.

  • Removed the dungeon tag from the Green Valley exterior area.

  • Fixed the above ground area flags in Maerimydra - Sewers South.

  • Various fixes to floating placeables or misplaced area transitions across the server.

  • Returned Cinderella's silver shoe stolen by one of the Shadowdale NPCs.


CD Module 4.09b13


  • Player house updates.


  • Fixed various exploits with Alter Self.

  • /setalter is now automatically set when attempting to use Alter Self if it had not already been set.

  • Fixed extended Alter Self having double the caster level against dispels.


  • Added area int var DISABLE_CLASS_MOVEMENT 1 to disable class movement bonuses in the area (monk speed, barbarian fast movement)

From Fire Wraith

  • Fixing a floating tree in Moonsea Coast area.

  • Fixed missing skybox and fog clip distance in Northride - Shadowdale Border area.

  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed some z-fighting placeables in Suzail Royal Gardens.

  • Standardized Blue Dragon NPC ranks in Marsember.

  • Event area updates.

  • Removed "The" prefix from the Way of the Manticore areas.



CD Module 4.09b14

Player Commands

  • Added /toggleaoo:

    Toggles your ability to take Attacks of Opportunity against vulnerable enemies. This is particularly useful for spell casters who would otherwise interrupt their spell casting to attack enemies running past you/shooting a bow in melee range of you/etc.

  • Fixed numerous bugs and exploits with /leap.

  • Fixed /leap not correctly jumping you correct distances for scaled PC heights.

  • /leap now provokes Attack of Opportunities from enemies in combat.

  • Made /leap slightly faster.

  • /listpcs now lists players on other servers first, followed by DMs on your server, then hidden players, then the list of players and their areas. The area you're in is always listed last.


  • Traps now automatically respawn.

  • Flagged traps now automatically become unflagged.

  • Destroyed doors now automatically respawn.

  • Fixed traps that could only be recovered once per server reset.

  • Made the transitions to Arabel's outskirt corner areas easier to find.

  • Migrated various Arabel guard NPCs in each gate district onto POST_ waypoints and onto our NPC rest/unarm system.

  • Replaced placeable doors with actual doors in Arabel's gate districts.

  • Plot flagged all placeables in Arabel's gate districts.

  • Blocked /leap and flight through the Haunted Halls fenced entry hall.

  • Plot flagged all placeables in Wyvernspur Crypt.

  • Blocked /leap through the fences in Wyvernspur Crypt.

  • Blocked /leap through the fences in Silent Ossuary.

  • Web placeables in Arabel Sewers will now automatically respawn.

  • Web placeables in Arabel Sewers now highlight as being attackable/destroyable.

  • Blocked /leap and flight through the web placeables in Arabel Sewers.

  • Fixed Niall's store in Thunderholme.


  • All On Hit: Cast Spell item properties are now cast on hit.


  • Updated Blizzard's VFX.

  • Fixed Dimension Door / Shadow Jump / Abundant Step infinitely casting when cast too close to yourself.

  • Fixed Dimension Door kidnapping friendly NPCs.

  • Updated Shadow Jump's VFX. (nb. If you have both Shadow Jump and Abundant Step, Abundant Step's VFX will take precedence until our next hak update)

  • Updated Abundant Step's VFX.

  • Updated Tree Stride's VFX.

  • Fixed Elemental Weapon's cessation effect's duration using turns instead of hours.

  • Elemental Weapon can now be cast on bows, crossbows, and slings.

  • Fixed being able to cast Elemental Weapon on improper items by targeting the creature.

  • Fixed Bless Weapon not being able to be directly cast on gloves
  • Fixed Keen Edge being incorrectly castable on bracers if cast directly on the item.


  • Fixed losing RPXP Faery ticks if a tick was earned in between earning enough XP to level up but before completing the level up.

  • Locking a door will now also lock transition linked doors.

  • Updated current server plot chapter to "Book IX - Chapter 3 - Long Live The Queen".


  • Added trigger int var NO_JUMP 1 to define drawn areas players cannot /leap or /move to, through, or out of.

  • Added trigger int var NO_D_DOOR 1 to define drawn areas players cannot dimension door/shadowjump/abundant step to, through, or out of.

  • Added trigger int var NO_FLY_ZONE 1 to define drawn areas players cannot fly to, through, or out of.

  • All door/placeable auto close/lock scripts are now deprecated. Please use the following variables instead:

    • int AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY <seconds> - How many seconds until the object auto closes. Recommended values are 300 (5 mins), or 1800 (30 mins) which are the standards across the module.

    • int AUTO_CLOSE_LOCK <0|1> - Whether the object should lock when it automatically closes.

    • string AUTO_CLOSE_DESTINATION_DOOR <tag> - Used for asymmetric door transitions, where the transition destination is a waypoint instead of a door, but you still need a door on the other side to open/close/unlock/lock with this door. This works both when your door automatically closes/locks, and when a player opens/closes/locks/unlocks your door. Nb. this is only one way, to have two asymmetric doors lock/close/open/unlock each other you have to setup AUTO_CLOSE_DESTINATION_DOOR on both.

  • Added placeable int var AUTO_RESPAWN <1> will set a placeable to respawn after being destroyed.

  • aet_gen{chst|door}_* scripts are now deprecated and have been removed:

    • Respawning traps are now automatically handled by our global event system.

    • Lock bashing is now set with int var LOCK_BASHABLE 1.

    • Auto closing/locking doors and placeables are handled with AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY and AUTO_CLOSE_LOCK int vars.

  • Added placeable int var ATTACKABLE 1 to configure an object to display and act as being a hostile/attackable placeable.

  • cd_portal_jump, cd_portal_jump2, and cd_portalpartyck have been deprecated. Portals are now created with the Scripted Objects system:

    • Consolidated features from all 3 scripts.

    • Fixed delayed portal actions being interuptable.

    • Added new optional features configured with variables.

    • Portals now use the transition/door mouse hover cursor.

    • Unlocking a portal with the portal's key will allow anyone the ability to use the portal until locked again. Portals will automatically relock after 5 minutes.

Dungeon Masters

  • Spell casting combat log messages now display the spell target and metamagic type when a spell begins to be cast, to bring feature parity with feedback messages when spells have been finished being cast.

  • Fixed /setskillrank setting a skill to 0 if using skill name with a space not encapsulated in quotes as the second argument.

  • Added missing feedback messages for /setvarstring.

  • Standardized /setareavar* feedback messages to match all over variable setting command messages.

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Removed Winterfest event area.

  • The Behemoth has a new model.

  • You can now give treats to cats and dogs.

  • Flower vendors have picked up a side business selling treats for cats and dogs.

  • Event area updates.

  • Cradle of Mielikki updated to reflect current server events.



CD Module 4.09b15

Player Commands

  • Fixed /listpcs "Online Players" being listed after the hidden player list.

  • Fixed not being able to manage your outfits via the /outfit command if your inventory was full.

  • Added /editfamiliar to change the appearance of your cat familiar.

  • Added /editcompanion to change the appearance of your bear and wolf animal companions.

  • /dragonshape menu now shows the dragon's portrait and has help text with the dragon's description and its shape statblock/bonuses.


  • Fixed secret doors not teleporting the player when used.

  • Fixed traps on respawned doors not being detectable by PCs.

  • Fixed ground traps double respawning and being not detectable by PCs.

  • Fixed locked doors in Wyvernspur Crypt not auto closing or auto locking, and not being bashable.

  • Player house updates.


  • Fixed Blizzard's aura VFX not being removed with /endmyaoe.

  • Fixed elemental damage from ranged weapons being able to trigger cleave.


  • Fixed encounter popup descriptions triggering when the encounter was inactive.

  • Fixed encounter popup descriptions to be seen by all nearby party members, and not just the PC triggering the encounter.

  • Fixed popup descriptions not working on placeables.


  • ab_desctrig_mult and ab_desctrig_once are now deprecated. Popup flavor text descriptions are now set through string var POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT <message> for areas, triggers, encounters, useable placeables, and doors. You can optionally use string vars POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT_DAY and POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT_NIGHT instead to have separate day and night descriptions.

  • Added creature var floats SPAWN_POSITION_X and SPAWN_POSITION_Y which will move a creature to the given position when spawned, allowing decorative static creatures to be placed in illegal locations, such as inside placeables or outside the tileset walkmesh.

  • Added creature int var EQUIP_TORCH_NIGHT 1 to allow a waypoint patrolling NPC to equip a torch with the tag "NW_IT_TORCH001" from their inventory at night.

  • Added support for Jasper's AI_TALK_ON_CONVERSATION arrays on creatures using Bioware AI scripts.

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed missing stores in Ends of the World.

From Rykka

  • Updates to Arabel East.


Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.09c1
Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Removed the old Clockwork Security area in Arabel.


  • Changed the date to Winter/Spring 1384.

  • Areas module wide should now be set to Springtime rather than snow-covered.

From Vincent


  • Fire Bomb items now use their own scripts instead of Incendiary cloud. Damage is set at 4d6+10, and SR no longer applies.

  • Acid Bomb items now use their own scripts instead of Acid Fog. Damage is set at 4d6+10, and SR no longer applies.

  • Alchemist's Fire's weapon buff now lasts for 2 hours and casts at CL 10, rather than 1. Additionally it can no longer be stacked with other Elemental Weapon style buffs.

  • Acid Flask can now be applied to weapons in the same manner as Alchemist's Fire. It also lasts 2 hours, and will not stack with other Elemental Weapon buffs.


  • Updated OOC Room

  • Updated Arabel Central


  • Added baseline Tier 6 loot for future dungeons. Overhauls and edits mentioned below were carried forward into this Tier.

  • Overhauled all 5 existing Tiers of Wondrous Items. In general, most Amulets and all Boots now have AC on them. 

  • Boots of Striding were re-envisioned to differentiate from Boots of Hardiness. 

  • Boots of Reflexes and Tumbling were completely changed and no longer exist in higher tiers. 

  • Boots of Reflexes are replaced later on by Hoppy Feet and Boots of Nimbleness. 

  • Boots of Tumbling are now Boots of Nobility. 

  • Items with random 1 or 2 points of AC were given Tier appropriate AC. 

  • Numerous weapons that had damage types that did not stack with their base type were fixed.

  • The following items need to be swapped out if you possess them, as they were too far out of property alignments: Hoary Cloak of Hoggoth, The Deaf Ear.


  • Balors and Pit Fiends summoned by Gate spells, as well as a number of dungeon monsters have been reverted to lesser fiends to help maintain the narrative power of those creatures.  No mechanical balance was changed.

  • Black Slaadi have similarly been reverted to lesser Slaadi.

Fox also has a number of scripts that were hotfixed already, but I'll add the details when she's back.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.09c2
Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.
  • Replaced some old/bad mist placeables in the Arabel Bathhouse Hot Springs area.
  • Removed the old version of Arabel Central that was causing issues with teleportation.
  • Imported and set up areas for upcoming Evereska quests.

From Vincent


  • Added a fix for Arabel Central

From Fox:


- Player house updates.


- Fixed Acid Flask and Alchemist Fire not buffing ranged weapons.
- Fixed Acid Flask and Alchemist Fire buffing enemy's gloves if thrown at the enemy.
- Fixes some ILR bugs with equipping certain T4 items.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.09c2-Hotfix 1

Inventory Sizes and You!
Characters with an excessive amount of items in their inventory can cause a multitude of server scripts to error, as well as potentially becoming a source for undue lag on the server. We are now enforcing a soft cap of 1400 items in player inventories, and a further hard cap of 1600 items.

At 1400 items you will receive a message in-game in your combat log and next to your portrait that you are carrying too many items.

If you continue to collect items, you will eventually become be restricted from looting or buying items and will be required to reduce your inventory size before you can loot or buy items again. If you accidentally drop or sell an item whilst restricted, you'll be able to loot or buy it back.

If you happen to cross over the 1400 item threshold whilst dungeoning or through normal play, that's okay! Just remember to sell/reduce your loot/excess items before you log off.

Individual item stacks such as arrows, potions, scrolls, etc only count as 1 item.

For reference: A inventory can hold 360 1x1 items; so to exceed 1400 items would require you to fill many bags to the brim with more 1x1 items. On the staff team we have multiple player merchants, faction quartermasters, etc who're holding very large inventories of gear and roleplay items and even we don't come close to this limit. This change will only affect a very small percent of outlying characters.

  • Fixed some locked dungeon boss chests in T5 dungeons automatically relocking too quickly. These chests will now relock with the dungeon's respawn encounter and door/trap reset timers.


CD Module 4.09d1

Settings Menu

  • Various common settings such as /touchon, /diceprivate, /hidestatus, /questchat color, /hidehelm, /toggletail, rest animation; as well as your current server spawn and temple respawn bindpoints can now be accessed in the new /settings menu, which can also be accessed via your class radial menu, or from the crafting skills conversation.

    n.b. Until our hak update, when using the class radial menu action you'll then have to click on yourself to open the menu.

Scribing, Brewing, and Wand Crafting

  • Casting a spell on a blank scroll, bone wand, or magical potion bottle now opens a NUI menu for crafting:

    • You can now select how many items to craft (up to 100 at a time for scrolls and potions, 10 at a time for wands).

    • Calculated crafting costs are now shown before crafting.

    • Wand and potion appearances can be customized during crafting. Appearances are saved for each spell when crafted (ie. so a potion of haste will remember what your last crafted potion of haste looked like).

  • Blank scrolls and magical potion bottles now stack to 100 (nb. Until our hak update, if you split these stacks you'll have to drop and pick up the items again to combine them).

  • Spells up to innate level 6 can now be craft into wands, with exceptions for shadow double, shadow walk, and teleport spells which cannot be craft into wands.

  • Spells up to innate level 5 can now be brewed into potions, with exceptions for teleport spells which cannot be brewed.

  • Removed /togglescribing, /togglebrewing, and /togglewandcrafting.

  • Newly purchased Sheafs of Scrolls, Casks of Empty Potion Bottles, and Boxes of Unechanted Bone Wands now come with 100 items for unpacking. Sheafs and casks will unpack 10 at a time, boxes of wands will unpack 1 wand at a time.

Trap Crafting and Disassembling

  • Trapper's Toolkits are now sold by fences and a select few other NPCs in the module. These kits come with 20 charges, but may be recharged up to 50 charges by successfully disassemble Strong, Deadly, or Epic traps.

  • A Trapper's Toolkit is required for all trap crafting. Trap crafting can be accessed by either using the toolkit on yourself or on trap material components, or via the Crafting Skills radial menu. Attempting to craft a trap will consume 1 charge. Failing the Craft Trap DC has a 10% chance of consuming the trap's material components.

  • The Trapper's Toolkit can be used on a trap kit in your inventory to attempt to disassemble the trap, giving you between 40 to 100% of the disassembled trap's material components back. Attempting to disassemble a trap will always destroy the trap regardless of success or failure. Successfully disassembling a strong, deadly, or epic trap will recharge the trapper's toolkit 1 to 3 charges. Failing to disassemble a trap will consume 1 charge from the toolkit.

  • Epic fire, electrical, frost, and sonic traps can now be crafted. Other epic traps will be supported in a future hak update.

  • Fixed recovered epic traps being unidentified.

Item Writing/Editing System (Books, Scrolls, Letters, Paintings, Plushies & More)

  • The book/letter writing system has been replaced with a new bespoke system:

    • To write on an item, use a quill (or other appropriate tool for other editable items) on the item to open a NUI menu.

    • The appearance of many items can now be changed, depending on the type of editable item.

    • Items can be locked/unlocked so that only the person who locked it can edit it.

    • You can now copy the title, description and where applicable the appearance of other editable items.

    • Writing costs a variable amount of ink (or other cost unit for other editable item types) per character changed. By default, most editable items cost 1 ink (or other unit) per 20 characters.

    • Color tokens can now be used in editable items.

    • Languages can now be written inline in item descriptions that can only be read by someone capable of reading the language. (See below for more)

  • Stone figurines are now sold in Thunderholme and Sschindylryn.

  • Runestones and mage sigils are now sold in the Violet Flame, Shadowdale, and Stoneflame Tower.

  • Paintings are now sold in Arabel, Yulash, Suzail, and Sschindylryn.

  • Food & cooking ingredients are now sold in Sschindylryn, Suzail, Berrybriar, and Highmoon.

  • Plushy templates are now sold in Berrybriar and Sschindylryn.

  • Maps and cards are now sold at all standard scribe stores.

  • Quills/books/letters/signet rings/ink wells/etc from the old system are no longer supported, and are not compatible with the new system.

  • Signet rings, seals, and packages have been removed for the time being.

  • Custom drinks are not yet included in the new system, but are planned for a future expansion for the editable item system.

  • Note that while some of these editable items such as the plushie sewing kit might be themed around "sewing" or "chiseling", this is predominately for a lack of better all-encompassing crafting type. If you wish to use the plushie sewing kit or stone chiseling tools to instead roleplay your character making another type of simple toy or figurine, such as a wood carved figurine, that's acceptable too as long as you're not going outside the bounds of creating simple non-magical toys/figurines.

    For all crafted items, anything magical or anything that might convey any sort of mechanical benefit requires applying for the item on the forums through the Roleplay Item Requests board.


  • Languages can now be used inline in creature, door, placeable, and item descriptions using [language:text]

    Two lines of text are written on this sign, the first line reads "[elven:I'm written in elven!]", and the second line reads "[draconic:and I'm written in draconic.]


  • The bindstone widget has been removed from all characters. Server restart spawn points are now set with /setspawn, or through the /settings menu.

  • Bindstone locations can now be added to player houses and faction areas, please read the Builders section of the changelog for details.

    Bindstones have been added to all existing player houses and factions, locked to the house or faction area's front door key.

    If a bindstone location was missed from your player home or faction area, please send a private message to Fire Wraith, Fox, Vincent, and Edge on the forums with a screenshot of the location you want a bindstone added, and the key tag for locking the bindstone. Please do not send us areas you have updated yourself for adding bindstones. We will do this for you.


  • Player house updates.

  • Added a underdark fence vendor to the road between Sschindylryn and Maerimydra.

  • Updated the mirrors in Icegloom to fix bugs and to provide a significantly higher challenge.

  • Fixed doors in Arabel Sewers B2 that lock after the first time they've been opened.

  • Fixed inn room door costs using the incorrect variable in multiple areas.

  • Fixed floating and other placeable issues in The Drunken Badger.

  • Removed The Drunken Badger's defunct room keys.

  • Fixed various party key locked portals not being locked by default.

  • Respawn locations have been added to all temples and attended indoor shrines.

  • Fixed the traps on the doors in Silent Ossuary - Main Floor to be one-shot traps.

  • Added some climbable crates and a ladder to the barricades south of the Temple of Waukeen in Yulash.

  • Fixed the boss encounters in Crumbling Cliffs spawning either multiple rust monsters or multiple kobold chieftains.

  • Added rest zone decorations to Crumbling Cliff's rest area.

  • Removed Uncanny Dodge 2 from Silent Ossuary's bats.

  • Tweaked spring weather's chance for rain and thunderstorms.


  • Fixed Magic Circle versus Alignment's effects being applied versus the wrong alignments.

  • Fixed Magic Circle versus Alignment's immunity to fear being applied versus all alignments.

  • Fixed Magic Circle versus Alignment's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Momento Mori, Greater Ruin, and Mass Penguin's DC sometimes being calculated incorrectly.

  • Fixed Favored Soul's epic spell save DC calculation.

  • Epic Spell: Dragon Knight summoned dragon type is now selected through a new menu accessible through /settings or /dragonknight.

  • Fixed Epic Spell: Dragon Knight summons having wildly different spell resistance values. All dragon knight summons now have 28 spell resistance.

  • Fixed Teleport SLA not functioning.

  • Fixed druid's Transport via Plants to be mass teleport.

  • Fixed Word of Chaos's metadata not being flagged the spell effects as a harmful spell.

  • Rewrote Whirlwind:

    • Whirlwind is now a proper AOE spell effect and can be ended with /endmyaoe or by resting.

    • Whirlwind no longer spins the player camera, just the character.

    • Added spell metadata to whirlwind.

    • Fixed whirlwind removing all other AOE objects in its area of effect. Whirlwind now removes the same cloudlike effects as Gust of Wind.

    • No longer teleports medium size or smaller affected creatures to the center on every failed save, but instead slowly drags them in.

    • Ticking damage on an affected creature is now combined instead of each die being applied separately.

    • Fixed whirlwind continuing to damage a formally trapped creature who managed to escape the spell's area of effect (such as if they were rescued with dimension door).

    • Updated whirlwind's VFX.

  • Fixed Gust of Wind erroneously removing all cloud VFX from its area of effect, which would cause it to remove decorative cloud VFX from areas as well as VFX attached to abilities or spells that Gust of Wind should not be able to remove. This also fixes Acid Spit's VFX often being reported as being "invisible" because the VFX was being removed by players using Gust of Wind.

  • Fixed epic spells and other extraordinary effects not being removed from other creatures when the effect's caster rests.

  • Fixed epic spell slots being incorrectly replenished when relogging.

  • Fixed Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power stacking.

  • Fixed Holy Aura and Unholy Aura stacking with each other.

  • Fixed Bless stacking with different spell and spell-like ability versions of itself.

  • Fixed Bless's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Freedom to correctly remove Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Crushing Hand, and Bigby's Clenched Fist.

  • Added spell metadata to Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Crushing Hand, and Bigby's Clenched Fist.

  • Rewrote Prestigitation to be a proper spell script and effect, fixing numerous bugs.

  • Added spell metadata to Prestidigitation.

  • Rewrote Comprehend Languages to be a proper spell script and effect, fixing numerous bugs.

  • Added spell metadata to Comprehend Languages.

  • Comprehend Languages can now be scribed/crafted.

  • Rewrote Tongues to be a proper spell script and effect, fixing numerous bugs.

  • Added spell metadata to Tongues.

  • Fly now tells you when its effects expire.

  • Misdirection now tells you when its effects expire.

  • Nondetection now tells you when its effects expire.

  • Added target immunity feedback for Maze.

  • Fixed Otiluke's Resilient Sphere's spell metadata being incorrectly set as harmful when cast on yourself or on a friendly target.

  • Fixed Otiluke's Resilient Sphere not removing its invulnerability from victims under certain situations.

  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere can now be destroyed with disintegrate, per the spell's description.

  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere can now be correctly dispelled by dispelling spells.

  • Fixed Blade Thirst incorrectly lasting for 1 turn / CL instead of 1 hour / CL.

  • Fixed Camouflage not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Camouflage.

  • Brambles and Spikes now correctly give a weapon bonus piercing damage instead of bludgeoning, unless the weapon's base damage type is piercing in which case they will continue to give bludgeoning as the bonus damage type.

  • Fixed Magic Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon incorrectly giving gloves bonus piercing damage instead of bludgeoning.

  • Fixed Magic Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon's cessation effect's duration when cast on gloves using turns instead of hours.

  • Fixed Cloud Kill not applying spell metadata correctly for its movement speed penalty when the AOE is entered.

  • Fixed Fire Shield stacking with Frost Shield if it was cast after.

  • Fixed Fire Shield stacking with Mestil's Acid Sheath.

  • Fixed Fire Shield's duration to be 1 round / level.

  • Fixed Fire Shield and Frost Shield stacking with Death Armor, Circle of Bones, and Wounding Whispers.

  • Added spell metadata to Fire Shield.

  • Fixed maximized Feeblemind multiplying its d4 roll by 4.

  • Fixed Prayer's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Prayer treating neutral creatures as hostile, which would result in neutral NPCs becoming hostile.

  • Fixed Crusade's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Crusade treating neutral creatures as hostile, which would result in neutral NPCs becoming hostile.

  • Fixed Emotion: Courage's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Emotion: Hope's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Mass Death Ward's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Power Word, Kill not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Fixed Power Word, Stun not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Power Word, Stun.

  • Fixed Resistance not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Resistance.

  • Fixed Scare not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Scare.

  • Fixed Scare's attack, damage, and saves penalty not being removed with Remove Fear.

  • Fixed Scare's attack, damage, and saves penalty being applied regardless if the target was immune to fear or not.

  • Fixed Scare's damage penalty only penalizing magical damage, which would result in no damage penalty if the affected creature did not do magical damage.

  • Scare's damage penalty now appears as Physical Damage on the character sheet.

  • Added scaling spell damage to Sound Burst.

  • Added Shape Mastery to Sound Burst.

  • Fixed Virtue not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Virtue.

  • Fixed Awaken not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Awaken.

  • Added spell metadata to Creeping Doom.

  • Fixed Negative Energy Burst not healing and buffing friendly undead targets when the caster was using shape mastery.

  • Fixed Flare not using PRC caster level bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added spell metadata to Flare.

  • Fixed Electric Jolt not using PRC casterlevel bonuses or other CD specific spell/spellhook changes.

  • Added scaling caster damage bonus to Crumble.

  • Fixed Battletide's damage penalty only penalizing magical damage, which would result in no damage penalty if the affected creature did not do magical damage.

  • Fixed Recitation's damage penalty only penalizing magical damage, which would result in no damage penalty if the affected creature did not do magical damage.

  • Fixed Recitation's burst spell effect only affecting creatures within a radius around the caster, rather than from the targeted location.

  • Fixed Power Word, Blind not affecting creatures with between 51 to 100 hit points.

  • Implemented Disrupt Teleport.

  • Added spell metadata to Dimensional Anchor.

  • Fixed Dimensional Anchor not being released if the victim or caster was offline when the spell's duration expired.

  • Fixed Sunscorch's damage not being halved on a successful reflex save.

  • Fixed Sunscorch's damage not being doubled against undead.

  • Create Undead Army no longer dismisses existing skeletons, allowing additional castings to summon more skeletons within the henchmen limit.

  • Fixed Shield of Archons losing absorption power when cast as a maximized spell.

  • Fixed Tide of Battle incorrectly being cast as an evocation spell, rather than transmutation.

  • Fixed Sunbeam applying full damage to all creatures. Full damage is only applied to to undead and ooze.

  • Shapechanger typed creatures can revert to their natural form when baleful polymorphed via the Unpolymorph radial action, as per the spell description.

  • Fixed various listed caster levels for Cast Spell: item properties for bioware spells. Nb. Some custom hak spells will continue to list no CL or an incorrect CL until one of our hak updates.

  • Divine Power's hitdice based affects are now capped to the spell's caster level for non-divine class casters. This change reduces the effectiveness of divine power scrolls, potions, and other items to make Tenser's Transformation the better alternative for non-divine caster characters, particularly for arcane casters who otherwise could use divine power in liue of tenser's transformation and not suffer from arcane spell failure.


  • Arcane Trickster

    • Fixed Arcane Trickster's Ranged Legerdemain unlocking locks that require keys and disarming undetected or undisarmable traps.

    • Fixed Ranged Legerdemain using an incorrect max range.

    • Added feedback messages for Ranged Legerdemain.

    • Updated Ranged Legerdemain's dice rolls to be more verbose in what type of skill was being attempted (disable trap or open lock) as well as standardized the dice rolls to be in line with other disable trap/open lock skill rolls so that it can display things like *success not possible*

    • Ranged Legerdemain feat uses won't be consumed if attempted on an invalid target.

  • Druid & Shifter

    • Wild Shape is now subject to wild magic and dead magic. Entering a dead magic zone will dispel active wild shapes.

  • Dragon Disciple

    • Fixed some instances where dragon disciples weren't automatically granted the correct wing color for their chosen type on leveling up to dragon disciple 9.

  • Bladesinger

    • Fixed Song of Fury not activating.

    • Added feedback messages when activating or deactivating Song of Fury.

    • Added spell metadata to Song of Fury and Song of Celerity.

    • Song of Fury and Song of Celerity will be deactivated if an off-hand item is equipped or a weapon other than a longsword or rapier is equipped.

  • Arcane Warrior

    • Fixed Channel Spell uses starting at 0 on first login after a server restart.


  • Fixed Bioware AI recasting Divine Shield whilst already under the effect of Divine Shield.

  • Fire vulnerable trolls on the brink of death can be killed if hit by a lit torch.

  • Fixed Bioware AI attempting to attack DM avatars if damaged by a DM.

  • Improved the reliability of the HP percentage of hostile creatures updating if the creature is healed.


  • Fixed unequipping an item with a bonus feat property causing off-hand weapons without any proficiency requirements (such as books) to be unequipped.

  • Fixed special AC armors inadvertently ignoring ILR item equip tiers and other scripted use restriction properties.

  • Added spell metadata to Chaos Shield.

  • Fixed removing accessories spamming the combat log with unnecessary debug messages.

  • Fixed the XP values in the character sheet not updating immediately if a DM adds or removes XP or levels from the PC if the PC had their character sheet open.

  • Added /pauselevel to pause your PC's leveling, capping your maximum experience points 1 point away from your next level. XP will not be banked if you reach your cap while paused. Bounties/Scripted Quests cannot be handed in whilst leveling is paused.

  • Tweaked the RPXP Fairy's algorithm's "activity momentum system" to be more consistently rewarding in more situations where players are actively playing when solo.

  • New characters who are either a underdark race or who have set their origin region to The Underdark can now exit character creation and begin in Sschindylryn. Note that The Underdark is still a work in progress, and does not fully support the new character experience. You will need to visit the surface for most dungeons, questing, leveling, and shopping.

  • Fixed character's OOC Room return locations being reset when using the server portals. Return locations are only cleared if the return location was to a dungeon.

  • You can now use /afk in the OOC Arena to return to the world.

  • Added /return as an alternative to using your Return class radial.

  • Fixed Emotion: Hope and Emotion: Courage's incorrect innate level for crafting, which was 4 but should be 3.

  • Fix recovered epic traps being unidentified.


  • Fixed ROOM_COST -1 not setting a InnDoor lock to be free.

  • Bindstone locations are now created by placing a waypoint tagged `BINDSTONE_LOCATION` in the area. An optional var string `BINDSTONE_KEY_TAG` can be set on the waypoint to restrict use of the bindstone to characters possessing a key item with the given tag. An optional var int `BINDSTONE_REQUIRE_PATH` 1 may be set to require the PC to have a walkable path to the bindstone location to be able to bind it, in the case of an area being split into subareas with different houses in it.

  • Fixed `OVERRIDE_SPELL_DC` on AOE objects pulling the variable from the AOE object and not the caster.

  • Respawn locations are now created by placing a waypoint tagged `RESPAWN_LOCATION` in the area. If an area is divided into subareas with different temples and shrines, then each subarea must be given its own waypoint with a distinct `RESPAWN_LOCATION_SUBAREA_ID` int variable (ie. the first waypoint will be int 1, the second int 2, and so on.)

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed mispelt arcane trickster class name for /setclasslevel.

  • /dmcoloritem and the item coloring wands can now be used by SDMs.

  • Bounty quest scripts are now removed from cloned or DM encounter spawned NPCs.

  • Added /copyplc and /pasteplc for copying and pasting placeables.

  • Fixed /setskillrank only accepting skill names and not 2da row numbers for the skill id.

From Fire Wraith


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed Amersara in the Eyes and Ears of Arabel not being plot flagged.

  • Fixed incorrect charges / item use property on the Unfiltered Coffee Grounds sold in the Zhentarim Trade Station.


  • Removed animal companion conversation from various inappropriate summons.

Dungeon Masters

  • Added allow_halfvamp to the PC subrace setter for setting up standard

From Rykka


  • Added a new low level dungeon comparable to the Goblin Bolthole, Crystal Mines, to outside Sschindylryn in the Blackwing Gorge.

  • Maerimydra South and North have been reconnected.

  • Maerimydra South and East have been reconnected.

  • Added a travel route between Sschindylryn and Maerimydra.

  • Extended the Burning Road into the Burning Crag.



CD Module Update v4.10a1

View changelog for CD4 Hak Update v4.00a1 here:

This changelog also includes any changes from the Hak Update that are player facing changes that affect races, feats, spells, etc.


  • Added Tempest.

  • Characters whose exotic race template changed their racial type from their base race can now use racially restricted items of their base race, ie. a "Wood Elf Copper Half-Dragon" can use both elf and dragon items.

    Note that this only functions if your subrace field has been set correctly, which should always include both your base race and template name for all races whose base race isn't human.

    ie. "Sun Half-Elf Tiefling", "Shield Dwarf Aasimar", etc. If your subrace field is abbreviated or missing the character's base race you'll need to submit a LETO request to have your subrace corrected if you want to use racially restricted items. Human base races do not need a LETO request to add "Human" to your subrace.

  • Dodge AC on exotic race skins has been replaced by Natural Armor character feats, which gives untyped AC bonuses. This change is retroactive for all PCs.

  • Combat animations can be customized through /animations or /settings.

  • If your character has wings or is otherwise capable of flight, you can now use /fly and /land to use flying combat animations.

  • Combined Lingering Song and Extra Music into Empowered Music, with additional effects.

  • Fixed Divine Champion to accept ranged weapon focus feats for its class requirements.

  • Arcane and Divine Trickster now have their own sneak attack feat lines.

  • Barbarian Rage, Divine Might, and Divine Shield are now instant feats.

  • Barbarian Rage now removes the effects of taunt from the character and provides immunity to taunt for the duration of barbarian rage.

  • Use Magic Device's cost table has been rebalanced for our server's item values. T5 and T6 items will require higher UMD.

  • Appraise increases the max sale price of items to stores by 1,000 GP for every 5 base ranks.

  • Fixed many caster and metamagic feats not being available for selection on PRC caster levels.

  • Added all base race sub-variants to character generation.

  • Added more armor appearances for special armors (Adamantine, Mithral Fullplate, Elven Chain, etc)

  • All characters of all genders, races, and phenotypes can now wear cloaks and robes in any fighting or sitting style. Some robes or cloaks might not animate correctly.

  • Removed CaGUI. Players who still wish to use it can install it manually:

  • Buffed Halberd, Maul, and Whip weapon stats.

  • Added two-handed Longspear.

  • Added missing epic trap types: Holy, Tangle, Blob of Acid, Gas, Negative.

  • PC widget, skin, languages and DM tools have been moved into their new "Dungeon Master Items" and "Player Character Items" palette categories.

  • Weapon Focus Unarmed, Weapon Specialization Unarmed, Improved Critical Unarmed, Overwhelming Critical Unarmed, and Devastating Critical Unarmed now applies to druid and shifter creature weapons.

  • Dragonsong Lyrist and Harper class levels now add to bard song's uses per day.

  • Fixed Unyielding Defender's Defensive Stance to have 12 uses per day, and overhauled Defensive Stance's effects.

  • Item containers can now be renamed with /renamebag or by using the Edit Container radial menu. Some containers can have their appearance changed.

  • Enabled many previously disabled /animation commands, and added many more new commands.

  • Custom combat dummy presets can now be saved and loaded through the combat dummy conversation. Presets are account bound and shared across all of your characters.

  • Loot is now automatically identified by your lore skill when opening loot chests.

  • T5 and T6 loot item gold values have been increased. Coupled with the new Use Magic Device item value table introduced in the hak update, this change sets the majority of T5 items' UMD class emulation to DC 20, and T6 items to DC 25. This change is retroactive for all loot items.

  • The stealth skills penalty and dropping of invisibility and stealth mode when opening treasure has been removed. Instead, all nearby enemies will be given temporary true seeing and will be called to your location. Sanctuary will still be removed when looting.



  • Added Tempest.

Diabolic Disciple

  • Diabolic Disciple's hellfire abilities now do Hellfire damage.

Druid & Shifter

  • Weapon Focus Unarmed, Weapon Specialization Unarmed, Improved Critical Unarmed, Overwhelming Critical Unarmed, and Devastating Critical Unarmed now applies to druid and shifter creature weapons.


  • Doomguide's Bond of Fatal Touch now adds the Ghost Touch property to weapons.


  • Barbarian Rage now removes the effects of taunt from the character and provides immunity to taunt for the duration of barbarian rage.

  • Barbarian Rage is now instant.


  • Added Favored Enemy: Ooze and Favored Enemy: Plant feats.


  • Dragonsong Lyrist levels now add to bard song's uses per day.

  • Harper levels now add to bard song's uses per day.

  • Lingering Song and Extra Music have been combined into a single feat: "Empowered Music".

    The duration of the character's bard song lasts one additional turn, and curse song an additional 5 rounds. The effective level of all songs are increased by 2 where perform skill requirements are met for the new empowered song level, and the character gains an additional number of songs per day equal to their positive charisma modifier to a maximum bonus equal to their bard song progressing class levels.
    Empowered Music replaces Lingering Song. If you had Extra Music but not Lingering Song, Extra Music will be changed into Empowered Music on login. If you have both Lingering Song (now Empowered Music) and Extra Music you will need to request a relevel or rebuild to change Extra Music to a different feat.

Unyielding Defender

  • Fixed Unyielding Defender's Defensive Stance to have 12 uses per day.

  • Updated Defensive Stance's effects:

    +4 dodge AC.
    +2 attack bonus.
    +2 physical damage.
    +2 universal saving throws.
    +10 temporary hit points per unyielding defender level.
    10% physical damage immunity at level 8, increases to 20% at 13, 30% at 18.
    1 regeneration, increases to 2 regeneration at level 10.
    Immunity to being flatfoot.

Divine Trickster & Arcane Trickster

  • Divine Trickster and Arcane Trickster now have their own sneak attack feat lines. Existing Trickster PCs will have their pre-epic trickster sneak attack feats corrected on login. Epic Tricksters who had LETOed Improved Sneak Attack feats onto the character will need to request a relevel to redo their epic levels.


  • Removed the default monk eye glow. Level 20 monks will be given the Eye Color Control widget on login to apply eye glow effects.

  • Replaced Shadow Jump with Abundant Step.

Arcane Archer

  • Imbue Arrow now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.


  • Blast Infidel now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.


  • Arcane Fire now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.

Knight Errant

  • Fixed Heroic Shield uses not being refunded if used on an invalid target.

  • Fixed Heroic Shield not being useable on neutral creatures and incorrectly reporting them as enemies.

  • Heroic Shield use now operates on a cooldown that refresh uses instead of blocking uses after casting. Cooldown timers can be seen on /viewspells.

Shadow Adept

  • Fixed Shadow Adept not granting Darkvision at level 7.

  • Fixed Shadow Adept granting Greater Shield of Shadows early at level 4 instead of 8.


  • Fixed Sunburst removing all persistent VFX reusing the darkness visual effect when it should only remove the darkness spell.

  • Mordenkainen's Force Missiles now do Force damage.

  • Hold Undead now ignores paralysis immunity.

  • Fixed Blizzard's initital damage having an incorrect AOE range.

  • Fixed Murderous Mist not being craftable.

  • Fixed Murderous Mist's spell resistance calculation.

  • Tenser's Transformation's bonus attacks per round is now calculated from caster level instead of hit dice.

  • Tenser's Transformation can no longer be dispelled with /viewspells.

  • Fixed Nature's Favor stacking with itself.

  • Fixed Nature's Favor's attack bonus going beyond its +10 cap.

  • Fixed Nature's Favor and Nature's Avatar persisting on non-animal typed characters.

  • Identify can now be cast on other creatures.

  • Increased Identify's duration from 10 rounds, to 10 turns per level.

  • Increased Identify's max lore bonus from +20 to +30.

  • Updated animal buff VFX.

  • Updated Imbue Arrow VFX.

  • Updated Awaken VFX.

  • Updated Whirlwind VFX.

  • Improved visibility of Creeping Doom.

  • Updated Acid Spit's VFX.

  • Fixed copper dragon knight's alignment restrictions.

  • Fixed /dispelme not dispelling epic spells.


  • Divine Might and Divine Shield are now instant.


  • Item containers can now be renamed with /renamebag or by using the Edit Container radial menu. Some containers can have their appearance changed.

    • DM item containers cannot be renamed.
    • Containers will keep their original name suffixed in parentheses.

  • Fixed Amulet's of Nondetection not working vs Detect Alignment spells.

  • Added new book, letter, runestone, and food appearances to the writable item system.

  • Added new potion bottle appearances to brew potion.

  • Drinking alcohol items now displays the name of the item being drank in the combat log instead of just "<character name> drinks."

  • Custom food items created with the writable item system can now be eaten.

  • T5 and T6 loot item gold values have been increased. Coupled with the new Use Magic Device item value table introduced in the hak update, this change sets the majority of T5 items' UMD class emulation to DC 20, and T6 items to DC 25. This change is retroactive for all loot items.

  • Removed standard bioware crafting materials from all shops across the module.

  • Removed deprecated item crafting shards from loot.

  • Scrolls can always be used if the spell is in the PC class's spell list or domain spell list, regardless of the "Use Limitation" properties on the scroll unless the scroll has the "All requirements must be met" property.

  • Fixed wands with low item charges periodically not being usable via UMD.

  • DM items can no longer be sold to stores.

  • Items with different names can no longer be combined into stacks.

  • General arcane stores now sell blank scrolls individually and in stacks of 100.


  • Increased Halberd's base damage from 1d10 to 1d12.

  • Increased Maul's base damage from 1d10 to 1d12.

  • Renamed Spear to Short Spear.

  • Added large size two handed Long Spear with 1d10 x3 damage.

  • Increased whip's damage from 1d2 to 1d4, increased critical multiplier from x2 to x3.


  • Updated Use Magic Device item value emulation table.

    Maximum GPClass DCRace DCAlignment DC

  • Appraise now increases the maximum sale price characters can sell items to pawn shops by 1,000 GP for every 5 base ranks.

Areas & Dungeons

  • Updated Shadow Plane, Lava Goblins, Sakkors, and Witchlord's area visuals.

  • Fixed grass tiling in Arabel Central.

  • Treasure chests will drop gold instead for any item that is above the party's maximum item tier carry level.

  • Treasure is now automatically identified by the looter's lore skill when opened.

  • The stealth skills penalty and dropping of invisibility and stealth mode when opening treasure has been removed. Instead, all nearby enemies will be given temporary true seeing and will be called to your location. Sanctuary will still be removed when looting.

  • Resting in the OOC Arena is now instant.

  • Replaced the map of the Moonsea in the Warbling Seraph upstairs common room with a map of Cormyr.

  • Various updates to Suzail and Thundarlun areas to update placeables by Fire Wraith.

  • Player house updates.

  • Faction area updates.

Emotes, Animations, and Flying

  • Enabled /kneel, /layback, /pushups, /defeated, /rest, /layfront, /shrug, /leantable, /pose, /cower, /layside2, /sitknees, /sitcrossed2, /armrest, /cheer4, /shield.

  • Added /lunge, /lunge2, /layback3, /bow2, /bow3, /sitlotus, /sitlotus2, /pray3.

  • Combat animations can be customized through /animations or /settings.

  • Demonblade can now be used on females without breaking the character model.

  • Large phenotypes can now use the alternate sitting animations and all fighting styles. Note that support for large phenotype is not garaunteed and some animations may appear broken on large phenotypes.

  • Right clicking on a chair / "Sit" object will now open a sit menu with all the different sitting styles instead of opening the standard radial menu.

  • If your character has wings or is otherwise capable of flight, you can now use /fly and /land to use flying combat animations.

  • /leap now jumps all characters 5 meters forward regardless of gender, race, or character scale.

  • /leap now longer makes characters invisible briefly at the end of the animation.

  • /leap's animation now lands characters on the ground when changing elevation.

  • Improved Flight's line of sight check so that it should fail less when trying to fly between locations with elevation changes.

  • Fixed Flight triggering the area's enter and exit events, which in some areas would result in multiple fade to black screens.

  • Flight now reorients your camera's facing to the direction of flight when landing. This can be disabled in /settings.

Combat Dummies

  • Custom combat dummy presets can now be saved and loaded through the combat dummy conversation. Presets are account bound and shared across all of your characters.


  • Creature health percentages are now displayed in the damage level label instead of in the creature's name.

    Please use a filehost instead of hotlinking to Discord. Read More.

  • ATTACKABLE 1 placeables now display their damage level label under their name.

  • Fixed invalid languages being translated as common in descriptions.

  • Fixed examine revealing unidentified item descriptions.

  • Fixed misspelled Aglarond language.

  • /usefeat called shot can now be used with /usefeat called shot arms and /usefeat called shot leg.

  • /usefeat will now target the nearest enemy if you don't currently have a target.

  • Tailoring models will no longer cycle through invalid armor part appearances.

  • Fixed not being able to feed potions to associates.

  • Private dice roll messages are now prefixed with (Private).

  • Disabled being able to take Druid or Cleric levels with Favored Soul.

  • Disabled being able to take Monk or Paladin levels if they and their associated PRCs did not make up for at least half of your class levels after HD 2.

  • New characters who have not yet agreed to the server rules are now presented with a server rules agreement screen before being able to talk to the subrace setter.

  • Split the Origin Region selector conversation's list of region options into pages, fixing issues with large resolutions or UI scaling.


  • Added placeable int var HIDE_WITH_SECOND_STORY_TILES to hide a dynamic placeable from a player if the player's "Hide Second Story Tiles" setting is set to Auto or Always. This should be used sparingly.

  • Area heartbeat damage script is now deprecated. Area heartbeat damage is now set with area variables:

    string AREA_HB_DAMAGE_TYPE The damage type name.
    string AREA_HB_DAMAGE_AMOUNT The amount of damage. Accepts the same input as the /damageme player command.
    int AREA_HB_DAMAGE_EVERY_NTH_ROUND Only damage every nth round.

  • Creature animation sets (fighting styles, flying, old) are now set with int ANIMATION_SET <animationsets.2da>.


  • Creature chair sitting animation styles are now set with int ANIMATION_CHAIR_SIT  <0..7>.


  • Added area int variable AREA_SHADER_FLAGS for enabling screen space shader effects. Multiple effects can be enabled by combining their values (ie. 9 for greyscale + underwater)

    1 for greyscale Shadow Plane effect.
    8 for underwater effect.
    16 for heat haze effect.

  • Added area variables for adjusting basic color correction in an area. A tool will be added to the Builder Module to allow previewing these values at a later date.

    int AREA_SHADER_CC_ENABLED 1 to enable color correction.
    float AREA_SHADER_CC_HUE in degrees to shift hue.
    float AREA_SHADER_CC_SATURATION to adjust saturation, starting at 1.0.
    float AREA_SHADER_CC_GAMMA to adjust gamma, starting at 1.0.

Dungeon Masters

  • Added /setanimationset <animationsets.2da|animation set name> to change a NPC's animation set.

  • Migrated all DM widgets to the Dungeon Master Items category.

  • Migrated all PC widget, skin, and token items to the Player Character Items category.

  • Fixed /settrapdetectdc and /settrapdisarmdc.

  • PC skill rolls will now display the PC's base ranks in a skill and their bonuses from their ability modifier and items/spells.

  • Removed WingTailAccess. Characters now have access to all character wing and tail options through the DM PC Appearance Changer.



CD Module v4.10a2


  • Fixed PCs losing their wings on login. If you lost your wings, please contact a DM to have your wings readded.

  • /normal and /fix now reload your character model to fix any stuck body parts caused by animations. At this time, the fencing animation style is known to break female's right thigh.

  • Fixed Alternate Form: Animal and Alternate Form: Hybrid feats missing their names and description.

  • Fixed instant feats with invalid AltMessages broadcasting to the combat log. This fixes using the fighting style feats sending the character's name into the combat log.

  • Fixed PCs gaining unusual AC bonuses from items/effects.

  • Fixed special AC armors returning mismatching AC when copying from the tailoring model to PC.

  • Fixed wings being hidden when equipping a hidden cloak.


  • Updated season to Summer.

  • Updated chapter to Book X: Destiny of Man, Part 2: Stormfall.


CD Module v4.10a3


  • Fixed feat cooldowns not replenishing feat uses.

  • Fixed mercurial longswords beign treated as two handed weapons by devastating critical.

  • Fixed stacks of 100 blank scrolls in arcane shops being sold at exuberant prices.

  • Fixed effects not being removed from PCs after respawning from death.

  • Fixed subradial spells on druid/cleric/paladin/ranger not being considered legal spells for the character's casting level.

  • Removed the pillar placeable that had appeared on top of the OOC Arena exit portal.

  • Fixed UMD skill checks on scrolls under 1,000 GP value on characters with less than 5 UMD.

  • Fixed Alter Self widget not opening the Alter Self conversation.

  • Fixed /sit normal using the incorrect animation.

  • Fixed "Cheering and Dancing" in the /move menu using the incorrect animation.

  • Fixed old MD bookshelves spawning items from incorrect loot tables, resulting in excess gold drops in Arabel Sewers.

  • Restored Arcane animations on Shantis in the OOC Room Memorial.

  • Fixed Frost Giant's mirrors not spawning clones.

  • Fixed shield and weapon appearance tailoring to validate item appearances.

  • Fixed shield appearance tailoring not being able to cycle to some shield appearances, such as the new Gil-Galad tower shield.

  • Removed all non-standard player race appearances used by MD's old system of hiding tails and wings from all PCs on login.

  • Fixed Alter Self and Eye Color Control widgets not being granted to druid/shifter and monk characters respectively when they should have been given.

  • Fixed crashloop detection not resetting its crash counter after cleaning a PC's TURD.

  • Temporarily disabled Mordenkainen's Magnificant Mansion pending bug fixes to the area to fix area loading issues that would trap and crashloop players.

  • Fixed Paladins not being able to take further paladin levels under certain multiclass level calculation edge cases.

  • Fixed Lawful Evil characters not meeting Lawful Evil item alignment checks.


  • Devastating Critical's damage is now included in the weapon's damage combat log feedback.

  • Devastating Critical now displays its own damage seperately in the combat dummy session report.

  • Added pray3 and layback3 to /setrestanimation.


CD Module v4.10a4

With this update we are considering work on our module's update to .35-40 complete and the v4.10a module branch stable. This update concludes our module's code freeze/feature lock that was established with v4.09d1 in April.

In short, we are now accepting area submissions and updates from players and from the server build team again.

As a reminder, before beginning work on any updates to your existing player areas you must first request the latest version of the area from the admins. All player areas were last updated by us in April with v4.09d1 which added bindstones to all player houses/taverns/inns/faction areas.


  • Fixed NPCs not sitting in chairs. This fix required changing all chair tags in the module from PLC_Chair to PLC_CHAIR.

  • Fixed simple/limited creature models not using their appear/disappear animations when flying.

  • Fixed flight being executed too soon within the current AI Action, which could result in the AI Action being repeated (this often caused you to recast spells that had been cast immediately before flying).

  • Fixed area heartbeat damage not defaulting to 10 damage if a custom damage amount wasn't configured on the area.

  • Fixed special armor cast spell item properties not being useable on characters who didn't have Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.

  • Fixed special armors visually appearing as unequippable on characters who didn't have Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.


  • Fixed Emerald Enclave's faction area entrance not being locked until after the first person entered the area.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixes made to Suzail - Estate Row and Royal Gardens and Suzail - Promenade and Royal Palace.


  • Added "Prefer Flight By Magic" in /settings, also toggled with the command /togglemagicflight. When Prefer Flight By Magic is enabled your wings will be kept hidden when flying if your character is capable of magical flight.


  • Re-enabled Mordenkainen's Mansion.


  • Added experimental ground attack telegraphs being tested with Blink Strike.

  • Fixed Blink Strike stunning the creature when charging over sloped terrain.

  • Fixed Blink Strike creatures being able to attack or turn in between their cast animation finishing and the blink strike charge being executed.

  • Fixed Blink Strike's hit detection having gaps on the edges of the charge path.

  • Fixed Blink Strike hitting enemies standing behind the creature.

  • Changed Blink Strike's damage type to Force.

  • Updated Blink Strike's VFX.

  • Fixed Blink Strike's VFX not following terrain height.

  • Fixed AI continuing to use special boss abilities when their AI had been disabled by a DM.


  • PC character age and deity is now listed in your character sheet.

  • Added /setage to set your character's age. Remember to update your character's age when they have their namesake day!

  • Removed /getdeity.

  • Added Plant racial type to Combat Dummy options.

  • Added missing gold umbrella to Lady's Taste shop.

Dungeon Masters

  • Get Deity widget tool has been removed.



CD Module v4.10a5




CD Module v4.10b1


  • Fixed telegraphs not being removed if the owner changed areas.

  • Fixed Age and Deity on the character sheet sometimes not being displayed on PCs when opening the sheet.

  • Fixed AI trying to use boss abilities on creatures they can't see, such as trying to use Blink Strike on PCs on the other side of a wall.


  • Shadow Weave item properties are now hidden from PCs who don't have the Shadow Weave feat.


  • Added option to /settings to disable screen distortion effects.

  • Updated story to Book X: Destiny of Man, Part 3: Stormwake.


  • Updated builder module. Please see the builder module changelog for more specific information.

  • Scripts fw_elevate_oe and fw_elevate_ox have been deprecated by cdb_trg_elevate.

  • Scripts hc_ent_rstarea and hc_lv_rstarea have been deprecated by cdb_trg_saferest.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed dungeon masters not being able to swap animation presets or use ACP feats. Nb. Animation sets aren't saved for DMs between server restarts.
