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CD Hak Changelog

Started by Fox², Jul 08, 2023, 07:40 AM

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CD4 Hak Update v4.02b2
- Arcane Fire and Blast Infidel now truly infinite.
- Fixed up wrong AC values for druid wildshapes.
- Fixed up wrong appearance value for female non-epic spider wildshape.
- Slight adjustment to some wildshape stats (mainly lowering some).
- Lizardfolk form found its missing tail.

- Summon creature VII to IX updated with information on how to use the new /elementsum command.
- Energy Buffer description updated.
- Earthquake description updated.
- Bombardment description updated.
- Energy Drain description updated.
- Mass Haste description updated (spell school was wrong).
- Spell Focus feats description updated for Conjuration and Necromancy.


CD4 Hak Update v4.02b3
- Magic Staff reduced in size. Can now be dual-wielded by small races.
- Changes to feats.2da and cls_feat_shadow.2da to account for the changes to Shadowdancers abilities.
- Changes to cls_feat_monk.2da to account for the changes to feats.
- Saps are now finesse weapons.

Classes .2da
A new base attack bonus progression table has been created, between 3/4 and full BAB progression. In effect, a level 20 character using this attack table will end up at 17 BAB versus the 15 offered by the 3/4 progression. Compared to the 3/4 table, a character gains 1 AB at level 1, and 1 more AB from level 7 to 8.

The following classes will now use this new attack progression table:
- Rogue
- Monk
- Dragon Disciple
- Shifter (this one is a -small- nerf)
- Divine Trickster
- Arcane Trickster

- Updated description for Ethereal Visage.
- Added description for Tongue of the Sun and Moon.


CD4 Hak Update v4.02b4
- 2da changes to keep up with the updated .tlk entries

- Updated description of Beast Form (the spell)
- Fixed description of Elemental Weapon.
- Fixed .tlk entry for Vitriolic weapon.
- Fixed description of Shield of Shadows for Shadow Adepts.
- Updated description of Wholeness of Body.
- Updated description for Greater Bull's Strength.


CD4 Hak Update v4.02b5
- Fixed missing Empower Turning from the Cleric feat list
- Fixed missing Bear Claw monk animations

- Updated description of Terrifying Rage
- Updated description of Resist Poison
- Updated description of Resist Disease
- Updated description of Improved whirlwind attack
- Updated description of Uncanny Dodge


CD4 Hak Update v4.02b6
- (Mystic Theurge) Added Knowledge: Nature to the skill list.

- Updated spell description for Flare.

- Robe #9 now available for male elves, and all female races.
- Robe #66 now available for female halflings.
- New neck option added for female halfling, human, half-orc, and elves: #166
- New glove option added for female halfling, human, elf: #173


CD4 Hak Update v4.02b7
- Find Traps can now be extended.
- Mystic Theurge now requires Knowledge Religion -or- Knowledge Nature 6
- Updated spell description for Flare.
- Fixed typo in Death Ward's description.
- Female elf heads have had their size normalized and some fixes thanks to @Nibbles.


CD4 Hak Update v4.02b8
- Epic Reputation description .tlk pointer updated.
- Added Skill Focus and Epic Focus feats for all custom skills except Knowledge Netheril.
- (Archmage) Arcane Fire now breaks invisibility.
- (Hierophant) Blast Infidel now breaks invisibility.

- Dragonsong description updated.
- Epic Reputation description updated.
- Added the .tlk entries of the new Skill Focus and Epic Focus feats.


CD4 Hak Update v4.03b1
.2da and class changes
- Six new skills added to skills.2da

Knowledge (Dalelands)
Knowledge (Dalelands) is a subset of the Knowledge Local skill, and represents study/knowledge of the Dalelands region, including the forests of the Cormanthor/Semberholme. Examples of topics related to this skill would be legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws and customs, traditions, and so forth.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.

Knowledge (Underdark)
Knowledge (Underdark) is a subset of the Knowledge Local skill, and represents study/knowledge of the Underdark region, in particular the Underdark regions in the vicinity of Maerimydra and Sschindylryn, as well as those two cities. Examples of topics related to this skill would be legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws and customs, traditions, and so forth.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.

Knowledge (History - Elves)
Knowledge (History - Elves) is a specific subset of the Knowledge History skill, and represents study of elven history and culture, from the earliest days of elven arrival on Faerun, through the early elven kingdoms, the Crown Wars, and such, as well as later kingdoms such as Cormanthyr, the Fall of Myth Drannor, and so forth.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.

Knowledge (Engineering)

Knowledge (Engineering) includes a study of architecture and engineering, including buildings, bridges, fortifications, and such, as well as aspects of Dungeons and Dungeoneering.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.

The Profession skill represents training in a livelihood or professional role, such as apothecary, cook, farmer, fisher, herbalist sailor, scribe, teamster, and so forth. When taking this skill, you must select a profession (which doesn't need to be among the examples, ask the staff if unsure about what you have in mind), which should be noted in your posted character biography and/or as an OOC note in your description.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Note that This skill cannot be used to in place of, or to replace, an existing skill, e.g. you cannot take Profession Sage and use that to make a roll in a Knowledge skill you don't have.

The Survival skill is used to do things like follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide a group safely through various wilderness and wastelands, identify signs of wildlife and/or monsters living in an area, predict the weather, or avoid natural hazards (such as quicksand).
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.

- 12 new skill focus/epic skill focus feats added to feats.2da

Base Classes
- Added skills: Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Survival

- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession
- Lasting Inspiration is now available at Bard level 16. It still requires 24 Perform.

- Added skills: Knowledge (History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Profession, Survival

Favored Soul
- Added skills: Knowledge (History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Taunt, Knowledge (Engineering), Profession

Green Knight
- Added skills: Profession, Survival

- Added skills: Profession

- Added skills: Knowledge (Engineering), Profession
- Now uses Charisma as its primary casting stat.
- Bonus feat at level 11 and 19
- Extra Turning, Spell Focus feats, Divine Might, and Divine Shield added to Bonus Feat list

- Added skills: Profession, Survival
- Banes of Enemies is now available at ranger level 16. It still requires to be an epic character.

- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves), Profession
- Now uses the same Spell Known progression table as Favored Soul, except for cantrips (7 known at level 20)
- Bonus feat progression changed as such: 5-10-15-20-23-25-29
- Bonus feat list updated accordingly (spell focuses, metamagic feats, etc)

- Added skills: Knowledge (History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession
- Bonus feat progression changed as such: 5-10-13-16-19-21-23-25-29

Prestige Classes
Arcane Archer
- Added skills: Concentration, Discipline, Spellcraft, Knowledge (Arcana), Profession, Survival

Arcane Trickster
- Added skills: Parry, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

Arcane Warrior
- Added skills: Parry, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

- Added skills: Concentration, Parry, Knowledge (Underdark), Profession

- Added skills: Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Survival

- Added skills: Knowledge (Nobles, Dales, History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Profession

Demonic Servitor (Formerly Thrall of Graz'zt/Demonic Thrall)
- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, Engineering), Profession

Diabolic Disciple (Formerly Disciple of Mephistopheles)
- Added skills: Parry, Bluff, Knowledge (Planes), Profession

Divine Champion
- Added skills: Concentration, Persuade, Taunt, Sense Motive, Knowledge (Engineering), Profession

Divine Disciple
- Added skills: Knowledge (History - Elves), Profession

Divine Seeker
- Added skills: Heal, Knowledge (Cormyr, Dales, Underdark, The Planes), Profession
- Now uses the 4/5 atk progression table

Divine Trickster
- Added skills: Parry, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

- Added skills: Lore, Parry, Profession
- Removal of the Great Fortitude feat prerequisite

Dragon Disciple
- Added skills: Profession

Dragonsong Lyricist
- Added skills: Parry, Spellcraft, Knowledge (History, History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Concentration, Knowledge (Nobles), Profession

Eldritch Knight
- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession
- Devastating Critical removed from Epic Bonus Feat list
- Overhwelming Critical removed from Epic Bonus Feat list

Harper Agent
- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession, Survival
- Removal of the Iron Will feat prerequisite
- Skill requirement now: Knowledge (Dales), Knowledge (Underdark), or Knowledge (Cormyr) 4 ranks, Persuade 8 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Survival 2 ranks
- Now uses the 4/5 atk progression table

Harper Mage
- Added skills: Intimidate, Ride, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession, Survival
- Removal of the Extend Spell feat prerequisite
- Skill requirement now: Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks

Harper Priest(ess)
- Added skills: Disable Trap, Parry, Taunt, Intimidate, Ride, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession, Survival
- Removal of the Iron Will feat prerequisite
- Skill requirement now: Persuade 4 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks

- Added skills: Profession

- Added skills: Sense Motive, Knowledge (History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Parry, Profession
- Now only gets a bonus feat at level 5. Epic bonus feats remain unchanged.

Invisible Blade
- Added skills: Concentration, Discipline, Profession

Knight Errant (Formerly Purple Dragon Knight)
- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, Engineering), Profession

Mystic Theurge
- Added skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Knowledge (History, Planes, History - Elves), Profession

- Added skills: Profession

Red Wizard of Thay
- Added skills: Heal, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, Engineering), Profession

Shadow Adept
- Added skills: Bluff, Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

- Added skills: Disable Trap, Open Lock, Parry, Set Trap, Craft Trap, Perform, Profession, Use Magic Device

- Added skills: Parry, Knowledge (Religion, Planes), Profession, Survival

Silverstar of Selune
- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark), Profession

- Added skills: Profession

Unyielding Defender
- Added skills: Knowledge (Engineering), Taunt, Intimidate, Profession

War Wizard
- Added skills: Knowledge (Dales, Underdark, History - Elves, Engineering), Profession

- Added skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Profession

- Added skills: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Knowledge (Cormyr, Planes, Dales, Underdark), Profession
- Removal of the Alertness feat prerequisite (that one never existed, but the .tlk, wiki, and forum have been updated)

- .tlk entries added for the new skills and their respective skill focus feats
- .tlk entries for each classes updated with their new skills and feat or prerequisite changes


CD4 Hak Update v4.03b2
.2da and class changes
Arcane Trickster:
- Added Great Intelligence, Great Charisma, and Epic Spell Penetration to the bonus feat list.

- Now has a spellbook. Assassin is an Int based spontaneous caster. __Assassin characters should request a relevel__ in order to be able to pick and choose their spells.

- Now has a spellbook. Blackguard is a Charisma based caster. Blackguards do not need to relevel to get their spells.

Demonic Servitor:
- Great Charisma feat removed. The stat gain is now innate. Demonic Servitors with more than 4 levels in the class are required to relevel
- Added Telepathic Gaze feat at level 8. This is an RP ability allowing the use of telepathy with creatures if they make eye contact with the DeS

Eldritch Knight:
- Added Knowledge (History, Planar, Cormyr)

- Added cantrips:
Cure Minor Wounds

- Added cantrips:
Cure Minor Wounds

- Added Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration as valid bonus feats

- Drow Domain now correctly gives Elemental Weapon at level 2, not Darkfire.

- Timestop targeting fixed for AI
- Relevant entries edited to add in spells to Assassin and Blackguard's spellbooks (Vince)
- Survival skill set to untrained.

- Shape Mastery: 9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
- Automatic Metamagic (All): 9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
- Epic Spell Focus (All): 9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
- Telepathic Gaze feat added

- Elven Chain dex cap has been increased to 5.

- Assassin, Blackguard, Paladin and Ranger class and spell level added to the relevant spell descriptions
- Assassin description updated
- Blackguard description updated
- Fighter description updated
- Epic Mage Armor description updated
- Divine Power description updated
- Heroic Alliance description updated
- Tenser's Transformation description updated
- Shape Mastery description updated
- Demonic Servitor description updated
- Eldritch Knight descriptin updated
- Creeping Doom description updated
- Flare description updated
- Telepathic Gaze description added
- Improved Invisibility description updated
- Shape Mastery, Epic Spell Focus, and Automatic Metamagic feat descriptions updated


CD4 Hak Update v4.03b3
.2da and class changes
- Champion's Valor icon changed
- Blackguard's Magic Weapon fixed to the correct spell
- Improved Invisibility added to assassin spellbook
- Fixed wrong feat number for Telepathic Gaze
- Fixed Diabolic Disciple abilities not being treated as hostile

- Mercurial Longsword description updated
- Elven Chainmail description updated
- Improved Invisibility description updated
- Divine Wrath description updated

- Tweaked the animation of one of the tiefling tails
- Compiled VFX models that were uncompiled, this should help with FPS drops when a model has to be loaded in


CD4 Hak Update v4.03b4
.2da and class changes
- Icon updated for Champion's Valor
- (Knight Errant) Final Stand is now instant use.
- (Knight Errant) Inspire Courage is now instant use.
- Draconic Horns vfx entries have been moved to an earlier spot in visualeffects.2da

- Profane Beauty description updated
- Ray of Frost description updated (was set to Conjuration, but is Evocation)
- Dominating Voice and Charming Voice description updated
- Pernicious Magic description updated
- Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Epic Spell Focus Abjuration description updated
- Assassin class description updated
- Blackguard class description updated
- Archmage class description updated
- Tempest Flurry description updated
- Damaging cantrips descriptions updated
- Spell description updated for the following spells:
  •    Acid Fog
  •    Blade Barrier
  •    Breath of Fire
  •    Chromatic Orb
  •    Circle of Doom
  •    Cloudkill
  •    Combust
  •    Horizikaul's boom
  •    Negative Energy Ray
  •    Ice Dagger
  •    Incendiary Cloud
  •    Inferno
  •    Larloch's Minor Drain
  •    Magic Missile
  •    Melf's Acid Arrow
  •    Meteor Swarm
  •    Murderous Mist
  •    Negative Energy Burst
  •    Polar Ray
  •    Vitriolic Sphere
  •    Wall of Fire
  •    Weird
  •    Detect Traps
  •    Knock
  •    Ultravision
  •    Entropic Shield
  •    Gaseous Form
  •    Flame arrow
  •    Displacement
  •    True Seeing
  •    Divine Favor
  •    Longstrider
  •    Bestow curse
  •    Stoneskin
  •    Greater Magic Weapon
  •    Phantom Steed
  •    Spell resistance
  •    Raise Dead
  •    Khelben's Warding Whip

- Updated human male head models (Thanks Nibbles!)


CD4 Hak Update v4.03b5
- Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, and Craft Wand added to Blackguard and Assassin feat list
- 292 new placeables from The Witcher added to placeables.2da (Terallis)
- Doomguide Bonus Feat list expanded (Vince)

Epic Reputation feat change
- Epic Reputation has been reclassified as a point of staff recognition. PCs noted by staff to have significantly impacted the server may be nominated by staff for admin review and awarded the feat.
- PCs who currently have this feat need to relevel out of it, as it cannot be picked up on a level up anymore.

- Updated description of cleric domains with the correct spells
- Updated description of Storm of Vengeance

- 292 new placeables from The Witcher added to placeables.hak
- 9 new VFX player accessories added (Nibbles & Mibs)
- Fixed tiefling tail models being identical and being set to the wrong parent file, causing visual errors: low version is the current lower height tail, while the new one replaces the (currently identical) normal tail
- Fixed bugged human female left arm #190 outfit appearance
- Fixed bugged human female robe #034 appearance
- Fixed bugged human male and female cloak #109 and 110
- Added new male torso model #088 for all races (Nibbles)
- Added new bicep, chest, and robe model #097 for every race and gender
- Added new male and female vampire creature models
- Added 8 new plant creature appearances


CD4 Hak Update v4.03b6
- Fixed wrong description on Shadow Adept's Shield of Shadow
- Wooden staircase added to placeables.2da
- Added a new column to spells.2da
- Fixed Empowered Turning and Heightened Turning missing from Cleric feat list
- Fixed Shadow Adept not getting Low-Light Vision at level 2

- Added new male chest model #89 for every race (Nibbles)
- Added new belt option #64 for every race and gender (Nibbles)
- Added new male chest model #245 for human males (Mibs)
- Added new female chest model #239 for human females (Mibs)
- Added three new wooden staircaise model. These can be found under Appearances: "Stairs, Wooden" "Stairs, SpiralCarpet" and "Stairs, Spiral" (Mibs)
- Updated wizard hat vfx (Nibbles)
- Added new female human head #252
- Added PLT colors to female human head #238


CD4 Hak Update v4.03c1
- Added entries for chest model #240, #241, and bicep & forearm #142
- Robe #13 and #25 now display the belt outfit part
- (Assassin) Prestidigitation added to cantrips list
- (Paladin) Remove Disease is now useable 3x/day
- (Druid & Shifter) Infinite wildshape (the animals) is now granted at druid level 14 or shifter level 8 (relevels aren't needed)
- (Shifter) Added Otyugh shapeshift and related entries
- (Shifter) Umber Hulk is on a diet and can now fit through doors.
- (Duelist) Added cls_bfeat_duel.2da to prevent errors
- (Invisible Blade) Added cls_bfeat_invisb.2da to prevent errors
- Updated 2da entries for Dragon Breath vfx for dragon polymorph PCs
- Updated 2da entries for Dragon Breath vfx for Half-Dragons & Dragon Disciples
- Updated 2da entries for Breath of Fire spell vfx
- Updated 2da entries for Slaad Spit vfx

- Fixed sky shader for 37-7
- Fixed outfit color palettes for 37-7
- Added 6 new ingots placeables (Mibs)
- Added chest option #240 and #241 for human female (placatedrat)
- Added bicep and forearm #142 for human female (placatedrat)
- Added 3 new Cage placeables - Cage: SH Tube 1, 2, and Jar
- Updated Dragon Breath vfx for dragon polymorph PCs
- Updated Dragon Breath vfx for Half-Dragons & Dragon Disciples
- Updated Breath of Fire spell vfx
- Updated Slaad Spit vfx

- Updated Greater Wildshape IV description
- Added Otyugh spit ability entry
- Updated Infinite Wildshape description
- .tlk entries for Warlock added (Vince)
- Tenser's transformation description updated to clarify that the caster loses the ability to cast spells while Tenser is active
- Updated description of Word of Faith
- Updated description of Blasphemy, Dictum, Holy Word, and Word of Chaos
- Updated Greater Restoration spell school
- Updated Avasculate descriptors


CD4 Hak Update v4.03c2
- (Dragon Disciple) Class prerequisite changed to 8 ranks in Lore -or- Knowledge: Arcana
- (Shifter) Fixed size scaling of Drow shape
- (Divine PRCs) Changes made to class prerequisites of the deity-locked PRCs, see module changelog

- Updated Dragon Disciple description
- Updated Silverstar, Doomguide, Windwalker, and Heartwarder's descriptions (Thanks to Edge for the help!)