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Lycanthrope Darkvision

Started by Terallis, Sep 11, 2021, 12:13 AM

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So, after so long of wondering if they did or not, I realized that lycanthropes don't actually get Darkvision as per PnP. I wonder if the race itself might get the feat as part of their package, to match the PnP inclusion? Thanks!
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall


No, no. They do get it in PnP, but I noticed that lycanthropes don't get it on the server.
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall


Do you mean low-light vision? That's not something we can add without modifying the feats on the character. It'd also, much like darkvision and light, break ultravision.


Ah! Not sure why I remembered Darkvision. Yeah, it's Low-Light Vision. Though, that's fair I suppose! Hadn't ever seen Ultravision being broken by those, at least. Know that it breaks with light, but hadn't seen those two break it before. Might be misremembering. Alrighty!
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall