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Tell us what encourages you to play more!

Started by Shantis, Oct 23, 2019, 05:23 PM

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1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:
Usually Monday - Friday, soooometimes on the weekend I do as well. This is for my timezone, which translates to Sunday-Thursday US times.

2 - what are your schedules:
I'm in CST+13, and typically play before 14:00

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:
Grim: He is a vigilant defender against the threat of undeath. He also likes to preserve life.
Amaiss: He's all about KNOWLEDGE and THE PLANES. He's also very mischievious, and loves playfulness.
Aster: Fey stuff, revelry, fun.

These are my main 3 right now.


1. Days I'm available:

Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I'm occupied on Mondays and Thursdays but only between November and March (it's iceskating time, yay!)

2.  My schedules:

I'm GMT+1 (normal time) / GMT+2 (daylight saving time) -- so CST+7/CST+8
Week: after 5pm GMT+1/10am CST until around 11pm GMT+1 (4PM CST)
Weekend: practically anytime. I'm able to wake up stupidly early to participate in an event!

3. My characters:

Ary'Keryn: bladesinger, defender of elves but he extends his vocation onto other good-willed races, so he'll happily help in Cormyr too. Anything elfy, helping others, teaching and spreading elven culture.

Runaiwem: Archwizard, alchemist, scientist, drummer, archer, polymath: again any elfy stuff, Netheril, ancient civilizations, arcane research, enjoys gnomes' acheivements in technology; he's also involved with the Eilistraeens.


1 Days - most of the week
2. Times - all over the place I'll try and fit around things scheduled if I can.
3. Themes - Tess enjoys rogue game-play, mischief, locks, traps, schemes, plots, dangerous traps, interesting treasure, exploration, underworlds, smugglers, deadly traps, stalking, spying, thinking on her toes, disguises, practical magic, alleyways, sharp things, maps, shadows, climbing, acrobatics, dungeons, ancient traps, gems, stealth, conspiracies, sea voyages, travel, highwaymen, mysteries, mechanisms, forgotten places, secrets, confidences, redacted, redacted, traps, redacted and kittens.


1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:

I play literally every day. Typically in the afternoons and evenings but sometimes in the mornings. Be advised that because of an injury I have, I sometimes have to go to bed and sleep for quite some time. This causes my sleep schedule to become erratic and it takes days for me to fix it.

2 - What are your schedules:

CST -6, I live in Texas. It's currently CDT -5 at the time of writing.

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:

Mari 'Melody' Sigers - Melody typically is interested in plots that tell a story. Historically-based plots involving the history of the world are a huge focus of hers. She's also interested in all sorts of lost lore, secrets, anything involving nobility, Netherese and Myth Drannor plots, and things that allow her to utilize her various different Knowledge skills, as she's an RP skill-focused build. She also enjoys singing, dancing, performance, and anything that allows her to play a meaningful support role to the main heroes. On a more amusing note, she's very good for comic relief, so anything involving fashion, dresses, makeup, or other silly distractions like that make her a very fun character for more light-hearted plots.
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


Oh boy hmm playtimes, I usually am available from around 7pm GMT till midnight GMT through I can do other times if given some warning or Insomnia has hit. (I just rarely try to sign up as a main to quests in those timeslots outside the above because I always fear sleep will claim me first)

Chars I play well...
Auroa Sannen Cleric/Heartwarder Blushy sweet girl
Erliza Everjoy Arcane TricksterWizard-Rogue not as sweet
Iyanna Arienal Druid Lazy Druidess who is happy to guide others but see's her days in spotlight as behind her
Caine Tir'ein Cleric/Shadowdancer Troublemaking Cleric of Erevan
Galdern Tir'eiwalle Mostly retired Bladesinger, hangs around because I A.) can't seem to retire him despite trying a few times in the past then going 'Nope' also around to be a teacher to anyone looking for such on the Bladesinger Path.
Valar Also mostly Retired Priestess. As she's happy, and happiness is the death of PC's


1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:

Any week day

2 - What are your schedules:

European Daytime, Evening, and Late Evening

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:

Shaella Fairglade, priestess of Sune:

What higher calling is there than the preservation of beauty, and the defense of love? She's young and an inexperienced adventurer, she want to learn and helping others, looking for a good adventure and light hearted events, help the temple of Sune. She oppose worshipers and embodiments of cruelty, domination, and tyranny.

Velvet the Golden, a courtesan:

Plots in underworld, intrigues, politics, people could use her to gather information on the enemy, contacts with the nobility and the rich, party escort, rogue game-play, mischief, balls and parties, gold shipments, guard schedules, secret meeting times

Reirra Starbreeze, a Sun Soul Monk:

Fight against Shar followers and evil, harming Shar Church as much as possible, avenge her brother, sometimes she need something to punch or kick, help the temple of Selûne, war companies, battlefields