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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.09a6


-Heroic empowerment will no longer provide an extra attack per round except for Druids. Instead, Wizards and Sorcerers affected by Heroic Empowerment will gain an extra attack per round as part of the effects of Tenser's Transformation. Clerics and Favored Souls will similar receive an extra attack per round from Divine Power while affected by Heroic Empowerment.
-Expanded the CD core portal script to allow party based key access.
-Fixed an error with the Dwarven female heads on the appearance setter skipping models.


-Adjusted CR on King Khazar and Spiderhaunt Crypt Boss to better match other monsters in those areas.

-Shopkeeper conversations in Yulash should be appropriately localized to Yulash rather than Arabel.


-The Yulash Duskturn Inn exterior door should now be unlocked.
-The OOC Arena should now appropriately be marked as above ground.
-Added 7 player houses.
-Fixed the Shadow Lark Cabaret door and added a sign outside.
-Adjusted CR on King Khazar and Spiderhaunt Crypt Boss to better match other monsters in those areas.
-Added areas for the Evereska quest, made by Banshee and Fire Wraith.
-Removed 3 old player houses per request.

Additional fixes from Rykka for Underdark regions:

The Thayan Enclave is properly linked to Duergar District in Sschindylryn and unlocked.
Shoemaker Sign fixed. One can now properly visualize his passive aggressive rage.
Lava in the Dragon-Pit adjusted to hopefully not fall prey to derezzing for some clients.
Door to the Yulash Duskturn's secret meeting room no longer yeets you across the world.
House Dhuurniv survivors have been properly Disgraced.
House Denigyr Soldiers have calmed down about their broken spears, and are no longer aggro.
The Courtyard 'Llolth' from has been exchanged with the properly branded Courtyard of 'Lolth'.
The Avatar of Kossuth was ousted from Sschindylryn and has been replaced by his twin brother Kossai.
The Slums interior of Sschindylryn has picked up a new nickname for locals.
The District of Lost Legacies now has map markers. Not that anyone should want to go there.
Stonecutter village now has some population, as well as a weirdly hot gnome mayor.
The Zhent patrol in the central markets of Sschindylryn now has a proper description and warning.
The Abandoned Warehouse babydungeon is once more infesting Sschindylryn. (Looks for the map marker.)
Some Sar'vex of Sschindylryn have volunteered to man the outer gates.
Barricaded up the doors temporarily to the Sschin Mushroom Fields to keep players from being trapped in its inescapable loop.
The Burning Road heats up its security with a Fire Giant patrol.
The Academy of Hungry Shadows guardian has been given a proper name and description.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.09a6 (Part 2)

Player Commands

  • /dispelme will now dispel barbarian rage and ioun stones.

  • Spells can be individually dismissed/dispelled from the /viewspells menu.

  • /viewspells' refresh rate will be dynamically adjusted if the server performance is low. (Should only come into effect during major server battle events)

Custom Portraits

  • Custom player portraits are now locked by resref (filename) to your cdkey. Other players cannot use a custom portrait that's already in use. Portraits that are already in use between multiple players will not be changed; new players simply won't be able to use the portrait.

    Default portraits packaged with the game or with our hak content can be freely used by anyone.

    This is a necessary change to deconflict players using different custom portraits that accidentally share the same filename to prevent conflicting portraits overwriting each other when uploaded to our portrait collection.

    Our official server policy otherwise remains unchanged: You cannot use another player's commissioned or original work without that player's permission.

    As general community etiquette: You should be respectful regarding other character's portraits or artwork another player is already using. Reusing the portrait files or same artwork another player is using for their character is akin to showing up to a party in the same dress — it's perceived as discourteous when that other player has spent time searching for artwork that compliments or completes their character's identity.


  • Bard Songs now replace other bard songs of equal or lesser rank.

  • Curse Songs now replace other curse songs of equal or lesser rank. Damage will only be applied if the target is not already under the effects of a curse song.

  • Fixed bards singing curse song being immune to hostile curse songs.

  • Fixed a discrepancy between Curse Song's skill modifiers and Bard Song's, which was 1 lower than Bard Song's from level 21. Curse song now correctly uses bard song's skills table.

  • Fixed NPC Curse Song's affecting neutral allies.

  • Bard Song will affect neutral targets as well as allies now.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed bard songs to buff themselves to higher perform rank effects.

  • Fixed Practiced Spellcaster being non-functional for Paladins and Rangers.

  • Red Wizard's saving throw bonus to saves versus their tattoo focus spell school specialization are now added to the saving throw, instead of being subtracted from the throw's DC.

  • Fixed Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell uses decrementing on failed castings when trying to imbue an invalid spell on a weapon.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now tells you how many remaining uses you have left when used.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell's feedback message now reports the name of the spell cast and the name of the item imbued with the channeled spell.

  • Fixed Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell III to correctly grant its increased uses per day at lvl 9.

  • Fixed Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell uses per day to be 3 at level 1, 6 at level 4, 9 at level 9.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now works with existing On Hit: Cast Spell properties on a weapon. Both will correctly trigger on every attack.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now gives you 9 seconds to begin attacking an enemy. Once you have begun attacking an enemy, you will have 1 round channel spell. If you cancel your round or are otherwise interrupted, the spell will end.

  • Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell now works with Shape Mastery.

  • Added additional spells for Arcane Warrior's Channel Spell:

    • Static Orb
    • Chromatic Orb
    • Icelance
    • Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
    • Polar Ray
    • Shocking Grasp
    • Snowball Swarm
    • Vitriolic Sphere
    • Avasculate
    • Chilling Touch
    • Crippling
    • Blizzard


  • Adjusted epic spell slot's calculation to always use your highest available class skill for calculating epic spell slots, fixing some edge cases where under some conditions a mystic theurge would use their arcane levels and skills over divine even if divine was higher.

  • Fixed Mystic Theurge double dipping on epic spell slots if they had at least 5 wizard levels and 5 cleric levels.

  • Mass Hold Person duration increased to 1 round per caster level.

  • Mass Hold Monster duration increased to 1 round per caster level.

  • Fixed various persistent area of effect spells miscalculating their saving throws and DCs in certain edge cases.

  • Fixed spell penetration not being calculated correctly for various persistent area of effect spells.

  • Fixed scaling caster damage bonus not being applied to various persistent area of effect spells.

  • Added support for spell descriptors in our next hak update.

  • Added missing spell metadata to True Strike.

  • True Strike is now correctly recognized as a divination school spell.

  • True Strike now gives you 9 seconds to begin attacking an enemy. Once you have begun attacking an enemy, you will have 1 round of true strike. If you cancel your round or are otherwise interrupted, the spell will end.

  • Dispel feedback is now grouped by failure/success, with any dispelled spells displayed last in your combat log.

  • Added combat log feedback for breached spells.

  • The list of spells removed by breach has been updated to include many of our custom spells. The new spell breach order is thus:

    • Greater Spell Mantle
    • Greater Spellshield
    • Premonition
    • Spell Mantle
    • Spellshield
    • Shadow Shield
    • Greater Stoneskin
    • Ethereal Visage
    • Globe of Invulnerability
    • Energy Immunity
    • Energy Buffer
    • Elemental Protection
    • Greater Sanctuary
    • Minor Globe of Invulnerability
    • Spell Resistance
    • Protection from Magic Energy
    • Stoneskin
    • Lesser Spell Mantle
    • Lesser Spellshield
    • Shield of the Archons
    • Mestil's Acid Sheath
    • Mind Blank
    • Cut Off
    • Impervious Sanctity of the Mind
    • Nondetection
    • Undetectable Alignment
    • Elemental Shield
    • Protection from Spells
    • Protection from Elements
    • Protection from Arrows
    • Shadow Mask
    • Resist Elements
    • Resist Fire and Cold
    • Death Armor
    • Circle of Bones
    • Druth's Necrotic Shield
    • Scales of the Dragon
    • Misdirection
    • Ghostly Visage
    • Greater Blinkplate
    • Endure Elements
    • Icyscales
    • Silversteel Veil
    • Shadow Conjuration, Mage Armor
    • Negative Energy Protection
    • Sanctuary
    • Blinkplate
    • Mage Armor
    • Armor of Darkness
    • Stone Bones
    • Shield
    • Shield of Faith
    • Lesser Mind Blank
    • Ironguts
    • Resistance


  • Bioware AI will only attempt to heal allies if they can see the ally.

  • Bioware AI will only attempt to raise the corpse of an ally if they can see the ally's corpse.

  • Bioware AI will now use curse song, divine might, and divine shield.

  • Bioware AI will no longer waste rounds by attempting to use bard song when silenced.

  • Bioware AI will use voice lines when taunting so there's more feedback that you're being taunted.

  • Jasper's and Bioware AI won't attempt to raise outsiders unless they have the native outsider feat.

  • Jasper's and Bioware AI won't attempt to raise summoned henchmen creatures.

  • Increased minimum cooldown duration for taunt attempts by Jasper's and Bioware AI.


  • Removed old duplicate Selune Recovery area.

  • Added missing rest triggers to Terallis' updated Selune Recovery area added in 4.09a5.

  • Submerged chests in the top floor of Witchlords are now considered underwater.

  • Behemoth is once again a magical beast. The behemoth cannot be animal empathied and paraded around the server this time 'round.

  • Hid various developer textures seen in the underdark and some other tilesets. (Often seen as green or red grids or entirely red tiles in the void, used by area builders to better see tile elevation)

  • Removed the teleportation delay from the Nether Archive shards, which if interrupted would have left you trapped.


  • Added missing Mass Owl's Wisdom scroll to loot.

  • Fixed gold cost of Vampire Teeth throwing daggers.

  • Casks of Empty Potion Vials and Boxes of Unenchanted Bone Wands are now sold in all general mage good stores.

  • Fixed Spell Resistance property values on 144 Bioware creature skins.

  • Fixed the frying pan mace sold in Immersea having a broken default appearance.

  • Ioun stones will be dismissed/dispelled from you when the item is given away (sold, traded, dropped, etc).

  • Sequencer items can no longer cast stored spells if the user does not know the spell.

  • Sequencer spells will be cast at the caster's current caster level.

  • Sequencer items will report the spells being cast to the user.


  • Added return Mouth O' Gargoyles to Arabel caravan.

  • Fixed wild magic surges triggering additional wild magic surges.

  • Wild magic surges now play a sound for the caster.

  • Drowning now does custom drowning type damage.

  • Minor script performance optimizations to the area drowning scripts.

  • You can no longer add items to a barter window if the recipient can't carry the item's ILR tier.

  • Animal empathy can no longer be used on polymorphed creatures.

  • Added flight to Pixie and Gaseous Form polymorphs.

  • Fixed Empower Turning not multiplying Turn Undead rolls by 1.5.


CD Module 4.09a6 Hotfix 1

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few critical bugs in the interim between module updates.

  • Fixed crashing in Mysthaven player home.

  • Fixed inaccessible door transitions in Hidden Valley player home.

  • Fixed Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power's synergy bonus with Heroic Empowerment stacking together.



CD Module 4.09a6 Hotfix 2

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few bugs in the interim between module updates.


  • Fixed spells absorbing double the amount of spell absorption levels than intended.


  • Fixed transition and key tag for Violet Point player home's exterior door.


  • Bioware AI's taunt and knockdown cooldowns are now global per-target taunt and knockdown cooldowns, with much longer minimum and higher maximum cooldown times with a very small chance to ignore the cooldown for some additional randomization. This is on top of the already existing low chance of attempting a taunt or knockdown in a round. Player summons have higher chance to attempt knockdowns and taunts each round than hostile enemies do.


  • Fixed Sequencer items blocking spells from being cast.

  • Fixed Sequencer items sometimes calculating the wrong caster level under certain edge cases.


  • Fixed saving throws vs. a saving throw type where the creature had immunity to not show the saving throw roll.

  • Fixed immunity to death causing vs. death saving throws to automatically fail, which would cause an edge case issue where supernatural death effect spells such as implosion would kill you, rather than be stopped after a failed save by immunity to death effects.

  • Fixed immunity to mind-affecting causing vs. fear saving throws to automatically fail.


CD Module 4.09b1

Player Commands

  • /elementfix, /featfix, and /srfix are now deprecated.


  • Fixed PCs releveling out of certain classes being stuck with errant bonuses leftover on their PC subrace skin from the removed class level.

  • Fixed Doomguide's saving throw and death magic/ability/level drain immunities not being removed when removing Doomguide levels. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Harper Priest and Harper Mage removing all racial gained spellcraft bonuses from the PC skin if that character leveled up in any class whilst having, or leveling into, Harper Priest 4 or Harper Mage 4. This fix only applies to new characters taking Harper Priest 4 or Harper Mage 4. Any character with 4 or more Harper Priest or Harper Mage class levels from before this fix with a racial skin that should have spellcraft bonuses should seek a DM to get a new racial skin.

  • Fixed Harper Priest removing racial listen bonuses from the PC skin if that character leveled up in any class whilst having, or leveling into, Harper Priest 2. This fix only applies to new characters taking Harper Priest 2. Any character with 2 or more Harper Priest class levels from before this fix with a racial skin that should have spellcraft bonuses should seek a DM to get a new skin.

  • Fixed all bonus feat item properties being removed from the PC skin on rangers whenever armor with a base AC value of 4 or less was unequipped. Only a ranger's Dual-Wield added bonus feats will be removed now.

  • Fixed all arcane spell failure item properties being removed from the PC skin on bards and bladesingers. Only the specific item properties those classes add to the skin will be removed now.

  • Fixed Bladesinger removing all concentration bonuses from the PC skin.

  • Fixed multiple accumulative and stacking arcane spell failure item properties being added to the PC skin on bards and bladesingers when changing any equipment. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity item property bonus feats not being removed from the PC skin on rangers when the PC releveled. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Rangers receiving Dual-Wield and its Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambideterity benefits for free before ranger level 9 when equipping a mithral chain shirt / elven chain. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed arcane spell failure item properties not being removed from the PC skins for bards when the PC releveled below bard level 9. This fix is retroactive.

  • Dragon Disciple's breath attacks feats are now automatically set according to the dragon disciple's chosen dragon color upon taking Dragon Disciple level 3. Only non-standard dragon disciple colors will require a LETO to have their breaths set. This change is not retroactive, any standard color dragon disciples with a pending LETO to have their breaths corrected should instead get a relevel for their 3rd dragon disciple level.

  • Dragon Disciple's elemental immunities for standard colors are now automatically set when leveling up to Dragon Disciple level 10. Only non-standard dragon disciple colors will require a LETO and DM assistance to have their elemental immunity setup. This change is not retroactive, any standard color dragon disciples with a pending LETO to have their fire immunity removed should instead get a relevel for their 10th dragon disciple level.

  • Level 9 Dragon Disciple's now automatically receive their wings of an appropriate color according to their chosen dragon color feat. Contact a DM if you want to use one of our variant wing color options.

  • Arcane trickster's sneak attack progression is now automatic. Arcane tricksters without blackguard levels will receive the blackguard sneak attack progression line as normal. Arcane tricksters with blackguard levels will receive the rogue sneak attack progression line instead. This fix is retroactive.

  • Weapon Proficiency (Bard) and Weapon Proficiency (Wizard) will be automatically granted to any characters missing them.

  • Fixed Heartwarder's missing Heart of Passion charisma skill bonuses. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Heartwarder's missing Heart of Passion +2 bonus to Turn Undead checks.

  • Fixed class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, Bard Arcane Spell Failure reduction etc) becoming stuck on the PC for that server reset if the PC leveled out of the class.

  • Fixed class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, Bard Arcane Spell Failure reduction etc) not being updated when the PC's ability modifiers were changed through buffs / debuffs.

  • Fixed class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, Bard Arcane Spell Failure reduction etc) not persisting through death.

  • Removed the buff bar effect icon for class bonus effects (Invisible Blade AC, Duelist's Precise Strike, etc) to cause less confusion with actual spell buffs.

  • Fixed class AC bonuses calculated from ability modifiers (Invisible Blade AC, Profane Beauty, Protective Personality, etc) to be recalculated when the ability modifier changes from buffs/debuffs.

  • Fixed class AC bonuses (Bladesong, Profane Beauty, Protective Personality, Druid/Barbarian/Ranger stacking dodge AC bonuses, etc) to use the highest available bonus rather than the last applied.

  • Fixed Barbarian AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Druid AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Ranger AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Ranger AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Invisible Blade AC bonus to also be applied when naked.

  • Fixed Duelist's Precise Strike bonus to only be applied to weapons finessable by the PC, fixing non-finessable weapons that weighed less than 40 lbs being incorrectly granted precise strike's bonus.

    Fixed Duelist's Precise Strike incorrectly granting small races wielding two-handed medium size finessable weapons precise strike's bonus.

  • Added spell metadata to Feint Mastery.

  • Fixed Duelist not receiving Deflect Arrows at level 9. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed Shadow Adept not receiving Darkvision at lvl 7. This fix is retroactive.


  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Epic Mage Armor to be reapplied for free after resting.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor losing its spell metadata and becoming undispellable after swapping armor.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor having its duration refreshed to 24 hours when swapping armor.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor being temporarily lost if the character got naked.
    Note: Polymorphed/shifted characters do not receive any AC bonus from epic mage armor. This is an intended balance decision at this time.


  • Fixed Shadow Weave wisdom penalty for non shadow weave users only being applied if the equipped armor had a gender restriction item property.

  • Fixed Shadow Weave wisdom penalty for non shadow weave users being removable via resting or using restoration spells. The penalty can only be removed by unequipping the armor.

  • Fixed Shadow Weave wisdom penalty for non shadow weave users being blockable by having an immunity to ability decreasing effects.

  • Fixed male gender restricted items not being usable by anyone, and female gender restricted items being usable by everyone.

  • Fixed Ambidexterity being permanently gained if an equipment item that gives Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat was equipped during level up/login. This fix is retroactive.

  • Fixed various ancient item scripts that were incorrectly setup for tag based item scripting and were causing shenanigans across the server, including (albeit extremely rarely), but not limited to: randomly deleting items from other player's inventories.


  • Elemental damage resistances have been removed from all PC subrace skins and replaced with the appropriate elemental damage resist feats for the following subraces. This change is retroactive upon log in:
    • Aasimar
    • Tiefling
    • Half-Vampire
    • Axani
    • Cansin
    • Air Genasi
    • Dust Genasi
    • Fire Genasi
    • Ice Genasi
    • Magma Genasi
    • Smoke Genasi
    • Steam Genasi
    • Water Genasi
    • Half-Tanarukk
    • Fey'ri who have taken Fire Resistance as a demonic ability.

  • Half-Celestials, Half-Fiends, and Alu-Fiends now automatically gain their racial spell-like abilities. Any characters missing their spell-like abilities will be automatically granted them upon log in.

  • Added and updated all subrace skins for all standardized templates in the module's palette.


  • Druid/Shifter's Dragon Shape has been expanded to include all standard chromatic and metallic dragon colors. You can select your 3 dragon colors that appear in the shifter/druid dragon shape radial menu with /setdragonshapes. After selecting your dragon shapes you must rest before you can shift.

  • Dragon Shape's 40/+6 Damage Reduction has been replaced by 20% damage immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing.

  • Normalized Dragon Shape scaling.

  • Changed druid/shifter dragon shape as well as shapechange's red dragon to use reduced hitbox sizes, whilst also being a little visually smaller too. Dragon shapes should be party and door friendly.

  • Polymorphed drow and duergar characters no longer receive daylight penalties.

  • The following PC polymorphs now have their scaling normalzied to 100%:
    • Troll
    • Pixie
    • Umber Hulk
    • Red Dragon
    • Fire Giant
    • Balor
    • Iron Golem
    • Badger
    • Boar
    • Penguin
    • Dire Badger
    • Dire Boar
    • Chicken
    • All druid/shifter dragon shapes
    • Parot
    • Rat
    • Snake

  • Fixed keen not correctly merging on creature weapons for druid and shifter shapes. This does not apply to other polymorph spells/effects. Builder note: Keen is still blackboxed on creature weapons, this is a script fix specfic to to druid/shifter polymorphing only.

  • Fixed the hidden decreased AC item properties on special armors being copied to wildshape / shifter polymorphs which would result in lowered dodge AC.

  • Fixed Shifter's Basilisk and Medusa petrification abilities ignoring boss and other NPC's petrification immunities.

  • Added missing spell metadata to Shifter's Basilisk and Medusa petrification abilities.

Alternate Forms

  • Rewrote all of the alternate form scripts to a modernized and more flexible system. All alternate forms now use new widgets. All old widgets will be automatically exchanged with the new widgets when logging in. If you receive the wrong widget or don't receive any updated widgets, or want to swap your widget for one of the available color variant, please post a Misc Request.

  • Normalized the following form's scaling to 100%, fixing both small and large forms that could become problematic on extreme height PCs:
    • Werebear Hybrid Form
    • Werecat Hybrid Form
    • Wererat Hybrid Form
    • Werewolf Hybrid Form
    • Wereboar HybridForm
    • Wereshark Animal Form
    • Wereshark Hybrid Form
    • Wolfwere Hybrid Form
    • Fox Hengeyokai Animal Form
    • Fox Hengeyokai Hybrid Form
    • Badger Animal Form
    • Aranea True Form
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood Snake Form
    • Tibbit Animal Forms

  • All permanent supernatural effects granted by the forms are now all bundled under one "Polymorph" effect icon to be less confusing with other actual spell buff icons.

  • All forms now have spell metadata and are displayed in /viewspells.

  • Fixed alternate forms restoring characters to alternate player race appearances, which often resulted in breakage in other systems.

  • Added wolfwere hybrid and animal form widgets, with grey (default) and white color variants.

  • Added fox and badger hengeyokai animal and hybrid form widgets.

  • Added aranea true form widget. (No hybrid widget at this time.)

  • Added wereshark hybrid and animal form widgets.

  • Added yuan-ti pureblood snake form widget.

  • Updated werebear's hybrid appearance to use the new werebear model we added with one of our last hak updates.

  • Tibbits now have variant color options for their animal form: black (default), white, and tabby. Contact a DM to replace your current widget with the variant color your PC is.

  • Lythari now have variant color options for white or grey. Contact a DM to replace your current widget with the variant color your PC is.

  • Werebears now have variant color options for their forms: brown (default), polar, and black. Contact a DM to replace your current widgets with the variant color your PC is.

  • Using /setportrait or /editdescription while in a form will save those permanently to that form, allowing you to have different portraits and descriptions for your true form vs animal form vs hybrid form.

  • Accessory VFX are temporarily removed while in an alternate form.


  • Characters can no longer level up whilst polymorphed or whilst using an alternate form.

  • Removed various old resrefs from the module palette that were marked for deletion or depreicated by newer systems.

  • Fighting styles are automatically and retroactively granted to all PCs now, with the following exceptions:
    • Arcane style requires an application via a LETO request.
    • Monk styles are only automatically granted to monks.

  • Added experimental automatic fixes for the darkness/ultravision and web/dex AC bugs.

  • Fixed the evil option for turning in the Mirror Quest not marking your journal as completed if you were over HD 13.

  • Fixed Druidic being able to be spoken with tongues.

  • (Potentially) improved client crashloop detection to be more reliable.

  • Characters will now load directly to their bind spots on first login after a server restart, skipping unnecessarily loading In The Beginning.

  • Fixed players being removed from quest chat when transferring between servers.


  • Fixed the fence's store check in Pit's Edge failing to correctly identify whether the PC has Thieves' Cant.

  • Azoun will no longer greet DMs and NPCs entering the beginning character creation area.

  • Corrected the hidden door spot checks in the Mirror Quest dungeon to be search checks.

  • Added trash bins to In The Beginning character creation area.

  • Fixed transitions inside Violet Point player home.

  • Fixed the bar counter occluding visibility in Shadow Lark Cabaret player home.

  • Moved the exit point transition in Mordekainen's Mansion forward to fix pathfinding accessibility issues.

  • Disabled grass sprites in Calantar's Way - Immersea to Hilp and The High Road - East of Eveningstar to not interfere with player house decorations.

  • Fixed the missing return caravan option for Suzail to Arabel.

  • Fixed Fisk's description.


  • Fixed PartyKeyAllowed variable on cd_portal_jump script to correctly check party members for the portal key.

  • polymorph.2da now supports overriding the polymorph appearance's size category, perspace, creature perspace, footstep sound type, hit distance and preferred attack distance as well as overriding the creature's scaling, tail, and wings.

  • The old inn door script, tailoring model NPCs, and music players have been deprecated and replaced in all areas of the module. See this thread for more details:

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed using /dmrename when possessing an NPC not updating the Rod of Naming to then reuse that last set name when used.

  • Fixed /dmfidestroy not destroying the closest object when targeting yourself.

  • /dmfidestroy will no longer destroy doors unless the door is directly targeted.

  • Path tool and command can be used on placeables to create transitions between existing placeables.

  • Fixed not being able to change a 1 way path to a 2 way path on doors.

  • Fixed not being able to use the path tool on placeables to create custom portals without requiring creating a new placeables via the /createpath command.

  • Trying to use a path from the exit of a one way path will now tell you it's a one way path rather than "You can't use this".

  • DMs can use locked paths.

  • Fixed /setscale reset not reverting a character's edited scaling back to their original scale.

  • Added /createportal <tag> for creating a cross-server portal destination. Use /portal <tag> to portal targeted players to the portal destination. Note: Portal tags are shared between all DMs. You will be prompted if attempting to overwrite an existing destination; please list any tags you are using for other DM's awareness.

From Fire Wraith:

  • Fixed appearance changer head model scripts to include missing heads

  • Fixed Dhedluk War Wizard Tower's confused transition issues trapping players in a locked player home.

  • Various fixes to Evereska event areas.

  • Portal in Sschindylryn to Arabel Sewers now leads to/from Yulash's outskirts instead.

  • Fixed Hezrou having an invalid invisible appearance.

  • Various tweaks to Suzail:
    • Added map pins to various areas for points of interest.
    • Renamed Suzail City to Suzail Eastern Promenade. The teleport key for this area has been adjusted accordingly.
    • Added additional teleport locations around Suzail.
    • Added a door for the Huncrown Estate.

  • Fixed limited venison stock in Velethul's treetop merchant.

  • Player house updates.

From Edge:

  • Various balance tweaks to the  low level underdark Sschindylryn dungeons.

From Rykka:

  • Various fixes and tweaks to Sschindylryn



CD Module 4.09b1 Hotfix 1

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few bugs in the interim between module updates.

  • Fixed barbarian rage being dispellable.

  • Fixed lythari who had been incorrectly given the werewolf widgets during character creation prior to 4.09b1 being upgraded with the new werewolf widgets, rather than be given the new lythari specific widgets. This fix is retroactive and any lythari upgraded with the wrong widgets should receive the correct widgets upon login.

  • Fixed characters being given duplicate alternate form widgets upon login. Duplicate widgets will be automatically removed from anyone affected.

  • Fixed DMs not being timed out from quest chat after logging off for more than 60 minutes.

  • Fixed windwalker's air walk ability.

  • Fixed /listenrange reporting characters not in quest chat as being in quest chat, and vice versa.

  • Added white werewolf alternate form widgets.

  • Fixed PCs logged out in a destroyed area who're sent back to the module start location upon login not being forwarded to their bind point.

  • Fixed keen not transfering to shifter or druid shape's creature weapons.

  • Corrected Fisk's age.


CD Module 4.09b2

Scripted Quest & XP System Fixes

  • Fixed handing in the Slaad Tower quest completing the quest for all party members.

  • Fixed handing in the Witch's Gem quest completing the quest for all party members.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed collecting the reward from the highmoon bandit mirror quest twice.

  • Fixed an exploit present in the majority of scripted XP quests that allowed XP to still be awarded after the scripted quest's XP level cap.

  • Fixed a bug that when near your combat XP cap allowed earning combat XP over your combat XP cap.

  • All XP reward functions have been rewritten. Excess RPXP awarded from all sources (scripted quests and faery ticks) will now roll over to your next level. Excess RPXP will not roll over if you're at ascension cap.

  • Combat XP can be earned when within 1,000 XP of ascension if your combat XP cap hasn't been reached yet. This fixes being unable to re-earn lost combat XP from crafting or dying, as well as not being able to earn your final combat XP if you had maximized your RP XP first before combat XP.

  • The XP values in your character sheet are now updated in real time, rather than only when the character sheet is opened.

  • RPXP Faery ticks will always award XP up until 1 XP away from ascension cap, rather than stopping 1 full tick away.

  • Scripted quests can be turned in at ECL 20 unless the reward XP would take you past your ascension cap.

Global Weather

  • Areas are now affected by a global weather system, with different weights for rain, thunderstorms, and snow depending on the module season:
    • Summer has a very low chance of rain.
    • Spring has a moderate chance of rain, and an increased chance of thunderstorms.
    • Fall has a moderate chance of rain, and a low chance of snow.
    • Winter has a high chance of snow.
    • These values may get tweaked over time to find a natural pattern.

  • Only areas flagged natural, above ground, and exterior are affected by the global weather system. Areas can be flagged to ignore the global weather system with the area int variable OVERRIDE_GLOBAL_WEATHER 1. You can force an area to use the global weather system regardless of area flags with USE_GLOBAL_WEATHER 1.

  • Control Weather will only change the weather in the current area. After 20 minutes, the area will be subject to the new weather changes by the global weather system again.


  • Misc fixes to a player home.

  • Aesthetic visual overhaul to the Arabel Warehouse ant tunnels' tileset.

  • Aesthetic visual overhaul to the white chess pieces in Ogre Lord's Redoubt.


  • Updated lythari, wolfwere, and werewolf animal models to use the higher quality Project Q wolf models.

  • Green Knight's Challenge and Knight Errant's Oath of Wrath won't consume feat uses if used against invalid targets.

  • Fixed Green Knight's Cut the Corruption being unusable if transmutation was a forbidden spell school.

  • Using return now displays a timer, which can be cancelled to stop you from returning.

  • Reviving/Raising/Resurrecting will now display a progress bar for both the healing player and target. If multiple people attempt to revive a target at the same time or are interrupted/cancel reviving the target, the progress bar displayed to the target may be incorrect or prematurely closed.

  • Characters will stand back up if their reviving attempt is cancelled or interrupted.

  • Fixed being able to begin reviving targets before they were dead.

  • Added feedback whenever a character stops or finishes reviving a target.

  • Fixed barbarian rage being dispellable by spells and being removed in dead magic zones.

  • Creature statues now save their facing at spawn and will return to that facing if ever turned another direction, instead of attempting to face a waypoint which if didn't exist would make the statue face toward 0,0.

  • Fixed Spell Sequencer rejecting subradial spells.

  • Fixed shadow weave penalties from equipped items being applied accumulatively every time the character transitioned areas.

  • Fixed removing any shadow weave penalty item removing all shadow weave penalties when it should only remove the penalty associated with the removed item.

  • Shadow weave penalties gained from using shadow weave magic items will now expire on rest. This does not include equipped items, which can only be removed by unequipping the shadow weave item.

  • All shadow weave penalties are now -2 wisdom, instead of -1d4 to fix an exploit that allowed characters to reroll their penalty.

From Fire Wraith:

  • Updates to various player houses.
  • Fixed Suzail East's teleport key reported in the teleport key finder.
  • Fixed various areas using generic area tags.

From Rykka:

  • Additional underdark updates.


CD Module 4.09b3


  • Fixed Sschindylryn Outskirt's portal to Yulash.

  • Migrated Sschindylryn's ferry from Sschindylryn Gates to Sschindylryn Outskirts.

  • Fixed Temple of Selune's Recovery Wing rest areas, again.

  • Fixed Temple of Selune's Recovery Wing exit transition facing you backwards.

  • Fixed transition issues with 2 player homes.


  • Green Knight's Indestructible feat's death effect immunity is now permanent and does not require reapplication via using the feat.

  • Green Knight's Challenge can only be used on hostile creatures, as opposed to both hostile and neutral creatures.

  • Fixed the Bandit Mirror quest's journal entries not always being updated correctly at each stage of the quest.

  • Fixed the reviving progress bar not being removed from the target if the last reviving player was interrupted during their revive.

  • Spells that increase/decrease physical damage on the character sheet now report their damage increase as "Physical" rather than the confusing "Bludgeoning".

  • Minor tweaks to the global weather system algorithm.

  • Fixed not being able to unset persistent accessory VFX.

  • Added support for wing and tail model overrides for alternate forms.

  • Changed wererat's alternate hybrid form to Project Q's better model.

  • Lythari now gain stat bonuses in animal form:

    +2 AC
    +1 AB
    +6/10 Damage Reduction
    +2 Strength
    +4 Dexterity
    +4 Constitution
    +2d8 Temp HP

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed resetting /setvisualtransform not restoring a character's original transforms (such as scale) under certain edge cases.

  • Fixed /viewspells not working for DMs, which was inadvertantly broken in the last update.


CD Module 4.09b4

Scripted Quests

  • Completing a hub exclusive quest will remove the other hub's in-progress quest from your journal.

  • Quest journal messages are now hidden during login to reduce the wall of combat log messages.

  • Fixed the Yulash Down the Drain quest not being updated on login.

  • Fixed the Yulash Spiderhaunt Death Knight quest not being updated on login.

  • Fixed the Yulash Spiderhaunt quest dungeon transitions.

  • All quests now display the maximum level for earning XP in the journal, as well as what quest they're mutually exclusive with.

  • The Witch's Gem quest now remembers if you've started the quest after server restarts.

  • Fixed multiple exploits with The Witch's Gem quest.

  • Fixed the Witch's Gem not flagging characters as having defeated the four spirits if any of the spirits were killed indirectly (such as suicide by damage).

  • Quest items can no longer be sold to stores.

  • Reduced the weight of the painting quest item.


  • Fixed shadow weave item penalties being reapplied accumulatively on login.

  • Shadow weave penalties from using a magic item will only be applied if you did not already have penalties from that item.

  • Fixed Ranger's losing Ambidexterity/Two-Weapon Fighting when equipping any item after having equipped special AC light armors such as elven chain.

  • Equipping special AC light armors such as elven chain on ranger will no longer display the ranger abilities disabled combat log feedback message.

  • Changed the server's 10 minute restart warning to 15 minutes.

  • Minor player house fixes.

  • Server weather changed from Summer to Fall.

  • Fixed the Duergar subrace setup script.

From Fire Wraith

  • Restored the missing monument in Suzail Palace District.

  • Minor player house fixes.

  • Fixed the name of one of the dogs in Shadowdale.

  • Updated quest areas.

From Rykka

  • Updated the Thayan Enclave in the Underdark.



CD Module 4.09b5


  • Updated Hawk's Perch Trading House.

  • Added memorabilia to Ashabenford Inn.

  • Player house updates.

  • In The Beginning's beginner store now sells ammunition in stacks of 5000.

  • All NPC conversations in In The Beginning are now instanced and private.

  • The Keeper of Languages sphinx in In The Beginning can no longer be pushed out of place.


  • Fixed blinkstrike always reporting Vrock Noble as the NPC's name.

  • Fixed henchmen such as Shadow Double subjected to friendly fire breaking the commoner faction for the attacker.

  • Fixed NPC casters attempting to use horse menu feats as enhancement buffs, which would cause some NPCs such as the Memory of Netheril NPCs to break and stand still when entering their buffing routines.

  • Rewrote the majority of summon/henchmen AI scripts, fixing many edge case issues that resulted in either slow and indecisive AI behavior, or caused AI to stand still trying to use invalid abilities and feats.

  • Added /toggleaispells which permanently toggles your summon's ability to cast non-healing spells and abilities on or off. This can be overridden per summon with /order spells [on|off]

  • /order to attack will now lock summons to that target until either the target dies or a different command is issued to the summon with /order or with voice commands.

  • /order to move a summon will now order the summon to Stand Your Ground at the targeted location.

  • Added /order spells [on|off] to toggle the targeted summon's ability to cast non-healing spells and abilities on or off. This overrides /toggleaispells.

  • Decreased Marut and Marut Champion's personal space and creature spacing.

  • Replaced all summoned dragon appearances with smaller hitbox versions. n.b. Whilst improved, the crystal dragon hitboxes are still large in some axis and will require a hak update to improve further.

  • Summoned Tulani Eladrin will now use its bard song.

  • Reduced frequency that player summons use knockdown and taunt.

  • Bioware AI will correctly use Flurry of Blows and Rapid Shot now.


  • Added /bow for playing the radial menu bowing animation.

  • Disabled the default *puffs on a pipe* emote messages played when the smoking VFX emote is triggered by a typed emote or via /smoke.

  • Minor tweaks to the weather system algorithm for weather changing patterns.

  • Weather system will now work with lightning storms. Note that lightning is partially hardcoded in the engine, and lightning flashes on your screen won't play until you change areas.

  • Weather system will now work correctly in artifical flagged areas, such as cities.

  • Weather system is disabled on the event server. DMs can use the available DM tools to change an area's weather to their needs.

  • Rare chance of lightning strikes during storms.

  • Fixed multiple areas incorrectly subject to weather because of odd area flags.

  • Fixed being able to revive other characters from any distance.

  • Fixed Shadow Weave feat penalizing non-transmutation and evocation spells.

  • Fixed Tenacious Magic feat granting +4 dispel magic DC bonus on transmutation and evocation spells.

  • Changed Ancient Gargoyle racial type to Monstrous Humanoid.


  • NPC conversations can now be set to private with int variable CONVERSATION_PRIVATE 1. The old private conversation specific OnDialogue scripts are now deprecated.

  • NPC conversations can now be instanced with int variable CONVERSATION_INSTANCED 1. The old instanced conversation specific OnDialogue scripts are now deprecated

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Key lock removed from Velethuil Treetops. Note that this only allows access to those the elves consider non-hostile.


CD Module 4.09b6


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed missing return caravan option from Ashabenford to Yulash.

  • Fixed Yulash to Hillsfar caravan option charging too much for distance traveled.

  • Moved Violet Flame and Shadowdale's generic high magic arcane shops to the global shop system.

  • Removed duplicate ultravision scroll from the generic high magic arcane shops.

  • Moved generic weapon stores to the global shop system.

  • Arabel, Yulash, and Sschindyrlyn's pawn shop inventories are now shared.

  • Significantly optimized the Violet Flame's placeable counts.

  • Added door locks to the Forest Edge inn rooms.

  • Removed defunct inn room keys from the Wanted Wyvern store.

  • Fixed drinks being sold in stacks of 100 in the Moon and Stars, Silver Wink, and The Old Man.

  • Removed +10 Healing Kits from multiple stores.

  • Replaced trigger area transitions entering the sewers in Arabal Southeast with usable sewer grate placeables.

  • Added a bind point to Duskturn.

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong World Serpent keys were taken from a PC when leaving the World Serpent.

Sneak Attacks, Devastating Critical, and On Hit: Damage Weapon Enhancement Spells

  • All sneak attack progressing classes now count as attacker and defender classes for Uncanny Dodge II's sneak attack immunity, as well as Battlerager. This change adds Arcane Trickster, Divine Trickster, Divine Seeker, Blackguard, Invisible Blade, and Battlerager to classes counted for sneak attacking a creature who has Uncanny Dodge II, and adds those classes to the classes counted for denying sneak attacks if the target has Uncanny Dodge II.

  • Sneak Attacks denied via Uncanny Dodge II now give feedback to the attacker.

  • Devastating Critical's floating text and combat log attack roll feedback now display again.

  • Devastating Critical's bonus damage is now applied as a custom damage type.

  • Devastating Critical's bonus damage can now trigger cleave.

  • Elemental Weapon and all other On Hit: Cast Spell weapon damage enhancements can now trigger cleave.


  • Fixed Lolth's Meat granting its bonuses from non-melee kills if a melee weapon was held at the time the creature's death, such as from spells or delayed damage.

  • Fixed Lolth's Meat to also apply on killing any NPC not using Bioware AI.

  • Added spell metadata to Lolth's Meat.

  • Hide in Plain Sight now requires both a minimum of 10 ranks spent in Hide and Move Silently, as well as a minimum of 10 points with modifiers to succesfully use HIPs.

  • Added spell metadata to Terrifying Rage.

  • Fixed saving throws versus Terrifying Rage automatically failing if the target was immune to fear.

  • Changed Terrifying Rage's voice emote responses to being feared to only have a 25% chance of happening, instead of always being played.

  • NPCs voice emote responses to being feared by Terrifying Rage are now hidden from chat. The voice emote sound will still be heard.

  • Creatures succeeding their saving throw versus Terrifying Rage are now made temporarily immune, bringing Terrifying Rage's aura in line with other condition auras.

  • Creatures immune to paralysis are no longer immune to Terrifying Rage's effects.


  • Summon/henchmen AI will no longer try to dispel AOEs if their spell casting is toggled off.

  • Adjusted summoned crystal dragon's hitbox scaling.

  • Changed Faerio'phax to use Bioware's white dragon appearance with some scaling adjustments to fix hitbox targeting issues that could make targeting allies or ice wraiths near Faerio'phax impossibly difficult.

  • Fixed balors' lack of immunity to fire damage.


  • Fixed Swordmages gaining Demonic Servitor's AC bonus, again.


  • Fixed not being able to open stores on the right side of the screen.

  • Fixed ultravision's darkness fix being incorrectly ran when See Invisibility ended.

  • Ultravision's darkness fix will only run if the character had been subjected to darkness whilst affected by ultravision.

  • Fixed some saves failing on a natural 20.

  • Fixed saving throw rolls and VFX appearing for non-creatures.

  • Custom saving throw rolls are no longer shown if the target is immune to the save type, mirroring bioware's save roll behavior


  • Fixed default base game portraits being locked from use.

  • Removed all uses of <race> tokens in NPC conversations.

  • Migrated associate commands to a new category topic in /help.

  • Disabled /normal and other phenotype swaps while mounted.

  • Updated all website link references from to

  • Compacted /hidestatus /lfg /lfrp, and /subdual status information on login.

From Fire Wraith

  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed grass placeables z-fighting with tileset decals in Arabel Central.

  • Moved the World Serpent room key seller from the bar to inside the same area as the World Serpent Rooms, attempting to fix duplicate keys being sold. Note that there's still some cases where rooms might still be made available when they shouldn't be, these will be fixed in a later update.



CD Module 4.09b7


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent inn door locks to not receive their scripts.

  • Fixed Swordhaven to Shadowdale caravan link.

  • Reordered Shadowdale South's caravan destination options to be in logical order by distance.

  • Minor placeable optimizations and tweaks for Warbling Seraph Upstairs.

  • Fixed broken elevation triggers in the Violet Flame.

  • Fixed the ant tunnels in the Infested Warehouse not appearing in /listdungeons.

  • Fixed Faerio'phax's attack and personal space distances.

  • Made all remaining 17 cats and 13 dogs in the module pettable.

  • Fixed visibility issues in the Warbling Seraph Arena.


  • Added Battlerager to Uncanny Dodge 2's sneak attack calculation.

  • Corrected Lolth's Meat being misspelled as Llolth's Meat.

  • Unified all generic sit scripts.

  • Joining a party will automatically add you to the party leader's quest chat channel.

  • Fixed Bioware AI activating and stacking the same auras multiple times.

  • Added /touchon and /diceprivate to the login settings' message.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed activated voice widget targets blocking typing ellipses.

  • /questchat fill will now attempt to use your current channel first before seeking a random unused channel when used without inputting a custom channel.

  • Fixed DMs losing their quest chat channel when unpossessing an NPC if the channel was created whilst possessing an NPC.

  • /setareadamage now supports "lightning" and "electric" as aliases for electrical damage.

  • Fixed /setvisualtransform roll and yaw being swapped.

  • Deleted the old tailoring models from the server palette.

From Fire Wraith

  • The Royal Court in Suzail has finished renovations, and is now once more open for both commoners and nobles alike with appropriate business. The Gallery of the Swords of State has also been fully reopened to one and all to see within the Court.

    Similarly, the Royal Palace, whose foyer had been serving as a temporary throne room while the renovations were completed, is no longer being used for such functions, and is being returned back to its original state.

    Cormyrean Noble PCs including Baronets and Knights should message Fire Wraith to receive a token for access to the Royal Court.

  • The War Wizards have performed a survey of the capital, and dispelled some lingering weather-affecting magic that was causing certain parts of Suzail to see strangely colored sunlight.

  • The Purple Dragons of the Suzail Citadel have received a new and better statue of King Azoun IV, after one of their number destroyed the previous one for being poorly made and not doing his Majesty justice.

  • The cat in Eagle Peak is now pettable.

  • Updated a player home.

  • Removed a player home/business at request of the owner.


CD Module 4.09b8


  • Dungeon loot reset timers are now synced with the dungeon encounter respawn timers, with a minimum reset timer of 20 minutes (the current loot respawn timer). Effectively, this change prevents dungeon loot respawning before encounters do in high level dungeons.

  • Fixed encounter respawn timers in Twilight's Edge being set too short.


  • Fixed Dragon Disciple characters created after 4.09b1 not being automatically granted their dragon breath feat at level 3. This fix is retroactive.


  • Time Stop now pauses all spell durations for affected creatures, area of effect spells, items, and other objects.

  • Area damage heartbeats and underwater drowning are now paused during time stop.

  • AOEs are now paused during time stop and won't deal ticking damage.

  • NPCs no longer use some boss abilities such as Blink Strike during time stop.

  • Time stop will attempt to place you back into combat with your target once time stop ends, hopefully reducing incidents of being suddenly flatfoot.

  • Attempting to cast a spell that's on cooldown no longer consumes the spell slot.


  • Fixed SLA Neutralize Poison not removing poisons.

  • Added spell metadata to Terrifying Rage's aura.

  • Fixed Terrifying Rage's aura being dispellable when entering dead magic areas.

  • Barbarian Rage now extends the duration of an already active rage.

  • Dispelling Thundering Rage will now dispel the item property bonuses from your weapons.

  • Fixed weave dead areas dispelling Thundering Rage from your weapons.

  • Divine Might and Divine Shield now extend their own duration if they were already active.

  • Corrected spell metadata icons for Divine Might and Divine Shield.

  • Divine Might and Divine Shield's "out of Turn Undead uses" message is now private and not displayed to other players.

  • Divine Might and Divine Shield now tells you how many uses of Turn Undead you have remaining when used, with combat chat feedback warnings at 2 and 1 uses left.


  • Added THTF event specific boss scripts.

  • Fixed out-of-module init scripts not being executed during server startup.

  • Area processing and player house/generic scripted object initialization on module load is now done in batched processing.

  • Fixed Brew Potion using Craft Wand's spell blacklist. Neither had any spells blacklisted, so this is really a moot changelog note, but at least a bug is fixed!

  • Some critical combat feedback messages such as being unable to cast a spell due to cooldowns or being out of epic spell slots are now privately echoed into your chat window to prevent them being lost in the combat log scroll. You can disable this behavior with /togglecombatfeedback.

  • Fixed some typos in quest chat notification join messages.

  • Fixed global pawn shops being immediately reset without waiting for its maximum time limit whilst players were still inside any of the pawn shop areas.

  • Fixed attacking combat dummies setting nearby friendly NPCs to hostile.

  • Added support for custom scripted diseases and poisons.


  • Added creature int var NO_TIMESTOP 1 to make a creature immune to time stop.

Dungeon Masters

  • Updated DMNPC areas.

From Fire Wraith

  • Added a player house.
  • Made some minor tweaks to Suzail (mostly outside the Royal Palace)
  • Fixed some minor errors in the Royal Court area.

From Ladybug

  • Updated Purple Dragon barracks in Swordhaven.


CD Module 4.09b9


  • Player house updates.

  • Various minor fixes to the Purple Dragon barracks.

  • Added scripted combat dummies to the Purple Dragon barracks.

  • Fixed Sschindyrlyn's weapon store conversation's second open store option not opening the global store.


  • Fixed restoration spells removing all effects from the target.

  • Fixed hostile NPCs attacking ground cast area of effects.

  • Fixed the calculation used for modifying effect durations to correctly modify durations from their remaining duration, and not from their total duration.

  • Migrated Mordenkainen's Mansion to the new spell cooldown system that was introduced in 4.09b8.

  • Fixed Silence auras permanently granting sonic damage immunity if the affected creature was immune to silence type effects.


  • Bard Song and Curse Song can now be sung unless the bard is muted. Songs will continue to not be able to be sung inside areas of silence that block all sound, such as from the spell Silence.

  • Bard Song and Curse Song can now affect muted enemies. Songs will continue to not affect creatures inside areas of silence that block all sound, such as from the spell Silence.


  • Fixed combat dummies missing their default portrait if no portrait override was set.

  • Fixed the effects of alcohol being dispellable.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed resetting standard areas flagging the area as a cloned area.

  • DM permissions and authentication system has been updated, please check staff announcements in discord for more info.



CD Module 4.09b10


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed access to Thunderholme's armor shop.

  • Winter is now here!


  • Fixed timestop breaking in areas with either a large amount of creatures, or in areas with PCs carrying lots of items.

  • Fixed Evards Black Tentacles attempting to grapple DMs.

  • Fixed Epic Mage Armor's AC bonus sometimes applying to polymorphed creatures.

  • Shape Mastery is now persistent.


  • Fixed Bioware AI spell casters attempting to attack themselves if they had accidentally hit themselves with an AOE spell.

  • Hostile Bioware AI will wait for a significantly longer cooldown before attempting to taunt a target that was succesfully taunted recently.

  • Fixed Bioware's default corpse decay timer destroying NPCs who were raised and are still alive.

  • Fixed summoned associate's Open Lock and Disable Trap skill nerfs being removable with restoration spells.

  • Associate names are now saved when using /namesum, /namehench, etc and are now persistent when summoned again. Names are saved per creature. Use /namesum, /namehench, etc without a name to reset an associate's name.


  • Updated Sequencers to hopefully more reliably cast at your caster level.

  • Fixed being able to scribe, brew, and craft wand spells from item cast spells when in /toggle crafting modes.


  • Updated the season to fall/winter.

  • Fixed various area heartbeat or "party" scripts incorrectly targeting DMs in the area.

  • Fixed creature saving throws counting Universal Saving Throw bonuses twice.

  • Regeneration items and bleedout/stabilization rolls are now paused during timestop.

  • Clicking the compass will now tell you the current year, season, and story chapter.


  • Added creature int var DISABLE_ASSOCIATE_NAME_OVERRIDE to disable renaming the associate NPC.

Dungeon Masters

  • Patched a server crash when possessed creatures attempted to cast wildshape. As a result, possessed creatures can no longer cast wildshape.

  • Fixed /setareatheme.

From Vincent

  • Updated the OOC Room with winterfest decorations.

From Terallis

  • Updated Arabel Central with winterfest decorations.

From Fire Wraith

  • Added Winterfest event scripts and NPCs.