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Halp! Copying text into ingame chat from documents!

Started by sinisteromnibus, Nov 10, 2014, 12:36 PM

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Hey everyone, so this is a bit embarrassing, but I realized recently that I have no idea how to copy text from a document outside the game (such as a word document or txt file) into the chat. This might seem trivial, but right now it would actually be super helpful for updating my in-game character description.

I've been told that it should be as simple as having the game running in windowed mode then just copy and pasting from the document and into the chat line, but for some reason my game doesn't seem to want to accept the paste command (ctrl + v) on the chat line. Also, I've seen at least one player on the server able to bypass the chat line's character buffer limit, and knowing how to do that would be really helpful too.

Anyway, if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. :)


Type any single character, hit backspace and then ctrl+v.

I'm not sure why pasting will not work for you, though.

The Red Mage

Yeah, control X then control v works for me every time.

Valimar Dragonbane

I typically use the ctrl-c/ctrl-v method, but I have noticed that if you're copying and pasting a fairly extensive amount of text into the client, things seem to go... weird.  Keyboard actions locked up, couldn't navigate using the mouse, etc.  Some of that may have been the formatting of the text I was pulling from, but I've only had that happen the once to me, so draw your own conclusion from that, I suppose.
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