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Started by dom101, Oct 15, 2014, 09:14 PM

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Sorry, but clearly this needs to be reiterated time and time again.  This time, when a group of 6 mass log in and 2 of those people are DM's I feel a desire to remind everyone not to rush the server.

You should give it 10 - 20 seconds between joining the server.  To keep it stable.  This isn't just for you, but for the people that spend 45 minutes to an hour in a dungeon and then have you bum-rush it, and force them to lose all of their loot in the process.

So thanks for that, and please remember.  Don't rush the ___ damn event server.


Yeah, pretty much this.

This would just be annoying if we didn't lose -all- the loot from Asbaron. So yeah, 45 min dungeon run when people are already staying up late to get it done and have work the next day. On top of that we lose everything of value - with no compensation for it whatsoever - because people didn't exercise a little bit of patience and thoughtfulness.

Come on everyone.

The Red Mage

While this is helpful knowledge for newer and older players alike, let's leave the hostile tone behind! There are staff members who are willing to sympathize and help you if this happens, because it happens to us all sometimes(even if we do train the event server properly, sometimes it still crashes).

Send a polite tell to the party in question next time, because I can't see any good coming from this thread.

If I saw the tone of this thread before I logged topside, I may have turned the other cheek. But let's keep helping each other responsibly.

Love you both, though.


Pretty much what Red Mage said.  I do not think anyone intended to crash the event server and/or ruin anyone's night. There are only a handful of players in CD history I can think of who would be that sort. And I would have turned a blind eye to this thread if I figured they were involved.

The gentle reminder is more than fair, obviously.

Love you guys, all the same. Please do not take this any other way. :-)

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


It's not a hostile tone, it's a tone that evolves from sending a message to the party and basically being ignored.  And told they did wait, when they very clearly logged in all at once.  So, clearly that party isn't interested in listening or learning, so I felt a reminder was required.  I mean, I force parties I'm in to wait 10 - 15 seconds between letting someone enter.  We've yet to crash the event server, and some of our parties are 8 - 10 strong.

I suppose it's irrelevant to people until it happens to them.  Regardless, that's my opinion on the matter.


Pardon. Based on the first posts I did not get that piece about ignoring other players' requests. If there is deliberate ignoring other players' requests, then it most certainly needs consideration.  This is not an irrelevant situation at all, regardless of how it is addressed/has been addressed/etc. 

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Fire Wraith

Let me be clear.

This is in no way shape or form a "Rule."

It is a suggestion based on non-scientific experience that some have had. I cannot verify in any way that it is correct, or why for whatever reason the event server sometimes decides to toss its cookies when people hop over, nor can I verify why the 'main' server doesn't ever seem to do the same, because in the eyes of everything NWN-wise, they're pretty much the exact same thing.

Yes, I realize that you may be upset that you lost treasure from a dungeon run, but this sort of thing can, and will, happen. My power could cut out, or the server box could crash, or the instance could crash, for any number of reasons, so my suggestion is to learn to accept it and move on. Getting angry isn't going to help anyone, and is only going to cause more irritation and hostility, of which we already have far too much.

Now, if someone is deliberately causing server crashes for whatever reason? Yes, please bring it to the admins directly. Otherwise, please keep in mind that others are attempting to play in good faith, and treat them in that manner.

Because one thing that is a rule - Respect.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

I should also clarify that making an angry, aggressive post is NOT the way to address behavior by your fellow players that you find problematic. Things like subject lines in all capitals, swearing (even mild swearing), or demanding action/change, are neither respectful, nor likely to get what you want - they're far more likely to provoke conflict, sow bad feelings, and generally incline people to not do what you're asking.

A much better way to approach it would be to do things like ask nicely, politely, and respectfully. Another suggestion is to not post when you're angry in the immediate aftermath, but to wait and take a breather before you post.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Fire Wraith Avatar
Let me be clear.

This is in no way shape or form a "Rule."

It is a suggestion based on non-scientific experience that some have had. I cannot verify in any way that it is correct, or why for whatever reason the event server sometimes decides to toss its cookies when people hop over, nor can I verify why the 'main' server doesn't ever seem to do the same, because in the eyes of everything NWN-wise, they're pretty much the exact same thing.

Yes, I realize that you may be upset that you lost treasure from a dungeon run, but this sort of thing can, and will, happen. My power could cut out, or the server box could crash, or the instance could crash, for any number of reasons, so my suggestion is to learn to accept it and move on. Getting angry isn't going to help anyone, and is only going to cause more irritation and hostility, of which we already have far too much.

Now, if someone is deliberately causing server crashes for whatever reason? Yes, please bring it to the admins directly. Otherwise, please keep in mind that others are attempting to play in good faith, and treat them in that manner.

Because one thing that is a rule - Respect.

It may not be a scientific experience, but it's proven when you rush with 2 or more people to the event server it crashes.  I mean, I didn't write up a hypothesis and test it multiple times, but it's generally the majority of our experience.  So where spacing your party isn't a specific rule; respecting your fellow players by not crashing the event server when you feel the desire to bum rush into a dungeon should fall under the Respect rule.  This sort of thing will only happen when people aren't respecting the fact that there's a good chance you'll crash the event server when you transition a party too quickly.


Yeah, I gotta agree with Dom here, FW. 99.9%+ of the time, if multiple people jump onto the Event Server at the same time, it goes kaput. I think it's safe to say that rigorous scientific testing is not required to say this is a simple case of cause and effect. The "Why?" here is far, far less important than the "How?", and the "How?" is already known.

While I understand Dom's initial post comes off as highly aggressive, this is hardly uncommon knowledge, unless you're brand new to the server. I have yet, since my return and for quite some time before my last sabbatical, to be in a group that DIDN'T warn their members "Don't Rush the Transition!" or some variant thereof before entering any dungeon that led to the Event Server. Which means to me that people doing so are either oblivious to the warnings (which might be caused by playing while distracted by other things - some forgivable, like dealing with kids or unruly pets, and some less so, like tabbing out to browse the forums or chatting on some other conversation and not paying attention in-game) or outright ignoring them.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

Ogre Time Yay

He's talking about my group, sorry about that.

I gave warning that there was a transition, but I didn't really elaborate on that other than just saying "// Transition", it was my fault for not explaining it further.


As one who was there and was the last one through the transition, I can tell you that we did indeed await a 10 count before hitting the transition. Now it may have appeared on your end that we were coming in at the same time. I can't vouch for why that is, but I can tell you from my end that it appeared  we each gave it enough time as I was the last one through the door.

Sorry that you got booted out at the end of Asbaron. I cant help that and it certainly wasn't intended. I can understand frustration. Sometimes shit just happens.

Also... please do not blaspheme... I really do not appreciate it. Thank you.


" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Ogre Time Yay Avatar
He's talking about my group, sorry about that.

I gave warning that there was a transition, but I didn't really elaborate on that other than just saying "// Transition", it was my fault for not explaining it further.

We had one newer player who may not have been aware of the meaning. Not your fault. We get used to everyone knowing. It happened. The new person is now aware. It wasn't intentional or done out of disrespect.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.

Ogre Time Yay

And no, my above statement isn't to place any blame on anyone that was in my party, I've made the same mistake in the past too on areas I -knew- had a transition, simply having forgotten about it temporarily.

Also, as onivel says though, maybe things just showed up differently on the event server and it was a random crash after attempting to bring in two full parties worth of players, I don't know.

What I do know is that we didn't mean to cause problems or start arguments.


onivel Avatar
As one who was there and was the last one through the transition, I can tell you that we did indeed await a 10 count before hitting the transition. Now it may have appeared on your end that we were coming in at the same time. I can't vouch for why that is, but I can tell you from my end that it appeared  we each gave it enough time as I was the last one through the door.

Sorry that you got booted out at the end of Asbaron. I cant help that and it certainly wasn't intended. I can understand frustration. Sometimes shit just happens.

Also... please do not blaspheme... I really do not appreciate it. Thank you.


Clearly enough time -wasn't- offered, since we crashed.  If it was, well the obvious is that it wouldn't have happened.  So the proof is in the pudding and my statement stands as is.

Also, hurray for onivel censorship 2014.

EDIT: For Edge.  <3