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Great Job Sunites

Started by Dismus, Jan 20, 2014, 01:17 AM

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Great job todaywith the event.

Really great Job Daphne for staying top side so long. ( I think I would of went nuts and dropped a red dragon on everyone after a while  :P)

Awesome job Vivian with the running of everything as a character.

The whole thing was entertaining and a lot of really good RP.


Ditto what Dismus said!  <3  Good job everyone!

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Ogre Time Yay

As Hydaro, he wasn't all too into it, as the party progressed on he kept thinking about ogres more and more, and all the different and jolly ways he could kill them, playing to how uncomfortable he felt during the event.

As a player, me me me me meself and me, I thought it was a very well done role play event that successfully involved most, if not all of the entire server of players in on some awesomely organized RP fun, and I have nothing but respect for how you managed to pull it off without the adventurers eventually going at each others throats and setting things on fire.

Damn good job, Daphne, and damn good job on the Sunite players part!


Having done a few social gathering events on the server last year, I can really appreciate just how taxing running one of these is (and I think I only had to deal with about half the numbers at my biggest one). Kudos all around! :)

[Nitpick Mode: While the Sunites might have been the forerunners of the event, I'm 99% sure Vivian De'Winter is actually a follower of Tymora?]


SOC_Tessa Avatar

[Nitpick Mode: While the Sunites might have been the forerunners of the event, I'm 99% sure Vivian De'Winter is actually a follower of Tymora?]
She is. The reason I gave her a personal shout out.



Thank you very much everyone who made this possible!  I've run a LOT of festivals over the years, but I think this one was the most consistently interesting and entertaining I've experienced.

We had 39 individual PCs involved at one point or another - that's really awesome for a one-day event - that missed my own personal record for event population by just two people!  

I really want to thank Vivian again, for a marathon job, as well as Wulgar the treasurer and the rest of the dwarf-lads for their help.  I think that Dae and Seda deserve a mention for some great rp around security for the event - nothing untoward happened, which means the security people did a great job and thus get ignored.  

Hopefully a lot of people had a chance for their PCs to meet new other folks and form some new relationships.  Thanks again everyone!

Hugs and kisses


So that just leaves the burning question:  How much did the event earn for charity?


Donation Total: 1,920,350
Auction Date Total: 6,180,000
Item Auction: 7,510,000

Grand Total: 15,610,350


I want to thank you for for you sweet words. It went wonderfully. I thank Daphne so much for making all of our dreams a reality in such a beautiful. I want to thank our Dwarves, Celina *For keep my butt in line!* Carys, Dae, Ra'ziel and all of you wonderfull Dates! It was a great time and I can't wait to get back out there an do it again! 

**Winks Yep.. Viv is Tymoran!**


I enjoyed it a lot! And of course, Celina enjoys directing people and delegating work. I'm really surprised how well the Date auction went - and the event overall :D Thank you everyone!!


Quite the event, folks.  I'm impressed you managed to pull off what was effectively a twelve-hour event without falling down from exhaustion!  I'm looking forward to the continuation!


trylobyte Avatar
Quite the event, folks.  I'm impressed you managed to pull off what was effectively a twelve-hour event without falling down from exhaustion!  I'm looking forward to the continuation!

Hah!  Just wait til you see what I do for Greengrass.  You ain't seen nothing yet...

Fire Wraith

Poor Eve, unable to make it... but these are the things that happen when you have a one year old child running around (IC that is).  I'm glad everyone had a great time, and hopefully I can make it to the next one! :)
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


In many ways Valar is glad Eve didn't make it, she kept trying to buy James Dates:p So she was there in spirit.