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Questions from a new (Potential) Player.

Started by lycon, Jan 22, 2017, 11:33 PM

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Hi there!

I am hoping to join but i was curious about what you mean when you say "Story". what is different about this place than a Role play oriented world? I also had a few specific questions that i am adding now because your forum is large and i am not sure where to look so if you want to just link me to an awnser feel free to do so if it exists. 

First and most importantly what sub races are allowed to be played here? 

Second..... We need a password? it keeps telling me password incorrect.


There isn't much of a difference. This is a roleplaying server. There are some overarching stories/plots run by DMs.

There's a login server you need to connect to that then ports you into the main server. We had trouble with griefers recently that would spam logins and crash the server.

Here's the exotic races list, in the request forum.



To try and use the login server, you can either use one of the CX plugin lists or the following page has the updated IP any time the server goes down or the connection is hard reset.



Nokteronoth Avatar
Here's the exotic races list, in the request forum.

Note that this is not necessarily an exhaustive list, just the ones we have already had on the server.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


On the roleplay and story questions:

As the others said there is not much difference, think of it like this - We are a roleplay-story-telling server. That means that while we offer dungeons, action and a good D&D gaming experience, we primarily deal in stories. That means that there is an orverarching server story line and each individual character also, usually has their own story. While there is socializing roleplay (like people hanging out at a tavern) a lot of roleplay is story based or at least somewhat story related. That is why we have a dm staff who focuses on story telling (adding fuel to the server-story-engine) while the server admins are the administrators and handlers of problems and maintenance alike.

The server is not very pvp oriented. It is more of a D&D PVE coop experience rather than a competitive PVP experience. That is not to say that PVP can't happen or never happened. It is just somewhat rare and often happens in stories rather than mechanical engine battles, given the server's nature and disposition.

It is good that you asked and turned to the people for sating your curiosity :) People here are generally helpful and quick to greet a new player..

Fire Wraith

The functional difference (at least in our minds) is that we wanted to emphasize that there is an ongoing persistent storyline, in that events that occur are not wiped away or lost. Players (and their characters) can and do have an impact on both a small and large scale. The world develops (if slowly), and events occur that will reshape that, to the point that ours is no longer the world described in the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms campaign sourcebook, but one that began on that date and has developed from it over several years.

As for the password, make sure you're logging in on the :5126 port. That does not require a password, and will redirect you to the primary server automatically.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Ok so i have another question then.... For Half-Dragons the term is actually really loose in the Monster manual, it can be "anything from a near human to a small Bipedal Dragon". I was curious how close to the latter is acceptable. I really would prefer to make a character that is while humanoid, very non human looking.


A DM or admin will likely have to clarify this, but we've had very monstrous Half-Dragons in the past. The the point of using the helm option that appears like a red dragon head to further add to the appearance. However, its important to remember that outwardly monstrous characters are not always welcome. Even though Arabel is a tollerant place.


We try to discourage using that helmet as a representation of a character's actual face - I personally think it's a bit too far over the line and wanders into lizardfolk/kobold territory when the character doesn't even have a humanoid head - but yeah there's some people who really like it.

And that's probably about the point where I'd say the line is, give or take. If the character is more reptilian than human and could easily pass for a dragony lizardfolk, they're probably too monstrous and need to tone back the dragon traits a tad. We certainly don't want half-dragons that look like humanoids with wings stapled on (that's Dragon Disciple, not born or created half-dragon template) but we also don't want "basically just a person-sized dragon walking on two legs".

All that said... exotic characters (anything that isn't the base seven races of 3e D&D) require an application to play, and part of that application is seeing you playing in-game and getting a gauge of your roleplaying capabilities on normal characters. We never approve applications for brand-new players as a result. Wanting to play less-normal characters is perfectly fine - hell, I've got more application characters in my vault than not, only three of the characters listed in my signature are standard (one dwarf, one human, one half-elf) - but we do need to see your hand at playing something more normal first.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda