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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Thank you to all the players last night (especially Ra'ziel, seeing as it was your personal quest) who were gracious enough to include Mirabell after she accidentally wandered into the start of your event.  I had a lot of fun and I was sad that I had to leave early.


Rashan and Nayu - you've been so SO good for Priya over the last few years. I'm always amazed by the rp. Her life is changing again, and these two are right there with her. (And Siris - damn mountain sees everything. :P )

Jodri - you're an amazing roleplayer and I love the story you've created around this character. I'm looking forward to more interactions.

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


Right back at you, RJ! I'm having a blast with this line of RP! I also figured I'd give a shout out to (in no particular order):

Vesh - because he and Jodri are interesting foils to each other
Vladislak - You're a cool roleplayer, and you've obviously put effort into developing the character and understanding his culture. And despite all of his story, you never overact it. Much kudos.
Rashan - For including me, and even finding a way for Jodri to be useful, despite having a noncombat build
Hapzabethra - This character has been consistently interesting and fun, I look forward to learning more about her
Zhira - Because she has a sad story, but she's strong enough to to not lose her spirit over it. I like characters like that!
Nayu - A lot of attention to detail in this characterization. Even in the short time I've interacted with her, it's clear that the little things she does are part of a much larger arc of her character development.

I've also had interactions with Erliza, Kimbell, Galen, Ceya, Mista, Evelyn, Thavain, Morghan and Elf that have made me smile. Actually, pretty much everyone I've RP'd with so far has been cool.

I'd also like to shout out to all the people I haven't RP'd with much yet. I hope to get a chance to get to know better!


To the OhNo! Trigger group:  thank you for providing moving RP.  These characters are clearly very different in background and goals, yet they are rather united in this quest.

Thank you to Dais.  I nearly cried. (Yeah, yeah, I get overly invested in my characters at times.)

Thank you to Angelina for keeping character conflict IC, and reacting as your character would (even in difficult circumstances).

Thank you to Aidraug, for playing both the straight man for some jokes and the comic relief in other situations.

Thank you to Tentz crew for keeping the FUN in dysfunctional.  (Family drama is so much easier in game!)

Thank you to Vruuk, for trying to keep the group sane (and for playing the moral compass at times).

Thank you to Caoilainn, who in spite of having -no- reason to try and help the group STILL understood the importance of everything... and contributed until the end.

Thank you to Sylwyn, whose insights at times may have seemed overlooked... but still influenced the direction of the group.


I would like to give a shout out too all whom participated within the Nevermore event last eve.
Calabask-your new character is intriguing, witty and funny.
Caoilainn- Don't know much about your character, but so far she seems too have an in depth story, with lots of mystery around her, looking forward too more rp.
Angelina- She seems down too earth, and unfortunately I don't know too much about this character either! But looking forward too more interaction.
Vlad- Other than the foreign, lovey doveyness, haven't had too much interaction as well, but knowing the player, it's going too be a fun character to have around.
Sergel- Steadfast, and thick headed, ugly too a boot, yet has a moralistic compass. I'm sure Rev and him will have interesting times.
Thorien666 (I can't remember how too spell the character's name.) I've enjoyed the friendly bickering, bumps and raises with the two, and looking forward too further interaction as more of the story unfolds.

Too anyone that I had missed, it was not my intent. Too everyone else that I have rped with outside this event, you've been great, and making the return of Rev fun too play again. It's great too feel that inspiration for your character brought on by those around.

And! I know there's another forum for it, but props too Nevermore! The Capts were awesome, and some of the villains as well. You hosted a great, adaptable scene, that seemed opened, and not restricted too a one way path.


Character's name is Naaliah. I also really enjoy it ( note that it's my second character that is currently not very fond of Revanous :D ) and looking forward to see what happens next!

Also I'd like to thank Trylobyte, Valiea, TheLastOf... (Vesh's player),Tarriel, Mystic Warden, Atomic Twinkie, Notaturk (Piyale) and all others I failed to mention here for RP. When I created Naaliah I was not so sure whether she will be fun to play and, more important, will she be fun to play with. Thanks to you it's all possible.

The Shobit, I'd like to thank you for your support, inspiration and all answers you gave me, about dragonkin and all else. :)

Special thanks for Nevermore, both as player (Bethra and Micah) and DM who constantly feeds us with fancy adventures. I admire it and also, as a member of our little EU community I'd like to express our gratitude for events tailored for us. You basically eliminated the worst drawback of CD for me - lack of time to be available late at night.

Dark Dreams

A huge thank you to the old and new faces I saw in my brief return to CD... I enjoyed RPing with you, and if you want to find me I'll be on the Ravenloft PotM server. Enjoy yourselves! Vale me amici et semper spero...


Thanks to people for putting up with Chara today. Know that must have been frustrating and annoying! Made CM's event likely much less productive than it might have been otherwise.



Thank you to  for introducing Galen to the fun and interesting Rooks  :)

Voice of Kerensky

A quick shoutout to ThatGuyT.. whatever, the dude that plays James, Darvins and any of those coincidentally (perhaps unfortunately) involved in the lengthy RP regarding the topic of coats. It's been an amusing diversion from a lot of the more serious stuff I've been involved in lately!

Uhhh-huhuhuh... she said "lengthy."


The story of the coat, the trunk, and the very large closet will be one that is passed down through the ages.

Voice of Kerensky

TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
The story of the coat, the trunk, and the very large closet will be one that is passed down through the ages.
And let us not forget the hat or the rack upon which it sits!

(Ye gods, now we're doing it here...)


The Coats, what fine Coats those two have, they have broken poor Erliza she can no longer hear the word Coat without thinking of those racks and hats


Thanks to Sergel / SuddenPrehelion for the role play. It has been enjoyable to get to know Sergel a bit better. I love that there's so much more to discover. : )

Thanks to Wangdoodle for the challenging role play... and for being a good sport about Sefra's annoyances. I look forward to more role play and I still want you to shorten your GSID. : ( *knows you won't*

I have not had the chance to catch you for RP, lately; however, I still want to thank Sorn for our role play and I await more.

Nevermore, I miss you, and I can barely wait until you are free for more role play. You're in my thoughts as you juggle and solve all the things you are sorting out. <3


Can I join the Nevermore we miss you shout out? Because Nevermore we miss you!

Also adding to what I posted earlier the following, to Minervas player, the interactions between Erliza and Minerva recently have been really good, it's nice to see under Minervas cold exterior is a well softer side of someone who really seems to care for folks. Firstman Val and Cass are always fun even if she drives Valar insane at times. Sorn for well Sophia and Neisha Vals two oddest friends well no second and third oddest the oddest will always be Bav.

Puller, I still love 100% of your chars always, especially Rooks, who always has me wondering which way the crazy elf will go next. (And Talah but you know the Awesome that is Talah must only ever be released in small doses to prevent server meltdown)

Hmm who else Krix and Vesh for the Vineyard drinkfest.

Perilion not just for Jodri, but frankly for the Forum post of Saeleth and her 'Lessons of Galdern' I know it was a repost and I said this last time as well but it bears repeating, you made Galdern look wise, when I am pretty sure at the time he was just giving a gut reaction as Saeleth was the first person who he had even started trying to teach.

I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting people who will if I suddenly go 'Oh feck' get a post later in my next list!

Oh wait LB7 Threeguesses and so many more!

I can't believe I forgot to actually mention Stormy! In fairness I was thinking it honest just forgot to write it down, Stormy! For T'amber and Ashera and yeah there would be more names there because little known fact Stormy has a worse case of Altitis than Vince, it's just it takes her about five months to make each char up as she changes her mind on every detail about 26 times, then starts the process again.