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Regarding Factions

Started by , Sep 20, 2015, 07:12 PM

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The Healing Hand

Who is in Charge: Vivian De'Winter(Nevermore); Kelendel Seleben(Edwardfarcona)

What is the goal of the guild: The goal of the guild is to have a learning/support environment for people who are healers in any shape of the form. 

Who Can Join: Anyone who is interested in helping people, learning or teaching more about the healing arts, or simply trying to help the community that is Arabel. 


Silver and Shadow

Who is in charge?
The guild was commissioned under the authority of Lord-Lady Tessaril Winter of Eveningstar. The direct operators are Kendaku Leiczeira (Edge), Xavier Grant (Ladybug), and Galen Kreiss (Tarriel).

What is the goal of your faction/guild?
Silver and Shadow's purpose is twofold. One is to serve as a security force and proactive protection arrangement for Eveningstar and the adjoining areas - the lower Storm Horns, the King's Wood, and the Helmlands.

The second is to serve as an educational and training source for Eveningstar and its people and militia. The more veteran adventurers educate prospective adventurers, budding arcane talents, promising warriors, and other skilled applicants on information not commonly available to most run-of-the-mill citizens, such as extensive studies on magic, the natures, behaviors, habits, and weaknesses of rare or powerful monstrous and demihuman threats, outside organizations that have in the past or may in the future provide a danger to Eveningstar, and the state of the world beyond the city's edges and even beyond Cormyr.

Who can join?
Anyone dwelling in Eveningstar or the nearby areas is welcome to attend as a student or trainee. Those interested in positions as teachers or active defenders of the region are expected to be at least somewhat affiliated with Eveningstar, and otherwise must have the approval of the three operators.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


A few that I'm involved with...  I PM'd them, but people are posting stuff now and I want to join in!

The Violet Flame (Faction)

Who Leads It: Nobody Knows

What Is Its Goal: To teach magic to the magically-inclined population of Cormyr and further the goals and studies of its mages while also ensuring they practice in a safe, controlled environment (to the extent with which that is possible).

Who Can Join: Any arcane spellcaster who is not a member of another faction with competing interests.

In-Game Contacts: Aelie Selle (Trylobyte), Simkin Hornblower (onivel1)

The Red Briar (Guild)

Who Leads It: Aesa the Dauntless. In her absence, Aelie Selle.

What Is Its Goal: As a mercenary group, their goal is to make money while providing security and military solutions to those members of the community who can afford their services. They also run a great casino.

Who Can Join: Anyone that likes to fight, doesn't ask awkward questions, and gets along with existing members, though the organization leans towards experienced martial types.

In-Game Contacts: Aelie Selle (Trylobyte), Sophia Benes (SornDuskryn)

Arabel City Council (Faction)

Who Leads It: Lord Reynar Marliir and Lady Elizabeth Preston (NPCs)

What Is Its Goal: To assist Arabel's nobility in managing the city and make issues and concerns of the population known.

Who Can Join: There are only ever between five and nine members, selected by Lady Preston.

In-Game Contacts: Aelie Selle (Trylobyte), Tindra Danei (Reality Jumper), Theodyr Ustalmon (Le Goat)


Question for Bella, has Nonee PMed you the Groves details if not I can throw something together here but if she has yay less work for me:p


Haven't received anything yet from Nonee.


I'm looking for active leadership.  :)  Someone who players can contact that is currently around.


I can do that for them in the absence of Cinnia and Wolf until they can be around more, with Iyanna or until someone steps up for the third Archdruid slot. *Shrugs* she usually ends up doing it anyway when they are not around.

Fire Wraith

Well, really the player lead is whoever is taking the initiative, regardless of whether there's a nominal NPC in charge (as will usually be the case with factions, since those are 'bigger' than the PCs involved).
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Fire Wraith Avatar
Well, really the player lead is whoever is taking the initiative, regardless of whether there's a nominal NPC in charge (as will usually be the case with factions, since those are 'bigger' than the PCs involved).

To expand on this a bit...

If a player who was leading goes inactive, there is no obligation on the behalf of the active players to "hold" their position for them.  If the players choose to, that's fine.  But we'd rather have active leadership for player groups.


In this case, it's as much a case of holding it for the folks away as Iyanna doesn't want the job, she's Much happier in her role as a Hierophant Druid than she ever was trying to be a Archdruid before, she'll hold the role until either the two Archdruids get back or one of the other Druids steps up to claim Archdruid, and she'll be glad of it when they do :P So to expand if any of the current Druids want the job speak up really! Iyanna did not find being in charge quite fitting for her, she didn't like for example when she had to put aside her own dislike of the Malarties to make deals with them she'd happily give that job to someone else.

((on top of that I kind of really want to focus on the Eilistraeens with Valar and Erliza wants to get something going in regards to well thieving and anyone else would be better than me  in regards to timing really all I have time for with Iyanna for the most part right now would be giving people the tour of the Grove and the Magic Trees.)) Which reminds me....