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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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sinisteromnibus Avatar
Big thanks and kudos to dom101 for his character Sybaztien's first meeting with Voss. Since I made Voss no one has been able to so utterly confound, confuse, and off-balance Voss, but it seemed that Sybaztien knew exactly what to say and do at all the right times to render Voss completely speechless and unable to reply. As a result of this meeting Voss now has to completely reconsider not only a lot of the rumors he's heard but also how he views the world.

Thanks so much for this small encounter which will surely lead to a lot of character development.

Glad I could help out and thanks for the fun interaction!  :-)


Max, Bass, Amaiss, and Jack: Thank you for the fun in the Gilded Lyre, and keeping it in-character. I know that could have went more awkward fast!  It was just a reminder of how Daeatria may get along with a lot of people, but those people may not get along with each other!

Priya and Rashan: Thank you for letting Dae in on the dinner for the Council.  It was a good opportunity for her to find a way to have people work together again.  It also gave the etrielle more information to consider, and how she can keep nurturing her relatively solid relationship! Speaking of which...

Sumest: Really appreciate the RP when him and Daeatria can get some time to decompress.  Especially since IRL has been a nasty troll, and the past several interactions have been mostly adventuring and quest stuff.  At times, it is good to simply relax! These two are coming a long ways, and always looking for things to do. Woo! 

Eilira: Go on her! She has grown so much, and yet her and Daeatria still find ways to pick on each other on the side.  Just you wait - older cousin has some responsibilities to hand over soon.  Oh myyy.

Jack: Thank you for making a guy who seems keenly interested in some of the more flavourful aspects of Forgotten Realms lore.  It was nice for Dae to realise that there are non-elves who are keenly interested in elvish matters.  For what reasons, well...I suppose time will tell! (I swear there were a few times Dae got paranoid in that interaction, too!) 
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Thanks to Priya:

No one, ever, has helped to make domesticity so sweet and absurd at the same time. Rashan wouldn't be himself without Priya and RJ's most superb, wonderful roleplay. If he's interesting to anyone, thank Priya and RJ, not me.

Valimar Dragonbane

A big thank you to Jack Kuttner (Gork) and Dae.

Jack's character is refreshing and certainly seems to have a lot more going on than what he lets on.  I'm curious to see what else is going on in that head of his.

And Dae, for much the same reasons as above.  She and Sumest got some much needed time to do some exploring, teasing/flirting and just being a couple.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Want to thank the following for enjoying, or at least putting up, with Casanunda:


And...his victim, Wing.  Thank you for being such a good sport about it! 

Postscript: Also a thanks to Daphne for creating such a comical NPC!
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


It was awesome! Thanks for the craziness! The part with Mouse and Voss and the distraught woman in the Seraph was especially fun. <3

Thanks to Sidhe and Dom for hanging out with Kraugar.  He's been interesting to play, and you've both put good energy forward.  


Thanks to Dom101 for Bass' meeting with Mouse this morning. It was a lot of fun, and it's been awhile since someone found the perfect way to relate to Mouse (through more than just her stomach). Looking forward to playing with you, again!


I think last night was the most fun I've had rping in about 7 years in nwn. Thanks so much to the following people for giving Voss some really deep character development and then an awesome bit of light-hearted comedy to bring things back from DEFCON 1 for him.

Bass(dom101): Since coming back to the server recently this player has been a constant source of great rp for my characters. Dom101, you are down-to-earth, friendly, experienced, polite and honest. Bass as a character is unique and amazing (even though Voss and he share so many similarities despite the fact that I didn't even know about Bass until after I made him). I love his personality, and it seems somehow you manage to constantly pick up on even the most subtle rp cues and put tremendous effort into playing off them. Thank you so much for being here, and I've enjoyed every word of rp with your character. Please don't ever stop being awesome. ;)

Mouse(clockworkmayhem): I live with you, so no fancy words for you here. :)

Cassiatine(darkpurpose): You mentioned right before logging off for the night that you felt special for getting to see a side of Voss no one else really has. I'm so honored you felt that way, and that's exactly what I intended. Thanks for rping Cassiatine the way you do because the interplay between Voss and her was just that perfect little bit of extra icing on the top of a big rp cake that sweetened it up. Cassiatine's interest in Voss and her art of him couldn't have been timed better (though you didn't know it at the time) considering what he'd just been through. The stars aligned, the cards were right, and Voss was actually in a good mood...for once.

grayelf spellslinger: You kinda came in at the end of things, but thanks for the fun little interplay between Bass and Anastasia that Voss got to witness. Also, thanks for all the great rp that Ridley has done with Voss, Mouse, and Max so far. Ridley seems a lot like Voss, and it's cool to see how the two interact so smoothly with one another. I'm looking forward to things to come when Voss starts working for/with Ridley. :)

If anyone has the opportunity to rp with any character played by one of these players I highly recommend you do so. You won't regret it!


I've never really been one accustomed to positive feed back or compliments for the way I play Bass.  Generally it's a lot of negativity and hatred. Which I'm okay with ooc'ly because that's expected.

It's a rare treat to be so appreciated and complimented with such class. I appreciate everything people are saying about both Bass and myself. Thank you so much.

I try not to play favorites but those that I log on and seek out immediately tend to be my favorite victims. And you all know whom you are. Thanks for making nwn fun again.


As a new entity dipping in - I must vaguely kudos every interaction I have had so far. Everyone has been friendly IC and OOC and it has just been a pleasant experience. Thank you!

Colin Mack

dom101 Avatar
I've never really been one accustomed to positive feed back or compliments for the way I play Bass.  Generally it's a lot of negativity and hatred. Which I'm okay with ooc'ly because that's expected.

It's a rare treat to be so appreciated and complimented with such class. I appreciate everything people are saying about both Bass and myself. Thank you so much.

I try not to play favorites but those that I log on and seek out immediately tend to be my favorite victims. And you all know whom you are. Thanks for making nwn fun again.

Well he is supposed to be played that way right we do all love him you know you do a great job Dom he is two of my three pc's favorite person to hate.


Thanks to Bushy, Sorn, FMD, Gork and thorien for helping me bring my ladies to life and joining me in the unfolding tales I attempt to weave. Also, thanks for your supportive words when I really needed to take a step back. I eagerly look forward to more mischief!

Thanks to the group who welcomed Aaliya into battle once more! Aelie, Max, Silvia, Teldrath and Zevarion ushered in a new tale, whether you know it or not. I enjoy having the opportunity to toss Aaliya into the mix and make a difference. We all worked really well together and I await the next adventure. : )

Your welcome Shobit.  Take a step back and it leaves you wanting more.  Also, cookies.


Major kudos and thanks to Amalgrim for her roleplay as Velenya Tevlyn tonight with Voss. That was intense, horrific, and powerful for both of them, and I'm really impressed with how smoothly it went and how it affected both characters. Please don't ever stop, and I look forward to continuing to see how the apprentice/teacher relationship between them will evolve.

Also big kudos to Jared's player Remmy for his roleplay. The tension between Voss and Jared has never been thicker, but with Velenya insistent that Voss continue instructing her, how will Jared and he come to terms without constantly being at one another's throats? It's going to be a blast and it wouldn't even be possible if not for your patience and skill in the way you portray Jared as a character.

And kudos to the Stonehaven crew: Logarti (kip), Bass (dom), and Mouse (clockwork) for really pushing and pulling at Voss to help him grow into the character he's becoming. Roleplay with you three is always organic and forces me to adapt, and I'd have nowhere near the grasp of Voss's personality without your help.

Thanks to you all!