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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Rei Jin

Kudos to the player of Nallah, for welcoming a new player to the server (me!)

Definitely looking to stick around; many of my friends have migrated here already


I want to thank Rhia for being absolutely wonderful, the interaction that Rhia and Melody had the other night had me in stitches it was so adorable. Jerrick, you are so much fun.

Celebrithrade, for being an absolutely wonderful partner in crime with Melody, I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful times we've had to RP together. Blackheart, you're truly wonderful.

Marak, for stepping up and being brave in applying to the Rosewood - you did such a fantastic job on those original lyrics and you blew us out of the water!

Grim, for being Grim, because he's an amazing character and I enjoy interacting with him. And Bushy, you're amazing.

Myv, for being so sweet to me IC and OOC. It's a genuine breath of fresh air and I cherish you for being so kind.

And to everyone else I've had the chance to interact with but didn't name, I love you all.
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


Ashlin, Doe, Myv, and of course, Korra !Thanks to each of you that came along to "Family Issues", esp Singer (Ashlin) who had real 'family issues' of the timing variety but stuck around anyway! <3 

That was such a cool character building experience, and I'm glad I got to share it with people that have been instrumental with my character's growth! 


Thanks to Areusa for warm welcome and making me smile. You have just made what started off as a very nervous experience turn in to a good laugh and great time, thank you so much <3


    It was great rping with you guys this evening. Some of you I had never interacted with before and I really enjoyed the quest with you.


Yes, thank you all for coming along once again!


Thayne, Talisa, Drak, Melodi and Blane with Nallah in the square, and of course, the whole epic scene of punching the rain cloud. It was very funny and awesome;


I want to thank everyone for their interactions with Nolyth so far, she is an amazing character and very fun to play for me because of the great RP. Special thanks to  and  for the very well developing friendship between Javen, Vie and Nolyth as well as  for Kyi's appearance. Looking forward to more fun adventures for this group and further development down the line! <3


Jazzmyra Avatar
I want to thank everyone for their interactions with Nolyth so far, she is an amazing character and very fun to play for me because of the great RP. Special thanks to  and  for the very well developing friendship between Javen, Vie and Nolyth as well as  for Kyi's appearance. Looking forward to more fun adventures for this group and further development down the line! <3



@melody Thanks for the late night RP last night, in regards to not just the quest, but the cumulative toll of loss I've been working through with Rhia.

You give Melody a ton of life and empathy, and it takes someone who has those traits themselves to portray it so fully. Thank you for sharing it with me and my character!


Wanted to thank everyone my PC had the privilege to interact with the last month. It was a blast, many positive emotions, from each conversation, even the brief ones.

Thank you,

Galactor, for being the first one to show liking towards PCs presence, as well as handling her humour and tense demeanour;
Avlida "Downy", for opening a new purpose to the character, even if the interaction was a very brief period;
Azalea, for allowing a specific something to develop, and the readiness to help with character's personal complication;
Mari, for being the first one to answer the peculiar questions, giving several rather solid leads and being compassionate, all at the same time;
Maria, for being the first official to make a good impression and provide necessary leads to develop the personal story;
Nallah, for being the most influential on character's daily routines and searches, with the only few dialogues between;
Mista, for providing informational guidance and being willing to assist with a specific problem, and giving good advice;
Victorian, for being the turning point of one character's personal quests and development;
Kamon, for unexpected, but welcomed support and conversations;
Nolyth, for all the dialogues, and for being the first character to strike deep into the cold heart;
Rugal, for being the dwarf friend you would never know you needed;
Celebrithrade and Kaladin - for being open to blunt questions;

... and all others, who were maybe not as influential so far, as aforementioned, but pleasant to interact with nonetheless.

Sincerely appreciate the time spent together and roleplay! Looking forward for more interactions and hoping to deliver an enjoyable experience, too.

Special thanks:
2cwldys for inviting to play the NWN in general, C&D in particular.
Shalvenay, SongSinger and Jazzmyra, for the help with the lore questions, and reading the character's background story before it became a sealed canon. Thanks a ton, ladies and gentleman, for your help in shaping the character's past and make it lore-friendly.


No problem!

When you told me you were playing NWN, I usually always refer friends and company to C&D as of late!

After my time being here, I've found some really nostalgic company that I've met in other games; that remembered me before I could do arbitrarily, the same.

I am an apparent altoholic, so apologies I did not get to interact with you as much as I had originally wanted. Sure as hell enjoyed the time we had with Rugal over a drink!


Everyone has been wonderful here to me. I've greatly enjoyed rping with you all.


Thanks Eden, Myv and kaladin. Today's adventure was a lot of fun!


I never do this as much as I should;

Thank you everyone at Clockwork for all the general shenanigans, rp and adventures, you know who you are and what you're guilty of.

Thanks for Rhia and Kamon for adventure and general mischief, and Kamon, Mari and Blackheart for the fun RP today.

And thank you to everyone else who's interacted with Tess on adventures big and small or just talking there and there, Nallah Camthalion/Javen, Nola, Nula, Diana and Handsome, Kor, Andelas in some of his many guises, and many others who I shouldn't miss but I'm awful remembering names.  Players are the core of every good server and I've really enjoyed meeting so many fun and interesting characters.