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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Valimar Dragonbane

I'd like to thank SOC_Tessa and Vaesi for the wonderful rp with Galas.  Rin is a constant source of confusion for the poor elf, and Vaesi is nothing short of incredibly patient and understanding with him.  Even if she both confuses and terrifies him at times.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Back atcha, Galas is a fun toon to interact with and gives Vaesi outlet for a quieter more introspective side at times.  Its appriciated.


Quite a lot of people of late, but especially...

Kevendithas: It is nice to see how this character has been, from both playerside and topside.  His interaction with Countess Ravenshadow was quite suprising, and seeing the two have some small things in common definitely was entertaining.

Kelendel: Good to see this friendly priest and mage, as usual.  Especially when he gets himself in trouble with Logarti, and being too flirtatious for his own good!  

Piyale: It has been fun seeing her develop over the years, and how she has mildly different priorities from when I first encountered her. 

Logarti: Introducing Daeatria to Lotus in the Underdark.  That was a very interesting moment where Dae saw a mirror of herself, in an older time - a darker place. The talk afterward was very thought provoking, too!

Lotus: Same reasons for above, but also for being willing to bring her out. Daeatria was always interested in learning more about her.

Celi: It is nice to see how this girl's character development is coming along. I am curious to see what more awaits - without giving too much information to the public. ;-)

Hydaro: Funny enough, I think one of the major traits keeping him and Daeatria from being alike is the fact Daeatria is wholly devoted to the Seldarine.  And well...I do not think Hydaro has breasts (as far as I know - Dae will have to ask Lena :-D). 

: Good to see Lena finally becoming more comfortable with herself! 

Eilira: It was good to have these two catch up again.  And I hope that you will show up more often so that people can see more of this plucky Ravenshadow! It was also impressive, on DMside, seeing how she is handling all the political good and flack for being a Ravenshadow.  Having a family name has a price, after all. >.> And the restraint she has shown in these situations just proves how her character development is coming along.

Sumest: Almost feel guilty for giving these out, but still. This crude sailor, potentially future family privateer, has been a big part of Daeatria's character development.  He has been one of the catalysts for why she is getting out of a darker place.  And instead of becoming less adorable together in time, they just seem to become more disgustingly adorable. ;-) 
(It was also hilarious to see how they handle others flirting with the other. One punching the dude in the face, the other flirting with the girls. Such foils!) 

Last but not least, a huge thanks to everyone who participated in the elven debate and the court stuff!  It was nice to see the rarely seen aspects of those characters, like Bella said. 
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


I don't think I've posted in this thread before, I've always thought about it just got lazy or something. I wanted to thank all of you folk for the wonderful times I've been having since I came back I didn't realize that. I missed it so much till I jumped back into the thick of it so to speak. I actually broke an old rule last night by moving to my recliner. Which can cause the awkward time of being role playing and then blinking two hours later. Apologies for those who maybe poked me and received nothing but thank you for giving me so much wonderful story and role play and plot to sink my teeth into.


Edwardfalcona Avatar
I don't think I've posted in this thread before, I've always thought about it just got lazy or something. I wanted to thank all of you folk for the wonderful times I've been having since I came back I didn't realize that. I missed it so much till I jumped back into the thick of it so to speak. I actually broke an old rule last night by moving to my recliner. Which can cause the awkward time of being role playing and then blinking two hours later. Apologies for those who maybe poked me and received nothing but thank you for giving me so much wonderful story and role play and plot to sink my teeth into.
We've all been there, man. ;) I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying yourself to such an extent. Voss' interactions with Kelendel have been amazing. I really enjoy how Kel at first appears to be a pretty open, cut-and-dry character, but as I'm seeing more and more of him I'm realizing there's a lot more going on with him than he lets on. Voss was -really- surprised by what he whispered to him the other day, and there will definitely be some more rp in that line in the near future. ;)

Thanks for being awesome, and I'm glad you're having so much fun.


For all those involved in Celi's quest, a big thank you! We're not done yet!

Hyde, you're an ass and the devil knows it ;) Ha!
Jim, you have options for us! She has referred Kel to "Mr. Jim"
Alia, sorry your student is a nut job!
Bethra, thank you for the complication! It's added another element. Can't wait to see how the girl's interact in the coming days!
Zaeth (I mean Sal :P ), the knockdown drag out fight was amazing. The convoluted relationship of these siblings is always tumultuous and interesting.
Alton, she's not dead yet! And she added a wrinkle!
Logarti, she's never forgotten what he did for her. It's why she tried to keep this from him. ;) She has no idea how to fix things with him.
Dae, let's hope she doesn't bring the house down!
Kel, your smooth tongue got us further than anyone to date!

And anyone else I missed! This is a complicated quest full of moral issues. It's certainly helping to shape Celi! Thank you all for coming along on this one.
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


Big shout-out to Vaesi for her character...Vaesi. :P Very few bother to try and delve into Voss like she did. He was surprised, and I was as well. Excellent rp all around.

Also a big thank you and shout out to darth kirin for the rp between Voss and Alexia. She seems like a very deep character, and I'm sorry I'd forgotten they'd already met! Still, I feel like their interaction had a lot of subtlety to it, and I look forward to more.

Thanks to you both for helping me bring Voss to life!

Ogre Time Yay

Always glad to play the good guy that everyone hates. :)

Big thanks to Red Mage's character, Keven, he's a refreshing and more laid back character. Hydaro can kind of relate to that character because they both seem to tiredly accept that they're a flawed mess and don't really care.


Was fun to get to interact with some toons I've not before now.  Tend to keep to my wall a lot and not start rp without others connecting first, its a bad lazy habit... trying to shake it off and get her back to just pestering the heck out of folks.  Thanks for helping with that.

The Red Mage

I also want to give a shout out to everyone who has been interacting with Keven playerside and topside lately. And a special shoutout to the player of Jack Flannigan for the RP last night. Welcome to the server, and I'm glad you managed to survive our strangeness.


On that note, I'd like to thank the players of Logarti, Vaesi, Keven, Kel and Raindra, who made an effort to include Jack the lowbie in their RP. I had a bundle of fun!

Thanks also to darkpurpose and Amalgrim, who have also given me and Jack a hand adjusting to the server.  :)


You're welcome!   *hugs* And thanks to you for being a good sport with fey mischief!

Additionally to RockSolid, thanks to TheotherKip, SornDuskryn, onivel1, Nevermore, FirstManDeparted, edwardfalcona, Sinister_Omnibus, and ClockworkMayhem, and others that my poor foggy head can't think of... for the fun role play. I love learning more about your characters as you get to know mine better. : ) Thanks for making me feel included.


To ... Caprice, Bella, Sinister, Clockwork, LB7, Autumn, Ummmma, and Remmy... What an awesome Saturday. <3


Big thanks for awesome rp from all the characters involved in the Dance of Pales pt. 2 tonight! Everyone did a really great job of playing their characters and bringing out those minor little details that so rarely get to seen in day-to-day rp. Thanks for being awesome, guys and gals!


Definitely had an amazing time tonight. Thanks to everyone in that event! LB7, Autumn, Remmy, Ummma, and Amalgrim (and yes, even Sinister. :P ). And the DMs, too, but they get their own shout-out on the other thread. <3