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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Back at ya, VD. Tisha's a fun character with some good banter, and I enjoy RPing with her!

And while I'm here, I'd like to thank Nevermore, Aazonis, RJ, darkpurpose, Amalgrim, Remmy and threeguesses, who I've had some entertaining RP with over the past few days, plus Sinister Omnibus for the event today.  :D

And lastly, Kip! My partner in late-night RP.


Just want to say hi and thank you to everyone who's RP'ed  put up with my PC, Alexandra Hohlenberg. I've enjoyed the RP and the diverse array of welcomes she's received--and the very welcoming attitude I've personally received from many of you.

In particular, a shout-out to Estara (Amalgrim) for some great RP and being VERY helpful OOC, to Annael (lazycat) for agreeing to the thankless task of being Alexandra's assistant (score!) and Alexander (RockSolid) for....well, basically, not wanting to strangle least not yet. As well as to everyone who greeted her on her first night in town with the Rat King. Good times, good times....

Look forward to meeting everyone!


disapprovingmother Avatar

Just want to say hi and thank you to everyone who's RP'ed  put up with my PC, Alexandra Hohlenberg. I've enjoyed the RP and the diverse array of welcomes she's received--and the very welcoming attitude I've personally received from many of you.

In particular, a shout-out to Estara (Amalgrim) for some great RP and being VERY helpful OOC, to Annael (lazycat) for agreeing to the thankless task of being Alexandra's assistant (score!) and Alexander (RockSolid) for....well, basically, not wanting to strangle least not yet. As well as to everyone who greeted her on her first night in town with the Rat King. Good times, good times....

Look forward to meeting everyone!

Hah! Your Role-Play has been great and welcome to the server!

Remember, exercise is for peasants. :)


Thanks to TheotherKip, Bushy-Fro, Nevermore, onivel1, -Aazonis, & SornDuskryn for all the fun role play!

Mystic Warden

Thanks for Bushy-Fro for the ono-on-one yesterday! It was challanging and empowering, giving insight into Amaiss' troubled soul. :)
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords

Valimar Dragonbane

To Modron, with love: Siris may not ever warm up to Mirabell, but he may at least grow to tolerate her. ;)
To Kip, for Logarti and his continuing visits with Tisha.
And lastly, to SOC for Jace and Rin.  It was good for Galas to actually talk to another guy.  He doesn't have all that many guys to pal around with, and its good for him to bond with another one.  Rin, for constantly pushing at him.  Believe it or not, she's been the one to get him to be more actively goody goody.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Thank you everyone for rping with me yesterday, my evening was wonderful :)


Today I'd just like to thank my clique of toxic problem players for the wonderful circlejerk we've kept alive over the years.

Here's to you North, Tseti, Aazonis, Kheal, and of course my lovely self.

PS: We'll yiff, ok?


Actually in all seriousness I'd just like to say that it's good to see some familiar faces doing well. Sidhe, Guesses, you're still pretty cool.


Major props last night to Edward, Bella, and White Spirit for nearly three hours of intense medical RP. It's not often you get to see healer characters actually being healers.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Just wanted to thank everyone in my event tonight. You guys all did an amazing job rping, and I know things got a bit hectic, but thanks for your patience with me. I hope the ending didn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth, but if it did just remember there's only one more Hells' Song event to go. :) Time to face the big bad boss. Thank you all again for the amazing rp. Truly, without you guys and your characters I wouldn't have so much to work with for my events.


Thank you to  and  for performing the ceremony last night.  I know I didn't give you nearly enough preparation time, and you did beautifully!

Also, thank you to everyone who came and participated.  I'm sorry for the delay getting started (RL kept interfering!), but I had a blast RPing with everyone.


For recent rp, I would like to thank...

Rhea: For the rp and opportunities to interact with a half celestial. I always enjoyed her wisdom and outlook on life, she comes across as a true artist. Sometimes playful like a melody, sometimes mysterious as the mystery of music itself. She has many facettes and one could watch them like the facettes of a diamond in the daylight. And sometimes your rp is like music, or a song.

Daeatria Ravenshadow: You are *the* address for elven lore and you have often helped me when I had questions about elven history or lore on the crownwars (And I still didn't get some of it despite your patience with me. >.>). I enjoy rping with you and I have great admiration for how intricately you weave and design your stories, your events or your rp so that it forms a beautiful and hamronic resonance between lore, personal history and the setting we play in. I also enjoy reading your story entries, you have a way of narrating that is involving but tactful. I have one intense combat scene in mind where Daeatria fought off attackers.

Kelendel: For a very interesting even if mysterious elf. I have only recently *met* Kelendel but I found the rp and the meeting very interesting. One could think Kelendel was just an elf, but while he *is* an elf, one could not be further from the truth. There are things about his personality and heart, just like his face, are concealed ust not by a hood but, for the same effect, not for everyone to see.

Voss: For a very interesting character and a very interesting way of rping him. Voss seems like an emerald but one that intentionally seems smudgey and crusted with molten stone, through and through. Emeralds have always been both mysterious but also dangerous in many ways. Greed has lead adventurers into lethal traps on the chase for one. Others have been shaped into a weapon both fascinating but also deadly. Some were symbols and some change color depending on whether or not they are heated.
But whatever the color, or even smudgey or no. At the end of the day, an emerald is still a gem. And so is Voss in his own way in our collection of gems that are our characters.

Vyliea: For the many alts this supposed patient of altitis has, I have barely met any of them. Something I regret but something that was also remedied. Tonight ^.^ Thank you for introducing me to Vyliea, and although I have only interacted briefly with her I could see that both time and care refined her into a character that like a dark precious stone only grows more worthwhile with time. I look forward to future rp with her!

Sumest: For a representative of a rarely played subrace. Rarely played but played well in many ways! I like how skillful you play in all regards be it rp, descriptions, comments, humor, teamwork or storytelling. I have never before rped with a sea-elf but in the rp with Sumest I had the rare opportunity to make these experiences and I wanted to thank you for those.

Silence: For being counter intuitive to your name. I have enjoyed to rp with you or watch your rp sometimes when I was the one who spoke little or not at all. Silence speaks, and louder than words more often than not.

Mouse/Rat: For promising interactions. I don't know her very well yet but I could see that she is an involving character, through her rp with those around her. I met her mostly together with Rhea and Voss and I think we have not interacted much yet both in and out of the game but I like what you add to the rp that I have witnessed and I think that it would have been less without your character present.

Ceya Benes: Mother of a well known Sophia Benes I liked our recent rp, especialyl the way you played Ceya. I found it nice how her age showed in a way that I would imagine to be very elven, her outlook on life, her hindsight. Her thoughts, her hopes, her regrets. It all had a very elven feeling to it and I enjoyed that.

Vivian/Hepzabethra: Although both characters are very different, one is a human, one a drow, I like both of them and also how you play them. They are unassuming on the outside but deeply thought out on the inside. I enjoyed the depth of both characters in our recent interactions, each in their own history, personality and background and I look forward to chances to rp more with either of them.

Rashan: A windwalker if there ever was one. I remember you from the past and at first I was not certain what to think of Rashan. But time and care from both yourself as well as his friends had an influence on Rashan and changed him. He is a very different person now, but in a sense that he is more now than he was before, in other words: he grew. It was amazing to watch and our recent rp is enjoyable, because these tendencies, they continue. He continues to evolve and change and I find these dynamics not only well played but also pleasantly harmonic. He seems very alive.

Priya: I still remember how I learned the first bits about her story, I was on the dm client and the scene was immerflow vineyards. Priya has become a prominent character who shares many aspects with my own character but is also very different in many ways. Both had to recover from some nasty stuff in their past and this process was something I am grateful to have been allowed to participate in. I enjoyed our rp and the harmony always found within, and your artistic mind and writer's skill have brought joy to my heart when I read the forum story posts or the rp. I look forward to rping with Priya again.

Ice: The recent interaction with Ice was truly remarkable, I was amazed at how well you play Ice her being very different from other characters I knew you from. You say Ice is a challenge to rp, but if it is so, that is not noticable, you seem like you master the challenge. I saw this in the interaction in arabel central in the former fountain area. Ice reminds me of a fact that the eskimos utilize: one would think that one would freeze to death in an eskimo housing amde of ice? But one doesn't, this is housing is actually what protects from the cold outside despite being made of ice.

Elf: Another character I know for long. Elf is one of those people who Nayu knows longest other than Thedran. You were also part of my introductory quest and we have rped scarcely here and there over time. I wanted to thank you for being a constant and for the continueing interactions between him and Nayu. Although may not speak much but I find that he is still communicative. Maybe something he picked up from the forests where its denizens oft not speak but communicate no less. I enjoy our interactions and both Nayu and I are glad when Elf appears.

Thedran: Another person I know for long and you too were part of my introductory quest. Thedran has been, like Elf, around since and I wish to thank you as well for being a constant in the same sense. As a paladin, Nayu always admired Thedran's work, his discipline, his sense of duty and his unyielding efforts for the causes of good. I enjoyed rping with Thedran whenever he met Nayu and despite it being scarce just as rp with Elf, I enjoyed it no less. And still do. Thank you!

Kendaku: For allowing me to meet this interesting character on a quest where she got wounded. We did not rp for long, but I still got a glimpse to her character and to you. Up to now I mostly knew you from events I participated in and I admired them for complex, well crafted and masterful way you ran them. I had the impression that your events were artworks in and of themselves. This sense of art is what brought me to the track of enjoying your rp, I first discovered it in music you posted on the forum but I recognized it in Kendaku's rp (and in hindsight in your events). It amazes how you operate and I wanted to thank you for this recent chance to enjoy more of your artwork.

Mista: For a recent but no less enjyoable acquaintance in rp. Mista is a mystery (no pun intended). I love how her and Nayu can relate, the harmony of both being interested in causes of good, in having wings, enjoying flight but at the same time how easily Mista can make me blink and go "*blink, blink*", not by her own choice, mind and I have yet to figure out what the deal with it all is. Those random surges of wild magic, the perpetual misfortune... these are things that are, in my opinino, incredibly difficult to pull off in a way that they are enjoyable. But somehow, you make that walk on the thin line. I look forward to the coming rp and I wonder when or if I will learn just what the story of this aspiring aasimar is.

Belarthrae: For a unique approach on the latest quest we participated in. Belarthrae was quiet, hiding and generally showed little interest in socialising. However she was very helpful and made critical contributions to the quest's solution. And at the end she just left without a word leaving us to wonder what was going on in her head, what she thought, felt and what her motivations were. It was mysterious but still involving, thank you for showing us the glimpse of your character.


There's a lot of awesomeness out there that I interact with every week, but I wanted to mention three in particular.

I don't usually make mention of all the crappy medical stuff I've been through, but due to the relevance to this, I wanted to note that I suffer from PTSD due to medical issues. I can't even watch something like the show Scrubs on TV. And this after growing up with a paramedic and EMT in the house!

Anyways, I wanted to give a special shout out to to three that have unknowingly been allowing me to cross into this uncharted water and do RP with Lena and her surgical skill (which requires me to rely on past knowledge and quick searches to be accurate).

Thank you:

Sorn, Silence and Hydaro.

You have no idea how much this has meant to me and my healing process.
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere

Welcome!  We did stuff.  Lena looked like she had a lot of fun.

And I want to shout out to White Spirit for the wonderful chats we've had.  You've been able to pierce through what many do not.  I don't know how but well done.  

I look forward to what we do in the future.


Seconding that. Kestal and Nayu had a rather engaging evening last night. Thoroughly enjoyed. And like I said, sometime when I have a longer night to take the time, storytime needs to happen. =)
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda