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Revamp Quest Request board

Started by Darvins, Dec 23, 2013, 10:08 PM

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Darvin's point is that many people feel highly uncomfortable poking dm's when they are playerside since the dm is on as a PLAYER.  I know when I was a dm I didn't want people mucking with me about shit when I finally logged to play my characters.  Poking a specific dm so you get the dm you want will eventually lead to everyone poking the same couple of dm's and then burn out said dm's.  The quest request board puts out a lot of player ideas for all of the dm's to look over and if they want to support something, they will, if not, Darvin's, and a lot of other players, would like feedback to know why.  What can we do, as players, to make something a little more attractive to the dm's so they run something for us?  Is the idea good but it needs a little tweak before being picked up?

We want feedback on why our ideas weren't good enough to attract attention so we can fix them, tweak them, abandon them, whatever... so that we can get our characters moving forward.  Just having a post sit there unanswered leaves us in the dark wondering what the hell is going on when a quick response of, hey, change this or, you aren't going to get that period in it's current form, would at least give us a chance to change and move forward instead of feeling left out, abandoned, or shunned.


No one's disputing the fact it would be nice for some feedback, it's just that, the forum is there and if people have the time, desire, or ability.  They'll contact the players.  Some things require Admin approval.  Even DM's are saying it's not handled in an ideal way.  Everyone's beating the dead horse that is the issue, without any constructive restructuring.  Thus far, the best way seems to be contacting DM's in the ways you're provided.  PM's, Skype, when they're in the client, and depending on the DM when they're online in general.

Also ...
Most of you need to be beat repeatedly in and about the face.
Your signature?  lulz.


dom101 Avatar
Thus far, the best way seems to be contacting DM's in the ways you're provided.  PM's, Skype, when they're in the client, and depending on the DM when they're online in general.
...which all happen to be things I just don't feel comfortable with. If the Requests board is not the way to do things, I think I agree with the earlier notion that it just ought to be removed outright and replaced with a sticky note saying the above. I did resort to in-game contact once when I had painted myself in an IC corner with RP and needed a DM for resolution.

I shied away from direct contact after I had a negative experience one afternoon when I got physically stuck with a character in a tile and none of the DMs could spare a moment to jump me out (and I had messaged each, including those that were on as players).

Fact of the matter is, I am far from an outgoing individual. I typically play characters who are not of the same persuasion, but I'm very antsy at approaching anyone OOCly. I'm also inept at really bridging any of these gaps on an IC level.

All of this has painted me into a sort of CD-limbo where I am not really all too eager to log in anymore, because I almost feel on the outside cusp of most cliques. I exchange words, I have the occasional in-character heated exchange or vague allusion to real activity, but I don't really feel "involved". And I'm not very well equipped to really break into whatever I feel must be going on somewhere (since I refuse to believe 100% of the population is logging on to discuss the weather or latest fashion).

I've had a good share of excellent roleplay experiences and it was a great set of months where I intended not to do much and just get and establish a feel for the server, but I feel for a while now it has just been a coasting holding pattern and I don't really even know where to go from here. I rolled a number of different characters in hopes that a different attitude or archetype was possibly the barrier for entry, but I still almost feel like I'm mostly window dressing or spice for other inhabitants.

I'm disillusioned and that's not where I want to be, but I've never been outgoing enough to be one to take charge, to lead masses or any of that breed. All I know is that where I used to be quite excited to get on the server, get involved and just to see what what was going on, and now it feels a few steps from pulling teeth. I'd like to turn that feeling around, really I would, but maybe I'm just not up to the task.


I sure hope I was not one of the ones who left you stuck like that. That's really really bad form. And some of us are more accessable than others. Some will go AFK for hours at a clip so possibly that's what happened.

I always try to engage anyone I can in my DM work. Sometimes the plots are ones though that are specific to a faction so you can't bring others in.

Plus you log out generally before I get in.

Valimar Dragonbane

SOC_Tessa Avatar
dom101 Avatar
Thus far, the best way seems to be contacting DM's in the ways you're provided.  PM's, Skype, when they're in the client, and depending on the DM when they're online in general.
...which all happen to be things I just don't feel comfortable with. If the Requests board is not the way to do things, I think I agree with the earlier notion that it just ought to be removed outright and replaced with a sticky note saying the above. I did resort to in-game contact once when I had painted myself in an IC corner with RP and needed a DM for resolution.

I shied away from direct contact after I had a negative experience one afternoon when I got physically stuck with a character in a tile and none of the DMs could spare a moment to jump me out (and I had messaged each, including those that were on as players).

Fact of the matter is, I am far from an outgoing individual. I typically play characters who are not of the same persuasion, but I'm very antsy at approaching anyone OOCly. I'm also inept at really bridging any of these gaps on an IC level.

All of this has painted me into a sort of CD-limbo where I am not really all too eager to log in anymore, because I almost feel on the outside cusp of most cliques. I exchange words, I have the occasional in-character heated exchange or vague allusion to real activity, but I don't really feel "involved". And I'm not very well equipped to really break into whatever I feel must be going on somewhere (since I refuse to believe 100% of the population is logging on to discuss the weather or latest fashion).

I've had a good share of excellent roleplay experiences and it was a great set of months where I intended not to do much and just get and establish a feel for the server, but I feel for a while now it has just been a coasting holding pattern and I don't really even know where to go from here. I rolled a number of different characters in hopes that a different attitude or archetype was possibly the barrier for entry, but I still almost feel like I'm mostly window dressing or spice for other inhabitants.

I'm disillusioned and that's not where I want to be, but I've never been outgoing enough to be one to take charge, to lead masses or any of that breed. All I know is that where I used to be quite excited to get on the server, get involved and just to see what what was going on, and now it feels a few steps from pulling teeth. I'd like to turn that feeling around, really I would, but maybe I'm just not up to the task.

I'm going to chime in here for a moment about one spot in particular; that of taking charge or leading masses.  I rarely take charge of situations myself.  I prefer being one of the minions, I suppose.  I -know- that I work best as a supporting character.  When things tend to spotlight one of my characters, I feel oddly out of place.

I think I can understand where you're coming from on the fact that there -has- to be something going on, somewhere.  When I log in and see that there are 17 other people on, and none of them are in Arabel somewhere... it makes a person wonder.

I feel for you, that you've lost that connection to some of the folks you've played with in the past.  Heck, Alia misses hanging with her homegirls. :P
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


SOC_Tessa Avatar
dom101 Avatar
Thus far, the best way seems to be contacting DM's in the ways you're provided.  PM's, Skype, when they're in the client, and depending on the DM when they're online in general.
...which all happen to be things I just don't feel comfortable with. If the Requests board is not the way to do things, I think I agree with the earlier notion that it just ought to be removed outright and replaced with a sticky note saying the above. I did resort to in-game contact once when I had painted myself in an IC corner with RP and needed a DM for resolution.

I shied away from direct contact after I had a negative experience one afternoon when I got physically stuck with a character in a tile and none of the DMs could spare a moment to jump me out (and I had messaged each, including those that were on as players).

Fact of the matter is, I am far from an outgoing individual. I typically play characters who are not of the same persuasion, but I'm very antsy at approaching anyone OOCly. I'm also inept at really bridging any of these gaps on an IC level.

All of this has painted me into a sort of CD-limbo where I am not really all too eager to log in anymore, because I almost feel on the outside cusp of most cliques. I exchange words, I have the occasional in-character heated exchange or vague allusion to real activity, but I don't really feel "involved". And I'm not very well equipped to really break into whatever I feel must be going on somewhere (since I refuse to believe 100% of the population is logging on to discuss the weather or latest fashion).

I've had a good share of excellent roleplay experiences and it was a great set of months where I intended not to do much and just get and establish a feel for the server, but I feel for a while now it has just been a coasting holding pattern and I don't really even know where to go from here. I rolled a number of different characters in hopes that a different attitude or archetype was possibly the barrier for entry, but I still almost feel like I'm mostly window dressing or spice for other inhabitants.

I'm disillusioned and that's not where I want to be, but I've never been outgoing enough to be one to take charge, to lead masses or any of that breed. All I know is that where I used to be quite excited to get on the server, get involved and just to see what what was going on, and now it feels a few steps from pulling teeth. I'd like to turn that feeling around, really I would, but maybe I'm just not up to the task.
You know, through all of this.  I'm kinda sad, because I really enjoy RP'ing with you on any of the characters you play.  I underlined something I'd like to discuss a moment.  Because it's the second time I've seen it in the last 24 hours.

I may be considered by many to be involved in such a generalization; a clique.  It's true I tend to RP with the same people time and time again.  The reason behind it is it's people I know I can freely RP my character with, without ooc tells about how horrible a person I am ooc'ly.  I'd always considered you to be apart of that with at least 2 of your characters.  I know I don't go out of my way IC'ly enough to include people in such a feeling, ... so I intend to be more inviting both on an OOC and IC level.

Even if Stonehaven may not be something your characters will include themselves in (This I mean in general; to everyone), I try to go out of my way to find something for everyone to do or be involved in.  I'll work harder at this.

EDIT:  Let's not forget, the White Cloaks are a clique too ;)  They just seem to be a more 'all inclusive' clique.  


SOC_Tessa Avatar

All of this has painted me into a sort of CD-limbo where I am not really all too eager to log in anymore, because I almost feel on the outside cusp of most cliques. I exchange words, I have the occasional in-character heated exchange or vague allusion to real activity, but I don't really feel "involved". And I'm not very well equipped to really break into whatever I feel must be going on somewhere (since I refuse to believe 100% of the population is logging on to discuss the weather or latest fashion).

A million times this.  I have been beating my head into a wall, going out of my way to try and be a little pushy, a little OOC in my character's motives even, to try and get involved with what people are doing, to try and make new friends, to try and reach out for anything to hook into the meat of this server's RP as a returning player who's been somewhat left behind.  It's an uphill battle.  And I at least am friends with a few people already; imagine how frustrating and hard this is for a new player?

I don't have to imagine, because I invited a couple friends to play on CD recently and they have drifted away because they couldn't seem to get involved with anything.

I know nobody likes to hear it, and I know a lot of people like to pretend it isn't the case, but CD's culture has a serious problem with exclusive groups and exclusive roleplay.  I don't think it's done intentionally, but if we keep plugging our ears whenever it's brought up, or worse yet, blaming disenfranchised players for not trying hard enough to get involved, it's only going to keep making it worse.  It needs to be recognized and accepted as an issue, by everyone.

And solving it doesn't mean just talking to new players; As SOC_Tessa says, chatting about the weather isn't compelling.  It means letting people get involved, letting them get close, letting them be included in YOUR story and becoming part of THEIRS.  it means taking a chance on people you haven't roleplayed much with before.  And yes, sometimes those people won't be the best roleplayers in the world or mesh the best with you, but I guarantee at least a few of them will really surprise you and enrich roleplay for everyone.

So let's please stop pretending there isn't anything wrong.  There is, and being offhandedly dismissive of it is insulting to everyone who's really trying to make this server their RP home and having difficulty doing so.  I do believe most of us have the best intentions at heart, but that's why we bring this up at all:  I believe deep down our community is capable of being better than this.


Nymera Avatar
SOC_Tessa Avatar
All of this has painted me into a sort of CD-limbo where I am not really all too eager to log in anymore, because I almost feel on the outside cusp of most cliques. I exchange words, I have the occasional in-character heated exchange or vague allusion to real activity, but I don't really feel "involved". And I'm not very well equipped to really break into whatever I feel must be going on somewhere (since I refuse to believe 100% of the population is logging on to discuss the weather or latest fashion).
A million times this.  I have been beating my head into a wall, going out of my way to try and be a little pushy, a little OOC in my character's motives even, to try and get involved with what people are doing, to try and make new friends, to try and reach out for anything to hook into the meat of this server's RP as a returning player who's been somewhat left behind.  It's an uphill battle.  And I at least am friends with a few people already; imagine how frustrating and hard this is for a new player?

I don't have to imagine, because I invited a couple friends to play on CD recently and they have drifted away because they couldn't seem to get involved with anything.

I know nobody likes to hear it, and I know a lot of people like to pretend it isn't the case, but CD's culture has a serious problem with exclusive groups and exclusive roleplay.  I don't think it's done intentionally, but if we keep plugging our ears whenever it's brought up, or worse yet, blaming disenfranchised players for not trying hard enough to get involved, it's only going to keep making it worse.  It needs to be recognized and accepted as an issue, by everyone.

And solving it doesn't mean just talking to new players; As SOC_Tessa says, chatting about the weather isn't compelling.  It means letting people get involved, letting them get close, letting them be included in YOUR story and becoming part of THEIRS.  it means taking a chance on people you haven't roleplayed much with before.  And yes, sometimes those people won't be the best roleplayers in the world or mesh the best with you, but I guarantee at least a few of them will really surprise you and enrich roleplay for everyone.

So let's please stop pretending there isn't anything wrong.  There is, and being offhandedly dismissive of it is insulting to everyone who's really trying to make this server their RP home and having difficulty doing so.  I do believe most of us have the best intentions at heart, but that's why we bring this up at all:  I believe deep down our community is capable of being better than this.
Umm.  I tried to include you in a couple things, and you outright ignored me.  :)  I chalked it up to a deficiency in chest size, and moved on.


Bass, I promise you were not in any way the topic of my post.  I don't recall any such attempts aside from a random invite to Stonehaven once that kept crashing my client.  Something about that area and my videocard do not get along.  xD

That being said:  I don't want to make this thread about Bass or any one character; no one person is responsible for any of my point.  If there has been any misunderstanding between us I'd be happy to take that particular conversation to PM!


Nymera Avatar
Bass, I promise you were not in any way the topic of my post.  I don't recall any such attempts aside from a random invite to Stonehaven once that kept crashing my client.  Something about that area and my videocard do not get along.  xD
Turn off grass and shiny water. Not down, off.

If that doesn't do it then you might have to rely on teleport.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Seems this thread documents two issues that people are experiencing.  

1.  Quest requests that receive no feedback:  I understand the problem.  It is not very easy to do something comprehensive about, though.  To ensure that there is some sort of "group DM Feedback" to any unanswered request, there would need to be a level of organization on the DM staff that really isn't very practical.  Someone from the staff would have to be "in charge" of the board and organize responses from the rest of the staff into the feedback on an ongoing basis.  I'll be honest, I don't see that happening.  That is a LOT of work.  

What I am willing to do, however, is contact the author of any non-responded request post after 30 days and provide my own personal feedback.  I would state emphatically this shouldn't be taken as 'the official position of the DM staff', but merely my own personal point of view.  Does that sound like it would be helpful?  If so, is it something I should post in the thread, or handle solely by PM?

2.  Difficulty getting involved with other PCs/players in something more than a superficial way:  I feel this too, it is hard to feel like you are 'fitting in' a lot of the time.  I agree that this is not something that is susceptible to an easy fix, but let me ask a question - what kind of things HELP people to make contact and initiate more chunky roleplay?  Do we need more support of in-player groups?  More quests that emphasize a particular level range so that people can get an ice-breaker?  More events that are totally comprehensive for the same reasoning?  

None of those is a perfect or comprehensive solution, I realize.  Supporting PC groups can lead to cliques...some people are really bored by festivals/parties...not everyone has characters in the ranges of posted events.  But I'm looking for suggestions on things that at least might help somewhat...

Thanks for any replies


daphne Avatar
Seems this thread documents two issues that people are experiencing.  

1.  Quest requests that receive no feedback:  I understand the problem.  It is not very easy to do something comprehensive about, though.  To ensure that there is some sort of "group DM Feedback" to any unanswered request, there would need to be a level of organization on the DM staff that really isn't very practical.  Someone from the staff would have to be "in charge" of the board and organize responses from the rest of the staff into the feedback on an ongoing basis.  I'll be honest, I don't see that happening.  That is a LOT of work.  

What I am willing to do, however, is contact the author of any non-responded request post after 30 days and provide my own personal feedback.  I would state emphatically this shouldn't be taken as 'the official position of the DM staff', but merely my own personal point of view.  Does that sound like it would be helpful?  If so, is it something I should post in the thread, or handle solely by PM?

I think aomething like that could be helpful, not perfect and obviously if it started to feel like a chore you would have every right to say 'look folks I can't keep doing this' but yeah I think that would be helpful.

2.  Difficulty getting involved with other PCs/players in something more than a superficial way:  I feel this too, it is hard to feel like you are 'fitting in' a lot of the time.  I agree that this is not something that is susceptible to an easy fix, but let me ask a question - what kind of things HELP people to make contact and initiate more chunky roleplay?  Do we need more support of in-player groups?  More quests that emphasize a particular level range so that people can get an ice-breaker?  More events that are totally comprehensive for the same reasoning?  

None of those is a perfect or comprehensive solution, I realize.  Supporting PC groups can lead to cliques...some people are really bored by festivals/parties...not everyone has characters in the ranges of posted events.  But I'm looking for suggestions on things that at least might help somewhat...

Thanks for any replies

On this, you know what I think may help, more advertised 'Random' party quests/plotlines that start mixing up groups a little bit more. Half the time I think the issue is a natural one where X happens so of course you turn to the people you trust, for help, and the people not in that group start feeling left out. It's natural but it can become an issue, and once that issue starts to happen.... it becomes cyclical, you feel less part of things so you log in less, so you are less part of things so you log in even less.. and so on.

More random parties, of various level ranges I think would start to change that, groups gathered by NPC's instead of by players as it where

The Red Mage

I started never running announced quests. I'd only hop in on people out and about and make something happen. If then they chose to follow up on it, it would become a plot. More often than not, players have zero interest in lenghtening any potential plot and will try to cut/ finish anything as quick as possible. I always offer follow ups at the end of my quest, tell them to send me PMs, or tell them to post any further RP on the forums, but it's never happened once. So while I enjoy "random party" quests, rarely do they become plotlines unless you continuously keep picking up random people for each consecutive part which would be madness.

It helps if DMs would also fill out the "get to know your DM" application. That information isn't just for show. It's for the quest request section. Pick out which DM you want or think that can fit your quest and send them a PM. If you're unwilling to do that, then it's not unreasonable then to think people who are openly(get to know your DM thread) unspecialized or uninterested in your plot or idea do not respond to it.


The Red Mage Avatar
I started never running announced quests. I'd only hop in on people out and about and make something happen. If then they chose to follow up on it, it would become a plot. More often than not, players have zero interest in lenghtening any potential plot and will try to cut/ finish anything as quick as possible. I always offer follow ups at the end of my quest, tell them to send me PMs, or tell them to post any further RP on the forums, but it's never happened once. So while I enjoy "random party" quests, rarely do they become plotlines unless you continuously keep picking up random people for each consecutive part which would be madness.
This has been my experience too. :/