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Rhy - The bluebell's thorn

Started by Silveryfeather, Dec 16, 2013, 05:05 PM

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Of gods and wings

..if to the moment is should say: ,,Abide, you are so fair" - put me in fetters on that day, i wish to perish then, i swear. Then let the deathbell ever toll, your service done, you shall be free, the clock may stop, the hand may fall, as time comes to an end for me.."

Rhy looked up from her book when she heard him move. He got up from the floor and looked at her for a long moment, his face already hidden again.
She watched him – a question in her eyes. But he just......left.

,,The door leads to hell" she thought.

Why does a girl like you always drink alone?" he had asked her. ,,How do you know what kind of girl i am?" she had replied. Adrian – With his smile and his silver tongue.....


A voice rang through her mind ,,He never cared for you, like father never cared for you – or anyone for that matter.."

,,This one is different. Why does he ask this much? What does he want of me? And - why – do i follow him?"
,,Because he sees something in you others dont. Because he ....knows. Understands."

Blood. Warm. Sticky. The fading light in his eyes. It had been over so quickly. Life – a fragile thing.
She could still feel the ecstacy of the kill. Power

,,Granting and taking life. Isnt that what gods do?"

The image of the thin white figure took shape in her mind again. Fragile – but strong. Cowering – but ready to leap. The shadow behind her ...vaguely shaped like wings. Would she ever use them to fly? Or would she ,,carry them around on her back, always weighing her down" like he phrased it.

A small smile spread over her features. She'd rather fly.



...and her breath the sound of a river – tiny bells ringing in the distance....

..."you're a bluebell" ...his voice like velvet. She felt – happy. Euphoric.

He was so close.Why was he this close? The thought made her giggle again.

..."That's cruel" his voice quiet, his breath carressing her ear.


A black swan flying over the sea – she was the swan and the swan was her. Wind beneath her wings -weightlessness – and ..blood in the skies.

When she opened her eyes he was gone again. But she found him soon enough in his corner, with Jarlyn.
The three of them talked. Jested. Laughed. While the girl in the chair was lingering in the back of her mind. Her tears. Her ...pain. That tingling sensation again.

Then Jarlyn walked away and she followed. He gave her ,,the talk" - warned her about him. Warned her not to forget about herself. How could she? She was alive now. He had woken her. Everything seemed so much more vivid. As if she had seen the world through a black veil before....

..she wouldnt forget about herself. There was nothing more real then that. Herself.


The rotten smell of the slums made her nostrils twitch. The hooker with the the face of a child stared at her, her eyes dull. Probably she wondered if she could take her. Rhy just smirked and turned to look at her directly ,,If she tries something – she's dead." Adrenalin rushed through her veins as the images took shape in her mind. The girl lowered her head and slinked back around the corner. ,,Just as well" she thought and walked on.

Back in her room she poured some of the dark liquid into a wine glass, and filled it with grape juice.
She was careful to get the mixture right, just like he had told her: one third dreams, two thirds juice.
Rhy pulled off her high suede boots and slumped into an armchair close to the fire. She brought the glass to her lips, sipped and watched her toes wiggle.

,,Bluebells actually do suit you. They look sad sometimes. Like violets, but they are also bright. Delicate but vibrant. Something about them is always soft..but, they can seem playful sometimes, too" His words flattered her. He was so – gentle. The last days had been – wonderful. He had shown her that he cared for her. Told her that he felt responsible for her. And there had been....desire...lust.

She had layed his hand on her stomach ,,It's a tingling sensation." ,,Rhy...this is were Adrenalin hits first." ..."You seek intensity"

Everytime she thought that she didnt want him any closer – she found herself drawing him to her – revealing another part of her newfound self to him.

,,You're dangerous" - he had become protective of his son. Almost aggresive even. Didnt want her approaching him. She wouldnt. But it was good to know his sore spot.

She blinked. Had the fire just turned black for a few seconds? The twisted dreams still had an effect on her – She slipped off into reverie and relived the last days. The dance, the talks, the clouds of mist around the two of them – warm – soft . ,, I didnt think you were one of that kind" his voice amused. ,,What kind?" Feathers ruffled and the magpie took off, its beak bloody – its song laughter in the skies.

The cool morning air sent shivers down her spine. Rhy stood at the window and watched the blue smoke of her cigarette drift over the green meadows of Eveningstar. She had come here to find solitude and ..serenity.

The last days - and nights – had been quite a thrill and the lake of her soul was in turmoil.

Roem. He meant more to her then she liked to admit. Her thoughts kept returning to him – how he made her feel. Trust. Excitement. Loyalty.

Her hand rested lightly on her stomach. He had given her wings – a husky chuckle escaped her lips.
,,Sentimental child. He may have given you wings but -you- are the one who's doing the flying."

Coin. What was his deal? Did her father send him? Or worse? The guild? She'd have to finish him if that was the case. A cold smile appeared on her lips. Not the worst thing that could happen.

Ferondil. He had requested to ,,borrow" Roem's ,,Hobbos". Didnt he know how valuable they were to him? ,,Elegant like a brick" she thought again. What did Roem see in him. Well, she had to find out.

knock knock

Her hand darted to the dagger and she went to get the door. ,,Room service you ordered brekafast?" The young human waiter asked a trey in his hands.
,,Put it on the table"
He stepped into the room and a nudge of her foot closed the door behind him. Her gaze was fixed on his back.

,,There is a place to you angle the blade just right, the man will be unable to move"

Images of blood and violence flared up in her mind....Steal on soft skin...

Her purple eyes widened. ,,Is something wrong, miss?" The young man gave her a worried look.
,,'s your tip" she said, shoved a gold coin into his hand and ushered him out.

"Careful,'re loosing it..."

She stared at his unconcious body and the mark she had left between his shoulder blades. He was so vulnerable right now. He had let death kiss him. He was in love with it. Death. Maybe because he knew that he belonged in a cold grave.
She had let him see her weakness, the little girl that still lived inside of her, and he had pushed her away.

,,I have no softness left in me"

She didnt want softness. She wanted him. And this hot, burning, consuming sensation. She wanted him to be hers and hers alone. He would never be, though.
The thought caused her almost physical pain – a bitter taste in her mouth.
He had been drawn to that little bit of innocence she had left and when she had let it take over, he had shied away like a scared animal.

And now there he was...unconcious, helpless, weak. It would be so easy to let the rage take over and just ...end him. But if she did...she'd be alone again and ....worse – numb.

The one he lost. At first she didnt mind him longing for her, missing her, grieving for her. Rhy would never be able to change the past. Now the name stirred her hatred. He loved a dead woman – while she was here and very much alive.

The vase broke into a million tiny pieces when she threw it across the room with a frustrated grunt.

,,You're falling for me. I told you not to"

She wouldnt show him any weakness again. She closed her eyes and strangled the little girl inside of her..she wouldnt ruin everything again.


"... you hurt me" he said with a smug grin on his face and touched his bare shoulder.
,,Are you complaining?" she asked with cold eyes. ,,Hells no, lass" he scooted over to her side of the bed and laid his arms around her. ,,You could tell me your name, though" He looked good with his golden hair, the high cheekbones and the slightly pointy ears. Half-human. Probably a sun elf – bastard child.

,,I'm no one" she answered.

Images of him appeared in her mind. This had been shallow – tasteless compared to what she had shared with him. She got up, lit a cigarette and looked out of the the window – Highmoon by night. The streets lit by magical lanterns. She could feel his gaze on her – Admiring. Fond in a way.

,,I like your wings" his voice soft.

She had been flying with him All she could do now was ..flutter. She couldnt get him out of her mind. And the man in her bed was nothing but a short distraction.
It was like eating grapes, when all you wanted was a glass of wine.

,,You look so sad" he had followed her and kissed her neck.

,,Out" he voice not much more then a whisper. ,, But..." ,,Out. Now" the dagger was in her hand with the blink of an eye.
The half human quickly got dressed, glaring at her. She watched him calmly. He opened the door and turned to her ,, Are you s..." he managed to close the door quick enough so that her dagger hit the wood instead of his face.

She had made it back. Defeated and weak, yes. But she was back. Here in this city of fools, would this be her home now?
She found herself looking for company..allies..friends, maybe?

A tail between her fingers, then curling around her wrist, like a snake looking for warmth. He was cute. Underneath the cool exterior he was soft, warm and adorable. Weirdly enough she liked that about him. A lot. What was he to her?
A plaything? A pet? A friend? Something else entirely? Time would tell.
They had talked for hours. Pleasant, comfortable, relaxed hours.

Pixie-Logarti curled up in her wrap on her shoulder, sound asleep and Winra braiding her hair. The memory made her chuckle.


His presence alone touched a chord inside of her. Intensity. Always.
"You could walk away"
No she couldnt. And somehow the distance had made their bond stronger, when she had thought it woud have weakened.

Goblin's blood splattered over fallen leaves. Quick blades, an occasional arrow and the little pests fell...efortless.

Then the trees. Those huge trees. Safety made her talk. Talk about the hatred and jealousy. He listened, his tail petting her hair, his hands followed. Comfort.

How could she trust him like this?
,,I will hurt you if you tell anyone, you know that dont you?"
Cold words to protect herself.

,,Is there a gem you dont like?"
,,Why? Are you collecting them for my gemroom in my blue manor?"
,, I would rather be your maze gardener. Strangest Minotaur ever seen"
,,And the most handsome one too..."

- - - -

After their walk in the woods she went to her room in the serpent. A bath eased her tension and the warmth made her slip into a dream...

A whisper close to her ear ..."Rhy...look..." The magpie watched her, a cameo on a velvet chocker dangling from it's beak. ,,Three yellow roof shingles. Hurry before they come back from their trip" The voice sounded like it belonged to a man. And he seemed to be smiling ...mischieviously.

With a light gasp she woke. The magpie was gone - of course.
She got dressed and headed out, her eyes searched the rooftops for three yellow shingles and just as she was about to turn and go back to her room, calling herself a fool, there they were.

It was almost too easy to climb on the roof and slip through the half opened window. A bedroom. Silken sheets, expensive furniture. A mahagoni dresser she was drawn to. A drawer. The lock couldnt stop her nimble fingers. There it was..A beautiful cameo depicting a dancer with a flute under a tree. A small, delicate piece of art. One of a kind.
With her booty in her pouch she climbed out and a few moments later she was back in the alley, under the veil of darkness.

She passed a guard on her way back, she nodded a greeting and luckily the man didnt see the impish glitter in her purple eyes below her black hood.


Her needle piercing his skin...the fire casting flickering shadows over his bare back. His pain - delicious. She could almost taste it. Then the growl, it stirred something she hadnt felt before. Similar - yes, but it wasnt the same. Roem was right, she finally understood.

"I want to cut you"

A red spark flared up in the blackness of his eyes. She gave in to temptation and he...recoiled. His cowardice was like a bucket of ice.

"Do you want me dead?"

"Dont you think he knows that i wouldnt like it -at all- if he harmed you?"

"Go. And tell him what you did"

He was a pawn, a scared little servant. He was beneath her - and yet ....she enjoyed his company so much.

She left the city walls behind her and started to the woods...jumping over fallen logs, dodging low branches, until her lungs were on fire and she finally reached the small lake. Goblins were cut down with ease and the only sound was her breath for a precious moment, before the birds started their ever-cheerful song again. Her knees gave in and she half fell to the ground.

After a while she set her blades aside and took off her clothes. The water was piercing cold - a welcome sensation. After a few strokes she layed back on the water and watched the nightsky...relaxed...cooled down.

Then - a soft chuckle close to her ear. With a soft splash she looked around, her purple eyes wide...but the only thing she heard or saw was the sound of wings fluttering and the croaking voice of a magpie in the darkness.


"Dont remove the bandage for the next day. Keep it clean. It -will- itch. Dont scratch. Dont heal it with magical means. No spells, no scrolls, no potions." The girl nodded and thanked Rhy, despite her cool tone. This had been the first tattoo, Dusky had let her do alone - a small lily on the girl`s shoulder. A simple enough task, she added a little detail and the result was beautiful, a delicate flower blossoming on her soft skin. As delicate as its wearer. A perfect match.

"You have learned fast, dearie" The gypsy said "I told you not to call me that" Rhy replied with a slightly irritated smirk. "I call you whatever i want as long as i'm teaching you" Rhy couldnt help but grin. She had grown to like Dusky, she had been a good teacher. Patient and unsentimental.

Rhy cleaned her hands and the needle meticulously. Her eye for detail and her dextrous and ever-calm hands made her a quick study and she liked her new 'job'. She knew it was only a way to pass the time until Roem would give her a new task, but she enjoyed it nonethless.



First a voice, then a 'dashing rogue', then..something else entirely. Her magpie, the thought made her smile. He was sent to her, she was sure of it. A gift, a messenger, a guide.


A few muttered words and her body turned to mist, just as the guard's blade was about to hit her. "What ...I should really lay off the gin" his stupidity amused her. Quickly she drifted under the door and into he noble's bedroom. There he was with a cheap hooker on his lap - a content pig.
The rogue she had followed here behind him - hesitating. What was he waiting for?
The decision was an easy one. Girls scream more. She just hoped the amateur would strike the noble in time. It felt odd, filling the girl's mouth and throat with her misty self, making her choke.
"Help! she ca..." the noble's yelling was cut short when he -finally- stabbed his neck. Too late. Damnit. Rattling at the door - the guards were about to enter. The spell ended, Rhy became solid again, hissed at him " Let's take them out..quickly" and readied a scroll.
Darkness fellover the guards as they trampled into the room. Then..blood...pain..the rogue's voice yelling and then fading, her blades cutting holes into thick armour...
..time stood suddenly still, she could feel the steal in her stomach..more pain...cold...she fell...


"Not a word Rhy, dont move" Echo's voice barely a whisper close to her ear. She obbeyed. What was that smell? Burnt flesh...voices talking about the dead..a bell rang, more words and finally steps leaving the room.
She tried to sit up - a mistake..searing pain rushed through her, a quiet, muffled moan escaping her lips.
"You're fine. You're fine" his voice soothing and his very essence healing her torn body - Relief....


"He doesnt want me around you. I should leave you be, because of it."
"Dont leave me be. He'll have to deal"
"I dont want you Rhy. I dont need wanting someone i cant touch" his claw traced carefully along her biceps.
"But i'm a pretty good listener. Talk to the voice in the wind if you need me"
His words made her happy
"Count on it"


..oh sweet Logarti. His cold anger stirred the new feeling she had felt before. Made her shudder, made her want to hear that low growl again...
"Are you onboard, Logarti?"
"If you want me along, I will come"
He became hers. And she loved it.


"You dont like what i'm becoming and that is why we cant be together." She summarized as neutral as she could. He agreed.She allowed the tears to run down her cheeks.
"You will be happier without me."
"I ..dont...believe..that...yet" her voice shaky. He brushed the tears away with his thumb and she couldnt resist to pull off his hood and veil.
And he...couldnt resist her. She knew he had wanted to leave. But he couldnt. Passion. So precious.
They talked more.
What followed was madness tearing at him...suffocating him. With Aetrus help she managed to stabilize him.

Rhy had learned something very important that night.

A closed door.
That was all he had left her.
Maybe madness had taken him completely, maybe the drugs.
Maybe he was fed up with all of -them- needing him.
Maybe he was avoiding her.
Maybe he died.
She didnt know and it didnt really matter. What mattered was that he was gone. She wandered the empty streets, dissapointment in her heart and a bitter taste on her tongue.

"Echo, I'm grateful you're with me" her voice a husky whisper in the night, her fingers toying with the black silken ribbon. She was wearing it around her wrist ever since Stygian had given it to her. A new purpose for a new beginning.
Her steps had led her to the serpent...again.

In the silence of misery, the magpie appeared...

Stygian had tried to replace her mentor. She didnt take that well. She was too unfocussed, too emotional, too sensitive...too ..sore at heart.
She needed to regain focus and composure.

Something or someone would have to take her grief. Whether they'd like it or not.

Light steps on a rooftop close to the shelter. Rhy crouched down, hidden behind the sooty chimney.
Then she waited. And watched. Motionless.

Her throughts drifted to those precious hours of closeness. A bittersweet sensation - consuming like withdrawl.

"You`re a bluebell"

Again his soft whisper filled her mind. Would she ever stop missing him?

The door opened and a hooded figure stepped outside. It was him. She knew it. Her purple eyes followed him as he walked towards the square. Then as he turned the corner a shaky sigh escaped her throat....solitude.



The greenish, translucent liquid dissolved quickly within the glass of grape juice. Her purple eyes regarded the poisonous drink for a moment, pensively. She had followed his instructions precisely, nothing should go wrong. Either she'd die or she'd suffer the full efects, or.. and that was what was supposed to happen, she'd grow stronger from it. The irony was not lost on her - possible death or unconciousness because of misplaced trust.
But would he poison her like this? No if he really wanted to harm her it would be more personal - she hoped at least.

What do -you- want of me?
Your heart, your blade, your mind

He had it.

Rhy closed her eyes and downed the drink in one swig. Her body tensed up. Every muscle ready to run. She left the room and when she reached the gates, she did just that.



That same question again

"What do you want from me?"
"Your friendship. I'd like more, but that is up to you."

His answer was different. She wasnt sure if she prefered it to the other one.

"How is he?"
"I wouldnt know. He has vanished."

THAT answer had made her grin a little. Freedom - that was new.

She was back and she was sober. A new path and a new life.