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Started by Fire Wraith, Feb 01, 2014, 05:14 AM

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Fire Wraith

DM Name: Admin Fire Wraith

Timezone: Pacific (GMT -8 or -7 depending on DST)

Availability: Depends on work schedule.  Presently a regular 9-5 ish schedule Monday to Friday.

Preferred Number of Players: Really depends.  I'm comfortable with whatever, as long as people realize my response times may be slower with larger groups.

Preferred Length of Quest: Again, depends - in some ways you have to stay engaged with me to keep me running stuff, because I can be horribly scatterbrained. :)

Thematic Styles: Whatever catches my interest really.

Specialties: Addressing problems.  I'm the one who you can go to if you have a problem with anything - mechanical, game balance, another player, a specific DM.  I don't promise to make everything perfect, but I'll at least listen and try my best.  As far as quests - I tend to be the one that gets roped into working with anything to do with primary/main quests, though really I'd rather others take that up.  But if you have a particular idea that you want to run by me, feel free.

Wishes to avoid: Arguments.  Problems.  I want everyone to at least be cordial even if they don't like each other.  That said, I'd much rather you come to me with an issue than let it fester.

Miscellaneous Notes:

No, really, you can come to me with anything.  I'm really easygoing (or I try to be).  I know some people have had horrible experiences talking to Admins on other servers, I'm not like that - in fact I actively try to not be.

You can ask me things when I'm on as a player.  A lot of the time I'm on and just sitting in OOC for that very reason.

No, seriously.  If I'm otherwise busy I'll let you know, and won't get upset.  Honest.

Also, feel free to hit me up on Discord, anytime, even for trivial matters, or just to say hi.  Just make sure you mention who you are and let me know it's not random spam. :)
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


GSID: BlackCaprice

Discord ID: axionzetaone

DM Name: [DM] Tiamat, [DM] Szuriel, [DM] Maedhbh, [DM] Cassilda (depending on mood and which plot I'm running)

Timezone: Central US Time

Availability: Evenings, weekends. I lurk the forums at all odd hours, but I have a fairly limited time that I can get in game - usually between 4 PM and 9 PM Central - on weekdays; on weekends I'm pretty much available whenever as long as I'm awake.

Preferred number of Players: Moderate to large. I have regularly run quests for up to 10 people, which is about my limit; 4-8 is more generally my comfort zone. I don't like solo/one or two person quests, preferably four or more players.

Preferred Length of Quest: 3-4 hours per session. I tend to run long, connected plotlines, so expect anything scheduled in advance by me to have several parts to a tale.

Thematic Styles and Specialties:
Dragons, especially stuff relating to the Dragon-Fall War (war between Bahamut and Tiamat) and Dracoliches/Cult of the Dragon.
Fiends of all sorts, though I tend to prefer Devils.
Non-Lolthite Drow.
The Far Realm and other Lovecraftian horror.
Paladins! And other goodly types.
High/Epic-level challenges.
Bizarre/unusual plots - stretching the limits of the setting.
Exotic Races.
Prophecies, divinations, riddles, mysteries.
Antagonist deities of preference: Furies (Talos, Malar, Auril, Umberlee), Bane, Archdevils (especially Dispater, Glasya, and Mephistopheles), Demon Lords (especially Demogorgon and Dagon), Four Horsemen, Fey queens, Slaad lords.

Wishes to Avoid:
Low-level plots. I'm notoriously bad at balancing things for lower-level (12 and under) parties.
Druid/naturey plots other than Fey. I've had one in mind for forever but can never get up the desire to actually run the thing.
Romance/drama plots. No please.
Political plots. Real-world politics too.
Lolthite Drow.

Recurring Plotlines!:
The Dance of Pales: A long-running story involving the green dracolich Dretchroyaster. (Completed...?)

Returns of the Runelords: A remote cadre of ancient Netherese archmages bound by their shared focus on magic fueled and inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins. (3/7 Completed)

Soliloquy Stories: Tales of the spaceward journeys of the spelljammer Soliloquy and her crew, led by the enterprising Oerthian gnome Cypha Berrendas, and the adventurers who join them.

Current Quests!:
Of Gods and Dragons: Stirrings along the Sword Coast speak of activities that have drawn the attention of Sardior, the Ruby Wyrm, lord of gem dragons.

Age of Worms: The star elven demiplanar homeland of Sildeyuir is drawing near to its last breath, unless allies of the ruar'tel-quessir can help drive back the invasive corruption of the Nilshai once and for all.

Miscellaneous Notes:
Any questions/complaints/comments should be directed via PM after a quest ends, not in-game. I don't tend to stick around long after giving out quest rewards, due to as much as I enjoy running plots I tend to be somewhat burned out afterwards and generally log off quickly.

On that same note, please do not contact me with DM stuff while playerside unless it is an immediate emergency. Send a PM or Discord message instead. When I am playerside I am usually on a limited schedule and taking a break from forums stuff or staff duties.

Apologies if I take a while to catch up after a quest, especially with rewards. I don't have a lot of free time, and I have an even worse memory. If a week goes by and I haven't gotten back to you, PLEASE PM ME OR PING ME ON DISCORD. I might just need a friendly nudge/reminder.

I am not a huge Realms lore buff. FR was not my setting of choice even back when I used published settings, and even when I did I tended to play fast and loose with the setting. I'll try to avoid sweeping, setting-marring changes or events (barring approval from the admins), but my personal inclinations for storytelling often value cool over canon, making use of adaptations of material from other settings or systems (primarily Pathfinder), and so forth.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


SDM Sto Helit

Timezone: Central US (GMT-6|DST-5)

Availability: Weekends, early weeknights; more flexible during summer - to fluctuate with school stuff

Preferred Number of Players: 5-6

Preferred Length of Quest: 2-3 hours

Thematic Styles: All over the place. I've done unbelievably goofy; I've done high-stakes personal plots.

weird NPCs

Wishes to avoid:
Drama and party in-fighting. Do not use my events to forward your personal vendettas. Additionally, if you have an established pattern of problematic behavior/alienating others, I will most likely avoid questing you to spare the rest of my roster and myself the migraine.
PVP - see above.
Druidic lore
Elven lore
Far realm

Party chat, touchon, diceprivate.
Hold on transitions for descriptions.
Do not wander off half a map away from the party. It makes it really hard to manage story pacing if I'm having to split my focus.
Ask before leap/fly/dimension door/teleporting.
Do not free-roll. If I do not know what a roll is for, I will ignore it.
Plot death will only happen if terrible decisions are made. Permadeath will be avoided except in extreme corner cases.

Recurring Plots
The Sensational Spoofini - a gnomish confectionary arcanist creates sugary wonders within his workshop. He needs a little outside assistance keeping them tamed.

The Master of Tasks - a mysterious invitation demands a bizarre offering as the entrance fee to a weird, demiplanar game show.

A Cunning Ruse - a well-meaning noble gets into wacky hijinks and needs help getting out of them.

Current Queue
Sword of Damocles
Blind and Frozen

SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


DM Name: Nokteronoth, DM_CunningLinguist, Punky_The_Goat, 'Hey you with the hair'

Timezone: Central US

Availability: I work from home, so it's whenever I'm not tearing down a house or doing other work for my boss, which is to say most days or times. I prefer to leave mornings for the people who hate sleep.

Preferred Number of Players: 4-8 players.

Preferred Length of Quest: I like multi-part plots but won't shy away from an ad-hoc here and there. Been leaning towards weekly, episodic storyline type plots.

Thematic Styles: I do stuff. I like trying new things, and I'm still learning how to DM, so we'll see how it goes. So far, enjoying a lot of motivation-exploration type stories and discovering themes.

None whatsoever. In fact, I'm a newb. I gotta read up on everything as I go.

Wishes to avoid:
Eh. TBD. (Note- Sexism is flat-out. I have some pretty awful dysphoria and don't want to deal with it, even if it's all IC.) Leaning away from Planar-type plots or anything to do with planeswalkers.

Miscellaneous Notes:
Rules for my quests generally go like this:
Dice private, touch on, stop when the DM says stop. Failure to do so may result in smiting.

I will not prompt for rolls often. Rolls are free for anyone to use, just let me know what you're rolling for.

Consequences will happen for stupid choices, but can usually be mitigated.

If anyone has a question or concern, I'm willing to listen. I may not agree, but I'll hear you out. Anything during events (Complaints etc) will have to wait until after it's done.



DM Name: [DM] Songstress

Discord: Melody Sigers#1337

Timezone: Texas, USA (CST)

Availability: Currently Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays. I often have mornings off too but tend to sleep in unless a plot is requested those hours.

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6 for plots.

Preferred Length: Single shot, multi-part, 3-5 hours on average.

Thematic Styles: Character development quests; grand, sweeping narratives; classic fantasy; epic themes; low-level themes; daily life.

Specialties: Making you feel. I will drive a deep, abiding narrative that culminates in so many emotions whenever and wherever I can. I am also one of CD's aficionados on Netheril, Cormyr, and Elven lore primarily, and much of my time is taken up doing research for my plots. I'm always happy to help with lore-related questions for those areas!

Themes to Avoid: Far Realm, as I'm rather terrible at it!

Miscellaneous Notes:

  • My quests can be long, involved, and intense. I'm not afraid to broach deeper meanings (philosophical and theological) that challenge presuppositions. Your best roleplay foot forward is appreciated - get involved, this will make your characters grow!
  • Despite my sweet nature IRL, when DMing, my NPCs can be horrifically evil. Please don't take this as a reflection on my character. I know these NPCs are going to die (likely, anyway), they deserve to, and I'm simply getting into a role. If at any point you feel as though I'm being too much, too harsh, it's giving you PTSD/flashbacks/whatever, please reach out to me immediately. I'm happy to dial things in if it's too "hardcore" to the point that it's making you IRL uncomfortable or upset. However, if you trust me, I will run the most engaging plots I possibly can, and in the end, you'll feel the triumph of exultation and victory!
  • I enjoy using established lore and making things up on the fly equally. I consider all allowed forms of lore to be plot fodder, and I'm highly creative, so expect to see prior lore/plots burst forth in ways perhaps the prior heroes of those plots didn't intend! I will also frequently ask permission/work with other DMs to make the world feel alive, like a tree with multiple branches and deep roots. Ad hocs may flow directly into planned plots and back again, as I intentionally blur these lines to produce beautiful works of storytelling art!
  • My persistent NPCs will be there for you to contact almost at any time. Barring special circumstances, these NPCs are "real" flesh and blood people in the world, with lives, cares, beliefs, jobs, and other things. If you want to sit and have a chat with them, contact me and we'll set something up!

Mechanical Considerations:

  • /touchon, diceprivate, hold for area descriptions after transitions, use Party channel please!
  • PnP Spells are highly encouraged and I'm very lenient/open to working around the limitations of the engine. Please let me know ahead of time and I'll work with you with the PnP spells. Also, please have the reference ready, as I prefer to look them up or see them copy/pasted in Discord for my convenience!
  • Mechanical death is a knockout unless otherwise indicated by me. Only under the gravest of circumstances would a Storyline Death occur, and Permadeath will not occur without your permission.
  • I focus on RP over combat. When I do mechanical combat, it is usually brief. Most of my combat will be an abridged style of PnP, which allows for emoting and a personal touch that the engine doesn't have. This may slow things down, so have your emotes and dice rolls ready!
  • Dice rolls are frequently requested and may be done on the fly as well! I actively want your characters to feel as though their skills are helpful. You invested points in them - let's use them to make you feel awesome!

Most of all, I want you to have fun! This is a game. We come here to relax, unwind, and tell stories that elevate our characters to new heights. If there's something I'm doing that you don't like, don't hesitate to reach out to me, and we'll work things out!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


DM Eidolon
Discord: Freydaelyn#2112
Timezone: Pacific
Availability: 3 to 6 pacific most days besides Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Preferred Number of Players: 5 to 7
Preferred Length: I aim for about 2 hours
Thematic Styles: "It's never a simple fetch quest", Morally Grey, Darker themes, Intrigue, Interconnected Plots
Dragons and Dragon Disciples
Planar of all varieties
Gothic Horror
Political (This is in universe politics only, please keep real world stuff away from me)
Faction orientated
Other themes comfortable with:
Lathander Plots
Themes to Avoid:
Dwarven Plots
Happy Weddings
PVP and Party Infighting
Pro-Vhaeraunite content
Miscellaneous Notes:
Please wait at transitions for me to describe things. I will tell you when it is ok to move
Please set dice to private and ask before you roll something
I prefer being reached out to via forum DM as it is easier for me to keep track of things there
Read the room: I tend to run more serious plotlines so try not to make it a farce, some humor can be appreciated but do keep the tone in mind.
I do not give permission for my quests to be recorded or streamed.
On skills:
The following skills I count every 5 point as 1 on classes that gain epic spells: Spellcraft, Knowledge Religion, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Nature
The following skills I count every 5 points as 1 on ALL classes: Hide, Move Silent
DCs will always be set with these in mind
Recurring Plotlines:
Wondrous Tales: The misadventures of the Falmboyant Celestino Juan Bautista. Expect a Silly and odd time when joining one of these.[/html]


DM Name: DM Grimalkin

Discord: Erikat #9595

Timezone: EST

Availability: Typically from Mid to early afternoons into the night.

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6 

Preferred Length: 2-4 hours on average. Don't mind going longer, but I usually cut it shorter

Thematic Styles:
-Grittier style, like getting my players in the mud and blood
-Vampires, Werewolves, Gothic stylization
-Horror, mature themes
-DnD: Dragons and Drow! 
-Corruption and mind games
-High stakes, low level themes

Specialties: Fiends, Vampires, Cults, Law vs Chaos, Evil vs Good, Falling/Redemption arcs, Faction play

Wishes to Avoid:
-Far Realm
-Deep lore (I'm not against it, but until I've done extensive research it is incompatible with my style of DMing!)
-Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes; just not my thing, pcs are of course acceptable!
-Intercession of deities
-High epic stories
-Players who can't share the spotlight, even if the quest is a personal one, my goal is to ensure everyone has their moment and place at the table, share the limelight!

Miscellaneous Notes:
-Extra emphasis on collaborative story telling. My major focus is ensuring the narrative is extremely flexible
-Very impromptu, off the cuff style. I enjoy bouncing off my players, and adjusting my plots to engage with the clever and the crazy
-Currently prefer doing personal plots, where I can dig in with my players and create a more focused environment. I'm avoiding delving too much into wider server lore and other DM spaces till I have an extremely strong grasp of the lore and history
-Stay your lane, let the scout scout, let the mage mage, I have a low tolerance for those who feel the need to take on every role at the expense of others.

DM Grimalkin
Eléanor Acheron of Ulfir - The Tragedy of Neverwinter


GSID: Fury

Discord ID: kaithas

DM Name: SDM Fury


Timezone: Central US Time

I work 9-5 M-F. I'm potentially around otherwise, as long as I have some warning.

Preferred Number of Players: 3-6. I won't do more than 6 unless it's an ad hoc.

Preferred Length of Quest: 2-3 hours per session, probably around 3 sessions for a personal quest but longer or shorter if necessary.

Thematic Styles and Specialties:

The "human" spirit.
Plots that challenge good aligned people, or lead to interesting dynamics (groups that wouldn't normally work together teaming up).
Stuff centered around magic items and fate.
Broken people coming to terms with their wounds.

Antagonist deities of preference: Bane, Cyric, Shar. Fiends.

Wishes to Avoid:
Drow. I don't know enough about them.
Elves. See above. "Forlorn" elves are fine.
Specific racial/cultural lore.
Plots that root for evil. The real world is dark enough.
Explicit themes, corruption plots. I'm not going to get graphic with violence.

Recurring Plotlines!:

Blackfang: Dark strangers are planning something in Yulash... An ancient beast rears its horrible head once more.
Magic on a Budget: A discount wizard has discount quests that include bargain bin literary allusions.

Recurring NPCs:
Blackfang: Elizabet Acalyx, Lykor Kiiras
Magic on a Budget: Twun'tyr'athan the Grey, Tama

Previous Quests:

Blackfang: Destiny of the Archwood (personal quest for Nylah)
Wedding Bells are Ringing (personal quest for Snaer)

Current Quests!:

Blackfang: Shadowsong's Elegy
The Thirteenth Heart

1. Stealing the Sky
2. Unmartyred

I am not taking more quests at this time.

Dice private, touch on, stop for descriptions and when I say so.
Ask me if you want to roll on something I don't explicitly ask for! I want you to be able to use your skills, and there are more opportunities than I plan for or realize exist.
The more information I have on your character, the more tailored I can be.
Don't swap gear after I've asked for a check, and make sure you have the opportunity to swap gear besides rings and amulets before doing so.
If you want to use spells that are not mechanically implemented, please clear them with me beforehand and expend the spell slot.
Please read my descriptions! I try to include details in them.

Finally, please post any personal quest requests for me in the quest request forum before PMing me about it! I like that system a lot and if I can't run it at least another DM can get a crack at it that way.
Fate is a four letter word...


Login: Jalthex

Discord ID: jalthex

DM Name: aDM Dreamwalker

Timezone: Central US Time

Availability: My work hours can be a bit chaotic though generally I am unavailable weekdays until after 5PM CST. Weekends tend to be open.

Preferred Number of Players: 3-8. The golden number for me is 5 or 6. I try to avoid doing extremely large groups or very small ones but I'm not directly opposed if pitched an idea that makes sense. 
I will /never/ plan a quest for less than 4 players of my own design however.

Preferred Length of Quest: 2-3 hours per session, probably around 3 sessions for a personal quest but longer or shorter if necessary.

Thematic Styles and Specialties:

Humorous or zany quests meant to make the players laugh
Gritty quests and underworld activities
Scenic, travel-filled adventures with interesting vistas
Entirely social RP-centric events with no combat
At the same time, combat heavy gallops through monsters with little space for social or skillchecks.
Mysteries and intrigue

Wishes to Avoid:

Crossing of IC matters into OOC matters or vice-versa. I'll boot you from quests if you do this more than once.
Inter-party conflict for its own sake. I can respect the drama of a lover's spat or a friendship struggling but if the whole point becomes arguing it's not for me.
Noncommitment. I don't enjoy wallflowers. Engage or don't be in the quest!

Recurring Plotlines!:

The Puzzler's Manse- Invitations from a silly man to do silly things in his silly home for silly reasons.
Gangs of Yulash- Grayscale trudging through the seedy underbelly of a crime-ridden and wartorn town meant to highlight those same themes.

Recurring NPCs:

The Puzzler (and his "servants," Albert Coppermerit and Barbara Diranthir)


Please, please, PLEASE read area descriptions when moving between transitions. I work hard to paint some image that cannot be reflected perfectly by the toolset and often these hint at what secrets or otherwise are important (I try to never add worthless details in these.)
If you need to be AFK for a long time, I will try to make your absence make sense but can't promise anything- but if you do need to go AFK, say something! I can't wait for you or catch you up if I don't know you've stepped away.
Reach out to me if you've got questions, and if you want to make a quest request I can work best with plenty of details! If you want surprises, I can add those but be sure that if you want certain themes or details about your character touched on that you let me know. :)

Jonathan Bonathan Jovial

GSID: Jonathan Bonathan Jovial

DM Name: aDM Jon Bon Jovi

Discord ID: Stehl

Timezone: Eastern US Timezone

Availability: Any day I don't have something planned. This is mostly going to be related to any plots I'm currently running/participating as a player, but I do tend to try to keep Friday or Saturday open each week. This is not set in stone, so please ask.

Preferred number of Players:
Flexible, though the more people there are the slower the pace will go as I try to respond to everybody.

Preferred Length of Quest:
2-3 hours per session. I'd prefer for plots to take multiple sessions, but I'm not against running shorter ones or ad hocs.

Thematic Styles and Specialties:

My specialty is digging into the subject to the best of my ability. I don't care what it is, I want to write it properly for everybody's benefit.
Character interactions. I'd like for NPCs to stick with people, be it the ones you're working with, the antagonists, or the people who make up the scene.
History. Inquiring minds just got to know!
Political themes. help i like grand scale and small scale stuff
Philosophical themes. If I make your characters question things, I've done my job.
Gods and their servants. From the mightiest divinity to their lowliest servant, Forgotten Realms is a setting tied to the gods. Exploring their interactions, no matter how small, can be fun.
Legends and folk-tales. From the sad ghost at the lake to the story of the defeat of the mighty jabberwocky, it's all fun.
Assorted stuff and things. Just ask!

Wishes to Avoid:

OOC Drama of any sort. I have a low tolerance for this and while I will endeavor to foster an environment that naturally will not lead to issues, it's not fair to anybody to have to routinely put out fires or endure them.
Excessive IC drama/friction. While I understand and enjoy strife in the party or within the plot, there is a definite limit. tl;dr if a plot npc gets mad, you might not be staying in the plot.
Excessive grimdark. I'm happy to wade into subjects that make us all feel like crap, but I prefer offering a way out of it too. I like my stories having their bright spots to them despite it all.
Non-engagement. Please don't sign up and just go through the motions so you can get a shiny thing at the end. I want to tell stories that can be looked upon fondly by everybody involved and while your character may not need to be the life of the party, I will happily provide opportunities for you to exercise your player agency.

Recurring Plotlines:

Pages of History: In theory, these will be loosely related plots that feature a group with Candlekeep associations. While the themes of what they try to uncover might shift drastically, this is ultimately intended to be an Indiana Jones-ish series with action, revelations, and character interaction along with plenty of opportunities to dig up the truth yourself.

Current Quests:
PoH; Knights of the Way: Lost over 400 years ago, the Knights of the Way protected southwestern Cormyr until vanishing abruptly.

Miscellaneous Notes:
I am perfectly open to dialogue about things, please contact me if you want to talk anything over.

We all make mistakes and I will work to make mine right. But I can't always know I've made one so don't hesitate to let me know if I've bungled something.

If my DMing style doesn't mesh with you, that's fine. I'm happy to adjust things where I can but there's also no shame in saying that it's simply not for you. This is a hobby we do for fun and feeling chained to something you're not enjoying isn't fair to you. I will not be offended and can work out a reason why your character is departing the plot in a way that's hopefully satisfying for all involved.


Name: IronGauntlets, Issy

DM Name: DM IronTyrant

Timezone: CET (Central European Time)

Availability: Weekends, nights, early mornings (sometimes).

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6, unless it's an epic dungeon, then 8.

Preferred Length of Quest: 2-3 hours. Good with plotlines or adhocs.

Thematic Styles: Almost anything goes! From dark, serious plots to light-hearted zainey stuff to very sad stories, I'm all for it.


Huge adventures
Story-focused or Story-only (No combat)
Horror/Body Horror
Eldritch Stuff
Faith-y stuff (possibly)

Wishes to avoid:
Elven lore

Really deep and in-depth lore that requires A LOT of prep


Party chat, touchon, diceprivate.

Hold on transitions for descriptions.

Do not wander off from party unless I explicitly say it's fine.
Ask before leap/fly/dimension door/teleporting.

Ask before rolling.
Plot death can happen.
Alignment changes can happen.
Please ask if you prepare RP spells that are not accessible through C&D or my ruling on some spells.

Recurring Plots:
Tales Untold Series - Stories hidden and discarded by time or secrecy, dredged up again!

The Toymaster - There is a realm of toys to enjoy, but there is also just as many failed projects as successful ones!

Current Queue:
Tales Untold: Paradox of the Fox
Tales Untold: Paradox of the Hound
A Debt To Be Paid

Miscellaneous Notes:

Feel free to approach me about ideas and if you have something you know I can do well. I'm open to many things, even if I've never done it before. Please just don't expect everything to be super in-depth, I do make my best attempts at everything if I can manage.

Also be gentle with me! I'm pretty slow at commands but I do really try my best to prepare beforehand, though as with any kind of PW, sometimes people do unexpected things and adapting on the fly makes me sliiiiightly slower. So be patient!


Login: murder and mayhem
Discord ID: themirror3417
DM Name: aDM Mirror

Timezone: UK-based (UTC/BST) i.e. EST+5
Availability: Afternoons and evenings my time, more often than not.

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6
Preferred Length of Quest: 2-3 hours per session. I like the idea of ad-hocs cohering into a larger storyline.

Thematic Styles and Specialties:
I love magic. If you want to do interesting magical things, you have my attention.
I love it when my players take initiative and try to keep my prompting to a minimum.
I'm a big fan of moral conundrums and characters having their convictions tested.
Politics and politicking. I adore good social play and if you bring me doublespeak, you're taking home bonus exp. 
The latest piece of media I enjoyed. This is not a joke.

Wishes to Avoid:
Tag-alongs. Please only sign up for my events if you see something which appeals to you outside of the exp reward at the end.
In the moment arguments. I will make mistakes, and calls you disagree with. Please save it for after the event is over.
Intra-party antagonism. Conflict and disagreements are fine so long as they actually resolve into something actionable.
The Deep Lore (tm). I'm not a Realms lore buff by any stretch of the imagination, I make up for it with frantic googling. It's not that I don't enjoy it, or won't prepare in advance if forewarned, but please be gentle with springing on me someone's great aunt thrice removed who is actually mega relevant right now.

Queue and Wishlist:
I'm perusing the quest requests and fleshing out a few ideas, one about a wizard and a tower, another about a high ranking military officer, and yet another about a region under siege.

Misc. Notes:
While I have many years of roleplay and DMing behind my back, I'm extremely new to the NWN DM and Build clients. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
The usual - party chat, /touchon, /diceprivate. Hold on transitions for descriptions. Always ask ahead of time if you want to prepare non-NWN spells. Always ask before flying/teleporting to a place.
Always indicate what you're rolling for if unprompted, either in private or preferrably through your emote.
I'm open for suggestions and discussions on just about anything and everything, preferably over discord.


DM Name:Name: aDM Without a Name

Timezone: UTC+1/2 depending

Weekends preferred, EU evenings on some days

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6

Preferred Length of Quest: 2-4 hours

Thematic Styles:
- Investigations
- player iniative focused plots
- Medium to low combat

- Low to medium scale plots
- Mystery
- Elven lore
- Fey
- Heists
- Vampires
- Horror
- The smaller things: Find out who murdered this man? What is up with the strange lights in the old tower?

Wishes to avoid:
- Mass combat events
- Kara-Tur
- Lolthite Drow focused content
- Setting-Impacting events
- Large scale plots

Miscellaneous Notes:

- A lot of my plots tend to hinge on player initiative and investment, without I expect you may struggle feeling involved. Please keep this in mind before signing up to my plots. We all have bad days, I am certainly no exception there but if I notice a consistent pattern there you might be excluded from future plots.
- I generally have a relatively wide area of interests, but those might shift and I might not always be interested in the same things.[/b]


Login: Throg
Discord ID: Throg
DM Name: DM Vengence

Timezone: Central US Time

Availability: EST: Evenings & All Day on Weekends.  Though I can do weekday afternoons sometime.

Preferred number of Players: Moderate to large. I have run quests for up to 10 people, which is my limit, as it can be easy to miss player interactions with that many.  5-8 is my comfort zone.  I can do minor events for less players depending on stakes and such as a case-by-case basis.

Preferred Length of Quest: 3-4 hours per session. I like to run connected plot, so expect several parts unless an ADHOK type event.

Thematic Styles and Specialties: Hunt type events.  Evil/Underdark.  Vampires.  High/Epic-level challenges. Bizarre Events. Prophecies, riddles, mysteries. Personal Quests.  Silly/Goofy Events.  Classic Fantasy.

Wishes to Avoid:
Nature plots.  Political plots. Celestial centered plots.  World Altering Plots

Miscellaneous Notes:
I am not a Forgotten Realms lore guy; in fact, I only have a basic knowledge of the lore and often must ask others on that aspect.  What I run tends to avoid lore when possible or be very basic and limited with discussing it.

I will answer any questions I can at any time if I can, when on as a DM, in Discord or Player.  So, feel free to ask me anytime and if I can help I will or point you in the right direction.  I am pretty good at multitasking, but if I am in the middle of combat... I may not respond until after that is done.  😊

Event/Quest Rules:
Touchon.  Diceprivate.  Quest Chat.  Warn me before you roll anything.

Swapping Items for Roll: Amulets, Rings or putting on a Helm/Hood do not need to be approved, you can do it as you wish, just throw a little message that you did.  Anything else require approval first. No Random Stripping!!!!

No need to hold at every transition for me, unless there is a "Hold Here" Flag.  If you see one, hold there and wait for the description before doing anything. 

PnP Spells are fine, just ask me about it first before just saying you use it.

Summons: Please don't summon anything except a Mord Sword in combat.  If your character is a summoner, let me know a head of time so we can talk about it and come up with something that will not ruin your build or break the combat that was set up.

Storyline Death: Adhoks no.  Events: Yes.  Mechanical death will only unless the whole group dies.

Traps and Lock: If I don't tell you that it is mechanical, assume it is not.  On the occasion where the trap is deadly and could kill you if you get hit by it and you have an immunity, I don't know about that would protect you. Let me know and I will adjust as needed.  Like if it is a fire trap and you are immune to fire, you'll be fine.  I am very forgiving and will accommodate where I can, but when I make my decision, it is what it is.  For example: you miss a reflex roll of a trap and have improved evasion so you would only take half damage from the falling rocks.  Sure, great... half of 9,999.00 is 4,999.50.  You dodged half of the falling rocks, but you are still dead!

Perma-death: Usually not on the table unless you either request it or your character does something incredibly stupid like hugging a sphere of destruction or a 10th level halfling bard calling a 2-Ton Ancient Red Dragon a rat with wings.

Rolling a 1 or 20: 20s will always be a success with me and I will try to come up with a crazy explanation why a character that shouldn't be able to do what they just di, somehow managed it.  A roll of a 1, however, is different as I think a 5% of failing is too much, but there should always be a chance of failing or else why bother playing if you have no chance of failing.  So, I tested out a way to do it that was well received so I will go with that.  So, if you roll a 1, you then "confirm" the critical failure by rolling another time like you would confirm a critical hit.  If you roll a 1-3 a second time, it is a critical failure.  If not, you do not critically fail and succeed, to which I will tray and narrate a fun way as to how your character pulled success out of sure defeat!

Rolling with Advantage/Disadvantage: I will do this on rare occasion if it is warranted.  If you make a lie and roll bluff: a- "I'm not going home" straight bluff roll.  B- "We wanted to borrow that reindeer so we can use it to beat your hated rival and will not only return it after, but if we win you will get the prize as well.  I only want the prestige of winning the race."  Such a well concocted lie that also speaks to the marks wants... you roll twice and take the better of the two rolls.  You try and intimidate the guard into ignoring you standing on the corner: straight intimidate roll.  You try and intimidate the guard into letting you into the queen's palace in front of their captain: roll twice and take the worse roll!   

Automatic Failures: You try to intimidate a paladin to step aside and let you kill that crying baby.  Not happening even with a 20!  The paladin is going to stab you!

Reoccurring NPCs: Jake "The Flim Flam Man"