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Zakharan Pantheon

Started by Fox², Sep 17, 2023, 10:38 PM

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The Faceless God
The Forgotten God, The Yakman Emperor, The God Without a Face

Zakharan Demigod
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: A faceless yakman head
Portfolio: Yakmen, conquest, sacrifice
Domains: Earth, Evil, Magic, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Ranseur (halberd)


The Lost One
The Elephant God, The Silent Sage of Afyal

Zakharan Demigod
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: Elephant
Portfolio: Eenlightenment, mystery, elephants, islands
Domains: Animal, Good, Knowledge
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: Elephant tusk (greatsword or falchion)


The Warrior-Slave, Master of the Battlefield

Intermediate Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A red-bladed scimitar
Portfolio: War, duty, loyalty, dedication
Domains: Destruction, Lar, War
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, TN, LE
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Also called Master of the Battlefield, this common god represents duty and strife. He is worshipped in the far north of Zakhara, in regions that border upon "barbarian" lands. Vataqatal's description matches that of barbarian war-gods. He is portrayed as a stronghewn figure in flowing robes. Beneath them he wears blood-stained lamellar. He carries a great scimitar in one hand. His face is veiled, revealing only his red, glowing eyes. Vataqatal is said to stride onto the battlefield, looking for opponents so that he can test their abilities and spirit.

Growth by conflict.

Attain true spiritual peace through testing one's abilities against another. Thinkers may debate, but warriors speak with the strength of their swords and their hearts. Duty stands above all.

The Faith:
Vataqatal's followers acknowledge that their god has a lesser standing than Zakhara's other enlightened gods. This is in keeping with his dual nature-that of a slave and servant, inferior in status, yet stronger in his sense of purpose and will. Those qualities enable him to effectively serve and protect the weak. Vataqatal is most popular among mamluks, farisan, and paladins' warriors who understand the value of duty, and who live to aid others (in one degree or another).

The greatest temple to Vataqatal is located in Qudra, the City of Power. It is the Mosque of Blood, erected by mamluks who used hewn red sandstone and then coated the walls with henna. Smaller shrines are found among the Free Cities, where the mamluk orders are powerful. But none of these shrines compares in size and grandeur to the Mosque of Blood.


The Learned, The Marvelous

Greater Zakharan Deity
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A fountain's jet
Portfolio: Knowledge, scholarship, preservation
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Protection
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Also called Zann the Marvelous, this Great God is a scholar's deity, for he epitomizes learning and intelligence. Zann has an amazing memory for details. In legend, he is usually described as a man in city dress, carrying a writing tablet and a case of pens, recording all he sees. Study and research are necessary, but a true scholar knows it is just as important to record one's experiences so that others may also learn.

Understanding is the key to all doors.

Do not destroy what you do not understand. We stand on a mountain built by our fathers, and only a fool would step off that mountain. Learn from the mistakes of others. The written word is our gift to our grandchildren.

The Faith:
The universities and libraries built by Zann's followers are the largest and most complete in all of Zakhara. Zannites classify the contents of these libraries using three labels: great texts, common texts, and heathen texts. Great texts are considered "official" documents and histories, regarded by members of the faith as true and wise. They cover all manner of subjects relating to Zakhara's enlightenment (not just the Great Gods). A scholar seeking answers will always consult these official texts first.

Common texts are documents from an unofficial source or of questionable authenticity, including personal letters and diaries, and documents that challenge or disagree with the great texts. Zannites do not believe in denying information just because its veracity is uncertain. As learning progresses, common texts may become great, and vice versa.

Heathen texts come from the world beyond the Land of Fate. Zannites treat such heathen documents with general suspicion. At best, they are considered to be legends or fairy tales.