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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08g10


-Added various Shrines to several deities around Arabel (courtesy Ladybug) that should have been there in the canon city. ICly these would have always been there, but now they're PC accessible.
-Added an updated version of the Dancing Dragon Tavern in Arabel (courtesy Ladybug).
-Renamed the area north of Maerimydra to Maerimydra - Outskirts - The Burning Road
-Added a Teleport point and teleport key to Maerimydra - Outskirts - The Burning Road.
-Added a portal from the Toybox in Sschindylryn to the Chamber of Mirrors north of Maerimydra. This portal is locked to only be useable by evil aligned drow and PCs bound to Maerimydra.
-Activated a few of the other portals in the Chamber of Mirrors, including one back to Sschindylryn. More to come.
-Added a missing door to an empty doorway in Yulash Northeast.
-Fixed an issue with rest triggers in the Dancing Drider Inn in Maerimydra not working. Also expanded them to cover the full room.
-Added an elevation trigger to the bed in the Dancing Drider's fancy inn room.
-Fixed the missing cost variable for the Meeting Room in the Dancing Drider.
-Fixed an inactive description trigger in Maerimydra North.
-Updates and additions for a few player areas.

-The Return Command will now allow evil aligned Drow and PCs whose bind spot is Maerimydra to select Maerimydra as their Return spot.
-PCs bound to Maerimydra can now use the Unstable Portal in the Arabel Smugglers' Lair.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08g12


-Disabled use of horses in indoor areas. If there is an area that is indoors that should be exempt from this, please let us know.
-Made some adjustments to the Darkhold Zhentarim archers so that they do not default to hostile, but also aren't hostile to the rest of the Zhent NPCs.
-Fixed the crafting base wands being sold by Tiddli and Tiddlo not actually being useable in crafting.

-Updated the server plot chapter.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08g13


-Updated some DMNPC areas.
-Made some minor cosmetic tweaks in and around Yulash.
-The floating tree at the Halfaxe Trail intersection has been dispelled. A few errant placeables also removed from the area.
-The chairs in the Yulash Mayoral Hall now should properly seat people in the right direction.
-The Inn in Swordhaven is now a valid bind spot.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08g14


-Tier 5 dungeons have had their minimum level increased to 18, to match the level at which tier 5 gear can be carried.
-Fixed the Caravan Master outside of Ashabenford offering the wrong destinations.
-Added the Scrying wards variable to a player home that was missing such.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08g15

-Made temporary fixes to the Warpwood Temple and Crumbling Cliff Kobold dungeons, pending a more thorough balancing by Vincent. These should now have a bit better balance in terms of monster challenge and treasure in the meantime.

-The Bounty for Jelka's Grove in Yulash has been replaced with a bounty for the Werewolf Bandits near the Moonsea Ride Highwayman's Prowl. Existing journal entries should update to match this.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08g16

-Added the following Epic Spells as scripted within the game:
Heroic Alliance (+5 AB, +5 Damage, 250 temporary HP to caster's party)
Heroic Empowerment (+1 attack per round, +5 AB (doesn't stack with Heroic Alliance's +AB), +200 temporary hp)
Champions' Valor (+12 to STR, DEX, CON for the caster's party)
-Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power have been reverted to increase your BAB to that of an equal level fighter, and are now calculated by your character level instead of caster level.
-Fixed the extra attacks per round calculation used by Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power sometimes giving an extra attack per round to some characters.
-Fixed Divine Power not counting cleric levels in it's BAB calculation, incorrectly giving clerics multiple bonus attacks per round.
-DM Possessed NPCs can now cast Tenser's Transformation.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.09a1
(No, this is not the major mod update we've been hinting at or the hak update, but a few fixes and features from it have been backported for this update.)

This update coincides with two important server announcements:

Player Commands

  • The /outfit conversation menu system has returned.

  • Added /reportsummons which will report what your summoning spells are currently set to summon.

  • Added /togglehelm and /togglecloak. Both /show and /hide commands are now aliases for the toggle commands.

  • When toggling a cloak back on, if you are in a non-standard phenotype you will get a warning message to use /normal then reequip your cloak if it's still hidden.

  • Added /getportrait and /getvoiceset to see what your current portrait and voiceset are set to.

  • /listpcs is now sorted alphabetically.

  • /listpcs will display PCs on other servers.

  • /quickbar load will no longer override quickbar slots with empty slots, mirroring the behavior of /spellbook load.

  • Added /setrestanimation.
    Sets the animation used when resting. Use /setrestanimation default to restore the default sitting rest animation.

    Note: Some of these options might not work correctly on female characters until our next hak update.

    Available options:
    • default
    • layside
    • layback2
    • pray
    • flop
    • prone
    • layback
    • layfront
    • sitknees
    • sitcrossed2

  • Added /usefeat <feat name>.
    Adds the feat to your action queue against your current combat target. You can use this to quickly queue combat feats like knockdown against your target without the risk of accidentally clicking on a different target or a friendly.

    Supported feats:
    • annulment
    • arcane fire
    • arrow of death
    • called shot
    • chain of binding
    • challenge
    • deathless master touch
    • disarm
    • fellfrost cross
    • flame gauntlet
    • hellfire blast
    • hellfire grasp
    • imbue arrow
    • incinerate
    • ki damage
    • knockdown
    • lay on hands
    • lightning fury
    • null
    • quivering palm
    • smite evil
    • smite good
    • starfury
    • stunning fist
    • taunt
    • undead graft
    • void
    • will blade

  • /sit chair will no longer reset your crawling phenotype to the normal phenotype, which was preventing access to /crawl's alternate /sit char animation (relaxed laying back).

  • /murderhench now murders all of your henchmen.

  • Added /lfg which will toggle your LFG status in /listpcs. This is to be used to advertise yourself as currently looking for roleplay.

  • Added shins, shoulders, and forearms as preset options to /outfit {hide|show}

  • Fixed square boxes appearing in character descriptions when copying text with CR carriage returns. These square boxes will only be removed when saving or previewing descriptions.

  • Fixed /afk trying to jump you into an invalid location if you used the command whilst sitting.

  • Added /restart which lets you check how long remains until the next automated server restart.

Death & Respawning

The death, respawning, revive, raising, and other various scripts related to death & dying have been rewritten from the ground up. Many bugs have been fixed, but most importantly the death panel GUI has been replaced by a new NUI popup that can be moved, minimized, and clicked behind.
  • The death panel GUI has been replaced by a NUI menu that allows you to drag it around and click behind it.

  • In-game text references to death and respawning have been rewritten to match the server's policy on mechanical OOC deaths.

  • The respawn button is now disabled if you're in a quest chat with a DM.

  • Changed the below 0 HP bleeding damage type from magical damage to untyped so it can't be resisted by any means.

  • Protection from Magic will no longer be dispelled from dying PCs.

  • Petrified players immediately die when dropping below 1 HP to fix an engine exploit that allowed players to unpetrify themselves.

  • (Potentially) Fixed PC faction reputations not being restored correctly after being stabilized/or raised after dying/death which resulted in PC's becoming friendly with the hostile faction.
  • Regeneration from items is now correctly disabled.

  • /touchon should now correctly persist through being revived.

  • Fixed reviving being canceled with the reason "you became too wounded to continue" if temporary hitpoints or constitution buffs wore out whilst reviving (in most instances).

  • The OOC Room now has portals to other connected Cormyr and the Dalelands servers.

  • OOC Arena received a minor facelift with a redone meeting point for PCs to gather at for quests.

  • Placeable Combat Dummies in the OOC Arena have been replaced by a spawnable NPC combat dummy system with configurable options. This allows sneak attacks, spells, etc to be now tested out in the OOC Arena on the dummies. You can spawn a combat dummy hostile to only you by talking to the Combat Dummy Control Panels. Thanks to Nok and Misty for feedback on what configuration options to add.
  • The Great Cormyrean Road Infrastructure Project: Connected many disconnected road footbridges across the module in various rural tileset areas. If you find any footbridges with roads that aren't connected up to them, please bug report!
  • Fixed floating floor tile in Suite 1 of the Warbling Seraph.

  • Jo, Derrick, and Claire in Arabel Central will heal themselves and replenish spells/abilities after combat.

  • Jo and Claire will automatically put away their weapons after combat.

  • Players entering an already occupied dungeon will get a message notifying them that another party is already in that dungeon.

  • Fixed "Your minimap/compass has been disabled" messages being errantly sent after exiting areas that had disabled your minimap/compass.

  • Fixed the reversed transitions connecting to and from The High Road - East of Eveningstar.

  • Added "In the End..."

  • Teleport: chat command message and feedback is now hidden from other players.
  • Fixed the Teleport: chat command and area teleport key tags being case sensitive.

  • Fixed a rare bug in Teleport: where spaces in the teleport key could on certain edge cases break the teleport.

  • After casting teleport, you now have a timer displayed to show how long you have to type the Teleport: command.
  • Fixed a minor typo in the dispel feedback message when a dispel failed.

  • Fixed a minor typo in the break enchantment feedback message when a dispel failed.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed wizards to be able to summon controlled demons and devils without protection from evil.

  • Fixed Gate always summoning an uncontrolled Balor or Pit Fiend if you didn't have protection vs evil when trying to summon something other than demons or devils.

  • Fixed being able to summon an infinite number of NPCs beyond your henchman limit that would be spawned without a master.

  • Henchmen now follow the same behavior of summoned creatures and are dismissed when the caster logs out, fixing skeletons from Create Undead Army and other such spells being left behind.

  • Removing a summoned henchman from your party will now unsummon that henchman.

  • Summoned creatures and henchmen are now unsummoned when using Return.

  • Fixed Shambler not being dismissed when resting or when the spell expires.

  • Fixed Shadow Double not being dismissed when resting.

  • Shadow Double now uses Bioware's default associate creature AI scripts instead of Jasperre's AI, allowing shadow doubles to respond to associate commands. This may affect what spells or other talents shadow double uses.

  • Fixed Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds being able to spawn more kobolds than you have available henchmen slots, causing excessive kobolds to be spawned detached from a master.

  • Fixed summons from Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds not being dismissed when the caster rests or the spell expires.

  • Fixed new castings of Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds not dismissing existing Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds summons.

  • Fixed Diabolic Disciple's Hamatula summons not being dismissed when the caster rests or the spell expires.

  • Fixed new castings of Diabolic Disciple's Hamatula summons not dismissing existing Hamatula summons.

  • Fixed Diabolic Disciple's Hamatula summons being set to the hostile faction.

  • Fixed summons from Giant Insects not being dismissed when the caster rests or the spell expires.

  • Fixed new castings of Giant Insects not dismissing existing Giant Insects summons.

  • Fixed summons from Giant Insects not having AI. Giant Insects still uses standard bioware creatures, so they might not be very good in combat currently.

  • Fixed summons from Create Undead Army not being dismissed when the caster rests.

  • Shadowdancer's summoned shadow now shares your alignment to be correct with pnp.

  • Shadowdancer's summoned shadow now shares your character's basic appearance.

  • (Potentially) Fixed Mordekainen's Mansion's exit conversation sometimes not opening.

  • Word of Recall can no longer be set inside dungeons or in OOC areas. You can still use Word of Recall to escape from/leave dungeons.

  • Petrification will remove invisibility effects and cancel stealth mode.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment's spell school being incorrectly set as transmutation instead of enchantment.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment's cessation VFX not being applied correctly.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment prematurely ending when its temporary hit points was consumed.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment stacking its attack bonus increase with Heroic Alliance if cast after Heroic Alliance.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment's extra attack per round not applying if cast after Heroic Alliance.

  • Fixed Heroic Alliance prematurely ending when its temporary hit points was consumed.

  • Fixed Heroic Alliance's effects not being correctly marked as extraordinary.

  • Fixed Champion's Valor not applying its strength or dexterity buffs.

  • Fixed Champion's Valor's effects not being correctly marked as extraordinary.

  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment, Heroic Alliance, and Champion's Valor stacking with themselves.

    Fixed Heroic Alliance and Champion's Valor not buffing the caster if there were too many allies nearby.


  • Fixed Dart of Weakening's gold cost value. This will only affect new items.

  • Fixed Staff of the Arcane Apprentice's mistyped color close tag. This will only affect new items.

  • Fixed Expertise being turned off from weapon properties that cast spells.

  • Fixed Tailoring Model's UMD skill, fixing the tailoring models not being able to equip UMD restricted items.

  • Removed the +10 healing kits from Thundarlun.

  • Planar summoning books are now persistent through server resets.

  • Using a planar summoning book now toggles the setting.

  • Fixed your set planar summon type persisting even after you lose the book, such as from selling it or giving it to another player. If you lose your book you will summon the default planar summon again.

  • The inn bard and music box music selection menus have returned.

  • The Challenge Rating when examining PCs and NPCs now uses effective character levels for its calculations, and not hit dice which previously when examining other PCs could be used to metagame if they were playing a secret ECL adjusted race.

  • RP XP is now displayed in your character sheet.

  • ECL 30 characters will now also be told they're at maximum level in their character sheet.

  • Fixed bonus spell slots being lost when polymorphing.

  • Migrated the spellbook, quickbar, outfit, and character ID systems to our new database server solution.
  • Fixed bashing locks not calculating Ki Strike's modifier correctly.
  • Added roll feedback messages for bashing locks.

  • You can no longer use Theavos' portal to teleport to the party if anyone in the party is dead or in combat.

  • You can no longer use Theavos' to portal to a party inside a dungeon. If you are using Theavos' to group up for a dungeon, please group up outside the start of the dungeon.

  • If you enter the OOC Room/Arena from inside a dungeon and rest, exiting the OOC Room/Arena will exit the dungeon and return you to your bindstone starting location.

  • Fixed negative modifier formatting on custom dice roll feedback messages.

  • Added missing documentation on /setvoiceset to the /help menu.

  • Fixed renaming an outfit not having its displayed name in the outfits list formatted correctly when backing out from that outfit's page to your list of outfits.

  • Fixed renaming an outfit saving a copy of the outfit, rather than renaming the outfit being edited.

  • Fixed NPCs using Bioware's Balor On Death script not awarding XP when killed.

  • Bioware AI will not attempt to use taunt if they're trained in it.

  • Additional character metrics are now recorded for exciting future projects.

  • Area clean up scripts will no longer clean up areas if there's an active Mordekainen's Mansion in the area.

  • Migrated and heavily optimized the module heartbeat script to PC heartbeats, allowing us to edge out some more server performance as we no longer have to potentially process 50+ PCs in a single heartbeat tick but can instead spread the load out over multiple ticks and avoid having to perform large loops.

  • Disabled zep_torchspawn which previously turn on or off various torch placeables across the module at night. This script had a small but noticable performance cost on the server considering the amount of placeables using it.

  • Fixed a maths error in the dynamic conversation pagination system that could cause it to list an extra unnecessary empty page.

  • Removed Phildave scripts from the past christmas event.

  • Added a journal entry given to all players to raise awareness of the /help command as well as to disclaim that descriptions for classes, feats, and spells in-game are currently out of date.

  • Fixed the Teleport Key Finder not sending its feedback message when the roll failed.

  • Standardized the Teleport Key Finder feedback messages to be in line with other feedback messages.

  • The Teleport Key Finder now caches its diceroll for a short time, disallowing fishing for a successful roll.

  • Added a "Character Customization" category to the /help menu, which consolidates the various chat commands for editing your character's description, head, hair, tattoo colors etc into one place and gives a brief tutorial on how to access the /afk room for using the tailoring dummies.

  • A bot will now post in Discord's #server-status channel whenever the server goes online, is gracefully shutdown, or is restarting. (Does not include server crashes!)

DM Changelog
  • Fixed Mordekainen's Mansion not evicting DMs when being dismissed.
  • Bound character ID's for DMs to cdkeys. This fixes DM's character ID's changing under certain circumstances and causing loss of access to a DM's saved /outfits and other database information.
  • /setracialtype, /setclass, /setphenotype, /setmovementrate, and /setskillrank accept spaces in name literals.

  • Fixed /dmfidestroy not destroying the nearest placeable reliably when targeting yourself.

  • The "DM Skill Point - 8 Points" wand used for granting old PCs their increased base skill points from the old hak update has been updated to give feedback to the DM when used.

  • Fixed the "DM Skill Point - 8 Points" wand cumulatively adding 8 more skill points on every use, which broke any PC the wand was accidentally used on more than once.

  • Fixed a very rare corner case bug in the "DM Skill Point - 8 Points" wand which could add 8 skill points to a level 1 PC on the server whenever a DM logged in or out with the wand, or added or removed it from their inventory. This is a rare and extreme corner case bug and is unlikely to have ever happened, but its possibility was more than 0.00%.

  • Fixed the DM AFK wand not working on players.

  • Fixed /resetarea reverting an area's custom name to the resref's original name.

  • DMs can now use /editdescription and /dmrename on DM items. You cannot use quake style color tags in item names -- item names will always remain DM red. These commands are intended to allow you to correct typos without having to reimport items, and to allow you to make template RP items you can customize in game, such as letters, paintings, plushies, food and drinks, etc.

  • Fixed some NPCs not being properly destroyed and being left in Limbo when resetting encounters.

  • Fixed dice rolls not being sent to DMs not in a quest chat who were possessing NPCs.

  • Fixed a server crash when setting an infinite duration with dm_visualeffect.

  • Fixed a server crash if a PC's faction was changed with dm_setfaction.

  • Added feedback messages to dm_{set|modify|give}* console commands.

  • Added two new factions, At War A and At War B. Both factions are hostile to each other and with psychotic, but are neutral to PCs and all other factions.

  • DMs can see item equip/unequip notifications from PCs.

  • Player death notifications now follow the same rules as Player->DM messages, with the added rule that death notifications from the OOC Arena will not be broadcast to DMs in quest chat unless the DM is in the same quest chat with the player.

  • dm_{set|modify}* console commands can no longer be used on PC's outside OOC areas. This includes ability, age, spell resistance, base attack, saving throw, etc commands.

  • Placeables and doors can once again be used with the DMFI Voice Widget with Quest Chat. Doors and placeables cannot have control characters .set at this time.

  • /setupbasicnpc and /setupbossnpc now adds all wizard spells to wizard NPC's spellbooks.

  • Added /rotatearea

    Rotates an area 90 degrees clockwise. You must reload the area to see it change.

  • Fixed PCs under /lockaction not being jumpable via teleport, /afk, return, DM commands, etc.

  • Added /delayrestart <minutes> for Admins and SDMs. You can increase or shorten the time remaining until the next automated server restart.

Be Kind Rewind

The following changes were already applied via hotfixes in past months to fix critical bugs or exploits but were missed in the changelogs:

  • Disabled Scrying until the spell can be fixed in a later module update.

  • Fixed copying a weapon or shield's appearance from a tailoring model destroying your equipped item if the base item types didn't match.

  • Fixed attempting to copy a non-existent helmet, cloak, or outfit from a tailoring model destroying your equipped item.

  • Fixed the random commoner appearance script breaking the NPC's appearance fit attempted to randomly equip an already equipped outfit.

  • Polymorphed characters can no longer be saved to the server vault. To save your character you must end any polymorph effects. This was a necessary change to work around base engine level bugs & exploits.

  • Disabled autosaving PC's with barter windows open. PCs will be queued to be autosaved once they close the barter window if they were queued to be autosaved whilst it was open.

  • Disabled armor appearance crafting via the radial menu to close some bugs & exploits. Please use the tailoring models in the OOC Area.

  • /dmfixp now also reports the username of characters being awarded RP XP.

  • Blocked overleveling a PC if the PC was already pending a level up and the amount of RP XP rewarded would give the PC a second level.

  • RP XP reward errors and non-standard messages are now displayed last in the feedback message stack.

  • Fixed additional RP XP rewards after an RP XP reward leveled up a player not rolling over into the PC's never level if the PC had not yet finished leveling up when the additional RP XP reward was granted.

  • Fixed Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion's cooldown timer not correctly working.

Builder Changelog

  • Added Area int var TELEPORT_KEY_DC to set a custom spellcraft DC for the Teleport Key Finder tool.

  • Added Area int var USE_SEASONS 1 will flag an area to use the seasons system for texture and placeable overrides for winter, etc.

  • Added int var PLAY_LOOPING_ANIMATION for creatures which will make the creature play the looping animation when spawned.

  • Added int var TOUCHON 1 for creatures to toggle /touchon on the creature.

  • Added int var EFFECT_PARALYZE 1 for creatures to apply a permanent EffectCutsceneParalyze to the creature on spawn, use this for statues/etc.

  • Added int var EFFECT_IMMOBILIZE 1 for creatures to apply a permanent EffectCutsceneImmobilize to the creature on spawn, use this for statues/etc.

  • Added int var EFFECT_KNOCKDOWN 1 for creatures to apply a permanent knockdown to the creature on spawn.

  • Added int var EFFECT_FRIGHTENED 1 for creatures to apply a permanent EffectFrightened to the creature on spawn.

  • Added float var OVERRIDE_CREATURE_PERSPACE for creatures for overriding the creature's personal space bubble towards other creatures.

  • Added int var WAYPOINT_ACTION_REST 1 for NPC waypoints. When reaching that waypoint the NPC will rest instantly. Use this on guard POST_ points to heal and restore them when they return to their post if they were dragged off into combat.

    Added int var WAYPOINT_ACTION_DISARM 1|2 for NPC waypoints. When reaching that waypoint the NPC will unequip their main hand, or both hands. Use this on guard POST_ points to disarm them when they return to their post if they were dragged off into combat.

  • Added string var PLANAR_SUMMON_TYPE to allow NPCs to set their planar summon type:
    • archons
    • eladrin
    • inevitables
    • demons
    • devils

  • Added int var VFX_PERSISTENT to apply a permanent visual vfx_persistent VFX to creatures on spawn, such as acid fog clouds. This is purely visual. The vfx_persistent # to use is the 2da number + 1.

  • Add string var CR_OVERRIDE_TEXT to override the CR rating of creatures when examined, and string var CR_OVERRIDE_COLOR <red> <green> <blue> to override the color of the text.

    CR_OVERRIDE_TEXT Legendary
    CR_OVERRIDE_COLOR 255 161 36

  • Added a default set of custom tokens for colors that can be used in conversations and TLK entries. All tokens should be paired with the close color token, <CUSTOM3567000>:

    <CUSTOM3567000> // COLORTOKEN_CLOSETAG (aka </c>)


    <CUSTOM3567020> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_0 (Black)
    <CUSTOM3567021> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_1 (Light Red)
    <CUSTOM3567022> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_2 (Light Green)
    <CUSTOM3567023> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_3 (Light Blue)
    <CUSTOM3567024> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_4 (Grey)
    <CUSTOM3567025> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_5 (Yellow)
    <CUSTOM3567026> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_6 (Purple)
    <CUSTOM3567027> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_7 (White)
    <CUSTOM3567028> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_8 (Gold)
    <CUSTOM3567029> // COLORTOKEN_QUAKETAG_9 (Teal)


  • Fixed ab_desctrig_once displaying to all faction members.



CD Module 4.09a2


  • Fixed Theavos' not allowing you to portal if anyone wasn't in combat. For a few minutes, violence was the answer.
  • Fixed /quickbar list and /spellbook list.
  • /listpcs shouldn't display a blank space in the listing with invalid areas.

  • Fixed the Combat Dummy's damage vulnerability not applying correctly.

  • Fixed remaining spell durations under a minute in /viewspells not displaying seconds.

  • Added a "Reset Options" option for the combat dummies.

  • Fixed Druid's Teleport spell not working with the new teleport updates.

  • Fixed area resource overrides not being unloaded for DM's using Goto.

  • Fixed loading spellbook slots.

  • Fixed alternate form widget activations not working.

  • zep_torchspawn turns on the placeable's lighting first before the script deactivates itself for performance saving.

  • Fixed the teleport key finder reporting all areas as private.

  • Fixed not being able to save an outfit with an existing outfit's name.

  • Fixed rest animations not being set correctly after relogging.

  • Fixed DMs or players possessing and NPC returning an invalid character ID when logging out.

  • Adjusted the frequency at which Bioware's AI will attempt to use taunt, if they're eligible to use taunt.


CD Module 4.09a3


  • Players can no longer use teleport spells on the event server without a DM.
  • Players can no longer use shadow walk on the event server without a DM.
  • Fixed shadow walk teleporting players in the party who were in another area from the caster.

  • Fixed invalid or misspoken teleport keys prematurely ending your teleport.

  • Areas being reset or destroyed by DMs on the event server will now correctly evict players back to In the End instead of the Warbling Seraph.

  • Exiting a mansion on the event server without a DM will evict you to In the End.

  • Fixed zep_torchspawn sometimes creating duplicate placeables on spawn.



CD Module 4.09a3 Hotfixes

These changes have been applied out-of-band outside of the current module version over the past week as critical bug fixes or exploit patches. These changes are active, and will be officially packaged into a future module update later.


  • Special AC Armors now use NWNX for item validation and equipping. In short, players won't be at risk of accidentally losing items at login from special AC armors being unequipped, as these armors will now remain correctly equipped when logging out/in.
  • Fixed Heroic Empowerment and Heroic Alliance stacking with other caster's castings of the spells.

  • Heroic Empowerment and Heroic Alliance's temporary hitpoints no longer stack with each other.

  • Heroic Empowerment now gives the affected target's own ECL * 6 temporary hitpoints.

  • Heroic Alliance now gives the affected target's own ECL * 8 temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Heroic Alliance and Champion's Valor not being correctly flagged as epic spells and being subject to normal dispels.

  • Fixed DMs being incorrectly considered as still possessing an NPC after unpossessing the NPC in some scripts.

  • Disabled Scrying, again.

  • Fixed private conversations using aet_npc_privconv not working.

  • Fixed caster spellbooks not being correctly restored when unpolymorphing if additional spells were granted from ability increasing item properties.

  • Fixed Summon Shadows droping their cloak and helmets upon death.

  • Fixed an exploit in the new death system that allowed for avoiding respawn penalties.

  • Fixed DM's examining a character's description panel receiving garbled descriptions if the DM had a character's character sheet open.

  • Fixed some server logging concerning DM tool use.



CD Module 4.09a4

This is a minor update to import the previously applied hotfixes into the module proper, plus apply additional critical bug fixes and exploit fixes.


  • Fixed some critical edge case issues where the PCID cache was not being updated when the upstream PCID changed.

  • Fixed petrification saving throws which had been broken due to a future update's ABI breaking change to saving throw functions being accidentally backported into the core petrification function.

  • Fixed some SDM/Admin tools.

  • Discord webhooks will attempt to be resent after a supplied delay when rate limited.

  • All effects on PCs are now removed when respawning, fixing any lingering effects on a PC when respawning from a "soft" death such as petrification.

  • PCs are now automatically rested and healed when respawning, protecting against a rare bug where MIRV or delayed projectile spells cast at the PC while the PC is respawning can travel across areas to hit and kill PC after they respawn.

  • Fixed Divine Power removing all temporary hitpoints. Divine Power will only replace its own temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Vampiric Touch removing all temporary hit points. Vampiric Touch will only replace its own temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Song of Strength removing all temporary hitpoints. Song of Strength will only replace its own temporary hitpoints.

  • Fixed Green Knight's Challenge ability incorrectly giving its +2 aberration bonus to all races.

  • Improved Green Knight's Challenge feedback messages.

  • Fixed spell-like abilities not respecting spell mantles.

  • Fixed Nature's Avatar having all its effects linked to temporary hp, which would cause the spell to prematurely end once temporary hp was depleted.

  • Fixed Nature's Avatar stacking with itself.

  • Fixed Mass Charm's DC being stuck at 1.

  • Fixed Mists of Eldath removing barbarian rage effects.

  • Fixed Mists of Eldath unshifting druids and shifters.

  • Fixed Great Shout halving the stun duration on a failed save instead of successful save.

  • Keen now correctly targets offhand weapons if there's no main hand weapon equipped, and will target gloves if no main hand or off-hand is equipped.

  • Disabled /elementfix, which was removing all damage resistances from PC skins when used, but only reapplying element resistances for half-fiends and half-celestials.

  • Fixed Glitterdust's skill penalty being removable with restoration spells.

  • Potentially fixed /outfit commands failing for new PCs during their first logins before a server reset.

  • Potentially fixed an issue where a combat dummy's OnDeath script would not correctly fire.

  • Potentially fixed an issue where Kali's Kamikaze Kobold's OnDeath script would not correctly fire.


  • Fixed various scrolls in the Thayan Tower being sold for 0 GP, not being set to infinite, or using the wrong resrefs.



CD Module 4.09a4 Hotfix

A live hotfix was applied to revert the changes made to spell mantles, which relied on an NWNX function which was crashing the server.


CD Module 4.09a5


-Imported prior fixes and adjustments from 9a4.

-Circle of Death: Total Hit-Dice able to be affected by the spell changed from d4(CL) to d8(CL). As the individual HD cap was already increased from 10 to 20, this meant on higher level creatures, that the then lower total HD cap was being eaten up too quickly for the spell to be very effective.

-Empower Arts: The Damage bonus applied to Swordmage's various elemental Arts has been reduced down 5% to 20%. (From 25%)


-Edited many, many creatures to revert instances of Uncanny Dodge II back to Uncanny Dodge I.

-Edited even more creatures to adjust Taunt values.

-Corrected appearance of Arabel Sewer Wererats.

-Corrected missing tail on the Bandit Werewolf.

-Replaced Prismatic Dragon Breath with Sonic on Summoned Adult Crystal Dragon.


-Flipped The High Road – East of Eveningstar back to its proper orientation. Redid the eastern and western transitions to properly link up with the right areas.

-Curse Bound Fortress:
  -Adjusted treasure item amounts and some tier values to be better in line with the dungeon duration.

-Sakkors: (Initial re-balance pass. Further tweaks to encounter design coming.)
  -Removed Breach ability from Helmed Horrors
  -Tweaked Memory of Netheril's spell list to add missing lower level spells they should have had.
  -Restored Spellwarped Scrag's missing SLAs. Enjoy wild magic wackyness.
  -Improved loot drops after Sariath and the Golem Workshop.

-Wyrmwood: (Initial adjustment to encounters. Further adjustment and loot pass coming.)
  -Adjusted all Wyverns so they (hopefully) won't get stuck on each other or the area geometry.
  -Slightly nerfed some AB and AC values, increased HP values, and removed instances of Uncanny Dodge II.
  -Removed the Bounty target from the Wyvern Matriarch.

-New Area – The North Ride - Spiderhaunt Crypt:
  -Added this new dungeon. It is equivalent to Khazar Ruins.
  -Added the old Wyvern Bounty target to this dungeon's boss.

-Full replacement update to Sschindylryn by Rykka.

-Update to Maerimdyra to reflect plot things, by Rykka

-Update to the Voonlar trader, by Edge

-Update to the Thayvian tower, by Nok

-Update to Cradle of Mielikki to reflect plot things, by Edge.

-Adjusted the Dungeon Name variables on Arabel Underground to make it more evident that B1 and B2 can support separate groups.

-Added missing Dungeon Name variables to multiple areas that were missing them, and removed them from one area that should not have had it.

-Arabel – Underground B1: Corrected some loot container scripts that was causing them to spawn vanilla loot. Removed "usable" and "has inventory" flags from some placeables that did not generate loot. Standardized loot level limit variables across the area.

-Seasonal update to the OOC Room.

-Seasonal update to Arabel Central

-Added various player requested areas.

-Added rebuild of Arabel's Selunite temple by Terallis


-Updated the Journal Entry and NPC dialogue for the Yulash version of the Khazar Bounty to account for the new area/dungeon.

-Corrected a typo in the Fire Breathing Rat quest journal.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


CD Module 4.09a5 (Part 2)

Player Commands

  • Added /lfrp for players looking for roleplay. /lfg will be used for those looking for dungeons.

  • Added "boots", "left boot", "right boot" to /outfit <hide|show>'s preset options.

  • Potentially fixed an edge case issue where attempting to save a new outfit in the /outfit conversation would instead overwrite a previously saved outfit.


  • Special AC armors now use NWNX to validate equip rules, no longer requiring the granting of the heavy armor proficiency feat. This will fix special AC armors being unequipped when logging in if your character does not natively have heavy armor proficiency. Note: For the time being characters will keep the heavy armor proficiency feat until a future update.

  • Items equipped via use magic device increases met via item or spell bonuses won't be unequipped when logging in.

  • Disarmed weapons will attempt to be placed in your inventory first before being dropped on the ground if your inventory is full. Disarmed weapons cannot be immediately re-equipped.

  • Items can no longer be unequipped if your inventory is full where it would force the item to be dropped on the ground.

  • Migrated some core parts of the Item Level Restriction code to NWNX, fixing some minor bugs and lingering exploits.


  • Updated all trolls to use our new NWNX troll damage system.

  • Trolls are no longer flagged immortal, which will now allow status effects to apply to trolls.


  • Fixed Shadowdancer's Summon Shadow dropping equipped bolts when killed.

  • Druids now automatically gain the Alter Self widget at class level 13. This widget represents the druid's "A Thousand Faces" class ability.

  • Shifters now automatically gain the Alter Self widget at class level 7. This widget represents the shifter's wider ability to shift into different humanoid shapes.


  • Fixed Shadow Double dropping equipped bolts when killed.

  • Fixed various spells accidentally having a DC of 2.

RPXP Faery Tweaks

  • Over the past few months the RPXP Faery has received various tweaks. Overall, the RPXP Faery will now reward RPXP ticks more reliably in situations where it previously didn't when playing with other players, when in DM quests, or when actively playing on the server solo — whether just exploring, scribing/crafting, dungeoning, or shopping. A few commonly seen exploits that saw frequent abuse have also been closed. As a brief reminder, RPXP is for those who are roleplaying or actively playing the game -- attempting to cheat the system by using macros and other minimal-involvement idling methods is considered abusing the RPXP Faery.


  • Bioware AI will attempt to use knockdown more reliably.

  • Bioware AI will now attempt to cast resurrection and raise dead on fallen allies.

  • Bioware AI will now correctly attempt to use non-fire dragon disciple breath attacks.

  • Bioware AI will now instantly activate their permanent auras when spawned, similar to Jasper's AI.

  • Bioware AI now obeys the SELFISH_HEALS creature int var.

  • Bioware AI now take into account our custom classes for determining their AI tactics. (Offensive vs Defensive vs Magic)

  • Both Jasper's and Bioware's AI now has a cooldown timer on using HIPS.

  • Jasper's AI no longer always uses Hide in Plain Sight at the start of every combat round routine. Now Jasper's AI only has a chance to use HIPS with a cooldown between uses.

  • Jasper's AI will attempt to change to a new target after entering Hide in Plain Sight. The intention of this change is to hopefully make the AI utilize their stealth to move to and surprise attack someone else, rather than immediately unstealthing by attacking the same target. With the way AI works, this may not always pan out as the AI will do what the AI wants.

  • Fixed Jasper's AI AOE spell targeting to now always cast AOE spells at enemies. Previously they'd cast AOEs where at a location that reached the most creatures, regardless if they were an enemy to the NPC or not, which often resulted in casting AOE spells at friends where there were no enemies of the NPC.

  • AI will no longer try to immediately equip a weapon after being disarmed.

  • AI should stop trying to enter HIPS when stunned/dazed/paralyzed/etc. This might not prevent AI from entering HIPS if knocked down because the combat engine is blackboxed around knockdowns and we're unable to determine if a creature is knocked down or not.

  • Fixed some instances where Jasper's AI would always follow you during combat when you're unseen. Jasper's AI should now correctly begin searching for you if you go into stealth/invisibility. This won't fix all instances of AI following you when you're invisible/stealthed to the NPC, but should fix at least one errant behavior case.

  • Minor optimizations to the generic "split on death" creature script.

  • Fixed Jasper's AI not being correctly disabled inside DM NPCs areas.

  • Jasper's AI now correctly recognize our custom weapons when determining various AI tactics.

  • Potentially fixed Bioware AI's spellcasting being interrupted when a nearby creature died.

  • Fixed 73 summons using the wrong OnDamaged script.

  • Fixed some Bioware AI issues that could cause AI to become fixated on a dead target instead of choosing a new target to attack.

  • Fixed some Bioware AI issues that could cause henchmen AI to exit their combat script routines prematurely in a round, which might have caused AI to stand and do nothing.

  • The above 4 AI fixes (potentially) fix Throne Archons and Tulani Eladrin's (and other summons too) AI from breaking.


  • Fixed Favored Soul not being registered as a divine class for adding appropriate class use restrictions to wands/scrolls.

  • Fixed scroll, potion, and wand crafting using the wrong item property caster level for some spells for crafting cost calculations.

  • Disabled default bioware crafting item component drops when destroying doors.


  • Set Claire's conversation to private.

  • Fixed 45 area teleports that either had misspelled teleport variables, resrefs for area tags, typos in teleport key, or were mistakenly set as hidden when they should be public keys.

  • Fixed various Sschindylryn and Maerimydra areas incorrectly flagged as above ground areas.

  • Updated Sschindylryn teleport to the new Sschindylryn areas.

  • Updated Berrybriar's teleport key to something more appropriate.

  • Added a sign outside Ashabenford's inn.

  • Immersea has recovered from its battle damage sustained in the War of Broken Crowns.

  • Added a few teleports around Cormanthor.

  • Added updates to Yulash from Rykka, including a new inn, Duskturn Inn.

  • Added Duskturn Inn by Rykka.

  • Added rest areas to Duskturn.

Caravan & Ferry Update

  • All caravan and ferry conversations and scripts have been updated with a new system, please report any broken destination options.

  • Additional caravan routes and stops added.

  • Caravan and ferry costs increase based on distance traveled, counted by other caravan stops passed through on the way to the destination.


  • Added a PC area crashloop rescue measure that will attempt to reset a character's location if a crash loop is detected.

  • Half-Dragon and Dragon Disciple breath types are now based on the breath weapon feat, and not dragon color feat.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed characters to buy special armor AC from the tailoring models.

  • Fixed the combat dummy sometimes reporting the session multiple times when killed.

  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent resting when standing on overlapped rest triggers.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed PCs to rest outside of rest triggers.

  • Fixed temporary item properties not being removed from equipped items on rest.

  • The area cleaner script will no longer despawn dropped DM tier items.

  • Added additional server logging for various things.

  • Fixed pluralized plurals in the loot notifications.

  • Fixed characters appearing naked to other players when unshifting from polymorphs and alternate forms.

  • Updated season to Summer/Fall.

  • Updated plot to Book IX - Chapter 2 - The Very Deep Did Rot.

  • Always immediately destroy the death panel NUI when death state is cleared, such as from being raised.


  • Added creature int var PLAY_LOOPING_ANIMATION to set a looping animation on a creature when spawned.

  • Added creature int var VFX_PERSISTENT to add a harmless vfx_persistent visual effect on the creature. This int must be offset +1 higher than the 2da row number.

  • Added creature int var SIT_ON_SPAWN, which will make the NPC sit on the nearest object tagged PLC_Chair.

  • Added creature int var IMMUNE_ANIMAL_EMPATHY 1 to provide immunity to animal empathy.

  • Added creature int var IMMUNE_TAUNT 1 to provide immunity to taunt.

  • Added creature int vars ON_DEATH_VFX, ON_DEATH_VFX2, and ON_DEATH_VFX3 which will play the associated visual effect on death. The value set must be visualeffects.2da row number + 1.

  • Added item int var NO_PICKUP 1 to prevent PCs from being able to pick up the item from the ground or from containers.

  • Signed initialization scripts will now be autoloaded at module load time, decentralizing the module load script.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed an overflow error in /delayrestart if setting too long a delay that could result in the server instead immediately restarting.

  • Updated area Import/Export tools, changelog already announced in DM forums and staff discord.

  • Fixed some malformed feedback messages when using ##Set/Mod ability commands.

  • Added /pvfx <persistent_vfx.2da number> <duration>

     Creates a persistent visual effect on targeted object or at the targeted location.

  • /setupbossnpc will now add the Native Outsider feat for banishment/dismissal/charm immunities, and IMMUNE_ANIMAL_EMPATHY 1 for animal empathy immunity.


CD Module 4.09a5 Hotfix 1

These out-of-band hotfixes have been applied live to the server and are current to fix a few critical bugs in the interim between module updates.

  • Fixed transition conflicts in Sunrise Farms player house.

  • Fixed transition conflicts in Duskturn.

  • Unlocked the door to Duskturn in Yulash.

  • Fixed transition conflicts with Sschindrlyn's defunct Upper Exit area.

  • Unlocked the door to the Thayan Enclave in Sschindrlyn.

  • Fixed hostile drow NPCs in Maerimydra - North.

  • Fixed The Dancing Drider's bindpoint.

  • Fixed missing rest triggers in the Selune Recovery Wing.