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Gamers take note

Started by morwen, Sep 02, 2014, 08:31 PM

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Colin Mack

Hmm my brother has been talking about Zoe and Anita a lot recently he thinks some of the stuff that has gone on seems a little suspect. I don't advocate anyone sending threats or the publishing of private details by a jilted ex though it seems to me if some of the accusations are true it sounds like a dirty job. People in jounalism are supposed to have ethics and although i know there are some who don't there are many who do.

I can and have been a Jerk at times. I am not a young man anymore but i can remember being a teenager and doing stuff that proabably in retrospect isn't right but i was young and stupid. People grow up. Lets hope they do. I can remember playing Halo and turning on the chat and hearing some people (who sounded under 15) saying horrificly racist and homophobic abuse. Do i think they believe it. No they are saying it because they are young they don't see any consequences and they think it's funny. Lets hope the people involved in the death threats and that are just kids and that given enough time they grow up and develop into well rounded adults... i did.. well mostly.