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Animal Companion Skins

Started by Terallis, Mar 05, 2025, 04:20 PM

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So, I brought this up briefly in the Discord for update requests, but I wanted to lay out some specific suggestions for new "skins" to use for animal companions, depending on what's chosen. No mechanical changes, but keeping in line with what they actually are or similar things that would make sense for their size and skillsets. I know, presently, we have some very limited options for use with Wolf and Bear, but through a lot of content updates, even recently, there are not only more options for those two, but plenty that can work with other animal companions as well, to vary it up.

Here I'll lay out some specific ones from the toolset, in terms of ideas. Some might not work as well, while others obviously are even just different skins of the same animal.


- Animal: Squirrel - Brown
- Baba: Lizard 1
- Baba: Lizard 2
- CCC: Cat, lynx
- PQ: Cat: Lynx
- PQ: Ostrich (lulz, dunno where to put this one)
- Skunk
- NWN2: Badger, Common
- NWN2: Wolverine, Common


- Animal: Dog - Shepherd
- Animal: Wolf - Grey (think this is already there)
- Animal: Wolf - Winter
- CCC: Wolf
- CCC: Wolf, grey
- CCC: Wolf, red
- CCC: Wolf, winter
- PQ: Dog: Wolf 1
- PQ: Dog: Wolf, Winter
- PQ: Fox (think we have this)
- NWN2: Wolf, Common

Brown Bear:

- Animal: Bear - Black
- Animal: Bear - Brown
- CCC: Bear, black
- CCC: Bear, brown
- CCC: Bear, kodiak
- CCC: Bear, panda
- CCC: Bear, polar
- CCC: Gorilla, Silverback
- PQ: Gorilla: Black
- PQ: Gorilla: Brown
- NWN2: Bear, Brown


- Animal: Boar - Wild
- CCC: Boar 02
- CCC: Boar 03
- CCC: Boar 05
- CCC: Deep Rothe
- NWN2: Boar, Common


- Avian: Eagle, Imperial
- Avian: Eagle, reddish
- Avian: Owl, brown
- Avian: Owl, white
- Avian: Vulture
- Bat: Fruit
- Eagle
- Parrot
- Raven
- Seagull, flying


- Animal: Cat - Cougar
- Animal: Cat - Crag
- Animal: Cat - Jaguar
- Animal: Cat - Lion
- Animal: Cat - Lioness
- Animal: Cat - Panther
- Animal: Cat - Snow Leopard
- Cat, Cougar
- Cat, Crag Cat
- Cat, Jaguar
- Cat, Leopard
- CCC: Cat, cheetah
- CCC: Cat, crag
- CCC: Cat, jaguar
- CCC: Cat, leopard
- CCC: Cat, lion female
- CCC: Cat, lion male
- CCC: Cat, lion male white
- CCC: Cat, tiger white
- PQ: Alligator (might work for Dire Wolf)
- PQ: Cat: Tiger
- PQ: Crocodile (same as Alligator)

Giant Spider:

- Baba: Spider 1
- Baba: Spider 2
- Baba: Spider 3
- Spider_Redback

Dire Wolf:

- CCC: Fenhound
- CCC: Wolf, dire
- Dinosour: Raptor TigerGreen (probably not, but hey)
- PQ: Dog: Wolf, Dire

Dire Rat:

- Animal: Monkey
- CCC: Ape, Mandril, Male
- NWN2: Weasel
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall