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Out of Curiosity... (Talk of the Existence of Shields)

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Jan 28, 2014, 09:38 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

I have been wondering about this for a long while now. The thing I noticed is that every time I see a tier 4 Tower Shield, it's the Tower Shield of the Dragon Slayer. Not a bad thing, that shield is pretty boss...

But I was wonder if there are any other tier 4 tower shields (specifically tower) on the server, and while I'm at it are there any tier 5 tower shields. My mind has wandered past this thought several times and it chose now, of all times, to bring this up. This is an improvement for me, usually the sacrifice of chickens would be in order right about now... Crafty little fuckers...


I don't think I've seen anything else at tier 4 or higher.

I think I even like Sortiledge more that Dragonslayer, unless you're expecting a lot of fire damage (+3 universal saves is more...well, universal). The 1 AC difference from +3 to +4 is hardly make or break and using Shield or Magic Vestment can make up for that if it's a concern.


There are a couple more tier 4 shields that I have seen. I know one is usable by lawful evil only though.

Ogre Time Yay

ThayanKnight Avatar
There are a couple more tier 4 shields that I have seen. I know one is usable by lawful evil only though.
Are they tower type though?

Ogre Time Yay

SOC_Tessa Avatar
I don't think I've seen anything else at tier 4 or higher.

I think I even like Sortiledge more that Dragonslayer, unless you're expecting a lot of fire damage (+3 universal saves is more...well, universal). The 1 AC difference from +3 to +4 is hardly make or break and using Shield or Magic Vestment can make up for that if it's a concern.
No doubt about it, the Sortiledge is an awesome tower shield, and depending on the set up of some character, it could either be a downgrade or upgrade from Dragon Slayer.

For example, for characters who make up for their saves in things like rings. Still, Sortiledge is one of my favorites... Or rather one of my -two- favored tower shields.


As far as I remember, there are 3 tier 4 tower shields.... basic +4, the Shield of the Dragonslayer, and the Shield of Dis which is LE only.  As for tier 5, I can't handle any area that drops epic loot, so I have no idea.  But one can only surmise that there are, indeed, +5 tower shields out there.

And actually, 1 AC can get you killed very quickly.


germanblangs Avatar
And actually, 1 AC can get you killed very quickly.
If you're at the exact threshold where 1 point makes a difference, maybe. At most, we're talking 5% increased chance of getting hit. There's a point in 3.0 mechanics where lack of AC is not what will get you killed - it's failing a saving throw. If ABs are stacking high to the point where that 1 makes a difference, it may be better to invest in DR and/or concealment.

Offtopic and moot argument anyway - a high level Cleric can enchant either shield to a +5, and Shield is available in potion/item form to anyone for +4.


That section of shields is one that is in dire need of expansion.  Shields in general, there are not a lot of choices at present past the +3 tier. And even that is a bit light.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


There is a tier 5 tower shield. It is amazing and it only took over 100 trips to  Epic dungeons for it to finally drop for me


I can confirm its existence. And oh boy is it amazing.


It's less amazing against what's coming. <.<
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Ogre Time Yay

Sounds like I need to try my hand at some epic dungeons then... This could get rough.