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And On This Day in Cormyr and the Dalelands, There Was Peace

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Jan 31, 2014, 01:24 PM

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Ogre Time Yay

This is a risky thread, but it's a risk I'm gonna take because Fuck It!

Lately I've been noticing a little... Anger and hatred among the forums, some finger pointing and much arguing amongst each other.
I just wanna say that... Erm... One second...

I just wanna say that... Since I started going to this server, it's been the best server I've ever been on, and you know why? It's not because of the bad ass builds and the terrifying enemies, or that gnarly crit Zander got off on that Red Dragon... No, no!

It's because of the people of this server, you guys rock. I'm not saying just a few of you rock, I'm saying you're all pretty fuckin' awesome. You all have a unique gaming and role play style that brings something new to the server and makes it feel alive, and I can give that a thumbs up! *Wink*

So even if there has been clashes between players on this forum before, and even if there will be clashes between players in the future... I just want everyone to take some times to make their way into this thread, show a little bit of love to others and uh...

Hug your monitors... Just embrace your monitor of laptop for a good few or 20 seconds... Because that's where it's at guys, there's no I in team. Now who is with me!?

Cmon, don't be shy. Cmon in and... Hug your monitor.


I will say that upon returning, I have not really had any problems with most people.  Perhaps one reason is that I generally avoid most discussions that are in the OOC sections - unless they are threads relevant to me, greetings, etc.  Or...when the topic is as positive as this one.  It sounds like I am being an escapist, and quite frankly - I am quite alright with that.  It keeps me from at least half, if not most of the drama.

And truthfully, any problems I do have, I tend to get over quickly and I do not let them sit and fester.  Nowadays, I try to handle it and tell people politely, but as directly as possible.  If needed, I take a step back and then go back into things.  And as a result, I would like to think everyone I talk to are pretty cool people.  There is a reason I have returned to CD and stayed.  The people are part of that reason.

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


I agree..this place is my D&D home and you people make it that way. I agree with you Hyde. 

Now.. one thing I have had to do it not pay my bitchy elf so much so that people see that is her and not me as that has caused me some issues in the past. But serioulsy.. I have no problems with anyone here, that being is hard to play nice all the time so I understand ooc squables and tension, but agree..the less..or none!..the better. 

*hugs her monitor* Thanks for putting this out there. And thanks for being so great guys.

Fire Wraith

I love all you stupid, obnoxious people... even when I otherwise want to strangle you. :)

It's part of why I keep this place up, and keep paying for it, even when I'm otherwise generally feeling disinterested for one reason or another - because the fact that people are having fun with it matters very much to me.

It's also why this place will be around as long as people want it to be. :)

Now be nice to each other, and save me a little money on headache medication.. :P
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Perhaps one reason is that I generally avoid most discussions that are
in the OOC sections - unless they are threads relevant to me, greetings,
etc.  Or...when the topic is as positive as this one.  It sounds like I
am being an escapist, and quite frankly - I am quite alright with that.
 It keeps me from at least half, if not most of the drama.
I can second that. Also - to me CD is a place to have fun. Nothing more and nothing less. If it wouldn't be fun anymore - i wouldn't play here.

That said, it is fun and awesome... because of YOU! And by you i mean everyone i ever rped with *hugs her monitor*
Never forget, you're awesome and this is (just) a game <3


There are 3 or 4 people who needlessly antagonize one another and spend a lot of time pointlessly fulminating. I, too, urge peace.