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Fairy Ticks Suggestion

Started by Nokteronoth, Mar 12, 2015, 04:54 PM

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Okay, so, I'm hesitant in suggesting this since I'm still a (decently) new player on the server. And due to the other suggestion made a month and change ago. 

What I propose: Raise the ticks from 10 to 12. 

At the moment, it takes 210 minutes (30x7) to get the 300 RP XP per day. That's 3.5 hours. 

The change would be slight - half an hour. (12 per tick ends up being 3 hours exactly.)

Why is it an improvement? : Not a massive change, but more friendly/helpful to people who work long hours. As I'm seeing from the Player Announcement section, and from talking to people, many CDers have jobs, school, and otherwise that keep them away. 

A second bonus of it is to have an incentive to play more than one character. Half an hour doesn't seem like a lot, but if you have two characters (A main and an alt), that little extra can help. 

Note: I don't want to propose raising the 300 per day, but just lowering the amount it takes to get that by a little bit. Don't think it'd be a hard change to implement either, just a small integer swap.

(Fully understand if most people's thought is 'don't be silly, Punky'.)



The amount per tick fluctuates based on what we observe from the playerbase.

Originally, each tick was a higher amount.  I'm open to discussing possibly increasing the amount by a small increment.


I've not been here very long, but I certainly would see such a thing as a nice change. On a workday, it's pretty much all my free time and then some if I want to get the 300 for a single character.
Of course, I suppose most might be happy with the current rate, which is fair!
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything