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Some head diversity!

Started by Wittle Dreamer, May 22, 2015, 09:50 AM

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Vincent07 Avatar
Really, we have a lot of heads. It's actually a bit of a problem when I went to look at adding a few more, as the human female category is just about at its limit.  

Guys, what part of this was unclear? Really.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Edge Avatar
Vincent07 Avatar
Really, we have a lot of heads. It's actually a bit of a problem when I went to look at adding a few more, as the human female category is just about at its limit.  
Guys, what part of this was unclear? Really.

Which pretty much leaves other categories open. Bunch of people would like to get new heads, so I see no problem over there.

Also, as FW stated, some of these head may be replaced with better quality ones.


Fire Wraith Avatar
I'd like to have better ones, myself. I've seen what can be done, and the old NWN ones are just... inferior, to be blunt. We don't have quite nearly the diversity of head use by PCs.  There's really only maybe 20-25 heads that see any regular use. Most are variants on a handful of heads. Some would never be used, ever.  Having more would be a good thing, I think.
It sounds like even for human females, some of the inferior ones might be tweaked or improved a bit - the limit just means that in order to add something entirely new, you would have to take something out.


Also, keep in mind, there are likely updated models of CD's head. How old are they? Eh, I'm willing to do the work. As much as I'd hate myself for doing it, I can do it. Hell, concievably, I could pull heads from the TSR Head haks. Just need to ask the last two Admins from it for permission!


The other problem is, due to the age of the haks in question, "replacing" the heads will involve going through and matching them up, one by one, to our current ones.  Vincent explained that the effort involved (on the human heads side) currently does not have enough benefit given the other projects currently underway.

Fire Wraith

Oh, I did that already. The problem with a lot of the heads they're presently using is that they're doing some funky NWNX juju that doesn't translate directly.  They use custom color maps and sizing, so just copying and renaming the model gives you a blank (detextured) and mis-sized head.

Now, if someone wanted to do the work of taking that any making it usable in an environment like CD, I'd be fine with that, as long as it's not stealing someone else's work that was done specifically for Sinfar without permission, etc.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

And as far as redoing the head haks, it's a lot easier than other haks, because there are no associated 2das to revamp.  We can update and do the head haks independently of the others, and I'm willing to go ahead and do that separately from the stuff Vincent is.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

I should also note that we do have some stuff in the works, for all the haks - but heads are something that can be updated separately. If you have new ones to add, get in touch with me and I'll see about having them added.  I actually did put in a bunch of new stuff, for a head hak for Vincent, but it's been sitting with the other updates. We could probably go ahead and put that in, once we've added any other heads people may have available.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."