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What's your favorite moment in Neverwinter Nights?

Started by Myv, Feb 03, 2016, 09:57 AM

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I should also add Arya's plotline she spoke of before, is my most rewarding Roleplay Experience I think, not just on NWN but ever, the fact that this was a huge server wide event being ran by pretty much one DM, is amazing. That it was so reactive and had so many threads woven through it, drawing on plot lines from server history and from Elven lore... With moments that truely stand out, such as when Tharniraar walked into the Temple, placed his hand on the altar and swore that what he was saying was true, and thus brought about the close of one aspect of the story that had been a major thorn in the hero's side for a very long time. Or the trip into the underdark, to rescue slaves, that came down to a single spell whether the party lived or died and where everyone had gone into it knowing that death down there, could well mean final deaths. Or Galdern's first meeting with the Baelnorn, whose words, proved to be at the core of the whole threat they faced but which where said in such a way that it only became apparent as events unfolded.

To the truely epic, heroic attempt to run a multi front battle that had just about every player on the server taking part or helping to DM it, and when that proved impossible, it was due to the engine and not the efforts of the DM team. (Credit also has to go to players there, I never heard any details from other fronts of the battle when it had to spread out until after all the events had finished) I could go on but yeah...


1st server I ever played on. I used to sit beside val and say "make them do this" or "have them say that." He got sick of it and introduced me to online gaming with the ultimatum of "go find your own friends." I created a monk (if you've read my books, Annelise is his daughter) and my second character was Kembrelei - a bard. My favorite moment ever was her waiting at a friend's house when Serier (the biggest bad guy on the entire server - who had a vendetta against this "friend") showed up and demanded to know where she was. Kemmy was making cookies... by the end of the RP, she had Serier's sleeves rolled up and he was cutting out cookie shapes with her talking about his mother!

Also on that server, a gold dragon descendant hooked up with The Golden Sorcerer... and made it standard practice to steal his staff of office and give it to other people.

Quest: Kemmy was in with others. 12 swords event. The Sword of Chance was stolen and our characters were all running through town to get it back. We weren't supposed to tell others what we were doing, but the Captain of the Guard stopped us and asked. He got sucked in. Then later, when we were in a bad place and the DM mentioned something something bad stuff don't go that way... the party leader led us through against objections.

Here in CD

  • Tindra in the Song of Good and Evil. She and Tyrus were bonded and she knew that for him to die, she would too. She looked at him through the clear barrier, and bravely nodded. The DM graciously allowed us to live, having the rest of the party do the work to bring us back. It was while in celestia they found the "cure" for the Song... and made one of the people give up their bagpipes of rib bones and human stomach.
  • Priya and Rashan. It was still early in her story and she was extremely neurotic. DM White Spirit ran a personal event for her to go into Reverie and settle some of the memories about what had been done to her. She allowed Rashan to enter the reverie, first as a presence, then a voice, then a hand on her shoulder... then solidly at her back, encouraging her to let it go, and accept her Joy back in her life. That was the day they started their solid friendship (even though they waited for several of his girlfriends to filter through his life before they realized they were falling in love).
  • Lena and Hydaro. She first saw his ability as a fighter and demanded to be taught. It developed into a strong student-teacher bond, then cautious dating. Then "best dates ever" of going to fight at the cyric tower. When she was dealing with nightmares and he came to stay with her.
  • Lena's quest going to bind a servant of the Queen of Air and Darkness was a high point for me. She realized how tight all the White Cloaks had become when they volunteered to help her keep this task for the rest of her life. She earned her formal robes that day from an Aspect of Sehanine.
  • "No promises"
  • Dinner parties

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere

Ryoko Honda

On Amia. House Tinnerai sacked Winya Ravana and stole the Statue of Corellon and defaced it and then displayed it in some dark elf tribal dance as spoils of victory to rally support to our house's might. Though, Ironically, that statue sat in there faction house for many years and then Tinnerai House turned heretical and became Eilistraeein. Maybe the joke was on them? =D


This is from an old server I use to play one. Small sort, mostly a 'family' server of sorts with only 7 or 8 players who'd always get on at the same time. Run dungeons, talk, and have one of us hop top side and just DM for the rest. Overall good time.

Now some background to this story, the server was a custom setting which was just 'good vs evil', 'angels vs demons' where the sky was the limit. Your characters could become gods. (Which one of mine literally passed up because she didn't think the respective god she'd become was what she wanted) The world was literally shaped by your actions you could make the countries go to war. Assassinate a leader, create a new spell the like.

Well we were running a "end of the world" quest, where a player did something so silly and against what everyone else told him to do that he -literally- destroyed the world. "Well what did he do specificly?" Well glad you asked. We were told to go into a plane infested by a race of 'mind controlling worm monsters' the sort of thing out of a crappy horror movie where they dig into your brain and eat it. Controlling your every thought. We were specificly told that the goal was to shut down any access the plane has to our world, in order to prevent an invasion. One character on the other hand, decided in an attempt to undermine mine, was going to bring back 'samples' of the worms and the plane for study. He does this without anyone noticing and starts an invasion of the planet which ends up in the wipe of of all life and a hard server reset.

Well half way through this 'plot line' the demon city itself becomes infested (the city for the evil players was literally the body of a dead demon. Now brought back to life by mind controlling worm parasites) and the players are evacuating.
Now everyone on this server was on a vent with each other 24/7 even during quests. There was really no player DM divide. (Seeing as all players were DM's and vise versa) Now the head of the server had a rule. If -ANYONE- could ever make him fall down laughing, literally out of his chair. That player would get a level, on the spot. This is the story where the only time a player did exactly that. (I have tons of silly storys from this place. Like the 'make the worst character ever' contest.)

As I was saying, we were all trying to flee from the evil city, however over the vent non-stop everyone was just having fun and cracking jokes. Not taking the game too seriously. (Something people have probably learned from my play styles of Andrich and Sywyn that I prefer half-serious characters.) Well after about 30 minutes of the quest not really moving along because everyone is sort of just joking around in vent, paying half-assed attention to the game. And just fumbling through the motions. Breaking the 4th wall non-stop in character and the like, one player (the wife of the DM running the plot) just shouts "Guys, we need to be serious or else he's just going to kill us all!" How she said it was in utter desperation, trying to be the final voice of reason before it became impossible to get things back on the correct track. For this plot was a rather serious one and one we needed our full attention in game. If we fail (which we did) the world is destroyed! (Which it was)

Well I'm sure everyone is familiar with the holdable flag with the giant 'X' on it, most servers use it as an AFK flag. Pull it out when you have to run off for a moment, put it away when your done. Well this server used it for the same purpose.

Well one rather crafty, witty and dare I say Dickish (So his name is actually Dick) player goes over and says over the vent still joking around. "Oh don't worry he can't kill me, I have perfect immunity for it." After that, his character instantly pulls out an AFK flag and he goes back to his full attention of being a joker on the vent.

Dick has the most 'shit eating' laugh you've ever heard. A mixture of Scooby-Doo and Ron Swanson. ( As the DM whose been silent this entire time, just starts laughing hysterically in the vent. The next thing you heard is Dick just say.

"AFK for real now, got to level up".

The DM delivered, the one man who made he fall out of his chair laughing during one of his events, got a level.

If you like it, I'll explain the "Worst Character Ever" competition. Even though it is extremely inapproperate. The winner got the character he made a free level 40. But also a ban (Okay so temporary as part of the joke) for making such a horrible horrible character concept.