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New gem of return option - return to bind point

Started by lurkerabove, Jun 10, 2017, 01:12 PM

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While the gem of returning allows us as characters to ICly stroll between the panels back to Arabel, it makes no allowance for characters who would not have occasion, or even desire to return to Arabel.

Case in point: My Killoren doesn't go into the city. At all. The only time she ends up there is using the crystal of return after a dungeon. Similar situations could be said of those who might prefer a different location to "return" to, Veluthil elves, for example.

So my proposal is this: Add an option to the crystal so, in addition to porting to Arabel, you can also port to your bind point, allowing for either option for those not bound to the Seraph, but returning with a party.



Would love to be able to optionally Crystal to bind point as well as the standard Arabel.


My only purpose with putting the crystal in was to give players a method of escape if they ended up trapped in an area.  Ie:  locked / warded player home,  or in a dungeon due to a teleport failure or some other issue.   While they are of course now used for other things, I don't find it enough of an issue to police their use.

I chose Arabel as that marker is the default log-in location, and Arabel is our server center.   I may look at re-coding that in the future, but it isn't high on my list of projects at present.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel