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Updated dungeon list

Started by Kymus, May 03, 2019, 03:10 PM

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((Ky's notes:

   1. Blue text indicates that I have moved it either higher or lower on the list so that dungeons are listed closer to an ascending order from easiest to hardest (based on suggested level)
   2. Red text indicates where I have taken the liberty to raise or lower a dungeon's listed level from the original list.
   3. I have no knowledge of CD's epic dungeons and as such have not touched them
   4. I have made some notes "((Ky: ABC123))", so please keep an eye out for that
   5. If staff would like, after my revision is approved I can clean up my notes and rewrite it with BB code so it can be copy and pasted easily))

"Hello Traveler!"

Due to the size of the module, it's easy to miss several dungeons while you're adventuring. Here is a list of "dungeons" with their approximate location and difficulty. Please keep in mind that the difficulty is set at a party of the level listed. Some will find different dungeons easier than others, due to party composition, and may complete them earlier than the suggested levels.

Note that High and Epic level dungeons have minimum level requirements to enter. If your party includes lower level characters, you should see about going somewhere more suited to their level.

To keep things interesting, this list does NOT include what you can expect to find in the dungeons. That's what exploring is for!

Low-level dungeons:

Sewers (Arabel) lvl: 1-5
Infested Warehouse (Arabel) lvl: 3-6
Beetle Hive (Sschindylryn) lvl: 3-6 ((Ky: is Sschindylryn still borked?))
Refuse Pit (Sschindylryn Outskirts) lvl: 3-6
Sewer Smuggler's Den (Arabel) lvl: 4-6 **The Eyes and Ears of Arabel will offer a bounty (and quest XP) for bringing the Smuggler Leader's head to them.
Deserted Farmhouse (Arabel Outskirts) lvl: 4-7
Gnoll Pass (East of the Moonsea Ride Past Castle Crag) lvl: 4-7
Goblin Caves & Dwarven Bolthole (Hullack Forest) lvl: 6-9
Bandit Cave (The Stormhorns) lvl: 6-9
The Mushroom Fields (Sschindylryn Outskirts) lvl: 6-9
The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar lvl: 6-9 **A patron of the Dancing Dragon will offer a reward for fetching a painting from the Haunted Halls.
Caverns of the Claws (The Stormhorns) lvl: 7-9
Orc Caves (The Stormhorns) lvl: 7-11
Kobold Caves (Hullack Forest) lvl: 6-11
Goblin Log (Deepingdale) lvl: 6-11 **A druid in the Semberholme will offer a reward for bringing some rare eggs that the goblins have back to him.
Murky Swamp Ruin (Deepingdale) lvl: 7-11
Strange Cavern (Hullack Forest) lvl: 8-10
The Dragonmere Pirate Island (Suzail) lvl: 8-12

((Ky: There is an orc dungeon I found in the Stormhorns (Ascent, I think?) that seemed to me to be low-level. I'd prefer to leave it up to the staff to pin a level range on it rather than guess based on my run through with a high level character))

Mid-level Dungeons:

Wizard's Tower (Immersea) lvl: 8-11 **The wizard will offer a reward for clearing out his tower. (Reward offered only on first successful completion.)
Ancient Halls (Semberholme) lvl: 9-12
Bandit Hideout (Semberholme) lvl: 10-14 **A waitress in Highmoon will offer a reward for bringing her a mirror found within the bandit's home.
Orc Caves (Thunder Gap) lvl: 10-14
Malarite Lair (Semberholme) lvl: 10-14
King's Wood Orc Camp and Caverns lvl: 11-14 ((Ky: I decided to change the name from King's Wood and Orc Cave since there's not a lot of Orcs running around the woods; this is more descriptive as there's just the camp and the cave. I, personally, wouldn't suggest it for most chars lower than lvl 11)
Bat Cave (Calantar's Way/Suzail) lvl: 11-14
Cyric Tower (Deepingdale) lvl: 11-14  ((Ky: dungeon removed for story/plot reasons according to Edge))
Keep of the Witch Lords (Immersea) lvl: 11-14
Khazar Ruins (Thunder Peaks) lvl: 11-14
Rustic Goblin Village (The Stonelands) lvl: 11-15
Bandit Camp (The Moonsea Ride) lvl: 11-14
Green Valley Caves (Semberholme) lvl: 12-15
Minotaur Maze/Labyrinth (Semberholme) lvl: 12-16 ((Ky: this was originally lumped in with the high level dungeons. Ignoring the fact that it's in need of being remade, I think that if Mountain Home is listed as 12-16 on medium, then this should be considered medium as well if it's the same level range))
Mountain Home Cavern (The Stonelands) lvl: 12-16

High-level Dungeons: (Minimum level of 12 required to enter)

Western Foothills Dark Tunnels (Thunder Peaks)
lvl: 13-17
Behemoth Cavern (The Moonsea Ride) lvl: 13-17
Warrior's Crypt (The Stonelands) lvl: 13-17
Drow Treehouse (Semberholme) lvl: 14-18
Har'ol d'Solen (Underdark) lvl: 14-19 (Access currently blocked)
Deep Old Woods Cave (Semberholme) lvl: 15-18
Solitary Spire (Semberholme) lvl: 15-18 **A witch in the woods will offer a reward for fetching a gem of life to return a loved one to life.
Deep Rock Dwarven Tomb (The Stormhorns) lvl: 14-19
Caves of Whisper (The Stormhorns) lvl: 14-19
Tower of Ruin (The Moonsea Ride) lvl: 14-18
Ogre Lord's Redoubt (The Stonelands) lvl: 14-18
Twilight's Edge Tower (Shadows, Dead Magic) lvl: 15-20
Deepgrave (Assorted Undead) lvl: 15-20 ((Ky: didn't a recent update mention something about changing the area description? Either way "Assorted Undead" isn't helpful for players wanting to find it. Can this be changed, please?))
Lightning Peak (The Stormhorns) lvl: 17-20
Varyxia's Lair (Thunder Peaks) lvl: 17-20
The Bloodhorn Depths (Thunder Peaks) lvl: 17-20+
Caverns of Death (The Stonelands) lvl: 16-21+
The Nether Archives (Halfhap) lvl: 17-20
Valley of Broken Sky (The Stormhorns) lvl: 17-21+
Wyvernspur Crypt (Immersea) lvl: 18-20

Epic-level Dungeons:  (Minimum level of 17 required to enter)

Tilverton City lvl: 17-20
Tilverton Catacombs lvl: 18-21+
Tilverton Tower/Shadow Plane lvl: 19-21+
The Bloodhorn Spire (Thunder Peaks) lvl: 19-20+ [Incomplete- work in progress]
Icegloom (Sunset Mountains) lvl: 20+
Bloodfang Gnolls (Sunset Mountains) lvl: 20+
Lava River Caverns (Sunset Mountains) lvl: 20+
Sakkors (Sea of Fallen Stars via Suzail) level: 20+
Well of Dragons (Sunset Mountains) lvl: 22+ [Incomplete- work in progress]
The Weeping Crypt (Beneath Thunderstone) lvl: 22+