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Hangouts: Cormyr Edition!

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Oct 11, 2017, 02:35 PM

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Ogre Time Yay

So I was thinking about asking a question that involved one of my characters finding a Faction of like-minded individuals, then I had this idea to put up a thread instead that everyone on the CD boards can use. The point of this thread is for characters, both old and new, looking for a group or faction of some sort that shares common interests with them, and then maybe make plans to meet up and band together. I've seen people in the past mention how it's hard to get involved with other players, and I'm also kind of guilty of this, I'm a recluse by habit by this point in my life. 
So here's how this will work, examples:

Character Name: Jeff Goldblum
Looking For: A group of True Neutral Mimic exterminators, please love me.

Character Name: Rick James
Looking For: A group of Chaotic Good horse breeders, they must take their work -very- serious.

Character Name: Darth Vader
Looking For: A group of Lawful Evil dancers, looking for a good time on the dance floor.

Then any available factions fitting that description could be like, "Look, brothers and sisters! There is another just like us! Let us embrace them and do wonderful, adventurous things together! YAH!"
And if such a faction doesn't exist, maybe a DM can step in and enlighten players on whether or not such a faction exists in the Forgotten Realms at all, what their name is, and if it's possible that they could become a new faction that sets up shop in Cormyr.
... I fully intend on posting in this topic though, because I originally came here to do this for myself, but I got side-tracked...

Feel free to use this thread though!


Ogre Time Yay Avatar

Character Name: Darth Vader
Looking For: A group of Lawful Evil dancers, looking for a good time on the dance flood.

Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

Ogre Time Yay

Edge Avatar
Ogre Time Yay Avatar
Character Name: Darth Vader
Looking For: A group of Lawful Evil dancers, looking for a good time on the dance flood.
Evidence that this thread works!
Hey Darth Vader!
You're welcome!

Ogre Time Yay

belladonna Avatar
Oct 11, 2017 16:00:18 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Look at him go! Made possible by Hangouts: Cormyr Edition! (Not really!) :D

Ogre Time Yay

Character Name: Hydaro Gwetholitafer

Looking For: A detective faction of some sort, or detective-like career, I'll elaborate. So I've come to a point in Hydaro's story where he and the group of Justicars he was working with all sort of disbanded and went there separate ways. Hydaro has been trying to remain retired, but that's really not his style. IC, Hydaro really wants to get back out there and make a difference. OOC, I'm looking for something more involved with the server's setting. I'm still okay with Hydaro being a martial arts instructor, but that kind of career is either slow moving or business just ain't boomin' at all. So I thought about it for awhile and was able to point out that Hydaro has displayed talent when it comes to investigation and interrogation, he'd make for a decent detective I think.
So I adventured to the lands of Google and searched "Forgotten Realms Detectives," this is what I found.

Watch Detective - General Prestige Class

This is a general Prestige class that may be applicable to the Forgotten Realms Campaign

When thieves and murderers strike in the night, citizens always wonder whether anyone can track down the perpetrators and set things straight. When the watch detective is on the case, they can rest easy

The watch detective specializes in solving mysteries. Using a battery of clue-ferreting skills and abilities, he evaluates and discards possibilities until only one remains - the truth. The Rule of Evidence to which he ascribes (see sidebar) restrains him from using his gifts to gain the truth through unfair means, demanding that he focus only on tangible facts as proof. Of course, once the watch detective solves the mystery, it's likely that the guilty party won't want to be brought to justice. Thus, it's also important for the watch detective to know the techniques of combat.

Fighters and warriors make up the bulk of any city watch force, but watch detectives often begin their careers as rangers or rogues. The vast majority of the rangers who opt for this prestige class are urban rangers. Wizards, sorcerers, clerics, and bards make especially good watch detectives when they can qualify for the class, though they may find that the Rule of Evidence hampers their ability to get at the truth. Elves find this lifestyle especially gratifying because it celebrates the mind in a not-too-subtle show of intellectual superiority. Gnomes and halflings have the inquisitive streak necessary for this career, and they have established many an effective city watch force in lands where their size would otherwise be a detriment.

Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become a Watch Detective, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

   Alignment: Any nonevil.
   Skills: Gather Information 4 ranks, Knowledge (any) 4 ranks, Search 8 ranks.
   Feats: Track.
   Special: The watch detective must honor the Rule of Evidence. If he abandons this code, he loses all special abilities of the prestige class until he retrains for six months under a local authority.

Now this raises a few questions for me. Is there a faction like this on the CD server that Hydaro could work on joining? Is it possible for a class other than Ranger to gain the Track feat? Would such a faction be able to allow characters of Chaotic nature in to it? What would be the equivalent of "Gather Information" in NWN?


Ogre Time Yay Avatar
Character Name: Hydaro Gwetholitafer

Looking For: A detective faction of some sort, or detective-like career, I'll elaborate. So I've come to a point in Hydaro's story where he and the group of Justicars he was working with all sort of disbanded and went there separate ways. Hydaro has been trying to remain retired, but that's really not his style. IC, Hydaro really wants to get back out there and make a difference. OOC, I'm looking for something more involved with the server's setting. I'm still okay with Hydaro being a martial arts instructor, but that kind of career is either slow moving or business just ain't boomin' at all. So I thought about it for awhile and was able to point out that Hydaro has displayed talent when it comes to investigation and interrogation, he'd make for a decent detective I think.

Talk to Shaan and Ciraeth :) private detective agency is an idea they have been tossing around between themselves. Not sure if they will make anything of it.

Ogre Time Yay

Eredruie Avatar
Ogre Time Yay Avatar
Character Name: Hydaro Gwetholitafer

Looking For: A detective faction of some sort, or detective-like career, I'll elaborate. So I've come to a point in Hydaro's story where he and the group of Justicars he was working with all sort of disbanded and went there separate ways. Hydaro has been trying to remain retired, but that's really not his style. IC, Hydaro really wants to get back out there and make a difference. OOC, I'm looking for something more involved with the server's setting. I'm still okay with Hydaro being a martial arts instructor, but that kind of career is either slow moving or business just ain't boomin' at all. So I thought about it for awhile and was able to point out that Hydaro has displayed talent when it comes to investigation and interrogation, he'd make for a decent detective I think.

Talk to Shaan and Ciraeth :) private detective agency is an idea they have been tossing around between themselves. Not sure if they will make anything of it.
Hydaro might have to look into that. :)