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New Familiar Option: Myconid

Started by Power Word Caffeine, Oct 06, 2022, 10:54 AM

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Power Word Caffeine

Can we get a Tiny Myconid added to the list of available familiars, please? Thank you!


Aren't myconids...intelligent, peaceful little humanoids(in shape, not in type)?

I think most goodly characters would see a myconid "familiar" as more of a slave than anything else.  :\  That might get a little dicey.


Adding new familiars has always been a non-starter when I've seen it suggested, as it'd need the dev staff to make a new creature for each level and CD support of animal companions/familiars is already kind of an afterthought.

Power Word Caffeine

Pixies are goodly critters who agree to be wizard familiars. No reason a myconid can't. Just sayin'...


Power Word Caffeine Avatar
Pixies are goodly critters who agree to be wizard familiars. No reason a myconid can't. Just sayin'...

I completely forgot about the pixie, so, good point!


We will not be adding new familiars.  Each one added requires creation and balance of 30 creature templates, and as they only scale with the base Caster classes, not any PrCs, most will never see use.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


I don't want to beat a dead horse or anything, but is it possible to just put a "skin" on a familiar, so at the base it's still a pixie or whatever? I swear I've seen that done.


It is possible, but not something we have any intention on doing as any new familiars or companions we add we'd like them to have the correct statblocks.